This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 406: Holy Son, Giant of Light·Golden Crow

  Chapter 406 Holy Son, Giant of Light·Golden Crow

"Teacher, I didn't expect you to be able to convince my mother, so what should we learn now? Are you fooling me?" Wu Ke was obviously a little excited. He didn't expect that he would be free so easily. That's right, in his eyes Li is free if he can leave the mansion.

  Although it is said that this is in the corner of his house, it still counts.

  Chen Xiyi did not speak, but pointed to the sky and said, "What did you see?"

  Wu Ke didn't expect Chen Xiyi to say this, but he followed Chen Xiyi's hand and looked at the sky honestly: "The sun and the clouds."

   "The clouds are different every day, but the sun exists forever. What do you understand?" Chen Xiyi asked.

   This caused Wu Ke to be silent for a while, and then said: "The sun is bound in the sky just like me."

  ". "Chen Xiyi felt that he was not very good at filling this wave of chicken soup, and the other party didn't seem to drink it at all. In this situation, his subsequent big cakes were not easy to draw.

Fortunately, Chen Xiyi reacted quickly, and immediately circled over: "You are right, the whole world is the same, you can't break away from the fence, but if you are the sun, then you can see more, not just the little one in front of you." Smaller."

   "So, I want you to be the sun, the sun in everyone's eyes."

  Hearing this, Wu Ke seemed to be moved. He didn't expect Chen Xiyi to say that, but he also felt yearning in his heart.

   "Can I really become the sun?" Wu Ke was a little nervous.

  Chen Xiyi knew that this was a good opportunity: "I can't do it now, but I will let you do it. You will be the sun that dispels the black mist and shines on the whole world."

  Don’t worry about other things, let’s fool people.

  In the process of flickering, he continuously collected various functional data on his body, and began to reverse his physiological structure.

   It has to be said that in this regard, the genetic replication of the information state provided by the blood of the gods and men for Chen Xiyi is very useful. If it goes further, he may be able to spiritualize it.

  That's right, it is to transform people into spirits, probably a new species.

  'Fuck, the future era of black mist or the extinction of spirit masters will not be made by me, right? '

Chen Xiyi, who was fooling Wu Ke, couldn't help being stunned. If he really wanted to study it thoroughly, he would directly turn the entire world of spirit masters into a huge world of information flow. Hotbed, any carelessness can cause the information flow of the whole world to explode, and then produce a situation like the end of the world.

   "Teacher, teacher, what's wrong with you?" Wu Ke noticed that Chen Xiyi had stopped, so he couldn't help reminding him.

   "It's nothing, I just thought of some trivial things." Chen Xiyi quickly put this matter behind him, maybe we'll talk about it later, he thinks this possibility is not great.

   "Your mother should have told you that you were born with no orifices, so you can't become a spirit master."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Wu Ke and said.

  Wu Ke was also a little uneasy at this time, as if his secret had been discovered: "Yes, yes, I don't have a supernatural power."

   "So, a spirit master is not suitable for you. You should pursue the light. Have you heard of the giant of light and the shining stone statue of the Sun Sacred Church?"

  "They found the sacredness in their hearts, and used the selfishness and darkness in their hearts as weapons to fill their bodies with light. Even if they don't need divine apertures, the giants of light are the most dazzling existence."

  "Even after death, it will turn into a shining stone statue, chasing the sun and shining on everything."

   "This is the path you should take, not a spirit master."

  Chen Xiyi impassionedly fooled Wu Ke. It had to be said that Wu Ke really couldn't stand a little fooling. Anyway, he believed it. This made Chen Xiyi suspect that his ability in fooling had improved again.

"Then how should I become a giant of light? Do I need to find the Holy Cult of the Sun? But my mother won't let me leave this mansion too far." Although Wu Ke was excited, he also maintained his rationality. He remembered that he could not be too far away from the mansion .

"No, let me introduce you solemnly. I am the prophet of the Sun Sacred Cult. From now on, you will be the Holy Son of the Sun Sacred Cult. When you grow older, I will pass on the Sun Sacred Cult to you." Chen Xiyi patted Wu Ke shoulder, said seriously.

   "." In this situation, even Wu Ke, who is ignorant of the world, can hear something is wrong, after all, this is too naked.

   "Teacher, I think you're fooling me. Forget it. I just learned how to fool me from you. The Holy Son is the Holy Son." After Wu Ke calmed down, he didn't care.

  He has little experience in life, not a low IQ.

   "Are you doubting whether my Sun Sacred Church can succeed? Let me tell you. What a ghost, let's just come here." Chen Xiyi felt that there was a limit to fooling around, and he had to come up with convincing results.

  Chen Xiyi took out an injection from his arms, and what was sealed inside was not a liquid, but a touch of brilliance.

   Shines like the sun.

  Wu Ke stretched out his hand and touched it, only to feel a warmth flowing out, making him feel like some kind of shackles in his body were broken.

   "Giant of Light, Golden Crow, this is its name, and it is also the treasure of my Sun Sacred Cult."

  Chen Xiyi opened his mouth and explained to Wu Ke.

  At this moment, Wu Ke has completely believed in the Sun Sacred Religion that Chen Xiyi said.

   "Golden Crow?"

  In a trance, he saw a three-legged bird flying above the sky, with brilliance as its body and flames as its feathers, exuding a sacredness that made it impossible to look directly at it.

