This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 361: The living dead in the royal city

  Chapter 361 The living dead in the royal city

"Sure enough, the royal city is gone, but this is simply unscientific. From the records of the only three remaining cities, this royal city is obviously the area that knows the most about the stone statues and black mist, but it just couldn't survive. Somewhat outrageous."

  This situation is completely unreasonable. Unless it is said that the crisis broke out in the royal city first or the origin of the stone statue and black mist is the royal city, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible.

   "However, things are not so absolute. Who knows what happened at the beginning, if it is a civil strife or something else is also possible."

   "More importantly, the three cities have become isolated islands, and they no longer communicate with each other at all, and even gradually lost contact with the surrounding villages."

  Chen Xiyi knew that these explorers could only explore within a radius of 500 miles of the three cities at most. If they were farther away, supplies and so on would not be enough to support them.

   Unless it is a large-scale expedition, you can bring enough supplies, but the relative danger will also increase exponentially. After all, there are more people and it is easy to attract the lost.

  The explorers are still in the era of cold weapons, not the era of hot weapons, and all of them are ordinary people. Facing the almost immortal lost, they have no chance of winning at all.

  The more explorers there are, the more the breath of life emanating from the black mist can attract the lost.

Although it is inconvenient to disperse many things, at least the survival rate is much better than that of multi-person expeditions. This is also the case, most of the explorers are lone rangers, and a small number may form multi-person teams. But no matter how many there are, there will be no more than three people, otherwise the gathered breath of life will be quite strong.

   It is also fortunate that the lost will not escape from the black mist, otherwise, how could there be any living creatures alive.

"You can go to the vicinity of Wangcheng and have a look. Maybe you can find something good, but I guess there are not many left." Chen Xiyi didn't have much hope for this. Who knows how long it has been since the time of Wangcheng. Yes, and with the existence of the black mist and the lost, it would be nice to have some left over.

In this world, without the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the whole world is dark, and the time scale has long been invalid. Except for his game time and character identification experience, which can accurately feedback the time, other time measurement methods It's basically just a matter of judgment.

  People in this world can only further judge the time based on the growth of crops or the consumption of some items.

Chen Xiyi also had a certain judgment on the location of Wangcheng. On the one hand, it was his divine consciousness. Although he was only in the fusion stage now, he still had other modules that couldn't stand him. Coupled with the previous literature records, he was able to find it very quickly. The location of the royal city.

  In an instant, Chen Xiyi arrived outside the royal city.

   It was pitch black inside and outside the city, and countless lost people wandered in the royal city. These were the residents and princes and nobles who originally lived in the royal city.

  Chen Xiyi walked into the royal city, he felt a certain existence opened his eyes, and seemed to have found him.

   "Interesting, there are still people here who are able to maintain themselves. It seems that they are fighting against the black mist. What a tenacious will." Chen Xiyi couldn't help chuckling, and then came to a palace.

  The palace is naturally filled with black mist, and on the throne in the center of the palace sits a man in black armor who is locked up by thick iron chains. He looks like an emperor.

  【Zou Jin of the Living Dead, HP: 56%, Status: Highly Corrupted】

  【Ability 1: Iron Will】

  【Ability 2: Between Life and Death】

  【Ability 3: Black Fog Evil】


  【May: I found someone coming to Wangcheng】

  【May: Resist Corruption】

  【May: Resist Corruption】


   "Strange outsider, are you here to attack me?" Zou Jin's voice was very strange, it sounded like muscle weakness.

   With a wave of Chen Xiyi's hand, countless indescribable mist emerged, and all the black mist was eaten away in an instant.

   Then he took out a flashlight and illuminated the entire palace.

   "No, I'm just an ordinary person who came to pursue the truth of history, can you tell me about all this?"

   "Whether it's a stone statue or a black mist, or a lost person, etc., even if it's your story, I can listen to it."

The dazzling light made Zou Jin very uncomfortable. He didn't know how long he hadn't seen the light. He had always existed in the darkness, and his body and spirit were immersed in life and death. If it wasn't for his strong will, maybe Already crazy.

   "Are you an ordinary person? Forget it, it doesn't matter." Zou Jin knew that this was definitely Chen Xiyi's self-effacement. People who could ignore the black mist and lost people and came here to see him were definitely not ordinary people.

"It's a bit long, I need to recall it carefully. After all, it's been so long that I've blurred everything." Zou Jin's tone seemed to be reminiscent. He looked at the light from the flashlight, as if recalling Arrived the same as before.

"I vaguely remember that it was a sunny afternoon, my wife and I, sorry, I not only forgot her face, even her name, please forgive the memory of a person who has survived in the dark for an unknown amount of time .”

   "At that time, I was still the prince, the prince of a country, back then."

  Listening to Zou Jin's incoherent narration, Chen Xiyi didn't interrupt the other party, but just listened to the other party's words little by little.

  The first half tells about the life of a crown prince. The more Chen Xiyi listens to this, the more puzzled he becomes. Why is there no spirit master and spirit? From this point of view, the time of extinction of the spirit master and spirit is much earlier than he imagined.

