This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 416: Extreme escape, fat chicken is in power

  Chapter 416 Extreme escape, fat chicken in power

   "Wu Lang, who are those people?" Qin Shi fled with Wu Ke in a panic, with worry in his tone.

  Wu Ke couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously he was seriously injured.

"The Giant of Light of the Sun Sacred Cult, I didn't expect that my teacher didn't fool me. I thought the Sun Sacred Cult was fake." Wu Ke wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and finally escaped from the pursuit, but the other party seemed to have The ability to be able to lock itself has made it impossible to effectively escape its tracking.

   "You are not the only one who can transform into a giant of light, how could they too." Qin Shi was a little puzzled.

Regarding this, Wu Ke could only smile wryly and say: "I don't know much about the Sun Sacred Cult at all. Although my teacher said that I am the Holy Son of the Sun Sacred Cult, my giant of light, the Golden Crow, doesn't know much about it at all." It has not reached the standard, and has not yet had time to contact the Holy Cult of the Sun."

   "Then what should we do next, those giants of light are too strong, you are no match at all." Qin Shi was a little confused for a while.

   Although Wu Ke's giant of light, Jinwu, is relatively powerful, it is still far behind a hundred or so giants of light that are 100 meters high. After all, after Wu Ke's transformation, he doesn't even have a height of 10 meters.

   Thanks to the fact that the opponent is the Giant of Light, the Golden Crow, otherwise he would have been killed on the spot.

   "I can only escape first. When my giant of light, the Golden Crow, continues to grow, I will be able to counter-kill the opponent, but I am afraid it will take a long time." Wu Ke also said with some bitterness, and now there is no room for turning around.

  My own teachers have sent people out to chase him down, which shows that my behavior has already betrayed the Sun Sacred Cult.

  Of course, he doesn't have much affection for Chen Xiyi at this time, instead he has some resentment. Can't he explain why he chased him down in the first place?

   "Well, Wu Lang is the strongest in the world." Qin Shi smiled innocently.

   What Wu Ke likes is Qin Shi's innocence and ignorance of world affairs, although it sounds very nonsense.

   Then, Wu Ke was keenly aware of the movement, and his expression changed abruptly: "No, the giant of light from the Sun Sacred Cult has come after us."

  He immediately took Qin Shi and ran away.

  "You who turned your back on the sun, you have failed the prophet's expectations of you, you have betrayed us."

  A violent roar erupted with scorching air waves, scattered footsteps from far to near, scorched earth everywhere the light giants of the Sun Sacred Cult passed.

  At this time, Wu Ke naturally couldn't care too much, so he could only run away in a hurry.

  As the external pressure continued to rise, the love and calamity surrounding him became more and more intense, which caused him to explode from time to time, and even the growth progress of his own giant of light, the Golden Crow, also soared crazily.

  This is not a good thing, but overdrawing potential.

Potential is the potential power in the human body. Normal cultivation is to realize the potential into strength, but this is not the case for people like Wu Ke. Instead, it is suppressed as a one-time consumable. It seems that the short-term strength can be strengthened very vigorously. , and burst seeds from time to time, but once the potential is exhausted, it will be directly laid down in the cloud.

  But Wu Ke didn't realize it at all. Of course, even if he was aware of it, he wouldn't have too many thoughts.

  The prerequisite for realizing potential into strength is that he must be alive. Otherwise, if a person dies, no amount of potential will be of any use. Survival is the first element.

  Fortunately, what he has on him is love robbery, not human robbery or the like, and mainly love, so it is unlikely that he was beaten to death or something like that.

  If this was a human robbery, the first time I met the giant of light led by Li Tai, I would definitely not be able to run away. Either Wu Ke beat them to death to survive the human robbery, or they were beaten to death and left in ashes.

   This is probably the power of love.

  As the two live and die together, the relationship naturally heats up. This is not a good thing, and it shows that the love is getting more and more turbulent.

  But in the eyes of the two of them, they definitely wouldn't think of these things.

  Just as this love calamity gradually spread, the seeds left by Qinghe Xianjun in Wu Ke's body are also sprouting little by little.

  After all, the Love Tribulation has begun. As the main body of the Love Tribulation, Qinghe Immortal Lord cannot be said to be so indifferent.

   Calamity cannot be avoided, even if you can avoid it once, the calamity will not dissipate, it will only become stronger and stronger until you die or you survive the calamity. Even Chen Xiyi has no way to solve this.

  Of course, because of Chen Xiyi's new approach and strong strength, now this catastrophe is not a climate at all, it can only be a catastrophe, and it has also become his help.

  Chen Xiyi sensed Wu Ke who had once again escaped the pursuit of Li Tai and others, and couldn't help being a little speechless.

   "This is really Xiaoqiang's life. This calamity can even serve as the protagonist's halo."

   It's just that he knows that this is not the halo of the protagonist, but from the outbreak of doom.

  Fortunateness is where misfortune lies. This is not a good thing. The faster you escape now, the stronger your doom will be.

  The calamity of the other party has almost reached the apex of the Nine Lands Great Sage, and once it breaks through this apex, it will probably explode immediately.

  Death may be the best ending, and life is worse than death.

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi also has his own plan, and he is going to try to extract the reincarnation coordinates from it.

