This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 410: This little girl looks like a girl

  Chapter 410 This little girl looks so good, that’s called a hey

   "We made an agreement at the beginning, and Ke'er must not leave the surrounding area of ​​the mansion." Wu Ruodie questioned Chen Xiyi suppressing her anger.

  Chen Xiyi nodded confusedly: "That's right, I didn't intend to let him go either."

  Wu Ruodie was caught off guard this time, she really didn't expect Chen Xiyi to say: "This"

   "Just like him, if he wants to go out for a walk, he has to wait for his strength to pass the test. How can I let him go out for a walk now." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

  Looking at the situation, Wu Ruodie also knew that she had misunderstood, after all, the other party didn't need to lie to herself: "Who is behind this Ke'er bewitching?"

  Chen Xiyi has black lines all over his head, what is he? Oh, it seems that he really knows.

   "You are really bad at being a mother. You don't know such trivial things. If you really can't do it, just replace all the people in the mansion." Chen Xiyi was doing things insidiously.

  As soon as this remark came out, Wu Ruodie also felt that it was a good method, and then nodded: "No problem, this time it was my concubine's fault, please forgive me, sir."

  Things were lifted up like this, and put down gently, completely ignoring the previous questioning.

   Regarding this situation, Chen Xiyi also smiled and didn't care at all.

   At that time, we will know who is cheating and who is not.

   "It's nothing to get out of, don't bother me in the future." With a wave of his hand, Chen Xiyi's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

  Wu Ruodie took a deep look at Chen Xiyi and left without saying anything.

  She is not a fool, she is not as strong as the other party, so she has to endure what needs to be endured.

  Chen Xiyi swept his consciousness, and soon found Wu Ke, who was following a woman who looked similar to him.

  This can only be described by appearance. After all, when it comes to real age, Wu Ke is already in his seventies, but his overall development is still around fifteen or sixteen years old.

   This woman was the daughter of a servant in his mansion, and Chen Xiyi couldn't understand her appearance at all.

  As a farmer, his skin is white and beautiful, and he looks like a lady. Are you sure this is a farmer who works in the wind and sun and rain every day?

  Don't talk about a spirit master, a spirit master doesn't have the function of beautification, and even if there is one, it's impossible to have only one orifice.

  The development of things is getting more and more outrageous.

  Chen Xiyi always felt that the wicked mother-in-law would make things difficult for the pretty daughter-in-law next.

   But now Chen Xiyi has to consider one thing, that is, will there be reproductive isolation between Wu Ke and normal people?

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, let's find out where the pretty daughter-in-law who may be made things difficult by the wicked mother-in-law came from, and why didn't such outrageous things be accepted by the wicked young master? Come to think of it, Qunyue City is full of yin and yang... , the evil few are not enough.”

  Chen Xiyi began to probe into the information state, constantly deducing the origin of this person.

   This matter is too unreasonable, but if this pretty daughter-in-law is not so outrageous, Chen Xiyi will not be eyeing her.

   The more outrageous it is, the more secrets there are.

   Soon, Chen Xiyi used the entire hotbed of information state to deduce it.

   "It's normal, what a ghost!!"

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel a little crazy, he really didn't expect that the result of the deduction was normal, and the other party was a farmer.

   This made Chen Xiyi start to doubt life, is this reasonable? This is unreasonable.

   Chen Xiyi can understand if you want to talk about lordosis and back warping. After all, this is a figure, and it depends on personal development.

  It is not incomprehensible to be beautiful. Personal appearance is given by parents.

  But skin white is not enough, this is too outrageous, he cannot accept it.

  You must know that fair skin does not only refer to fair skin, but also good skin.

  If Chen Xiyi was given a normal body, he would not have the skin he has now within a month.

   "I'm sure there won't be any problems, so the one who has problems must be Wu Ke's pretty wife." Chen Xiyi is still very confident in himself, after all, if he really has a problem, it will be a disaster for the world.

   "One more thing, that is, it's normal for Wu Ruodie not to be able to find me. I'm nameless, but why couldn't I find Wu Ke?"

   Obviously, Wu Ruodie found out that Wu Ke was missing, so he came to question Chen Xiyi. It stands to reason that even if a Nine-Aperture Spirit Master is not good at perception, finding Wu Ke is not a piece of cake.

  Chen Xiyi probed carefully, and he vaguely discovered a slightly distorted force field that seemed to be emanating from Wu Ke's surroundings, shielding perception little by little.

   "Is it emanating from the soul?"

   "Is this thing so outrageous? Even I have to look closely, or I won't find it."

  Chen Xiyi didn't notice this force field before, it should have been born not long ago.

  According to Chen Xiyi's calculation, it's probably time to meet his pretty wife.

   "This won't really follow the development of idol dramas." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

  The ability is against the sky. It is suspected that it was inherited from the evil light flame demon. The other party may also have it, but it disappeared after becoming a spirit beast, so it was passed on to his son.

   After all, it's not really playing Beauty and the Beast.

   "That is to say, I can witness the development of an idol drama with my own eyes? The kind that will destroy the world if you don't fall in love."

  Chen Xiyi took a look at Wu Ke, who still had a 3-star favorability, and confirmed this possibility.

   If Wu Ke's affection for that pretty daughter-in-law can be quantified, it must be at least a 4-star start.

