This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 407: Black mist and aura, the environment of the spirit master civilization

  Chapter 407 Black mist and aura, the environment of the spiritual master civilization

   "I think, it seems that my painting style is becoming more and more deviant." Chen Xiyi suddenly discovered this matter.

  Especially after cracks and garbled characters appeared on the panel of the Homeworld game, Chen Xiyi always felt that something was wrong.

   Another example is the recent in-depth study of the information state of the spirit, and after being connected to the divine orifice, his spirituality has been increasing rapidly, and it seems that he is getting closer to the truth of the spirit.

  This led to his strength also rising, and the historical sequence has always been very unscientific.

  He can even see the gate of the underworld deep in his soul.

   Forget it, he restarted the research on the black mist and stone statues again, and made further in-depth reproductions of them.

   In this way, Chen Xiyi discovered a lot of truth.

  Black mist and aura are incompatible. The two are not related to the food chain. They are completely different in nature, but they can be transformed.

  Whether the black mist is transformed into aura or the aura is transformed into black mist, it is a reversible behavior.

As for why Chen Xiyi didn't transform the black mist into aura and practice directly in the future, the reason is very simple. This transformation also requires data. At that time, he didn't even have a sample of aura. He used his head to transform. If his head could transform, He didn't mind either, but the problem was that he couldn't.

  The stone statue is a mutation caused by the spirit master's inability to adapt to the change of the environment, and the relative spirit is naturally extinct due to environmental factors.

  The spirit is the embodiment of the information state, and the aura is the hotbed of the information state, and the spirit is quite fragile, and there is not much ability to resist environmental changes. After all, it is not a real creature and cannot evolve with it.

   Another meaning is that it is uninstalled due to the incompatible system.

   "So the spirit masters are actually very fragile. Simply destroying the environment on which the information state depends, that is, the aura, can lead to the extinction of the spirit master civilization." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

   But thinking about it carefully, he thinks it is very simple, but it is not an easy thing to implement, which is equivalent to destroying the entire ecosystem.

   Besides, the huge civilization is not a fool, it really makes him die.

   What's more, what would Chen Xiyi do if he had nothing to do to kill the spirit master Civilization? It's a waste of work if he can't collect it after killing it.

  He is now studying the information state, that is, spirit and aura. This is a very magical thing, just like a precision machine, which can produce unpredictable abilities through operation.

   Such as shuttle time.

   Of course, Chen Xiyi needs samples for this, such as Wu Ke.

  As a mixed race, especially the other half of the blood other than humans, the other party is born with a very high affinity for spirits.

  If he didn’t have a divine aperture, if he had one, perhaps the spirits in the divine aperture would be able to co-exist with him autonomously without refinement. This is quite a powerful ability.

  Chen Xiyi even guessed that maybe even the spirits of Rank Nine could be refined by him without any difficulty.

  Normal spirit masters refine most of their spirits by force, rather than autonomous symbiosis similar to spirit beasts.

  Wu Ke, on the aspect of spirit, inherited his father's ability, not for refining, but for symbiosis.

   There is still a difference between the two, one is compulsion and the other is voluntary, so the power exerted is also quite different.

   Judging from the situation of the Giant of Light, the Golden Crow, which Chen Xiyi transplanted into his body, the effect was beyond Chen Xiyi's imagination.

  If it is said that the giant of light, Jinwu, can only exert 100% of its ability on Chen Xiyi, then it is enough to exert 150% of its effect on Wu Ke.

  The reason is very simple, blood and symbiosis.

  “I need to learn more about the information state, but the existing data is not enough, and there must be a control group.”

  Chen Xiyi thought for a while, and took out Zou Jin, the living dead. If he hadn't thought of this, he would have almost ignored it.

  As soon as Zou Jin came into contact with the aura environment, the original skin began to crack, and began to wither and shrink, which was obviously incompatible with the local environment.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi was well prepared and simply built a dark fog environment.

   "Where is this place?" Zou Jin was suddenly hit hard, but fortunately Chen Xiyi gave him another wave of life, so he spoke weakly.

  Chen Xiyi didn't answer, but simply sealed his mouth.

   "From this point of view, the incompatibility is very serious. If it weren't for me, the Mist King would have died on the spot." Chen Xiyi finally understood.

   This Zou Jin is not immortal, Chen Xiyi still has a lot of means to kill him.

  After finishing Zou Jin's simple treatment, he immediately began to collect samples and conduct experimental research on them.

   During this period, Wu Ke's data was also used, and then he discovered one thing, that is, Wu Ke is actually compatible with black mist and aura, and can even perform stone spiritualization to a certain extent.

   "Hiss~ That is to say, Wu Ke, no, it should be said that a mixed race can have this effect?"

   "Or was it caused by Wu Ruodie's method of conception?"

Wu Ruodie definitely wasn't pregnant with Wu Ke normally, the reason is very simple, the Evil Light Balrog's body is huge, about the same size as the entire Moon City, and a single tentacle is bigger than Wu Ruodie, how could this be normal? The way.

  So Chen Xiyi's bigger guess is that it is in the way of sympathy between heaven and man, in other words, it is the invasion of information state.

   That is to say, fundamentally speaking, Wu Ke is not a person, but a semi-information state.

