This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 402: responsibility? I don't have it anymore

  Chapter 402 Liability? I don't have it anymore

   "There are a lot of things, what do you want?" After searching for a while, Chen Xiyi found the Chicken Crowing Zhige Ling, and stuffed it into his bosom. The other things were useless.

  Sima Zong originally waited to be killed and reincarnated with the blood of the **** and man, but he did not expect that Chen Xiyi's homeland game was relatively buggy, so he was wiped out directly, and even the blood of the **** and man was collected.

   "They are all spirits of understanding, they can only help us in a limited way, let's collect them back first." After Sima Yi looked around, he found that they were useless.

   Bloodline Dao is a variant of Body Dao combined with Shou Dao.

  Although they are named after blood vessels, most of them enhance certain special abilities of the human body.

  For example, more sprayed out, faster recovery, etc., in order to have only one and have enough offspring.

  Of course, this is only part of it, and it still has a lot of combat power, otherwise, wouldn't it be that it has no ability to protect the way.

  It's a pity that this bloodline can only be used by Sima Zong alone. Others who don't have the blood of gods can only be used as stallions. The limitations are quite large.

Moreover, because the blood of the gods and men plundered the tree of all spirits, even if it had no roots, it also obtained a lot of things, such as the illustrated book of some spirits, and so on. Perfected the way of blood, but it was a pity that it was cold before it could be implemented.

  So Chen Xiyi guessed that this Sima Zong might be a member of the mysterious organization in the future era of black mist, but at present, if no one joins, it will be gone.

   That is to say, the future has actually changed.

  Thinking about this matter is a bit grassy. The reason why the grandmother paradox did not take effect is probably because of the home game.

"Collect it, just collect it, but have you ever thought about what to do next? The ancestor of the Situ family died. This is the collapse of the Dinghaishen needle. It will be difficult for Lidu City and the Situ family in the future. Such a great benefit." Chen Xiyi said after seeing Situ Ziyan collecting the spirits of the Wanfang Holy Land.

  The power of Liducheng and the Situ family comes from strength, and there are spirits with seven apertures sitting in the town, so they can have today's prosperity, otherwise they will be swallowed up by other forces if they don't match their virtue.

  Six Orifices Spirit Immortal There are only three in the entire Situ family. There were originally four, but one was folded at the ruins of Yinfeng Immortal before, so there are only three left.

  Three Six-Aperture Spirit Immortals are placed in Guangfang Town and Ciyue City. They are definitely at the level of power, but if they are in Lidu City, they will be beyond their capabilities.

   "These are not what we should consider, but what those high-level people in the family should consider. After all, compared with our interests, their losses are greater." Situ Ziyan said that she is not in her position.

  She and Sima Yi don't actually have any real power in their hands, so the loss is not big.

   The real loss is the entire Situ family, not to mention that they can't interfere with the Situ family. Even if they want to help, it depends on whether those people in the family are willing to delegate power.

It's good that Situ Ziyan is the eldest daughter of the direct line, but the problem is that she is a daughter, and Sima Yi has a foreign surname. It is already very good to be able to receive resources. Don't worry about rights and so on. It must not be the turn of the couple. At most, it is to arrange a store, restaurant or the like and let them take care of it themselves.

   After all, Situ Ziyan is not the only eldest grandson of the Situ family, she has many younger brothers and sisters.

  As a daughter, there is basically no way to inherit the Situ family.

  So she actually doesn't care much, and even if she cares, she can't help it. Many things cannot be changed by people's will.

   "Tsk, you are really ruthless. There are no eggs under a nest. If the Situ family collapses, you will have a hard time." Chen Xiyi was amazed, he really didn't expect Situ Ziyan to say that.

After listening to Situ Ziyan, she smiled: "Isn't there still you? Those big guys in your network don't even look up to a holy place. We are brothers who worship you. If we go down and go to you, you can't take care of us." Follow us."

   "It's not good, although we are real relatives, it's not appropriate to just go empty-handed like this." Sima Yi kindly reminded.

  Of course Chen Xiyi understood what Sima Yi meant, which was to take advantage of the time when the Situ family's ship was about to break down to search for resources and run away instead of dying with the Situ family.

"Aren't you a little too filial? You wanted to run away before the ship collapsed?" Chen Xiyi was a little speechless. The couple didn't have the slightest attachment to Situ's family or even the entire Lidu city. Use it as a springboard.

"It seems that Xi Yi's situation is different from ours. For us, the Situ family has more obligations and rights. Even as the young lady of the Situ family, I have to fulfill my obligations and realize my value. For example, the previous Merchant, otherwise I might be married off because of this."

   "It was because I showed value that I was able to obtain resources and marry Xiaoyi. Otherwise, neither my father nor the ancestors would care about the marriage contract of the Sima family that has been exterminated."

"Xiaoyi can survive, on the one hand, he received the inheritance of the Sima family back then, so he needs such a signboard, otherwise, you think Xiaoyi can survive until now, and even the name Sima Yi means to warn him that he is just a family extermination Legacy."

  Listening to Situ Ziyan's words, Chen Xiyi understood something, probably because family affection was indifferent and interests came first.

  Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no family affection, it's just that family affection cannot reach them.