   This made Chen Xiyi feel a little aggrieved, but after thinking about it, the 3-star favorability is actually good, after all, this thing doesn't look like a good thing, and if it really gets on top, it might stab him.

   To be honest, Chen Xiyi might hesitate to let Wu Ke out of the mansion, but if the pretty wife let him out of the mansion, he probably went out with her without even thinking about it.

  That’s it, the first time I left the mansion, I went outing with this pretty wife by the river, and by the way, the hero saved the beauty and beat off the gangsters who came to tease her, which made the development of the relationship between the two out of control.

  The two soon reluctantly left. Wu Ke met Wu Ruodie when he returned home.

   It is estimated that he is being trained now.

   On the other side, Chen Xiyi quietly moved to the pretty daughter-in-law's house to observe. He thought it was unscientific and was very curious.

  How should I put it, the house the other party lives in is astonishing in Chen Xiyi's eyes.

  An ordinary farm yard can be imagined by everyone, after all, they are poor people.

  But this pretty daughter-in-law’s family is different. It may be said that they are poor, but they don’t look like poor people at all in terms of food and clothing.

   "On this condition, what's wrong with her mother going to give someone to the present?" Chen Xiyi was shocked.

   It's hard to say, the whole courtyard of his cat is quaint, three points better than the ones where Chen Xiyi, Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan live.

   What they eat seems to be simple tea and light rice, but it is called a particularity. There is chicken, duck, fish, and seasonal vegetables and fruits.

   "You call this the poor. No, with this quality of life, can the two of you really afford it?"

  Chen Xiyi became more and more shocked. The old ones went to give people to the present, and the young ones farmed and grew vegetables by themselves. As a result, the quality of life was even better than Chen Xiyi and the others, so where did the money come from?

  Every lady may not have their life.

  Chen Xiyi calculated again, and the result was still the same. He was still a poor poor man, nothing special, and his appearance was ordinary.

   "Hiss~ I can bear the rest, but you say that you look mediocre, so what am I, ugly?"

   "In this case, it's fine to call him Hu Meizi."

   "I made a mistake in judging the information state, what is the situation?"

   After suppressing all the crap, Chen Xiyi calmly analyzed that the information state derived from "The Legend of the Great Sage" deduced a problem.

   As far as this situation is concerned, anyone with a little eyes can see it.

  Chen Xiyi resolutely abandoned this thing, and directly searched for souls when he came up.

  What should I say about the results of the soul search, let him think that things are really so outrageous.

   This person is really a farmer, and has always lived this kind of life, in her perception, life should be like this.

   "It seems that there is an invisible force subtly affecting these things, and it started a long time ago."

   "And this power is definitely not the ability of Yun Daoling, nor is it similar to the power of "The Great Sage", but other powers."

   "For example, Wu Ke has a force field that can shield people's perception."

  Chen Xiyi's consciousness swept over Wu Ke again, and the force field on his body had long since disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

   Even if you probe deep into the soul, you can't find it.

   "This feeling is more like the power of idealism. This power can affect fate."

  For example, outrageous things like tears can save people, and women disguised as men will not be discovered even if they are perfunctory.

   "That is to say, I was blinded?"

   "It seems that the origin of Qinghe Xianjun is definitely not that simple."

  Chen Xiyi looked solemn, yes, it was Qinghe Xianjun, not Wu Ke.

  The reason is very simple. Wu Ke's wonderful body is inherited from Qinghe Xianjun, so it is Qinghe Xianjun who is not simple, and naturally it is not Wu Ke of the second generation.

  But Qinghe Xianjun has now become an evil light flame demon, and many abilities have failed, and these abilities are gradually recovering from Wu Ke.

  People say that golden scales are not a thing in a pool, and they will change into dragons in case of wind and cloud.

   People like Wu Ke are a little different, they turn into dragons when they meet a lover.

  Who knows what kind of idealistic power is hidden in the other party's body, and it should be this kind of person who is said to explode.

   And this idealistic power can not only affect oneself, but also affect other people. This is the case with Wu Ke's pretty daughter-in-law.

  She was indeed plain-looking, with the same food and clothing as ordinary people.

   But he couldn't stand the influence of Wu Ke. He was from a wealthy family, so he couldn't imagine the life of ordinary people.

   Coupled with the instinctive drive for beauty, this led to everything.

  Chen Xiyi, who came to the conclusion, couldn't help but feel a little weird. If this is the case, then the love between Wu Ruodie and Xieguang Yanmo may be open to question.

   "Tsk tsk, sure enough, there is no love without reason in the world, and there is no hate without reason."

  Chen Xiyi became more and more sure that the head of the mysterious organization in the future would probably be Wu Ke. As for whether he would be the one who left the suicide note in the end, it is uncertain.

   And in the middle, something must have happened that made Wu Ke want to go back to the past crazily, which led to the original deviation.

  For example, his beautiful daughter-in-law is so cold, and he wants to go back in time to stop it, so the whole organization will aim to go back in time instead of directly saving the world. This is simply being led astray.

   But looking at the situation, it should not be saved, otherwise everything would not be established.

   "So, could the person who caused the future situation be myself?" Chen Xiyi always had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu that he was behind the scenes.

   After all, the things he is doing now, if he is not careful, will really make the whole world go high with him.

"If it's really me, it's not impossible, but first I have to figure out why I want to do this, and is there any benefit?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help thinking about this matter. He is a player, so of course he did it if it was beneficial. No drama.

  (end of this chapter)

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