This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 367: Sunstrider's Cult of the Sun

  Chapter 367 Sunstrider's Sun Sacred Cult

   "Looking for the sun?"

  Chen Xiyi found their ultimate goal from the instinctive logic of the stone statue, finding the sun that has disappeared.

   This is not a simple matter, or it cannot be done at all.

  Now the entire sky is pitch black, not to mention the sun, not even the stars and the moon.

  In addition, this world is not a pure planetary type, that is to say, the sun is not a star, it is likely to be some kind of light source in the world of cultivating immortals.

  So if you want to find the sun, it is estimated that the difficulty is not small, and you may even never find it.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't know why the stone statues are looking for the sun. This may be some instinct when the stone statues were born.

   "It's no wonder that the stone statue moves around. The reason is here." Chen Xiyi also understood why the stone statue is wandering all the time.

   "I made up the background story for me. I was stunned for a while. The stone statue is looking for the sun, and what is the situation with the black mist? Where did these two things come from?"

   There are many mysteries, and Chen Xiyi is also at a loss. He hates nesting dolls and deciphering them.

   "Forget it, let's take one step at a time. Now we have to find a way to get back the follow-up matter of saving the world."

Chen Xiyi felt that he was a bit mean-spirited, and he had nothing to say about the setting of saving the world. This setting was very easy to implement, but there were many difficulties in implementing it later. What's more, he didn't just fool one , and fooled a group of people, and what's more nonsense is that this group of people believed it.

"Don't you just keep fooling around, people can fool a world-saving organization, I can do it this time, and it's not impossible to fool a Sun Sacred Church, isn't the sun gone? Just put saving the world and finding the sun on the same level No, it’s fine, anyway, one is a giant of light and the other is a shining stone statue, both have something to do with light.”

save the world? All right, let's find the sun. If we find the sun, the world can be saved.

  Chen Xiyi felt that his complementary setting was perfect, and then another question arose, where to find it?

  Fortunately, Chen Xiyi's ability to deceive people is not a cover. If you go east, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. If the sun goes down and doesn't come up, let's go to the east to have a look.

   As for why not go west? Chen Xiyi didn't believe that someone dared to argue with him, if he really wanted to.

  Then let him go west to look for it. Chen Xiyi is not the kind of unreasonable person, but the follow-up matters are not his business. He will be great if he finds it.

Chen Xiyi scanned this world with his divine sense. This world is huge, but it is still far from enough compared to the world of cultivating immortals. Among so many worlds he has seen, the world of cultivating immortals is the largest in scale. Spiritual consciousness can still scan to the end at a glance.

  It's a pity that he hasn't become a fairy yet, and when his consciousness becomes a fairy, he will be even stronger.

  Currently, the amount has reached the first level of immortality, but the quality of divine consciousness is still in the integration stage, so it is naturally not as good as immortal consciousness.

   Immortal consciousness is the blessing of the realm, so he naturally has no way to obtain it.

This world has been roughly scanned by Chen Xiyi, and there is no such thing as the sun, and even the light source is only a stone statue. As for man-made things such as candles and oil lamps, don't even think about it, there are no corresponding resources at all. It all depends on the brilliance of the stone statues, and there are not even many torches. After all, the growth of trees is not short, and the original land gives priority to planting food and so on.

"Now I still have Zou Jin and Black Mist left in my hand. Black Mist and Radiant Radiance are the same type of thing, roughly not much different, or the Radiant Radiance itself is the combination of Black Mist and the spirit master's orifice and then mutated over the years. The pollution of the new species that comes out can be determined in terms of research, and Zou Jin is the only one left."

Regarding Zou Jin, after Chen Xiyi figured out the other party's situation, he was actually not so curious. The iron will and the identity of the undead's ability came from strengthening, and he wanted to know the identity of the other party's black mist monster. That's the point.

  The black mist evil thing brought Zou Jin a strong vitality, which can be called immortality, but the limitation seems to be a bit big, it can only be in the black mist.

In terms of nature, it is not much different from the Lost, they all rely on devouring the black mist to replenish themselves, but compared to the Lost, Zou Jin, the living dead and black mist evil, has a much higher utilization rate of the black mist than the Lost .

He suspects that the evil may be a higher-level species of the Lost. In other words, the Lost is an ordinary mob, while the misty evil may be an elite monster or even a boss. Don't look at Zou Jin's crotch in Chen Xiyi's hands. , but if it is really released, it will definitely cause a major blow to the few human beings in this world.

  How could Chen Xiyi, a level 100 player with cheats, be no match for a level 60 vanilla elite monster? Even a vanilla boss is just like that. Zou Jin’s total attributes are probably not as high as his individual attributes.

   "So, if I kill Zou Jin, what can I collect?"

Chen Xiyi was thinking about such a thing, but he probably couldn't collect any good things. The reason is very simple. Don't even think about the two abilities between life and death. The black mist evil thing is probably a little bit confusing, except for human body parts. In addition, at most it is to collect some black mist and the like.

  He does not have the corresponding module, even if it is collected, it will not be used. He can be sure that this is definitely not the same type as the Spirit Master system, and it is probably equivalent to the relationship between the immortal cultivator and the demon.

  Chen Xiyi has a certain understanding of the judgment logic of the homeland game.

