This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 403: Qunyue Xianhua

  Chapter 403 Qunyue Xianhua

   "It's finally here, we've traveled a lot along the way." Sima Yi said with a sigh of relief.

  Chen Xiyi looked at this city named Qunyue City, with a painful mask on his face.

  His spiritual sense can clearly feel that there is some kind of creature sealed under this city, and if he really wants to break through the seal, his strength will probably be around that of the Great Sage of the Nine Earths.

   Another meaning is that a certain existence that destroys the world is sealed under it.

   "Xiyi, are you okay?" Situ Ziyan also noticed the problem with Chen Xiyi's face, so she asked.

  Chen Xiyi held back for a while, before opening his mouth: "The feng shui of this place is good, but if an earth dragon turns over, it will die. How do you want to live here?"

   This place was chosen by Situ Ziyan, which is very far from Lidu City.

"I passed by here with a caravan a few years ago. This place is under the rule of Xianhuazong. It is much better than the cities outside. I took this opportunity and bought a mansion secretly." Situ Ziyan explained, and then realized: "Is there a problem here?"

   "Yes, there is a spirit beast that is comparable to the great sage of the Nine Earths. It is very terrifying. It should be impossible to kill in this situation, so it is sealed below."

   "To be honest, if you hadn't brought me here, I would have thought you were here looking for death."

  Chen Xiyi said very straightforwardly.

  Hearing this, Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan's faces turned green.

  They can't imagine what kind of existence the Great Sage of the Nine Earths is like, and they can't even know what the Nine-Aperture Spirit Immortal is like.

   With such a dangerous thing under their residence, who can rest assured.

   "Why don't we keep running?" Sima Yi thought, although escaping is shameful, it is useful.

  Anyway, my wife is in my hands. Living wherever I go is not a life. Why should I be limited to one place, just a mansion, which is not too expensive.

   "Good idea, let's turn around immediately." Situ Ziyan agreed.

"Don't run away, it's here. This thing is really going to break out. We will be affected everywhere. It's better to live closer. If we are really unlucky and encounter this, I can make a timely report. Kill that thing with your hands." Chen Xiyi said helplessly.

He already knew about the spirit beast that was comparable to the great sage of the Nine Earths, and his consciousness was enough to cover the entire world of spirit masters. After being left behind by him, he did not expect to come by chance.

Of course, after he came here, "Biography of the Great Sage" crashed again, and the plot was stuck on getting the **** crowing Zhigeling. As for the subsequent interception, it must be nothing. How to intercept and kill.

  Anyway, he has not recovered after arriving in these moon cities. Chen Xiyi probably needs a lot of time to bring this thing back to his senses.

   It was the first time he encountered such a hip-pull thing, and it actually made a bug.

   "Can you do it with your hands?" Situ Ziyan couldn't help asking curiously, she and Sima Yi naturally knew that Chen Xiyi's shot was not his shot, but his hand.

  Chen Xiyi nodded: "It's okay, if one doesn't work, I'll make up another one. I don't have much else, I just have more hands."

   "It's good to have more hands, then let's go to the city." Situ Ziyan said.

In fact, Situ Ziyan doesn't really want to leave this group of moon cities, the reason is very simple, the suzerain of the Xianhua sect in this group of moon cities is a Jiuqiao Lingxian, and it can be called the most powerful city around, but This Immortal Huazong's acceptance of disciples is also rather strange, it only accepts women, and they still want beautiful women.

   This situation can be regarded as the only papa of the scorpion.

  Of course, this is thanks to the fact that the suzerain of Xianhuazong is Jiuqiao Lingxian, who has enough strength to suppress these things.

The number of Great Sages above is actually not that many, maybe a dozen or so at most, and it is much less when they are distributed in the entire world of spirit masters. Even many people don't know that there is a Great Sage above Lingxian. Realm, most spirit masters only know that the nine orifices are the limit.

   And there are more Jiuqiao Lingxians, with hundreds of people, and the division of power, they are all giants.

   That is, the Xianhuazong is a bit special, resulting in a slightly weaker power, but it is not something that some cats and dogs can covet.

  In this extraordinary world of individual great power, the size of the power is not determined by the bottom or middle level, but by the strength of the highest level.

  So even though the territory of Xianhuazong only has Qunyue City, it is still one of the top forces.

  Entering the city, Chen Xiyi found that this was completely visible to the naked eye. There were more women than men in the city.

  Many people glanced at Sima Yi, as if they had taken a fancy to him.

  As for Chen Xiyi, there are also, but they are just swept away and placed on Sima Yi.

  Chen Xiyi is relatively introverted, with an ordinary appearance. If he doesn't take the initiative, he is actually the best of the road, unlike Sima Yi. Although he is not handsome, he also has a unique temperament of a son.

   "Tsk, brother Sima, you have to go out less recently, don't be caught by someone one day, it will be a big deal." Chen Xiyi said jokingly.

   Regarding this, Sima Yi was also a little bit numb, after all, it is very bad to be looked at by others.

   But fortunately, nothing **** happened, and soon came to the mansion Situ Ziyan bought.

  She had asked someone to come over regularly to clean it before, so it was still clean. When she opened the door, some dust fell, and it should be half a month since she didn't come to clean it.

   "I spent some money to get someone to clean it once a month. It seems quite unfortunate that we have to clean it ourselves." Situ Ziyan looked at the dust and said helplessly.

