This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 368: Lantern Fairy-Sunshine

  Chapter 368 Lantern Fairy - Sunshine

   Giants more than ten meters tall left the gathering place with large and small bags, and headed towards the black mist.

  Chen Xiyi also breathed a sigh of relief, he finally managed to fool these people away, and he already got all the data of the Giant of Light and the Shining Stone Statue.

   To put it another way, he thinks there are few people when he is working, but he thinks there are too many people when eating.

  The stage of working has passed, and Chen Xiyi naturally disliked the increase in the number of people, so this sent them all away.

  【The adventurer has finished his treasure hunt and is repairing in his homeland. He brought you a lot of treasures】

  【You get the following items】

  【Items with historical details: Bronze Lantern】

  【A suicide note】

  【Spiritual Object: Black Mist×136】

  【Spirit: Radiance × 97】

Chen Xiyi looked at the things brought back by the adventurer, and frowned. It seems that there is really nothing good to talk about. Except for the items with historical background, the rest are all spiritual things. Look at these two kinds of spiritual things. I want to know what it is.

On the contrary, it was the suicide note that made him a little curious. What kind of suicide note is it? It will be brought back by the adventurer as a treasure. You must know that not everything can be brought back by the adventurer as a treasure. Certain value.

  He was not in a hurry to turn the psychic into a fairy for the bronze lantern, but opened the suicide note to read.

  【The latecomers personally open】

[Baihuang Lingxian became the nine-turn Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit. He wanted to reverse time and go back to the past to prevent the black mist disaster from erupting. Unfortunately, Baihuang Lingxian failed. There is no way to control the Nine Turns Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, but he is already our last fairy, and his potential is exhausted, so he cannot break through to become a Nine Apertures Spirit]

[Fortunately, we have thought of a way. Since Baihuang Lingxian can't go back, let the nine-turn Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit go back. Turn around the sun and moon spring and autumn spirit]

  【So, we added the memory of Baihuang Lingxian】

  【As long as someone refines this Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, they will be able to get all the memories of Baihuang Lingxian, which is equivalent to Baihuang Lingxian going back to the past to reverse everything】

  【Nine Turns Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit was successfully sent back by our joint efforts, but the future has not changed, which means we have failed】

  【Fortunately, Baihuang Lingxian didn’t know the news, because before we sent back the Nine Turns Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, he died because of forcibly refining a spirit that exceeded his grade】

  【The rest of the people are desperate, and I am the only one who is still persisting. They think they have failed, but I think there is still hope for everything. Even if the Nine Turns Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit failed, I continued to start the reversal plan】

[In the end, I sacrificed seven spirits of rank nine and caught the sun spirit. The legendary existence above rank nine is just a legend, and the sun spirit is also rank nine, but fortunately I succeeded. The time at which the spirit master is located]

  【But we have exhausted everything, and the darkness has invaded again, and I have no strength to go back to the past】

  【Latecomers, when you read this letter, go to the east, where the sun rises, I put the Nine Turns to the Sun Universe Light Spirit there, go back to the past, stop all this】


   Well, he always thought that the sun was a ghost made by some existence, but he didn't expect it to be done by a spirit master.

"That is to say, in the end, the spirit masters want to reverse time in a whimsical way, probably to create a reborn person, but one thing is for sure, the other party has definitely failed, otherwise I will not see such a hip-pull apocalypse .”

   "So before the spirit master disappeared, the spirit master still had a strong force, but they shifted their focus to how to reverse the future from the past, and even really refined two spirits that can reverse the future."

   "Just what is the difference between these two spirits?"

  One is called Jiuzhuan Sunyue Spring and Autumn Spirit, which seems to be able to send people back, but because the level of this thing is too high, no one can equip it, so they can only inject the memory of the eight-aperture fairy and send the spirit back.

  And what is the Nine Turns to Sun Universe Light Spirit?

  Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled about this. Just from the surface, it seemed to be a combination of the past and time.

   "Wait, why is it east?"

  His consciousness scanned repeatedly, but found nothing unique at all.

   "The place where the eastern sun rises is the place where the nine-turn sun spirit is, but why can't I find it?"

  Chen Xiyi's expression was dignified. Judging from the situation in the letter, it shouldn't be fake. After all, not everyone likes to cheat others like Chen Xiyi.

   "Either it's fake or I can't find it."

   "Spirits have the ability to overwhelm the heavens and the earth. Many things are quite against the sky. Even the nine-turn spirits can travel through time. So can some spirits who are good at concealment and protection be able to shield my spiritual consciousness?"

   "It's not impossible."

  Chen Xiyi looked serious. He thought he had scraped all the ground, but he didn't expect that there were still residues.

  He seems to have underestimated the spirit master. He thought that before the sun disappeared, there were only three or two big cats and kittens left.

   "What's the matter with the stone statue?"

  The appearance of this suicide note has cast a layer of fog on the originally bright things.

One thing we can know from the suicide note is that before the appearance of the black mist, the spirit masters and even the spirits have almost died out. There are really only some people who have gone underground to hide from something. Otherwise, how can we integrate the resources of the whole world? Not better.

