This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 363: You call this giant of light?

  Chapter 363 Do you call this a giant of light?

   "Village chief, do you think that is a person or something else, do we really want to live here?" A villager asked with concern in his tone.

  The village head of this migrated tribe is a man in his thirties, with many black scars on his face, and his face that has been through vicissitudes makes him look like he is in his forties.

"Where else can we go? Without the brilliance of the stone statue, we have no way to survive in the black mist. This person has no malice towards us, otherwise, how could he let us stay here?" The village chief comforted the other party, Even if he said that he was very worried, he must not show his timidity at this time. After all, he is the core figure of this relocated tribe. If even he is like this, it will be panic.

  Although it is the same now, it must not continue to deteriorate.

"Don't talk about it, let's work quickly. We didn't always want to form a village. Now it's rare to have a place without black fog. It can be regarded as a fulfillment of our dream." The village chief didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, but shifted After talking about the topic, he began to comfort the crowd in the form of painting cakes.

  Hearing this, the villagers felt relieved a lot. This makes sense, what else can they do if the stone statue is gone, not to mention that this is a place that does not need the brilliance of the stone statue to drive away the black mist, which is a godsend.

   I don't know how long it took, and a decent temporary village was finally built, and some villagers even started to reclaim the land.

  The total number of people in the entire migrating tribe is only 82 people. They eat a big pot of rice and live in the same way.

  Relying on the overall planning of the village chief, I barely started to live a stable life, and my life now is much better than before.

  At this time, it is time to eat, because it is night, there is no difference between day and night, and the time is disordered, so there is no difference between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Basically, the meal time is set by the village head.

  Chen Xiyi came out of the underground shelter, smiling all over his face, looked at the group of people who were eating, and couldn't help walking over: "Everyone is eating, it seems that I came at the wrong time."

"My lord, you are being polite. If you don't dislike it, please eat some." The village chief hurriedly got up and said, as long as he can communicate, he didn't dare to speak because he was too scared before. When he realized it later, Chen Xiyi had already left. I dare not follow into the underground shelter.

   Chen Xiyi has been away for such a long time, and he only came out now, so he has to rush over to curry favor.

  Chen Xiyi directly refused: "No need, I stopped eating a long time ago."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, and even the village head's originally flattering expression froze.

"Is it surprising? In the world of black mist, we have many defects, such as food, disease, and even rest and sleep, etc. This is our limitation, so I got rid of this limitation and gained the power of the stone statue." Chen Xiyi There was bewitchment in his tone.

  Everyone's psychology seems to be inexplicably filled with greed, which is the power of the stone statue.

  Whether it is the brilliance that can dispel the black mist or the powerful physique and strength, these survivors are unmatched by them, but this person in front of him claims to have mastered the power of the stone statue.

  The village chief swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his voice trembling: "My lord, what do you mean by telling us these things?"

   This is typical of knowingly asking.

   "Do you want the power of the stone statue?" Chen Xiyi asked directly without answering.

"I would like to serve you." The village head is the head of the village. Even if he is unsteady because of Chen Xiyi's bewitching, he is very keenly aware of one point, that is, free is the most expensive. They are good, even if they get it, they will feel hot.

  So it’s okay to simply rely on the other party.

  Although this is very unreliable, it is better than just dying in this dark world. There may be a glimmer of life if you follow the other party.

  In this era, human life is the least valuable. Who knows what he will die in the next moment.

  With the village chief taking the lead, the other survivor villagers naturally followed suit.

   "Hahaha, please be polite. We are all human races. Naturally, I want to help you. It's not easy to say what I want to do." Chen Xiyi immediately said politely.

   "Thank you, my lord."

  Chen Xiyi can be polite, but the village head knows that he can't take it seriously. If he really thinks what the other party said is true, then he is shameless.

   Then Chen Xiyi took out a ball of light, which everyone recognized. It was the same type of light that emanated from the chest of the stone statue.

   "Thank you, this is light. As long as you integrate into your body, you will activate the sacredness in your blood, and then become a giant of light. After that, you can not only resist the black mist, but also gain the ability like a stone statue."

  Looking at the ball of light in Chen Xiyi's hand, the village chief caught it with gritted teeth, and pressed it into his chest.

  The next moment, his body continued to burst out with light, and the black scar on his face also wriggled under the light of the light, and the flesh and blood on his body continued to inflate as if being blown up by a balloon.

  A frightening aura continuously permeates from the black scar, blending with brilliance little by little.

  Finally, the twisted giant's chest covered with black lines exuded dazzling brilliance, standing in front of everyone.

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but thumped in his heart, and sighed inwardly: 'Oops, I forgot to pack a beauty pack, it's gone from the Ultraman to the monster. '

  He originally set the giant of light to be a leather man like Tiga and Gaia.

