Chapter 411 Doomsday Comes

   "Teacher, you are here. Please help me persuade my mother. My mother is going to change all the servants in the family." Wu Ke found Chen Xiyi who was sleepy at the fortune-telling booth with a nervous tone.

  Chen Xiyi raised his head and glanced at Wu Ke, then said slowly, "Just change it, it's not a big deal, as for being in such a hurry."

   "Ke Ke, this..." Wu Ke hesitated to say anything, after all, what he did was hidden from everyone.

  If Wu Ruodie really found out, I'm afraid not to mention his pretty wife, even the pretty wife's mother would have to be dealt with together.

   As for telling the truth to Chen Xiyi, he was also worried that Chen Xiyi would tell Wu Ruodie.

   This is a bit of judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Chen Xiyi is definitely not that kind of person. At most, he just let Wu Ruodie find out by accident and coincidence.

   Besides, it makes no difference whether the other party says it or not.

   "You faltering, is there something you are hiding from me?" Chen Xiyi asked teasingly.

  Finally, Wu Ke gritted his teeth: "Teacher, don't ask, do you want to help or not?"

   "It's okay to help, but you have to tell me why. After all, there is no reason, and I am incapable of interfering in the affairs of your mansion." Chen Xiyi's tone had a hint of ridicule.

  【You talk to Wu Ke of the Giant of Light, but the words are not speculative. Wu Ke of the Giant of Light thinks you are talking nonsense. Wu Ke of the Giant of Light has a favorability with you -10, current favorability: 2 stars]

   "." Chen Xiyi had black lines all over his head. To be honest, he didn't expect to lose his favorability because of his unreasonable words. Usually, the favorability is dropped silently, unlike this time when he refreshed the game log.

   "Since this is the case, then don't bother the teacher. I will find a way to solve it myself." Wu Ke's tone was a little blunt, and he seemed very dissatisfied.

  Chen Xiyi smiled, and didn't care at all: "Since you can solve it, that's really great, let's go."

   Wu Ke left silently, while Chen Xiyi's expression remained unchanged.

   Regarding Wu Ke's situation, he has already taken precautions. Don't expect a person full of love to respect his teacher. The other party's thinking has already decided that the highest favorability can only be 3 stars.

   Now that he has suddenly dropped to 2 stars, he can see through it.

  ‘What is this, raising a white-eyed wolf, just because you don’t help him? ’ Chen Xiyi shook his head, but couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

  For Wu Ke, from the very beginning, he regarded him as an experimental product plus a friend reserve, but now it seems that the status of a friend reserve can be eliminated. This kind of friend is extremely unstable, and because of long-term doting, he is very solipsistic.

  He already felt it before, but at that time he felt that it was good to be able to swipe a wave to feel 4 stars, but now it seems that he overestimated the opponent.

  So naturally I gave up this matter decisively.

   Losing favorability just because of a trivial matter is not worth the investment.

  Because Chen Xiyi didn't intend to intervene and revealed the matter by coincidence, Wu Ruodie naturally followed the normal practice to fight the mandarin ducks.

   Order Wu Ke not to see his pretty daughter-in-law again, otherwise, he will bear the consequences.

   And even more ruthless, wanting to drive the mother and daughter out of Qunyue City.

  This situation is a bit demented. If it were Chen Xiyi, he would have killed him directly, how could he still be alive?

   It’s not a society ruled by law. What is a supernatural world ruled by individual mighty power talking about?

  Of course, Wu Ke doesn't know these things, anyway, just like most idol dramas, Chen Xiyi's eyes are a bit hot when watching.

   During the period, Wu Ke also came to Chen Xiyi, wanting him to help, meaning to ask Chen Xiyi to intercede with Wu Ruodie so that he can leave the house.

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi resolutely refused, and also seriously analyzed with Wu Ke that it was impossible for him and his pretty wife.

Therefore, Wu Ke lost his favorability again, and directly became a 1-star favorability degree, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Chen Xiyi, a teacher. In his original idea, the two should be on the same front, and Chen Xiyi should support him unconditionally. It turned out that Chen Xiyi would stab him in the back unexpectedly.

   Naturally, they broke up unhappy, but Chen Xiyi didn't care. He found that the more this happened, the more idealistic power hidden in the other party's body boiled up.

   Under normal circumstances, his pretty daughter-in-law and his mother should have been kicked out of the city long ago, but for various reasons they stayed even though they were persecuted.

  So Chen Xiyi felt that this was most likely an extreme stretch.

   During this period, Wu Ke used some very nonsensical methods to meet his little daughter-in-law, as if they had agreed to elope and escape from this group of Moon City.

   This made Chen Xiyi almost laugh out loud.

  Think about it, a giant baby who has no worries about food and clothing and has been doted on since childhood, and a little naive who looks like a farmer but actually lives more comfortably than a lady is going to elope.

   Among other things, life is not only love, but also bread.

  In Qunyue City, they have no shortage of bread, but if they go out, who will spoil them?

   Really think that life is all kinds of love, love and romance all day long with you and me?

  The world of spirit masters is quite cruel, not as beautiful as they imagined.

  Freedom and love are great, but if you don’t have the strength, do you really think you can enjoy them?

   Not all cities are as beautiful as Qunyue City, because in Qunyue City, he is the son of the suzerain of Xianhua Sect, so he can enjoy all these things, but after going out, no one may recognize him as this identity.