  It is very likely that there is something that makes them unable to resist, so they hide in the dark. Otherwise, even the so-called Dapan Dynasty is just a dynasty composed of ordinary people.

   "No, I seem to be ignoring the time."

  Chen Xiyi suddenly realized that this letter was written many years ago. Since the sun disappeared and the black fog dissipated, the time standard of the whole world has disappeared, not to mention that it is still in a state of broken civilization.

Nowadays, many original technologies have been lost, such as smelting, the three major cities have no way to forge iron, but fortunately, there are new developments, such as protective clothing, although the protection against black mist is limited, but Anyway, it is also a layer of protection, and it is a life-saving thing for ordinary people.

   "If the time span is too long, maybe the other party did leave something behind, but because of the time, it all disappeared in the end. This is not impossible."

Chen Xiyi thought of such a thing, maybe it wasn't that he couldn't find it, or that the other party didn't keep it, but it turned into dust and waste products under time, so even if he scanned it with his consciousness, it was because this thing was a waste product And ignore the past.

   After all, there are a lot of messy things in this world.

   "That's true. Wait, I'll go back and ask the adventurer where he got it. I'll just go there then." Chen Xiyi also understands one thing, no matter how much speculation there is, it's better to go to the field to investigate.

  Chen Xiyi returned to his home, and first performed a psychic psychic on the bronze lantern.

  【You used the skill attunement psychic on the bronze lantern】

  【Bronze Lantern Spiritual Awakening 1%】

  【You get Treasure Hunting Lantern Fairy: Sunshine】

  【Lamp Fairy: Sunshine】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Radiance of the Sun】

  【Ability 2: Holy Power】

  【Ability 3: Source of Tinder】

  【The bond list of all things has been updated】

  【Sun, Moon and Stars: Sun (Lamp Fairy: Sunshine), Moon (Vacant), Star (Vacant)】


  New Fairy Sunshine looks like a little sun, so it's an auxiliary type.

  The brilliance of the sun can shorten the growth time of plants and increase the yield. Chen Xiyi guessed that the reason is photosynthesis. Well, it's just a guess. After all, fairies are not scientific at all.

The power of the sacred is a bit outrageous. If the plants are illuminated by the sun's brilliance from sowing to harvesting, then there will be a probability that additional values ​​will be born, and as the ability increases, sometimes there will be more than one value, or even All kinds are possible.

  The source of the last kindling seed is quite peculiar, it can ensure that diseases and pests are greatly reduced during the growth of plants, and the quality of seeds after harvesting can be improved.

  From Chen Xiyi's point of view, the name sounds like I'm awesome, but in fact it's all used for farming.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi has already gotten used to it. The goblin itself is a derivative of this sandbox farming game. If there is no special experience, there will never be a killing goblin. Most of them are auxiliary types.

  The sun floated to the sky on its own, like a small sun, emitting sunlight, not the scorching sun, but more like the sunshine that brings a little warmth in winter.

  By the way, Chen Xiyi asked the adventurer where he got the suicide note while making a box garden for Sunshine.

  【The adventurer thought about it for a while. He said that he found it in an underground secret room in the Black Sea to the east, but it has been abandoned for a long time, and there is a layer of enchantment. You may not be able to enter it】

   "Is there black mist or stone statues in there?" Hearing this, Chen Xiyi's heart was also burning, and there was an enchantment, which meant that he hadn't cooled off yet.

  【The adventurer gave you a brief description of the situation inside, and said that it was very clean, except that there was nothing else, and once again said that there was nothing good inside】

   "." Chen Xiyi wanted to say why the description of the situation was omitted. Was this just kidding him?

   It is probably a pitfall in the text again. Chen Xiyi saw the adventurer making gestures and body language. Obviously, he was really describing this to him.

   This situation is extremely grassy.

  However, Chen Xiyi also nodded pretending to understand: "Oh, so it is like this, okay, you go to rest, you must be exhausted just after you come back."

  Chen Xiyi also understood that the adventurer couldn't tell any useful news.

  【Adventurer expresses yes】

  After refreshing the game log, the adventurer returned to the Little Garden to rest by himself.

   "It seems that this rotten ship still has three catties of nails. The civilization of the spirit master is indeed extraordinary. Even in such a state, it can still leave traces."

Although the adventurer said that there is nothing good about it, Chen Xiyi has to go there, the reason is very simple, he does not have the module of the spirit master, so the adventurer may not be able to judge the things related to the spirit master, so this is why he said there is no what a good thing.

The things that the goblins can get are actually based on the rules of the homeland game. If Chen Xiyi doesn't have the corresponding modules, then it may not be possible to accurately judge some things, such as the importance, the truth in the suicide note for Chen Xiyi It's far more important than anything else.

It is even more important than the adventurer to bring back the so-called Nine-Turn to Rizhou Light Spirit. If Chen Xiyi really wants to give the Nine-Turn to Rizhou Light Spirit, Chen Xiyi may not know what it is, but with this Closing the suicide note, Chen Xiyi was equivalent to obtaining the inheritance of the spirit master, so in the eyes of adventurers, this suicide note has value.

  (end of this chapter)

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