   "Thinking about it, wouldn't Zou Jin, who I worked so hard to disassemble, turn into a tasteless one?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel a little bit crazy, isn't it a waste of so much time.

  He always thought it was a piece of gold, but he didn't expect it to turn into a pile of Xiang wrapped in gold leaf, which made him a little hard to accept.

   "I actually missed it."

  Responding to this, Chen Xiyi could not help but sigh.

   After dealing with the matter at hand, I am going to go out to see the situation outside.

  Village head Li Tai also brought back the giant of light he went out to explore, and is now communicating with Cai Qiong.

  At the beginning when they saw the sudden stone statue, Li Tai and the giants of light in the whole village were very vigilant. Finally, it was Cai Qiong who explained the situation, which gradually dissipated the tense atmosphere.

   "Prophet, you have come out."

   "My lord, hello."

   Li Tai and Cai Qiong rushed to say hello when they saw Chen Xiyi coming out.

   "Well, sit down, Cai Qiong, have you talked to Li Tai about the Sun Sacred Cult?" Chen Xiyi opened his mouth as soon as he came up.

   Cai Qiong is also a little confused, what is this thing?

   "Sorry, Prophet, I just recovered, and many memories have long since disappeared. I forgot about the Sun Sacred Church." Cai Qiong did not defend himself, but told the truth.

Hearing this, Chen Xiyi sighed: "The resuscitator has really great flaws, but it is a blessing to be able to return. Before that, you were a Giant of Light just like them, but because of some The reason finally became a glorious stone statue."

"After I revived you from the stone statue with the power of the Sun Sacred Cult, and let you master the ability of the glorious stone statue, I didn't expect you to forget the Sun Sacred Cult, but it's okay, everything starts from the beginning, our goal is Find the sun, dispel the black mist, and save this world from darkness."

   Chen Xiyi has always been less than eloquent and lowered his IQ to make up for fooling people.

  Listening to Chen Xiyi's words, whether it was the glorious stone statue Cai Qiong or the giants of light, they all seemed very fanatical.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know where their fanaticism came from, but anyway, now he understood one thing, and finally it was a fool.

   "Prophet, how should we find the sun?" Compared to others, Cai Qiong, who is a glorious stone statue, has the instinct to find the sun engraved, so he was naturally the first to ask.

   "Go east, now that the giant of light has been reborn, and the resuscitator has also mastered the shining stone statue, only the black mist needs the sun to disperse."

"Starting today, you are new members of the Sun Sacred Church. I hope you will not disappoint the sacrifices of your ancestors, especially you, Cai Qiong. Although you have lost your memory of the Sun Sacred Church, the attachment to the sun in your soul And the longing never goes away, does it?"

  Chen Xiyi's tone was extremely bewitching, especially Cai Qiong, who completely agreed with Chen Xiyi's words.

  Of course, the other party's desire and attachment to the sun has nothing to do with the Sun Sacred Cult, it's just the cause of the glorious stone statue itself, but Chen Xiyi took advantage of it.

   Anyway, no one knows, so just fooling around.

"Yes, Prophet, we will set off for the east as soon as possible, but we have all left, wouldn't it be too dangerous to leave you alone, Prophet?" Li Tai immediately stated that as the village head, he naturally became the light The leader of the giants.

  He wasn't a fool, so he could tell that Chen Xiyi wouldn't leave, so he asked.

   "Li Tai, Li Tai, I'm the prophet of the Sun Sacred Cult, do you think I'm really in danger by myself?" Chen Xiyi shook his head and said with a chuckle.

   Cai Qiong on the side was a little puzzled: "Prophet, won't you follow us to the east to find the sun?"

   "I won't go, someone has to keep the fire, isn't it?" Chen Xiyi looked at the other party with a very peaceful tone, but it was a bit sad when it fell into the ears of everyone.

  Yes, if the prophets were not still alive, they would not be able to awaken the light in their blood to become giants of light, and it would be impossible for Cai Qiong to recover from the shining stone statue.

  Everyone could hear his desire for the sun in his tone, but he was willing to stay in this darkness in order to preserve the last fire.

   "We understand, Prophet, you wait for our good news, and we will come back to pick you up when the sun dispels the black fog." Cai Qiong's tone was firm.

  Hearing these words, Chen Xiyi couldn't stop muttering in his heart, could this be because of such force, do you understand now? He didn't say anything, so what can he understand?

   "It's good that you understand, I'm here waiting for your good news." Chen Xiyi was naturally relieved.

  No matter what they understood, anyway, Chen Xiyi saved the energy of continuing to make up, otherwise it is really easy to make up random things if he really wants to open his mouth. After all, he can make up things, but the world will not cooperate with him.

   There is no need to think about the sun or something. It will be too cold for a long time, unless he builds one.

   But the problem is that the sun is not the point at all, the point is the black mist. If the black mist is not dealt with, let alone the little sun, even a little boy and a fat man will not work.

   "Yes, Prophet!" Li Tai's voice was also trembling, and he felt that Chen Xiyi was encouraging them.

Although the journey to find the sun is unknown this time, they know that they have a solid backing, so they are not afraid at all. No matter how difficult it is, they will follow the forward route and find the sun to disperse the shadows covering the whole world. black mist.

  (end of this chapter)

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