  Of course, this time Chen Xiyi didn't intend to tell the truth. After all, he found that if he wanted to further observe the ideal power in the other party's body, he had to make the other party's love road bumpy to the extreme.

  The ability of this spiritual force seems to be limited to love, and other aspects are a bit stretched, and the more exciting it is, the more active it will be.

   There was no such situation before, but after the idea of ​​elopement was proposed, this force has almost taken shape.

  Chen Xiyi made further in-depth observations, and he couldn't help but discover something.

   That's what this thing looks like. It doesn't look like a serious spiritual power, but more like doom?

   If Wu Ke is not getting deeper and deeper in this aspect, his situation is absolutely top-notch in the world. Coupled with Chen Xiyi's training, the strength of the Great Sage of the Nine Lands is just the starting point.

   But if he is dragged down by this, to put it bluntly, it is his hard work to have nine orifices.

   "Love Tribulation!!"

  Chen Xiyi suddenly realized such a thing. At first, Chen Xiyi thought it was a good thing, but after thinking about it carefully, he directly made people look like this.

   "So, is it because Qinghe Xianjun passed on his ancestral love to his son?"

   "If this is the case, things will be interesting."

   To put it another way, doom is personal, not ancestral.

   "Unless Wu Ke may be part of Qinghe Xianjun, otherwise the words cannot be explained."

  Chen Xiyi has heard of ancestral treasures, ancestral antiques, and ancestral hot weapons, but he has never heard of ancestral doom.

   "These nine bends and eighteen bends are really exciting. If Wu Ke can get out of the love disaster, doesn't it mean that Qinghe Xianjun can use this to return?"

   "But judging from the future situation, Wu Ke should have failed, otherwise this series of things would not have happened."

   "What's more important is that the Emotional Tribulation seems to have mutated, intermingling with the mainstream information state of this world, causing more mutations, probably more powerful."

For this reason, Chen Xiyi also noticed one thing, that is, the Evil Light Balrog did not have this kind of love calamity, so Chen Xiyi guessed that it was probably transferred to Wu Ke, otherwise, how could the Evil Light Balrog treat him so safely? Enjoy these things underground.

"If it is really as I guessed, the birth of Wu Ke was not due to the intrusion of the information state to break through reproductive isolation, but the self-help behavior of the evil light and flame demon or Qinghe Xianjun, so Wu Ke was born. .”

   "But look at the situation, the Evil Light Balrog is also in trouble. His torture still exists, but there is not much life-threatening, but don't think about memories, they are definitely gone."

  Emotional robbery may not kill people, but it is definitely harmful.

  There is nothing worse than death. Of course, this is the most harmless kind. The real fear is falling into madness.

   probably means self-destruction.

   It seems that the seeds have been exploding, but in fact they are completely consuming their potential.

  Even though Xieguang Balrog is very powerful, if there is no such thing as love, maybe he might be even stronger.

   "The matter came back again. I killed Xie Guangyanmo, can I collect the coordinates of the opponent's world? From all aspects, the strength of this Qinghe Xianjun is the top existence of the opponent's fairy world."

   "To be honest, I think the probability of collecting modules is greater than the reincarnation coordinates."

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi is actually not very sure. After all, the production of the reincarnation coordinates is not a person, but an existence similar to a thing.

  For example, when Ao Lu brought the Cave Secret Realm or Meng Xingqiu's Yunling Orb, people usually collect modules instead of coordinates.

   "Does Love Tribulation count?" Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled.

  First of all, Qing Jie is not reflected in the opponent's ability, which means that it is not his own item, so if Chen Xiyi kills Qing Jie, can he collect it?

  Therefore, Chen Xiyi had to find a way to quantify the love into an object, otherwise it would be impossible to target.

   But this power is quite idealistic, and very disciplined, saying that it is only for love, it is only for love, and it will definitely not affect others.

This can be reflected from Wu Ke's pretty daughter-in-law. Her mother lived a hard life, and she can be said to be well-clothed. She is obviously a mother and daughter. One is a current person, and the other is living a delicate life. gap.

  Even Chen Xiyi wasn't affected, so it can be called the benchmark in the realm of disasters.

  Think about how many flowers, plants and trees will be unlucky after the thunder disaster.

  Of course, it may have just started now, and when it explodes later, it is estimated that what will sweep will be even more terrifying.

  Probably it may develop into a situation where if you don’t let me fall in love, I will destroy the world.

   "Doom, it's a good thing." Chen Xiyi's expression showed curiosity, after all, it is something of a different system, research and research, maybe something good will come out.

Anyway, he has nothing serious recently, most of the plans are waiting for the level of the spirit master, he still has a lot of time to become a four-aperture spirit master, and the four-aperture spirit master is just a transition, his goal is Jiuqiao, such a long time is just a good time to pass the time.

  Maybe he can find something in his heart.

   After all, this thing is doomed, it is not a simple thing, especially it can adapt and evolve in a different world, which is enough to show its gold content.

"A world where such a strange catastrophe can occur is probably not an ordinary world." This kind of catastrophe does not exist in the world of cultivating immortals. The world of cultivating immortals only has three catastrophes of thunder, fire and wind, but there is no such fancy love catastrophe. Like fate, fate, but different.

  (end of this chapter)

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