   "So, I can't become a spirit master, but can I become a giant of light instead?" Wu Ke couldn't believe it.

"You have to believe in yourself. I can choose you because you have this potential. Under my training, you will become the most powerful giant of light, but at the same time, you will also shoulder the responsibility of the Sun Sacred Church. Heavy duty." Chen Xiyi continued to fool around.

   The Sun Sacred Cult does not have one now, but it can’t hold back that he has a backup. It will be fine to create a few giants of light for him when the time comes. This is not difficult.

  He has started to restart research on black mist and stone statues, and even on the living dead.

  Chen Xiyi suspected that the black mist was related to the stone statue and the information state. He didn't have the corresponding data before, so he was at a loss, but now it's different, he has enough data.

  As for Wu Ke, of course he was just fooling him.

  The so-called giant of light, Golden Crow, is nothing more than Chen Xiyi mixing a large number of light- and fire-attributed spirits to form informational hybrids, plus the black mist and stone statues.

   What Chen Xiyi has to do is to let the giant of light, the Golden Crow, and Wu Ke coexist, and further accelerate the recovery of the blood in his body.

   To put it another way, this new version of the giant of light is more like a mutated magician and voodoo.

Wu Ke's father is a mutated spirit beast, because it coexists with a large number of light- and fire-attributed spirits, and now it is a humanoid form formed by magma and a large number of substantial streamer tentacles, so it is called evil light Balrog, as for what it was originally, it has long been impossible to study.

  So Wu Ke is more inclined to the light attribute and fire attribute in terms of spirit.

  As for how Wu Ruodie and Xieguang Yanmo got involved, Chen Xiyi didn't know anymore, and how Wu Ke was born, Chen Xiyi didn't know even more. He wasn't a big boss, so how could he know everything.

  Chen Xiyi released the giant of light, the Golden Crow. This man-made man-made soul with two attributes of light and fire instinctively sensed the special physique of Wu Ke's body. After flying around for a while, it merged into Wu Ke's body.

  ‘Symbiosis, achieve. '

  The symbiosis of the giant of light and the Golden Crow is not like the symbiosis of ordinary spirits, but a direct fusion, and finally becomes an organ in the body, which is equivalent to a transplant.

   "It's warm in my body, I seem to be able to control light and fire?" Wu Ke felt that his heart was like a sun, shining on his whole body.

  Rubbing lightly with the hands, a ray of brilliance splashed out with fire.

   "You succeeded. From today onwards, you are the Holy Son of the Sun Sacred Cult. This is the supreme scripture "Eternal Light". It is good practice until you can transform into a giant of light."

   "Even if it is successful?" Wu Ke asked curiously

"Even if you have just started, transformation is only the most basic, and there are more powerful abilities, such as one hundred thousand trillion fireballs, ray of light, giant fighting skills, etc., which you need to learn. It's just a holy son, if you want to become the leader, you must at least have the strength of a great saint."

   "When you become the Great Sage of the Golden Crow, you will be the leader of the Sun Sect."

   "Now, praise the sun with me." Chen Xiyi said.

  Wu Ke looked at the sun in the sky, and he found that there was a steady stream of power gushing out of his body, which nourished his body, just like the sun, and then said in a low voice: "Praise the sun!"

  Although the voice was not loud, it was full of piety.

"Okay, I'm done with the compliments, go home and recite all of this stuff for me. I'll come over tomorrow for a spot check, and if you make a mistake, I'll pick it up. Although you haven't fully grasped the power of the Giant of Light, the Golden Crow, I'll guarantee you a good meal." It can be alive and well in an hour, and at most it hurts a little."

Chen Xiyi casually stuffed the so-called "Eternal Light" into Wu Ke's hands. This thing was made up by him in the morning, and the name was just named. Excavation of Giant Golden Crow.

   "This is not good, teacher, I can't memorize it in one day." Looking at the thick book, which was almost as thick as a brick, Wu Ke felt like crying, let alone a day, maybe a month.

For this, Chen Xiyi had been prepared for a long time, and said with a warm face: "It's okay, let's memorize it slowly. If you can't memorize it, at most you will be slapped. If you can't memorize it in a month, I will slap you for a month. I will smoke you for a year, until when you can memorize it fluently, then we will start the next stage of the training of the Holy Son."

   "Teacher, is it really okay for you to say such terrible words with such a kind face?" Wu Ke didn't expect that he was still sensational just now, and it would be too realistic for him to endorse this style of painting.

"As the saying goes, if you don't cut a jade, you can't make a tool. If you don't learn, you don't know. As your teacher, if you don't learn, I will find a way to let you learn. Don't think about learning happily. You have been happy for so many years. , I haven’t seen you learn it well, so I can only use my method.”

  Chen Xiyi said that you have been happy for sixty or seventy years and still look like this. How can you grow without some pressure?

  Wu Ke is not stupid, feeling the warmth in his body, then gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, teacher, if the student has any shortcomings, I hope the teacher will not hesitate to enlighten me."

  He wanted to see a bigger sky and a more beautiful scenery, and he didn't want to stay in this mansion for the rest of his life.

  Now, Chen Xiyi has given him this opportunity, no matter how hard and tiring he is, he has to grasp this opportunity in his hands.

  As long as he becomes a great saint, then everything may be worth it.

   "Children can be taught." Chen Xiyi is still very satisfied with Wu Ke's attitude. He may not be able to teach others, but it is still no problem to tease others.

  (end of this chapter)

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