This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 376: Take it casually? then i'm welcome

  Chapter 376 Take it casually? then i'm welcome

   "The first boss, the second boss sent us a signal to be careful."

  In the camp, a son of the Li family hurried over and said to a burly man.

   This burly man is an elder of the Li family, called Li Lu, the master of three orifices, he is considered a senior member of the Li family.

  Although there are many dangers in doing black work, there are also great rewards if you can't stand it. This is much better than greedy for small favors in Guangfang Town.

   Li Lu frowned when he heard this, "Why didn't I know when the second child went to the village?"

   Li Lu was very upset about the second leader leaving without permission, and it was fine on weekdays. What are you going to do in the camp at this time, I don’t know that he just intercepted a batch of good goods.

   This batch of good goods is extremely heavy, but correspondingly, the danger is also extremely high.

   There are more than a dozen spirits of the Miao family in Ciyue City, and there are some more cherished spirits among them.

  In addition to spirits, there are also things such as spiritual materials, etc., and he even found several books of spiritual skills in them, which can be used to pass down the family.

"I don't know about this little one. It seems that I have agreed to the appointment of Director Li Qiang, and went down to the camp to intercept and kill someone." This Li family member wanted to hide it, but he found that Li Lu looked at him with a smile on his face. Looking sharp, he still couldn't hold back and said.

   "Li Zhi really has no brains at all. It was a waste of his parents to give him the word Zhi."

   Li Lu's tone was full of anger. When is it now, he is still thinking of making troubles?

   You can do whatever you want after the Miao family's goods are processed, but now, don't think about it, there must be an accident.

   This is an interception that failed, but kicked the steel plate instead.

   It is even possible to sell your own camp and exchange the other party for your life. Otherwise, you will never send a signal to make the camp be careful, but to let the people in the camp save them.

"The person who can let Li Zhi send a signal is likely to be a master of two orifices. If it is three orifices, Li Zhi and the others will never survive to send a signal. It seems that they are powerful people. Could it be that the Miao family has already received the news? It’s impossible, it’s only been two days, not to mention that all the members of the Miao family’s caravan are dead, it’s impossible for anyone to report back alive.”

  Li Lu calmed down quickly, and did not continue to focus on Li Zhi because of Li Zhi's behavior, but began to analyze this matter.

"Continue to inform, let people be careful. The strength of the opponent is conservatively estimated to be around two to three apertures." Li Lu decisively said to this Li family boy. As for Li Zhi and others, they can only give up on each other first. After this incident, if there is nothing to do, then go to pick up people. If there is something to do, then Li Lu can only say sorry to their parents.

Who made them not long-sighted? Although he judged that he was a two-orifice spirit master, this was just the beginning. If it was really a three-orifice, and he came from a powerful force, then he might not be an opponent. Don't think that the Li family is big. Li Lu had also seen it when he was out and about. The Li family was the local emperor in Guangfang Town, but in front of the real power, they can only be regarded as mud legs.

   "Yes, Master, I will notify you immediately." The Li family member responded and left quickly.

  Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Li Lu had a gloomy expression: "Li Qiang, Li Qiang, you have caused me trouble all these years, and you will be dismissed when you go back."

  Of course Li Lu knew where the root of the trouble was. It wasn't Li Zhi's corruption, but Li Qiang, the director of the Lingshi City.

  He did black work for the development of himself and his family, not to wipe Li Qiang's ass. He also knew a lot about Li Qiang's temperament. He was not only responsible for managing Lingshi, but also for recruiting people.

But these years in Guangfang Town, I have been used to being flattered and flattered, and my mentality has swelled. In the past few years, I have entrusted Li Zhi from time to time to intercept and kill those casual cultivators who are not recruited. It was a disaster.

   Now this Li Lu is also regretful.

   "Don't tell me, if such a treasure is withdrawn, how many enemies will the Li family lose."

Suddenly, a joking voice came into Li Lu's ears, which made Li Lu's pupils shrink, and he immediately looked over to the voice, only to see a person sitting beside him, looking after himself like a familiar man Pour the tea yourself.

   Li Lu could tell at a glance that the other party was the Erqiao Spirit Master, but even so, the fear in his heart not only did not ease, but became more and more intense.

  He, a three-aperture spirit master, didn't realize how the other party got here, which shows that the other party's spirit is very powerful.

"I didn't expect Li Qiang to offend my little brother. Here I apologize to you on his behalf." Li Lu said immediately, but he didn't make clear his relationship with the Li family. Judging from what the other party said, Obviously know a lot.

   "Don't dare, Director Li is not an ordinary person. A Qi Accumulation Cup can recruit a person who is a two-orifice spiritual master to work for him. How dare I accept his apology." Chen Xiyi's tone was tinged with yin and yang.

   These words made Li Lu's expression slightly changed, and he was also cursing in his heart.

  He also didn't expect Li Qiang to solicit people in this way. Is this solicitation? This is an insult.

It's no wonder that I haven't recruited a guest minister in these years. With this kind of condition, it's considered self-restraint if people don't spit at you. After staying in a small place for a long time, I became a country bumpkin. I really thought that everyone was as ignorant as he was. redneck.

  If the recruitment fails, forget it, and intercept and kill, if you really want to kill, the matter will naturally fall to the ground.

