This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 401: The blood of gods and men, the reincarnation of offspring

  Chapter 401 Blood of God and Man, Reincarnation of Heirs

   "Interesting, I didn't expect there to be living people." A voice came with jokes.

  Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi couldn't help but change their expressions. Of course they recognized the voice, it was the ancestor of the Situ family, but just looking at the tone, they looked like a stranger.

  The eyes of the two of them froze, and they saw the hunched appearance of the ancestor of the Situ family from a distance, which seemed a little strange.

  【Sima Zong of the spirit master, health value: 87%, status: adapt to the body】

  Chen Xiyi looked at the other party's name, the matter of seizing the house was successful, and even the name was changed to Wanfang Dasheng.

   "The Great Sage of Wanfang, I have admired his name for a long time." Seeing this, Chen Xiyi immediately took the lead.

   "What?!" Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi's voices were horrified. They were not fools. After hearing what Chen Xiyi said, they must have understood what was going on.

  Sima Zong straightened his body, with a rather curious look on his face: "You know me?"

"I know but I don't know, the main thing is to deceive you. I didn't expect that the ancestor of the Situ family was taken away by you so easily. Let me think about it. You revealed this holy place of all directions, and the Sima family back then You were the one who exterminated the family, and even the things in Sima's Aura were taken away by you." Chen Xiyi said without changing his expression.

  The next second, Sima Zong's figure came to Chen Xiyi, and he reached out to pinch his neck.

  Just the next moment, a hand crawled out of Chen Xiyi's arms, turned into a distorted appearance and stopped Sima Zong. A large number of granules squirmed out from the hand, which looked like swaying tentacles.

   In a pair, Sima Zong fell into a disadvantage, and he was no match for him at all.

   At this time, the hand has already turned into a huge five-headed monster as tall as a person in an instant, and sarcomas hang down from the granulation, like eyes being smashed.

Seeing this, Sima Zong's expression also showed fear. In the confrontation between the two just now, he was completely at a disadvantage. If he hadn't retreated quickly, his neck might have been twisted by this weird hand. .

   "Heh, it's not good for young people to know too much." Sima Zong threatened with a half-smile, that is, he was afraid of the hand that turned into a monster, otherwise he wouldn't open his mouth and would just silence it.

   "That's not right, isn't the Great Sage Wanfang already dead? If he was the one who killed the family back then, he wouldn't have taken the body of Patriarch Situ now." Sima Yi asked with some doubts.

  Sima Zong glanced at Sima Yi, he naturally knew that this was his descendant.

   "I think the Great Sage Wanfang won't answer your doubts. This is the great sage's secret." Chen Xiyi's eyes fell on the opponent's divine aperture.

   Sima Zong agreed with Chen Xiyi's words. He is not a fool, and he will trick everything out.

   "This matter has been revealed, you and I will go our separate ways, and the rest of the contents will be left to you." Sima Zong's tone was unclear.

  For a while, he couldn't grasp what was going on with Chen Xiyi.

  If you say strong, you are just a two-orifice spiritual master, but if you say weak, that strange hand is not easy to mess with. My strength has not yet returned to its full strength, and I can't suppress that hand.

   Otherwise, why bother to pretend to be a snake, just silence it.

   "Exposed? Your idea is too beautiful. Children only make choices, and adults want everything." Chen Xiyi waved his hand, and his hand rushed towards it.

  Seeing this, Sima Zong's expression also changed. The speed of this hand was so fast that he couldn't even react, and was immediately hit by the hand.

   "Well, children will want them all, adults know they can't bear it." Sima Yi reminded him very kindly.

  Chen Xiyi turned his head and glanced at Sima Yi's waist: "Restraint, don't wet your shoes after two days with the wind, then don't ask me for Liuwei Dihuang Wan."

   "Cough, what is the flavor of Liuwei Dihuang Pills? If you don't mind, I'll keep those bottles first."

  Sima Yi hadn't answered yet, and it was Situ Ziyan who answered.


   "Can we be more serious? You beat your ancestors. It's not appropriate for you to ask me for Liuwei Dihuang Wan at this time." Chen Xiyi said a little speechlessly.

   This really means that the two of them can get along. The body belongs to the Situ family, and the soul belongs to the Sima family. The two families are really as close as one.

   It's just that he was beaten a bit badly by his hands, and it looks like it's swollen all over.

   At this time, his "Biography of the Great Sage" also seemed to have changed due to the direction of the plot.

  The timing of the change was probably when Sima Zong was pressed on the ground and beaten.

  Chen Xiyi also presumably guessed the plot. According to the situation of the Erqiao Spirit Master, it is impossible to do this kind of thing, so there is the plot trend of "The Legend of the Great Sage".

   But the problem is that Chen Xiyi has never taken an unusual path, so this "Biography of the Great Sage" keeps changing the plot again and again.

  This caused all the plots in this section to be overthrown and restarted.

  'Hey, this wave is really difficult for the great sage to pass on. '

   Asking a normal golden finger to predict an indescribable action is no longer an embarrassment, but a simple embarrassment.

   "Who the **** are you?" Sima Zong, who was pressed to the ground with his hand, was filled with disbelief.

Could it be that he is a descendant of the Great Sage of the Nine Earths, otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress him so easily. He is also a Great Sage of the First Earth, even if he only has the strength of the seven orifices due to recovery, it is not something that ordinary people can win. The Eight-Aperture Spirit Immortal is still similar to killing a chicken.