But the second half was different, the style of painting suddenly took a turn for the worse, especially after Zou Jin ascended the throne, the black mist descended, at first it was only a thin layer, and the pollution ability was limited, no one cared at all until the sun It fell one day and never rose again, and huge humanoid luminescent creatures called stone statues appeared.

  In contrast, the erosion of the black mist also turned into horrors in the eternal night, and a large number of people became lost. At this time, the royal family started research.

   These studies are not led by Zou Jin, but by the people under him. He only needs to know the results.

  For example, using the brilliance of stone statues to expel the black mist, or capturing, suppressing, using stone statues, and other techniques spewed out in an unreasonable way, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

  But the high-level executives never thought that what was before them was not only the stone statue and the black mist, but also food.

  The outbreak of civil strife is one thing, and another thing is that people with a heart think that stone statues and fog are tools of ideological ambition, such as Zou Jin.

  He is not as brilliant as he imagined, he is also ambitious and dirty.

   "So, you became the so-called King of Mist?"

  After Zou Jin finished telling the story, Chen Xiyi did not find the relevant information he wanted, whether it was the stone statue technology or the origin of the disaster.

  Thinking about it, Zou Jin is the emperor, so he will definitely not participate in the research, and will only benefit from the research results.

   "Maybe so." Zou Jin didn't admit it, nor refuted it.

  Chen Xiyi knew the general situation of the other party, so he used the light source on the chest of the stone statue combined with the black mist to balance it.

   And in this way, he wanted Zou Jin to obtain the mighty power of the stone statue and the power of the black mist. Unfortunately, this was a bit taken for granted. The power was obtained, but it was also highly corrupted in an instant.

  In Chen Xiyi's eyes, the opponent's iron will is definitely not innate, but the ability formed by the spiritual power born after the balance of the two.

   Without the steely will, Zou Jin would definitely not be able to last so long.

   Then it was a matter of life and death for him to obtain the status of the living dead, which made Zou Jin half-lived.

  The last black mist evil thing may have been in the black mist for a long time, and it was more inclined to the black mist, and finally turned into an evil thing.

   Then, in this way, these chains are to suppress the negative effects of the ability of the black mist evil thing.

   "If, I mean, if I loosen the chains on you, what will happen to you?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help asking.

   "I don't know, but you can try." Zou Jin's tone was very calm, and Chen Xiyi couldn't tell whether the other party was telling the truth or a lie.

   Even the status bar didn't show the other party's psychological fluctuations just now, which made him very curious.

"Just try it. I have one of the biggest advantages of being a cheap person." Although Chen Xiyi was curious about this, he knew one thing. If he wanted to do experiments, he must have a laboratory. Otherwise, it is not nonsense to conduct experiments based on this condition and environment.

  Doing experiments is not about killing NPCs, so how can you do whatever you want.

   "Where are you from?" Zou Jin asked.

  Chen Xiyi said without turning his head: "I came from where I came from, and I want to go to where I am going."

   "Dapan Dynasty, how is it?"

"Let me tell you this, there are only three remaining cities that are still struggling, and the others are all destroyed. I don't know how long these three cities can last." Chen Xiyi didn't hide this from the other party. It doesn't make any sense, and it's not a big secret either.

  Zou Jin was silent. Although he had been prepared in his heart, he couldn't help showing a trace of sadness when he heard this from Chen Xiyi, even though he had been in this darkness for an unknown amount of time.


  He opened his mouth to ask something else, but in the end he didn't ask, and all his words turned into a sigh.

  Chen Xiyi didn't have much sympathy for this, what did it have to do with him, he had nothing to do with pity for what the other party was doing, and he didn't do it, but if the Emperor Dapan paid attention to the bottom instead of being a cow and a horse, how could the royal city be in chaos?

  How could it be possible to perish if there is no chaos? This is his own fault. Why should Chen Xiyi and Chen Xiyi pity each other because the other party is suffering in the black mist? Isn't that also caused by his own pursuit of strength and longevity.

  Zou Jin got the strength and longevity he wanted, and realized his long-cherished wish. Although he was bound here because of this, he finally fulfilled his wish.

  Even if the other party beautified himself when telling the story to Chen Xiyi, Chen Xiyi could hear the meaning.

   "Isn't it too early for you to sigh now? It's not too late to sigh when everyone is dead." Chen Xiyi said.

  Chen Xiyi's words are really hurtful, Zou Jin is not well after hearing that, so don't speak if you can't comfort others.

"you can."

   "No." Chen Xiyi immediately used the interrupt skill. Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to say, but analyzing from the beginning, it was definitely something he wanted.

   After chatting for so long, I didn't increase my favorability at all, so I'm definitely not a good person.

   In this way, he is not a friend, but just a white-named NPC. How could Chen Xiyi help him? Dreaming should be done after closing your eyes and falling asleep, instead of talking in your sleep with your eyes open now.

   What you say with your eyes open is not a dream, it is called nonsense.

   Besides, in Chen Xiyi's eyes, this Zou Jin and the entire royal city are his own, and the mission rewards are all in his hands. He bypasses the mission and directly gets the mission rewards with his ability, so why do he still have to do the mission? He is not a plot party, he insists on going through the plot.

  (end of this chapter)

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