   "Besides, with the outbreak of love disaster, not only Wu Ke and his pretty daughter-in-law suffered, but a disaster of this scale at least affects the entire world."

   Otherwise, how can Qinghe Xianjun, who is above the great sages of the nine lands, be able to improve to a higher level after crossing over?

  Huge risks naturally correspond to sufficient profits.

  Chen Xiyi naturally also noticed the abnormality in Wu Ke's body. He hid it well before and didn't notice it.

   "I have to collect all the materials to upgrade the Zhilai Zhiling to the fourth rank. The current level is still a bit unqualified, and the ability to peep is much worse."

   This spirit of knowing the past and future does not work on him, but it can be used on other people. After all, not everyone has the same bug as him.

  For example, he can use this to see what the impact on the whole world will look like after the outbreak of love on Wu Ke in the future.

   Just because the grade is not enough, the number of times is limited and the time cannot be too long.

   This upgrade is very easy, but the problem is that the collection of materials is a little more troublesome. It is fine to have one of the spirits for refining here, and Chen Xiyi can't make it artificially.

   Zhou Zheng's previous wave directly turned the entire world of spirit masters into a mess, and a large number of forces collapsed, which naturally caused a great blow to the business that was originally related to spirits.

  For example, except for some spirits that exist in the wild, most of them are monopolized by big forces or sold and bred in large quantities, so all of a sudden, they fell into a slump.

  So the difficulty of foreign acquisitions has increased a lot, even if it is said to increase the price of acquisitions.

  Another one is that the forces left behind by all parties are now in a state of chaos, and they are all fighting for power and profit, wanting to expand their basic market and make the pie bigger. As a result, many business activities have been blocked.

   This meant that Chen Xiyi didn't have enough spirits to use as materials for upgrades.

   So mostly external factors.

  Chen Xiyi can find it by himself, but it takes too much energy. After all, he needs to scan and identify it with his consciousness.

   It is not impossible to entrust the system, but the efficiency of the system is too low, and it will take up his consciousness, which will still reduce his efficiency.

  His consciousness is a very good tool in daily experiments, so naturally it cannot be used for simple scanning and searching.

The world of a spirit master can indeed be covered by his divine consciousness, but it is limited to this. If he wants to operate more finely, he must continue to improve his strength and turn his divine consciousness into a fairy consciousness to achieve it. Otherwise, it is still relatively difficult .

  This situation put Chen Xiyi in a dilemma.

  But Chen Xiyi can only say that he asked Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan to help. With the fat chicken, as long as it is not a Liuqiao Lingxian, it is not a big problem.

  Besides, Liuqiao Lingxian doesn't have time to target their small city at this time.

   Compared with big cities, this benefit can be even greater.

Since they ran away last time, they found a city. The strongest person here is only a four-aperture spirit master. The one who was beaten by the fifth-grade spirit beast, Fat Chicken, couldn't even find Bei. Then this will belong to Chen Xiyi and the others.

No one thought of resisting. After all, besides the fifth-grade spirit beast, Fat Chicken, there was also Situ Ziyan, a four-aperture spirit master, and Sima Yi, a three-aperture spirit master, was just a handful, but in There are also one of the best masters in this city, after all, it is only a small city, not a big city occupied by those big forces.

  If you are really a six-aperture spirit fairy, you may not be able to handle it, but a mere four-aperture spirit master is not a casual fight.

  After regaining a city, Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan did not continue to develop, but followed Chen Xiyi's guidance to calm down and practice. As for the things in the city, all the things in the city were delegated.

   With Fat Chicken patrolling every day, most people dare not make small moves.

Under Chen Xiyi's handling, the fat chicken's IQ is not inferior to humans at all. In addition, it is a spirit beast and does not need to be cultivated at all. It only needs the symbiotic spirit on its body to grow up, so this is hard work. Became the city lord.

  At the beginning, there were people who rejected him, but based on the strength of Fat Chicken, the people who rejected him disappeared.

  The individual might of the extraordinary world is very important, and then other things.

As long as the fat chicken becomes a sixth-rank spirit beast, it can basically start to open up to the outside world, but it will take a lot of time. After all, the fat chicken is not open, and it can become a fifth-rank spirit beast. It was made by Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan who spent a lot of resources on it.

   Otherwise, the fat chicken is at most a third-rank spirit beast, and it is absolutely impossible to have the strength of a fifth-rank spirit beast.

   It's a pity that if you want to smash it into a sixth-rank spirit beast, the resources consumed are quite large, and Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan can't afford it at all.

  The fifth and sixth ranks are the watershed, just like the five-aperture spirit master and the six-aperture spirit fairy, what happens is a qualitative change.

  So these resources can allow Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan to practice as Five-Aperture Spirit Masters, but they are not enough for Fat Chicken to become a sixth-rank spirit beast.

"Forget it, first collect the spirits that have been upgraded to Rank 4, and the rest will be done slowly." Chen Xiyi felt that information was more important, so he planned to collect the resources to upgrade the Zhilai Spirit first. , if you meet other resources you need, let’s collect them together.

After he turns to Zhilai Ling four times, he will be more confident in dealing with Wu Ke and Qinghe Xianjun in the future. Although these two may not be able to beat him together, but if he can't fight, he won't fight. After all, he is just a sandbox game player who likes to farm, and it is outrageous to fight and kill.

  (end of this chapter)

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