  Situ Ziyan's qualifications can only be considered average, so many benefits are not something she can enjoy at all, but fortunately, she has everything she should have, but there are no additional resources.

   If you want to talk about it, it is definitely not finished. At most, you can help out within your ability, and you can't really take your life to fill it.

   "However, your father seems to be nice to you, but he spent a lot of resources to treat your injuries. Your ancestor is really cheating." Chen Xiyi said.

   "Well, it's okay." Situ Ziyan said in a neutral tone.

  Obviously, there is an inside story here, otherwise it would not be this performance, so Chen Xiyi did not continue to ask further questions.

  Situ Ziyan has almost cleaned up here, and then said: "It seems that there is nothing left, we should go."

   "No problem, but this thing is always a scourge. You should stop it. If you don't want it, I will blow it up." Chen Xiyi looked at this holy place, and this thing has the same effect as the secret cave.

  If this blows up, maybe some home space can be added, but it must not be much.

   "Exploded? Are you disgusted that this thing can take up space?" Situ Ziyan asked with some doubts. Besides, this thing will run away later, so how can it take up space?

   "How is it possible, I just feel itchy." Chen Xiyi said righteously.

   "Cough, all right, you blow it up, we don't need it anyway." Situ Ziyan naturally didn't care.

  For them, the greatest value of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Fangs is these spirits. As for comprehending this holy land and becoming a great saint, this is simply unreliable.

   If you want to say that they are Jiuqiaolingxian, that's fine.

   But the problem is that the three of them don't have nine orifices together, so there is a ghost.

  Sima Yi has one opening, Chen Xiyi has two openings, and Situ Ziyan has three openings. All together, there are only six openings.

And Chen Xiyi wants to let the divine orifice generate the holy land in advance, so there is no need, the data collection is over, and he still has the memory of Sima Zong, the great sage of Wanfang, so it is a waste to put this holy land here, it is better to blow it up and change it actual benefit.

  This holy place is only opened once a year, and it can't be used as a personal storage. The restrictions are too great.

   "How do you want to blow it up?" Sima Yi asked.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Xiyi took out a bunch of three-enchanted TNT from his bosom.

   "That's how it exploded." With that said, Chen Xiyi handed the TNT to the hands scurrying around.

  He is a mere two-orifice spirit master, and he definitely can't do it, so let his hands go. His hands are of an indescribable level, so there is no problem.

  Hand disappeared as soon as he took the TNT. When Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi were wondering, the hand came back, and then plunged into Chen Xiyi's arms and disappeared.


  Hearing Chen Xiyi's words, Sima Yi resolutely opened the exit of the Holy Land with his own blood, and ran away with the two of them.

   Later, the entire holy land began to be engulfed by countless flames.


  【You collect】

  The power of the explosion swept across the entire city of Lidu, and the holy land was also turned into powder in the flames, which was collected by Chen Xiyi.

   "Fuck, what kind of thing did you use, why is it so powerful?" Situ Ziyan got up from the ground, and asked a little silly.

  Sima Yi was thrown aside, rolled several times, and was a little confused by the blow.

   And Fat Chicken was even more unlucky. He didn't know where he was blown away, and he didn't come back after a long time.

  The entire city of Lidu was also shattered by the aftermath, and even half of it was directly collapsed.

   "Hiss~ who made this thing, I remember it didn't have this power." Chen Xiyi gasped, he didn't even think that TNT had such power.

   Of course he didn't make this TNT himself, it was made by the goblin for him. As for which goblin it was, he didn't pay attention, but the power is really outrageous, at least a hundred times the original one.

   "Gah, what should we do next? I can understand you bombing the Holy Land, but it's a bit outrageous for me to wipe out half of Lidu City in the aftermath." Situ Ziyan said after sweeping the dirt off Sima Yi's body.

   "Zi Yan, be civilized, you are a lady, we can say these things at home, but your appearance will affect your image when you come out." Hearing this, Sima Yi felt that his image outside was better.

   "What should I do? Of course, what can I do if it's cold salad." Chen Xiyi spread his hands and expressed what he could do.

   "It's really not possible, let's run away." Sima Yi gave a very good suggestion.

  Situ Ziyan pondered for a while, then nodded: "Good idea, it just so happens that the ancestor is cold, and with this incident in Liducheng, there is absolutely no energy in the family to distract us."

   "I said, elopement is not suitable for you. They have no names and no distinctions. You are married to a clear medium. I remember that your previous personality, Brother Sima, would never say such irresponsible words." Chen Xiyi complained.

  Sima Yi looked like you were teasing me: "The responsibility is not in my hands, it has nothing to do with the Situ family."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Sima Yi holding Situ Ziyan's hand, and was at a loss for words for a while, but they gave him a mouthful of dog food, which was too much.

   "If you run away, you run away. You husband and wife are really like husbands and wives, but it's just Situ's family." Before Chen Xiyi could finish speaking, Situ Ziyan interrupted him.

   "Don't worry, I have searched before I go. Although it won't hurt the Situ family, it will hurt for a while. Run quickly. I have prepared horses in the east of the city."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiyi became even more frightened. You and your wife have long wanted to run away together? ? ?

  (end of this chapter)

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