This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 362: The brilliance in the orifice

  Chapter 362 The Brilliance in the Aperture

   "Phew, it's finally built. I haven't dug the shelter for a long time, and my hands are a little raw." Chen Xiyi looked at the shelter that had just been dug out, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   "The next step is to grab a stone statue and come over. Heiwu and Zou Jin will talk about it later."

  Chen Xiyi knew that the stone statue was a spirit master. Although he didn't know how the spirit master turned into a stone statue, he wanted to see if he could save him, and then asked what was going on.

  However, he reckoned that the chances were not high, so he took it as a chance. He had to be caught anyway. Even if he couldn't recover, he could study the specific situation of the stone statue.

  Responding to this, Chen Xiyi left the underground shelter, swept his consciousness, and quickly locked on to the stone statue closest to him.

   He just frowned: "A stone statue with a migrating tribe?"

  This stone statue is not small, at least two hundred meters high, and there seem to be nearly a hundred people scattered around it. This is the migrating tribe.

   It seems that he followed the stone statue all the way here.

   After thinking about it for a while, Chen Xiyi felt that these nearly a hundred people could be kept, and for nothing else, he wanted to serve as a control group.

  After all, a spirit master can turn into a stone statue, so why can't ordinary people?

  The main organ of the spirit master system is the orifice, which is the organ that stores the spirit. It is the same specious type of existence as the dantian.

  Ordinary people naturally have it too, but if you want to become a spirit master, you don't just need to have the magic tricks and skills, you must also have a spirit, otherwise what is the spirit master?

   Is it true that just giving ordinary people a piece of kung fu can make them become immortals and ancestors? Humans have different physiques, not to mention human beings in different worlds. In the world of cultivating immortals, one needs roots. It is no longer a question of compatibility for a person with divine orifices to practice cultivating immortals. It's a question of whether or not one can cultivate.

Even Meng Xingqiu, the spiritual master who traveled to the immortal cultivator, wears the soul instead of wearing it. It is only because of the Yunling Orb that he can deduce the skills of the world of cultivating immortals that he can be compatible with the spiritual master, which is equivalent to his body being the native land of the immortal cultivator. , and the soul is the root bone that is combined with the orb of Yunling to give birth to the type of divine orifice.

Not everyone is open like Chen Xiyi. Even Ao Lu, a Mahayana immortal cultivator, has transformed his original immortality into the ability of immortal martial arts because he traveled to the world of extraordinary chefs. Cultivators are all immortals, which is enough to show that Ao Lu also changed his way of cultivation to adapt to the world of extraordinary chefs.

  Ordinary people in this world have the organ of the divine orifice, but they lack the corresponding cultivation methods, environment, and necessary spirit, which makes this organ greatly degenerate.

   But before that, this organ was highly evolved, not completely neglected as it is today.

  The principle of use, use, waste, retreat is naturally adapted to the human body organs.

  Chen Xiyi did not go to the location of the stone statue he was looking for this time. With his current strength, it is still easy to move it here.

  In an instant, the huge stone statue and nearly a hundred survivors were pulled by an invisible force, and in an instant, they came to Chen Xiyi.

  The Innate Fangyuan Diagram burst out, and the huge body of the stone statue crawled on the ground. The stone statue that was suddenly attacked began to go crazy.

The originally bright light showed a red light, which means that the stone statue is angry, and this malice has also affected the nearly a hundred survivors. They all held their heads and wailed in pain, with blood and tears flowing from their eyes. The red light had a great influence on them.

  Chen Xiyi was not affected in any way, but squinted his eyes and kept collecting the data of the stone statue.

   "The domesticated stone statues seem to have been castrated." Chen Xiyi immediately came to this conclusion.

This did not happen to the stone statues that were restrained and suppressed in villages or cities. Before, Chen Xiyi thought it was a deep sleep, but now it seems that the real reason is that some organs were destroyed, just as quiet as the frontal lobe of the brain was removed. docile.

  The wild ones have not experienced this castration process, so they are like this.

  As for these materials, they have long since disappeared into history. Chen Xiyi scanned the entire royal city with his spiritual sense before but found no records. It seems that they were destroyed artificially during that civil strife.

   Zou Jin as the emperor of the dynasty? He does know, but he only knows a plan. He doesn't know the specific content at all. After all, he is the emperor, so it is impossible to say that he will research or implement these things himself. He only needs to know the effect of this result. up.

  He does not need to consider the authenticity of the research process, experimental data, or even the results, as long as the plan can be implemented anyway.

   Another example is Zou Jin's longevity and strength. He doesn't know the principle, as long as he knows the result.

It has the same nature as the so-called elixir that the emperor took in ancient times. He doesn't need to know how the elixir was made, nor who made it. Anyway, as long as it is edible and effective after being tested in the palace, even if it is said He died early due to heavy metal poisoning.

   "Under normal white light, it erodes the spirit silently, but after turning into red light, it transforms its nature and accelerates the erosion of the spirit in a painful way."