   But the problem is that he didn't kill him now, and kicked the steel plate, and more importantly, the steel plate hit him. Can this not make Li Lu unhappy?

  What is a disaster without reason? This is called a disaster without reason.

"Little brother is really humorous. If you don't give up, I'm willing to make up for Li Qiang. If you take whatever you like, it's like making friends." .

  It's normal to be able to bend and stretch. He is a person with seasoned qualifications. Compared with life and face, he must have chosen his life.

  You can earn more face if you lose face, but if you lose your life, you lose everything.

  As for the fact that the other party is a two-aperture spiritual master and he is a three-aperture spiritual master, he simply ignored it.

  As for the other party who came to him quietly, if the other party hadn't made a sound, he might not have been able to find him. If he still relies on his own realm with this strength, he probably would have died.

   Besides, why should he take the blame for the matter of Li Qiang and Li Zhi.

   "Are you serious?" Chen Xiyi also didn't expect that Li Lu's ability to judge the situation is so strong, which is completely different from the previous Li Qiang.

   Li Lu also had an ominous premonition in his heart, and then forced it down and said, "Of course it is true."

   "That's good, you're very good, you're much better than Li Zhi who just came up and shouted and killed." Chen Xiyi said very calmly after taking a sip of tea.

   Regarding this, Li Lu also showed a stiff smile, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing that Li Lu didn't respond, Chen Xiyi didn't care too much, but said earnestly: "I don't know how to deal with you when you judge the situation like this. How do you say that? If you stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling face, look at it." For the sake of taking that sentence casually, let's forget about it."

   "If there is a next time, I will use your Li family to pay for it."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Xiyi got up and patted Li Lu on the shoulder, and then he disappeared from Li Lu's sight.

  Afterwards, a member of the Li family ran in hastily: "The head of the family, it's not good, something serious happened."

  Li Lu came back to his senses and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

   "Warehouse, the previously cut goods in the warehouse are gone, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye." The man was panting, and said with a bumpy tone.

   This surprised Li Lu, he knew what the other party was talking about, it was the batch of goods from the Miao family in Ciyue City.

Of course he also knew who took it away, and after the shock, he naturally calmed down: "I know, I will go back to the master's house to explain this in person, you take a few people to bring Li Zhi and the others back .”

   Obviously, the other party really didn't have any malicious intentions, otherwise he might really have to die, which made him a little lucky.

   Time passed quickly, and Li Zhi and others were picked up.

   Li Zhi said the first time he saw Li Lu: "Master, the Miao family found out that we intercepted the Miao family, that man."

   "You said that person is from the Miao family?" Li Lu also interrupted Li Zhi in shock, because he didn't expect this.

   As the two of them counted together, they couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

"This Li Qiang is really a bad thing." Li Lu's expression was very angry. If Li Qiang hadn't done anything wrong, Li Zhi wouldn't have gone to the camp to kill and be abolished, and he wouldn't have come here to retaliate and discover Miao's goods. , This is all Li Qiang's fault.

What? The other party chased after this batch of goods from the beginning?

  How is this possible? It is definitely Li Qiang's fault.

  The two of them just looked at each other like this, and the other party had to be responsible for this matter, otherwise, wouldn't it be that the dumb person took all the blame for himself, and the other party would not be able to take any responsibility.

In any case, it was Li Qiang who pitted them first, and people like myself must not let him go, especially Li Zhi, he is the worst, he was directly crippled, not only became a cripple, but also suffered , I am afraid that the status in the future will directly drop to the bottom.

  As for Li Qiang, if he doesn't pay the price, he will definitely continue to be his director of the Lingshi City. How can Li Zhi swallow this breath.

   Not only did Li Lu get tricked, but he was tricked not lightly. It is not a big problem for the two of them to work together to half-death Li Qiang.

   Don't look at Li Lu doing black work for the Li family outside, but the strength of the three-orifice spirit master is there. He is definitely a high-level person in the Li family and a powerful figure. It is not easy to deal with Li Qiang, the director of the spirit city.

   "Have someone go to the warehouse to fetch some medicine for you, so you can rest. We will go back to Li's house tomorrow." A cold light flashed in Li Lu's eyes.

   "Yes, the head of the family." Li Qiang responded immediately, and left here a little weak after speaking. It is not a trivial matter that the divine orifice is abolished.

   On the other hand, Li Lu was also a little rejoiced. He didn't expect that he would save his life with a casual sentence. He originally said polite words, but if the polite words came true, they would become sincerity.

"The strength of the Miao family in Ciyue City is really unfathomable. A member of the Miao family who only has the strength of two orifices can have such ability. Is it just a spirit of illusion and exploration? Is this the difference between the big family and us? ?” Li Lu muttered to himself.

  He has also met people from great powers before, but he has never had close contact with them, so he doesn't know their strength, but from the rumors during the initial training, he can also sum up some guesses about their strength.

   But it wasn't until today that he actually met the other party that he realized how far he was from the powerful people.

In the end, he said cursingly: "It's all Li Qiang's fault. I'm afraid he has pocketed all the resources he has used to recruit over the years. Use a Qi Accumulation Cup to recruit two-orifice spirit masters, and one-orifice masters." Spirit masters don't even care about you, let alone Erqiao Spirit Masters."

   "When we go back this time, we must make him and his people pay the price."

   Li Lu's expression was sullen.

  (end of this chapter)

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