   "This identity is a bit too much, so I won't argue with you, I think you are pretty good." Chen Xiyi didn't have the mind to argue, so he took out the alloy gun and pointed it at Sima Zong.

   Then it suddenly occurred to him that this person seemed to be from the elders of Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi, so he asked, "I'm going to kill him, what do you think?"

   "Thoughts? One thing, shouldn't you torture some secrets under normal circumstances?" Sima Yi said.

   "No, this is the Great Sage of Wanfang, what can he say?" Situ Ziyan said with uncertainty.

Well, these two are more filial than the other, but it's normal when you think about it. Although Sima Zong is said to be the ancestor of Sima Yi, but this one who destroyed his own family and also abolished Sima Yi's god, this can make Sima Yi No matter what feelings you have, if you don't kill the other party, you can be regarded as magnanimous.

  As for Situ Ziyan, don't make trouble, this is the great sage of Wanfang, not her own ancestor, if she really wants to let go, the first one to suffer is their Situ family.

   "I definitely can't say it, so I will send him on the road first."

   After getting everyone's unanimous suggestion, Chen Xiyi disconnected the gun and sent the opponent on the road.

   Fat Chicken is not considered a human being, so it doesn’t count towards the recommendations even if it gurgles.

  【You used the alloy musket to cause 51% damage to Sima Zong, the spirit master, and you killed Sima Zong, the spirit master】

  【You collected the corpse of Sima Zong, the spirit master, and obtained: the blood of the gods and the human bones.】

  Chen Xiyi saw a drop of golden blood in the opponent's orifice, which was also of the same nature as "The Legend of the Great Sage" and the Tree of All Souls.

  【Blood of God and Man】

  【Ability: Child Reincarnation】

  Looking at this weird ability, Chen Xiyi felt a little dissatisfied.

   It's not that this ability is too weak, but it is very powerful, and can be reborn on a certain heir after death.

   This is just one of the functions, and it can also continuously accumulate the talents of the offspring, so as to accumulate a large amount of talents and become a terrifying existence.

   But this thing has a fatal flaw, that is, the lifespan will not change. It does not mean that every breakthrough will superimpose the lifespan.

  If it is said that he has a lifespan of one thousand years, no matter how many times he reincarnates, the total lifespan will not exceed one thousand years. Unless he breaks through to a higher level, his lifespan will be increased.

   Sima Zong didn't know about this at first, but he almost killed himself in the end.

  People in the Sima family thought that the great sage of Wanfang was following the Dao of Tai, but in fact he was not, but the Dao of blood created by him from Dao of Tai and Dao of Shou, which is characterized by complementing the blood of the gods and men.

  One more thing, Sima Zong is actually not only the Sima family in Lidu City, but also has a lot of blood in other areas.

   There are at least nearly a million people in all kinds of places, some are poor and some are wealthy.

  Even Situ's family has a trace of his blood, but it's superficial to the limit. After all, Situ and Sima have married many times.

  So this ancestor of the Situ family also has a trace of blood in his body.

   These things are naturally obtained from Sima Zong's memory, and Chen Xiyi is still very skilled in soul searching.

  So this is not a wave of soul searching for him before he died.

   The ability of the blood of the gods, he would have recognized Chen Xiyi as a normal person, but the problem is that he has not had much to do with people from the beginning, and the blood of the gods was just a decoration for him.

Sima Zong went from an ordinary person with poor qualifications to become the Great Sage of Wanfang with his blood and the blood of the gods. He also died because of treasure hunting.

  Naturally, many members of the Sima family have been seized during the period. For example, every ancestor of the Sima family who entered this sacred place of all directions is Sima Zong who has been reincarnated into it.

   This is not because he entered the Holy Land of Wanfang and was taken away, but because he was taken away to enter the Holy Land of Wanfang. Sima Yi was simply an accident.

   There is a large amount of merits stored in this sacred place of ten thousand squares, which is used to restore Sima Zong. In the past, not only the merits were collected, but also some were stored, but due to limitations, it was difficult to make ends meet.

  And the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Fangs is not in Lidu City, but follows Sima Zong. Wherever Sima Zong is, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Fangs is there.

As for why he wanted to destroy the Sima family in the first place, it was naturally to prolong his own life. This is also the ability of his bloodline to increase his lifespan with the bloodline of his descendants. Sima Yi was just an accident. The tree of all spirits in his body There were some reactions with the blood of the gods and humans, which caused Sima Zong's blood of the gods and humans to undergo a transformation, such as removing the blood concentration limit when reincarnating.

   And this process has lasted for more than twenty years, so it has just awakened.

   Not killing Sima Yi is naturally for another harvest, but he didn't expect such a huge change in this matter.

  As for the qualification token of Wanfang Holy Land, it was right that he left it to Baishi Lingxian back then. This Baishi Lingxian is also his heir, but it was left outside, so he sent it over by this hand.

  His original goal of seizing the house was the Baishi Lingxian. After all, the Baishi Lingxian was a Qiqiao spirit fairy, and he was still a very young Qiqiao spirit fairy.

In the end, we can only take care of the ancestor of the Situ family. The aptitude of the ancestor of the Situ family is also high. The offspring continue their lives, and then look for offspring with better qualifications to take the body and reincarnate.

  ‘According to this logic, could Xiao Qian also be the heir of the Great Sage Wanfang? ’ Chen Xiyi couldn't help but think of this matter a little bit.

  (end of this chapter)

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