  Chen Xiyi was silent for a while and then said: "Why don't you let the fat chicken come?"

   "Goo!" The fat chicken following behind was a little shocked, it didn't even have hands, how could it clean.

   "Fat chicken? Can it do it? Besides eating it, it can't be cleaned." Sima Yi also looked at the fat chicken in shock.

"That's not true, but it has wings. Let's open the doors and windows, let it flap its wings to drive the airflow, and then float all the dust outside the house with the help of the airflow. In this way, we can save cleaning. .”

   "Anyway, the main problem is the dust, and as long as the fat chicken is strong enough, let alone dust, some sundries can be taken out together."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi said confidently.

   But the fat chicken has a crazy expression on your face, can it have that ability?

   It’s fine if you let it fight monsters and enemies, but let it clean the room, you’re making it difficult.

"Well, I think, let's clean it ourselves. The fat chicken may be very useful, but the problem is that it doesn't do anything lightly or hard. What if it blows up the house." The upper and lower accents of the words mean that you have the nerve to say this?

  The fighting power of the fat chicken is unquestionable, but letting the fat chicken do housework is no longer a matter of overkill, but simply a disease of the brain.

   "That's really a pity. I originally wanted to cultivate the fat chicken's housework ability, lest you become a useless chicken in the future." Chen Xiyi said earnestly.

The fat chicken ran away, anyway, according to what Chen Xiyi said, it doesn't flutter its wings to drive airflow to clean up. This ability is not a ghost owl at all. No, it should be said that it is not all birds with wings, Birds can do it.

  Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan started to do it, while Chen Xiyi looked like he was fishing and cleaned up. Anyway, he was fishing with the thinking that chatting is fine, but work is unnecessary.

   Fortunately, they are all spirit masters, so there is no need to think too much about the speed. In about half an hour, the huge mansion is almost cleaned up.

   "Go to the dental shop in the afternoon to buy some servants, buy some furniture, and find some business to earn money in two days. It's all done." Situ Ziyan looked at the mansion and couldn't help but said.

   "How many spirit coins did you bring out?" Chen Xiyi asked.

   In this group of Moon City, it is relatively easy to earn spirit coins, especially since they are all spirit masters.

"About 10,000, although it's not much, but we have a lot of resources. If we sell it or use it for ourselves, it will be enough for three to five years, but we can't just sit and eat." Sima Yi said after a simple calculation .

  Chen Xiyi looked disgusted, but he had taken stock of the spiritual coins he had obtained from cheating, and there were always more than 300,000.

   "Hey, can we stop showing that disgusted expression?" Situ Ziyan was a little irritable. She had tolerated Chen Xiyi's fishing before, but now she can't bear it.

   "Okay, as long as you are happy, I plan to open a shop dedicated to fortune-telling and divination for people." Chen Xiyi thought for a while, and planned to start his own business.

   "Brother Chen, your two spirits are Bu Daoling?" Sima Yi was a little surprised.

   "No, it's just fooling. With my ability, the success rate of fooling is as high as 100%." ​​Chen Xiyi is still very confident in his ability to fool.

   Not for anything else, just because he has made a lot of progress in the analysis of "The Biography of the Great Sage", so he just tested it while fooling around.

   "Hiss~ Can we be normal? This is not Liducheng where you can do whatever you want. If you don't calculate correctly, you might have your legs broken." Situ Ziyan felt that this was really unreliable.

Regarding this, Chen Xiyi smiled confidently: "Oh, you don't know, I, Taishi Bai, have a reputation for being unstoppable. I think back then. Forget it. Heroes don't mention bravery back then. Besides, if there is a real fight, whoever interrupts who The legs are not necessarily."

  He will say that whoever has the **** disaster will have the **** disaster, but if the calculation is not accurate, he will come to the door and deliver a **** disaster in person.

   As for the other hexagrams, forget it, he is not sure.

  Of course, it is impossible for Chen Xiyi to rely on a **** disaster to dawdle. He also has a blackened Yintang, which can be used in turn.

"Don't mess around, this is the territory of the Nine-Aperture Spirit Immortal. If you act in a hurry and destroy Qunyue City, then the three of us will become famous." Situ Ziyan was a little tired, she I didn't expect to really take care of things by myself. The first trouble I encountered was that Chen Xiyi wanted to make trouble.

"Brother, is Ziyan on her period recently? Why is she so irritable? She looks like she's about to swallow me alive. She just wants to open a shop to fool people. It's not like I haven't done it before. I'm very experienced in this matter." " Chen Xiyi said solemnly.

  When Situ Ziyan heard this, the veins on her forehead burst out.

   "I only subsidize you one hundred spirit coins, and you can handle the rest yourself. If you lose money, come back and be honest with the house." Situ Ziyan took out a denomination of one hundred spirit coins and said.

  Since it is a family, Chen Xiyi cannot be said to pay the expenses, of course it has to go to the public account.

  Chen Xiyi took the spirit coin with a smile on his face: "Look, I will turn this hundred spirit coins into 300,000 spirit coins."

"I'm just waiting for you to slap me in the face. I hope that the 300,000 spirit coins are not compensation for someone breaking your leg." Situ Ziyan still felt that Chen Xiyi's deception skills might not be enough to control fools in big cities, But I still support Chen Xiyi, if it's a big deal, I'll run away again.

  (end of this chapter)

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