This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 375: Ten thousand orifices and the sea of ​​air start from the micro

  Chapter 375 Ten Thousand Orifices and Seas of Qi Begin from Micro

  Chen Xiyi looked at the Qi Yun Cup Spirit in his hand. Since this thing is nearby, of course he has to find a way to get it in advance. How can he really go to a big city to buy it.

   After all, it costs money to buy it. Since the Li family has it in the treasury, of course he can easily do it.

  To be honest, if Li Qiang didn't come, he really didn't know about it, and he wasn't really obsessed with this Qi Accumulation Cup, he could use another type.

   This Qi Yun Cup looks like a small wine cup, and there is a thin layer of aura clouds dangling in the wine cup.

It has not been refined yet, so it is still spiritual energy. After refining it into the orifice, the cloud of spiritual energy will become a cloud of spiritual power, and this Qi Yun Cup feeds on spiritual energy and spiritual power, which is relatively expensive to feed. A cheap kind of spirit.

  Chen Xiyi naturally won't just be satisfied with the cup of qi, this is really too small, not the type he wants at all.

  What he wants is the ten thousand orifices qi sea spirit, which is considered an extremely powerful kind of spirit, and needs to be refined by Chen Xiyi himself.

  As for how this was born, it was naturally Chen Xiyi who found the spirit from the experimental records of the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn and Zhouguang in the past. The ability is also very simple, it is simply used to store spiritual power, and it has a huge capacity.

  When one turns, it can have ten times the storage capacity, which is equivalent to the amount of ten orifices, and the spiritual power recovery speed is extremely fast.

  Unfortunately, because this Wanqiao Qihai did not meet their requirements, it was discarded after only one turn. After all, what they want is a spirit that can go back to the past, not a spirit that can increase spiritual power.

Naturally, Chen Xiyi fell in love with this Sea of ​​Qi with ten thousand apertures, and the spirits needed for this refinement are also quite strange, in addition to the Qi Yun Cup, there are also various spirits such as One-Aperture Qi, Gluttonous Rice, etc., but these spirits are superior There are not many precious spirits, they are all relatively ordinary.

  However, the effects are messy, such as speeding up the recovery of spiritual power or enhancing the ability to swallow spiritual power.

   It is not a big problem to collect these spirits. The main difficulty is that the refining needs to be carried out in a vast and boundless place, with a large amount of spiritual energy as the auxiliary.

  He stuffed the Qi Yun Cup into the spirit pouch, which is a small storage bag specially used to store spirits. Otherwise, the spirit would not be easy to transport, and it is impossible to say that it can only be grasped by hand.

   This can be considered a spiritual weapon, just like a spiritual skill, it is a derivative of the spirit.

After getting the Qi Yun Cup, Chen Xiyi naturally had to leave this Guangfang Town. There was nothing more valuable here, and he took a rest here just to inquire about the news. As for the Qi Yun Cup, it was also an accident Happy.

   Finding it is not a surprise, but prostitution is.

  Chen Xiyi left Guangfang Town in a hurry, but the game log was refreshed abruptly, and then a dozen famous NPCs appeared.

   Red-named NPCs are normal, but what is abnormal is that all of these NPCs are named Li.

   This made Chen Xiyi feel like shit, he didn't even need to think about who did it, who else could it be except Li Qiang.

   "This is really true. It was you who wanted to cheat me, but you still wanted to retaliate afterwards. Do you really think that I am made of mud?"

  This Li Qiang is really true, soliciting people is normal, but you have to show some sincerity anyway.

   As far as his conditions are concerned, it is basically the same as the one who buys out his life for a bag of spicy sticks for 50 cents for a pack of 50 cents for a 12-hour work day without salary.

  Does this really mean that when he is young, he can’t experience enough?

  Being exposed afterwards became angry and wanted to intercept him, how could Chen Xiyi bear it?

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game map, and there were many white-named NPCs around these red-named NPCs, also with the surname Li.

   "It seems that these are the white gloves of the Li family, specializing in robbing houses and dealing with dirty work." Chen Xiyi instantly understood what was going on with these people.

  The Li family is such a powerful force in Guangfang Town, they will definitely not rely on serious business for a living. For example, this branch of the Li family who hides in the deep mountains and old forests is doing black work.

   Otherwise, can it directly become a red name?

   "Li Qiang is not monitoring me, but he notified this group of people by unknown means, planning to intercept and kill me after I leave Guangfang Town, tsk tsk"

  Chen Xiyi upholds the idea that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others, and if people offend me, I will collect them, so I have to get rid of this group of people.

"It's just that collection doesn't seem very good, after all, it's a red name." Chen Xiyi squinted his eyes and looked at the 18-layer strength of Jishou Yongchang's shield, like this weak NPC, and killed them It is far less valuable than abolishing them to provide themselves with shield strength.

   Apart from collecting human body parts, it is estimated that they can't find anything good, at most there are multiple spirits.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Chen Xiyi walked slowly on the road, seeing a group of red-named NPCs on the game map preparing to go down the mountain, he simply estimated the distance and direction, and determined that as long as he and the other party did not deviate from the route, he would definitely be able to meet them. of.

  He looked up at the moon in the sky: "If the sun is a spirit, wouldn't the moon and these stars also be?"

   "After all, there are Moon Dao and Star Dao in the Ling Dao school."

   This is really not impossible, after all, his past universe light was refined by the sun.