"My lord, I feel a powerful force. The black mist is just the food of our giant of light." The village chief who turned into a giant said, his voice was sharp, and the corners of his mouth almost cracked to the base of his ears when he opened his mouth. A mouthful of fangs left Chen Xiyi speechless.

  'No, no, no, you are not called a giant of light, Belia probably is not as ridiculously tall as you. '

  Looking at the bone spurs growing out of the other party's back during the conversation, and then looking at the other party's mouth, a large amount of black mist poured into the mouth, which seemed to be something delicious.


Chen Xiyi is really lying, he knows that the giant of light can swallow the black mist, he has tried it before, because the food of the stone statue is black mist, so this is normal, but the problem is now the other party's The image made Chen Xiyi a little unacceptable.

  He felt that what he created was a giant of light, and this thing has nothing to do with light except that its chest glows like a stone statue.

  The village chief also seemed to know that it was wrong to do so, and then quickly shrunk his body shape and changed back to a human appearance.

   Naturally, this was also designed by Chen Xiyi. As for Ultraman, there must be a human body in the setting.

   It's just that there may be so many flaws in the design, that is, the clothes cannot be preserved.

Soon someone fetched clothes for the village chief to put on. At this time, the black scar on the village chief's body had completely disappeared, leaving only a black ball tattoo on his chest. This is the light giant transformation device, improved by Chen Xiyi In the previous fusion version, you don't need to place POSS, you can transform with a single thought, which is used to save the transformation process.

   "My lord, please evolve into a giant of light for the whole village." After putting on his clothes, the village chief came over and knelt down with a pleading tone.

   "Of course I am willing. The heavy responsibility of saving the world is entrusted to you. After all, you are the most mature giants of light. I hope you don't go down the old road like the stone statues." Chen Xiyi said earnestly.

  Hearing this, the village chief couldn't help being surprised. Could it be that the stone statue is the giant of light in the past, but why did it turn into a stone statue?

  Is it because you gave up the light in your heart?

   "Don't worry, my lord, I will never disappoint your expectations, and I will lead my people on the road to save the world." The village chief said with a serious tone, vowing.

Chen Xiyi took out a large amount of light, handed it to some villagers to share among themselves, and then solemnly said to the village chief: "The light in your heart does not depend on what you say, but on what you do. Those giants of light also told me so, but now? They lost the light in their hearts and became irrational stone statues."

   "It's not them who are sad, but the Giants of Light. You have to remember what you said."

  Chen Xiyi is very skilled in making up stories, pouring chicken soup, drawing big cakes, and fooling around with his mouth. Anyway, many things have disappeared in this world, and there is no place to prove it even if he wants to.

   This must be what Chen Xiyi said, and what the other party thinks.

   Coupled with the help of a large number of soul formations that affect thinking and emotions in the Xiantian Diagram, although what Chen Xiyi said was outrageous, everyone obviously believed it.

   One by one expressed with tears in their eyes that they would definitely save the world, and then they stuffed light into their chests and turned into giants of light with hideous images and different looks.

  Some have three heads and six arms; !

   Fortunately, although the degree of restoration is not high, there are still some data that should be available. At least for now, it is still in human form, and there is no deviation or mess.

  The main reason for this is that they activated the divine orifices in their bodies with the brilliance of the stone statues and combined with the already polluted body and spirit. This is exactly the case, and each giant of light has a different appearance.

  Each person is different, so the giants that become after combining with brilliance are naturally also different.

  At present, it still perfectly inherits the ability of the stone statue.

  【Li Tai of the Giant of Light, HP: 100%, Status: Brilliant Human Body】

  【Ability 1: Survival in the Black Fog】

  【Ability 2: Giant of Light】



  Chen Xiyi looked at the village head who had changed his prefix and had an extra ability named Giant of Light. This ability is similar to that of a Gu warrior, and it all appeared because of Chen Xiyi.

  Under normal circumstances, most of the people who migrated to the tribe actually only have the ability of the knowledge type of survival in the black mist, otherwise they would not be able to survive in the black mist at all.

   "My lord, now that we have all evolved into giants of light, what should we do next?" Village head Li Tai didn't think about seizing power, or his mentality swelled after gaining power.

  In their eyes, although they promised Chen Xiyi to save the world, they still focused on survival. The Chen Xiyi in front of them was not a simple person at first glance. If he had the other party's leadership, then the chances of survival for themselves and others would be greatly improved.

  Chen Xiyi was also silent, he didn't know what to do, the story was well written just now, and he didn't have any scruples about how to make up the follow-up.

   "You should rest and recuperate first, at least build our village, otherwise there will be no place to stay." Chen Xiyi could only delay for a while, otherwise what else could be done.

  (end of this chapter)

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