  Chen Xiyi stretched out his hand to press, and the malicious red light on the stone statue was crushed and restrained. It looked as if it had encountered a natural enemy, but in fact it was not, but was simply swallowed.

  Without the shroud of red light, nearly a hundred survivors gradually returned to normal, looking at Chen Xiyi with fear in their eyes.

  The reason is very simple. There is no black mist around here, and there is no black scar on Chen Xiyi's face, which means that the other party has never been eroded by the black mist.

   And can easily suppress the stone statue, you say this is a human?

   No one believes this. It is much better to believe that the other party is some kind of black mist monster than an individual.

A personal figure emerged, dragging the huge stone statue towards the underground shelter, the stone statue was still struggling, and the red light became more and more intense, but a large number of strange hands were constantly clinging to the stone statue, which made The originally hideous and huge stone statue became more and more strange, especially there seemed to be something terrifying wriggling under the skin of each arm on its body.

  At this scene, the scalps of the survivors were all numb. No one expected that things would turn out like this.

The stone statues they lived on were pulled away by illusory figures one by one, and the terrifying existence in front of them seemed to have noticed them. In the shadows under the opponent's feet, a terrifying monster seemed to be breaking out of its shell. .

   "You have nowhere to go. If you don't mind, you can stay here. The black mist cannot enter my territory." Chen Xiyi said with a slight smile on his face.

   These words made many people's eyes brighten, but because of Chen Xiyi's weirdness, the fear in their hearts did not diminish.

   But Chen Xiyi didn't say much, for example, he needs to pay rent if he stays, but Chen Xiyi doesn't need money, he's just greedy.

   After finishing speaking, he left the sight of the survivors and returned to his underground shelter, preparing to study the stone statue.

   This caused the survivors to look at each other. The other party seemed not interested in people like themselves, or was the other party a human?

  But people don't have this ability, not even explorers.

  Chen Xiyi didn't care what these survivors thought. His eyes now fell on the chest of the stone statue, which was the orifice of the spirit master.

   "The first step is to search the soul to see if there are any remaining memories."

  Chen Xiyi did it without hesitation, but after searching over and over, he couldn't find anything like the other party's soul, not even his brain.

  He knew that it was mutated by a spirit master, but in fact, most of the structure has completely turned into stone, without any human characteristics, maybe only a human shape?

  Only the orifice in the chest represents that the other party used to be a spirit master.

  Chen Xiyi was constantly analyzing the orifices of the stone statue, which made people feel weird.

   "I just said it looks familiar, it looks a bit like Ultraman." Chen Xiyi finally realized this matter.

  The previous life was very far away from Chen Xiyi. Although many things have not been forgotten, they have been hidden in the depths of memory.

   "The span of this wave is a bit too big, it has soared from Daoist Gu to Ultraman, is there something wrong here?"

Before that, Chen Xiyi felt that the world of the spirit master was not Gu Daoist, he could still be regarded as a pokemon, even if it was the wasteland of the end of the world, he could understand it, but now he was an Ultraman, which made him a little at a loss, after all No matter how big his brain is, he couldn't guess this kind of irrelevant leap.

  After Chen Xiyi finished complaining, he naturally had to continue to do research.

   "This divine orifice is not a normal divine orifice, but a mutation from the soul."

   "No wonder I said why I couldn't find the target in the soul search. The co-author is here. The body and spirit of this spirit master were all swallowed by the divine orifice, and finally mutated into a light source."

   "This situation is a bit familiar, as if all life in this world is a leek that has been dug up."

   "The ones that are still alive are some despised species."

  The world of the Spirit Master gave Chen Xiyi the feeling that it was the remnant after a certain boss harvested the world at once.

  Black mist is the means, while the spirit master and the spirit are leeks, and the rest of the ordinary people are naturally not very useful.

   "A piece of land that has been cut off from the leeks and is still deserted. In this way, many things can be explained."

   "I just don't know whether it turned into a stone statue for the spirit master to save himself or the remnants after harvesting. If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter, it's probably not worth much."

  Chen Xiyi was thinking that the sun no longer rising might not represent the end of the spirit master, because before that, the spirit master and the spirit had perished, but it represented the end of the world.

   It’s just that it hasn’t completely perished yet, it’s just lingering.

"I am more inclined to be the remnants after being harvested. For example, the profession of spirit master has been a trap thrown by the other party from the very beginning. Otherwise, it cannot explain why the brilliance emitted by the stone statue will erode people's spirit, and even erode silently. .”

   "Even this silent erosion is just a little bit left over from the original harvest, but even such a little bit, ordinary people can't resist."

  Although these survivors only have black scars on their bodies corroded by the black mist, the erosion on the spiritual level has long been deeply rooted, such as in cultivation.

  Even if the inheritance is cut off, it is impossible to say that there is no legacy at all. Chen Xiyi guessed that the degeneration of the orifices in the body of ordinary people is not only due to the use of advances and retreats, but also due to erosion by the brilliance of stone statues.

   "If that's the case, can I make artificial stone statues? For example, this experimental project is called the Giant of Light."

  (end of this chapter)

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