   "So, if I want to refine a new Zhou Daoling, can I use the moon?"

  Be greedy, just be greedy.

   Otherwise, what kind of ambition is someone who is so ambitious.

  At this time, Chen Xiyi suddenly realized one thing, that is, he seemed to understand the use of the three minutes of regret time combined by his two spirits.

That is to practice trial and error. After all, it seems that there is only one moon. If he fails to refine the spirit he wants, it will be a big loss. With these three minutes of regret time, he can completely Back to the time when the spirit was not yet refined.

  Of course, it's only three minutes now, and it can be improved a little later.

   "This is barely useful." Chen Xiyi finally felt that the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn and the past Zhou Guang were no longer so useless.

   "In addition to this, I have to find a way to upgrade Sequence 5 to Sequence 6 as soon as possible."

  Chen Xiyi also found that he had been stuck here for a long time.

   Just taking advantage of the time when I was dawdling in the age of the spirit master, see if there is a chance to upgrade the historical sequence.

  He was thinking about various things in his mind, and he had reached a valley before he knew it. He glanced at the game map, and it seemed that he was about to meet the Li family on the opposite side, so he quickly put his mind back.

   After all, he is just a two-orifice spirit master now.

There was a rustling sound, and then abrupt flying leaves floated over. These flying leaves are not ordinary leaves, but the spiritual skill Fei Leaf Strike, a kind of wood-type spiritual skill, which needs to be matched with the wood attribute. Spirit will do.

  These flying leaves passed through Chen Xiyi's body, and then caused ripples, which looked very unreal.

  Seeing this appearance, a person in the dark reminded: "The illusion, this person is walking the illusion."

  The rest of the ambushing people suddenly realized that they were phantoms, no wonder they were like this.

But at the same time, everyone couldn't help showing grim smiles at the same time. Although Huan Dao can use magic magic skills to achieve some incredible illusions, his own combat effectiveness is not high, especially as a two-orifice spirit master, with some spiritual skills. So realistic is estimated to be the limit.

  Everyone rushed forward, covered with a layer of tree skin, and rushed out, surrounding Chen Xiyi with weapons in their hands.

   "Boy, do you know where this is?" The leader's tone was cruel, and his eyes kept looking at Chen Xiyi, as if he was thinking about where to strike.

  Chen Xiyi also looked around at these people: "The first orifice is the recovery of the Moon Toon Grass, and the second orifice is the moon birch tree that brings you skin to strengthen your defense."

The cooperation of these two spirits is actually very good. If the third orifice chooses Moonflower, it can create the ultimate move Moonwood Radiance. After blessing it on yourself, it can speed up recovery and improvement during the day. Defense, while at night it increases agility and attack power.

   This is a relatively rare ultimate move formula. In Guangfang Town, it is estimated that only the direct descendants of the Li family can know it.

The person in charge is only a two-orifice spirit master, obviously not the head of the Li family's white gloves, he should only be a second-level person, otherwise it is impossible to bring only a dozen people out, this should be different from Li Qiang Shallow friendship, so will help.

  Of course, more people may want to make a profit.

   After all, the Erqiao Spirit Master is also a considerable fortune in his eyes. One vents his anger and the other gains benefits. It can be regarded as mutual benefit.

   "It seems that the spirit refined in one of your orifices is of the investigative type, huh, what a pity." The leader didn't care at all for Chen Xiyi's revealing of the spirits in their bodies, and was even ecstatic in his heart.

  In his eyes, this person has two divine orifices, one is illusion and the other is detection, so he is definitely inferior to them in combat.

   "No regrets, I just want to borrow from you." Chen Xiyi didn't think it was a pity.

  Before this group of people reacted, they felt a sharp pain erupting from their bodies. After they saw what was going on, they were shocked.

  The orifice on the chest of myself and others was ripped out by the other party, and then it was squeezed and exploded right under their noses.

  The spiritual power disappeared, and the two spirits of Moon Toon Grass and Moon Birch Tree in their bodies also died instantly, and they were also severely injured.

  【You are right.】

  Chen Xiyi looked at the hatred degree refreshed in the game log, and the hatred degree of these dozen people directly soared to 5 stars.

   It's just that they didn't care about other things at the moment, they all fell to the ground and howled continuously.

   Then I did a soul search and got their memories.

  After reading it briefly, Chen Xiyi showed a smile and said: "If you take something you shouldn't take, you have to pay the price."

  The headed man heard Chen Xiyi's words, and his eyes showed fear: "The Miao family in Ciyue City, it's impossible, we have dealt with everyone."

   Not long ago, they intercepted a caravan from the Miao family in Ciyue City.

  One is a city and the other is a town. They are completely different. The power of the Miao family is far beyond what they can match, but even so, they made this order in a desperate manner.

  So this wave can be said to be full of food, and it has not been counted yet, and it will be sent back to Guangfang Town after the count is almost complete.

   "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing." Chen Xiyi pretended to be mysterious, and then continued: "It seems that you haven't had time to deal with it."

  Hearing this, the leader shrank his pupils, and wanted to say something, but found that Chen Xiyi had disappeared at some point.

   "Hurry up, send a signal to the head of the family, the people of the Miao family are coming." The leader endured the severe pain and ordered the people with signal fireworks to notify the people in the camp to get ready.

   And after he finished speaking, he was also secretly startled: "As expected of a person from a great family, but only a master of two orifices, it is simply shocking to have such strength." '

  (end of this chapter)

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