"So the process of me awakening the blood in the opponent's body is not actually awakening the blood, but transforming him into an information state, and it is a deep transformation, not the transformation I researched from the blood of the gods. This kind of transformation technology is far ahead of me."

   "So is this an evolution of instinct or is it already programmed?"

  Chen Xiyi suddenly realized that if this was the case, then the person who destroyed the spirit master civilization was most likely to be Wu Ke or other hybrids, and the black mist might have mutated from them.

But ordinary spirit beasts have no way to give birth to hybrids with humans. The evil light flame demon is comparable to the existence of the Nine Earth Saints. Perhaps it is because of this that they can break through the reproductive isolation. How could a beast have such an ability.

  In the future, spirit beasts will become extinct along with spirits, instead of surviving like humans. This means that humans are special.

  The experiment progressed very smoothly, and Chen Xiyi was able to clearly observe the situation after compatibility.

   "It's a bit scary to become stronger, especially after being compatible with aura and black mist, Wu Ke who is completely informational is enough to become a sun."

  The sun mentioned by Chen Xiyi is not a metaphor, but a direct description.

  Although the other party is in an information state, he has inherited his father's light and fire attributes, enough to achieve this qualitative change.

  Especially after the other party obtained the giant of light, the Golden Crow, made by Chen Xiyi, once it successfully compatible with the black mist and then after a period of development and growth, it would be easy to tear the Nine Earths Great Sage by hand.

   "I always feel like I'm going to play off." Chen Xiyi looked at the potion of the shining stone statue·Black Mist that had just been extracted in his hand.

   If this is given to Wu Ke, it is guaranteed to make him reborn.

   "The qualitative change of the other party definitely does not come from the blood of the Evil Light Balrog, but from the blood of humans."

  That's right, although it is the blood of the Evil Light and Balrog that caused the information state to mutate, but the root cause is definitely human, or divine orifice.

   At this time, Chen Xiyi also realized that it was not that Wu Ke had no orifices, but that the orifices had been integrated into his body, which meant that his whole body was a large orifice.

   "It's no wonder that the Giant of Light, the Golden Crow, integrated it into his body so smoothly for symbiosis. It's not because of my strong transplanting ability, but because of his own problem."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi felt that this was simply a big treasure.

   "Doesn't this mean that Wu Ke may be the existence created by the black hand behind the scenes to harvest the civilization of the spirit master?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help frowning, it seems that this is really the case.

   "Then using this incident to deduce it, doesn't it mean that I also indirectly contributed to this incident?"

  History and the past can be changed, but only if there is no calculation involved.

  The strength of this black hand behind the scenes may be far greater than Chen Xiyi, and it may even be able to grasp the entire timeline. Chen Xiyi's arrival may not be expected by the opponent, but everything he does may be in the opponent's eyes.

   It might be because of fear of the homeland game, or it might be because he didn't care, so he just threw the matter to him.

   "That is to say, no matter what I do, I can't stop this catastrophe. After all, I am not of the same level as the black hand behind the scenes."

   "Wait, there is actually another hypothesis. If I am the one who reaps the world of the Spirit Master, and Wu Ke is the head of the mysterious organization in the future, it seems that it can also be established?"

   In this way, the other party will think about going back to the past, because Wu Ke may know about Zhou Dao and wants to come back to stop Chen Xiyi.

  Because Wu Ke is Chen Xiyi's personal heir, he naturally knows a lot of illustrations of the Tree of All Souls, so he started the Time Dao Combined Alchemy Plan. It is only because it is not complete that it requires a lot of experiments.

  But it was also his behavior that prompted Chen Xiyi to go back to the past.

   is equivalent to an unsolvable circle.

   "Thinking about it, it seems a little grassy, ​​but the problem is that I have nothing to do to harvest the entire spirit master civilization, and I don't lack these things... right?" Chen Xiyi thought at first, and became more and more emboldened.

  If it is said that I have really stayed in this world for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, it is really possible to reach the strength of the mastermind behind the scenes.

   After all, it didn't take him many years to grow from an ordinary weak chicken to being indescribable now, and it's not impossible with his fast upgrade speed.

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible to be me. How could I be such an upright, kind, and warm-hearted person who would do such a thing? It must be done by someone behind the scenes who harvested the world."

  Chen Xiyi put away the Glorious Stone Statue·Black Mist. Be careful with this thing, and give it to Wu Ke when the time is right. After all, things are getting more and more chaotic.

  If it is as he guessed, wouldn't it be very grassy.

   "After the fourth orifice is opened, I have to refine a spirit that can see into the future." Chen Xiyi said that he didn't do it, but he had no idea in his heart.

  There is still a difference between peeping into the future and predicting the future. The former is Time Dao, while the latter is Divination.

  One is to watch, and the other is to guess. Naturally, there is a big gap.

  Chen Xiyi quickly found a more suitable spirit, a spirit that knows when to come.

  Can see the future and the past to a certain extent, but most of them are fragmented pictures, and the pictures seen are still random, not necessarily the future, but may also be pictures of the past.

Although the ability is a little weak, but it’s okay, it’s just practical, anyway, what he needs is Zhou Daoling, if he is not satisfied in the future, he can just combine it and refine it, anyway, he has the tree of all spirits, and any spirit that pulls his hips can combine it Refining into a suitable spirit.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't care if it succeeds or not, he just wants to get enough information to cheat.

  (end of this chapter)

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