This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 417: The eight sufferings of life are disasters

  Chapter 417 The eight sufferings in life are calamity

   "Black mist."

  Chen Xiyi casually picked up the wisp of black mist and wiped it away.

  He didn't expect the development of things to be like this.

  The calamity on Wu Ke's body has reached the realm above the Nine Earth Sages. In Chen Xiyi's eyes, this is enough to cause the effect of destroying the world.

   As it turns out, it is.

  The catastrophe of love broke out, followed by the disaster of the whole world. The thing called black mist escaped from Wu Ke's body, causing tragic consequences.

   "The entire information state hotbed environment has mutated. I thought it was harvesting, but I didn't expect it to be caused by doom."

  In the eyes of Chen Xiyi before, it was nothing more than landslides and ground cracks at most, but he didn't expect that Wu Ke's crossing the catastrophe would implicate the spirit master civilization.

   "It seems that we have to do it in advance. I will absolutely not allow the civilization of the spirit master to perish at this time."

If the disaster of black mist broke out a hundred years later, Chen Xiyi would not be nosy, but the problem is that he has not yet upgraded the profession of spirit master to the full level. If it completely collapses, then he has to rebuild the ecosystem.

  Chen Xiyi's consciousness swept away, and Wu Ke's young daughter-in-law was seriously injured, but she was not dead yet, her life was hanging by a thread, and she was dying, and she was about to die.

   This is the outbreak of love robbery.

   "Birth, old age, sickness, death, not getting what you want, meeting with resentment and hatred, separation from love, and prosperity of the five yin."

  Wu Ke at this time is in the midst of love and parting among the eight sufferings of life, but this is only the beginning, and there will be pain that he can't ask for, which prevents him from suffering the ultimate mental pain.

  Among the doomsday, this parting of love and unrequited love represent the lost and the shining stone statue.

  The former died because of love, leaving only an empty shell, while the latter wanted to live but could not.

  As for the other eight sufferings, they are also mixed in it.

  The love calamity at this time can no longer be regarded as a love calamity, and under a large amount of calamity energy, it has been upgraded to the eight suffering calamities.

  When the five yin blazing sufferings are finally formed, it is time for the black mist to descend.

  What are the five skandhas are the five aggregates, the form aggregate, the feeling aggregate, the perception aggregate, the formation aggregate, and the consciousness aggregate.

   Contains everything in the world.

   To put it another way, it means a catastrophe in the world.

  Chen Xiyi could also clearly understand the extreme pain of Wu Ke and Immortal Qinghe in his body.

  But the difference is that Wu Ke is hopeless, while Qinghe Xianjun is gambling his life by planting golden lotus in the fire. At this time, he only needs to wait for his one thought to be broken, then he will gather clusters of five elements and use them upside down.

   It's just that it's not that easy. One mistake is the death of the body and the disappearance of the dao.

  He originally thought that the future Qinghe Xianjun would succeed, which is why the age of black mist would be created.

   But now it seems that no matter whether it succeeds or not, if Chen Xiyi doesn't stop it, the age of black mist will come.

   "This world is really unlucky." Chen Xiyi shook his head.

  Li Tai, a group of giants of light, naturally discovered that the black mist originated from Wu Ke, which made them as crazy as Wu Ke.

  The reason is very simple. Although they are the consciousness backed up by Chen Xiyi, they also have the complete memory of the black mist era. Now that they have seen the real culprit, can they not go crazy?

  If it was said that he just wanted to clear the door for the Sun Sacred Church before, then it is for himself now.

  No one wants to live in the last days. Li Tai and the others don't want that kind of precarious life at all.

  The hatred between the two parties is naturally growing. After all, Wu Ke's little daughter-in-law was seriously injured and her life was hanging by a thread because of her escape.

  With the outbreak, Wu Ke's strength rose and became extremely terrifying.

  In just a few months, through a large amount of overdraft potential, he has greatly excavated the blood of the giant of light, the Golden Crow, and because of the black mist, it is gradually developing towards the direction of the living dead.

  This caused the giants of light who originally chased him to suffer a large number of casualties, from one or two at the beginning to ten or eight at the end, until now there are only three people left.

  Of course, Chen Xiyi was very confident in doing things. After the Giant of Light died, Chen Xiyi resurrected him into a shining stone statue, and rejoined the battle.

  However, as Qinghe Xianjun gradually fell into robbery, the glorious stone statue is naturally not an all-in-one enemy.

   During this process, Wu Ke also relied on a flash of inspiration, and by combining the giant of light in his body, the Golden Crow and Black Mist, he also began to create a glorious stone statue.

If Chen Xiyi's shining stone statue is an improved version, then the shining stone statue made by Wu Ke is similar to what Chen Xiyi saw in the future era of black mist, but the current shining stone statues are very rough, and Wu Ke made the shining stone statues. Ke is used as cannon fodder.

   "Teacher, why are you doing this?"

   Not far from Chen Xiyi, the boy's voice contained hatred.

   "Why? I gave you freedom, gave you light, and never hindered you from pursuing love, but this is how you repay me?"

   "You betrayed me and the Sun Sacred Religion, why do you say?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at Wu Ke, who had ferocious eyes, with a woman behind his back, and Li Tai's head in his hand, black mist was constantly emitting from his body, and began to pollute the entire information state environment.

  Wu Ke couldn't help being choked by Chen Xiyi's words, but when he thought that his lover was hurt by the Sun Sect, his tone became cold: "You can kill me, but why hurt her."

  Regarding Wu Ke's words, Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sneered, and stretched out his hand. He attracted countless tribulation qi into Wu Ke's body, growing stronger and stronger.

  If you want to destroy people, you must first make them crazy.

  The Eight Suffering Trials became more and more high with the supplement of Jie Qi.

boom! !

   A cracking sound sounded behind Wu Ke, the pupils in his eyes shrank, and he could feel the sticky feeling splashing on the back of his head.

  His body stiffened involuntarily, and then trembled slightly.

  At this moment, he couldn't believe that things would happen to this point.

   "Teacher, how dare you... how dare you do this!!" Wu Ke's voice was low and roaring.

   "Ke'er, you are an adult, adults have to pay a price for doing things, do you think the Sun Sacred Church is just a joke?"

"You enjoy the rights of the Sun Sacred Church, and it's fine if you have never paid your obligations. Your betrayal makes my heart hurt, so I naturally have to let you understand what it means to feel heartache." Chen Xiyi looked behind Wu Ke The tone of the headless female corpse was also filled with displeasure.

   "In this case, teacher, then you go to die."

On Wu Ke's body, black mist and brilliance are constantly intertwined, and the original body is also expanding, and then it turns into a giant with a height of 100 meters. The giant's body is covered with feathers formed by fire, half human and half bird, like The human form is like a golden crow.

   And this fire light is no longer the brilliance of the sun, but a dark black flame, as if contaminated with black mist.

  The flames turned into light along with the black mist and came towards Chen Xiyi, but to Chen Xiyi, it was just a breeze blowing on his face.

   It was wiped out easily, without even moving your hands.

  As soon as the Xiantian Fangyuan Diagram was opened, Wu Ke's huge Golden Crow Light Giant was suppressed in just an instant.

  Chen Xiyi walked up to Wu Ke slowly, looked at the huge body of the other party and said, "You are too weak, so weak that you can't even protect your love, what's the point of living like this?"

  This tone is full of delusion, and a large number of soul formations targeting the spirit, reason, and soul in the Xiantian Fangyuan Diagram continue to pour in, making his consciousness more and more blurred.

  Wu Ke is just a small problem for Chen Xiyi. The real big problem is the Qinghe Xianjun and the black mist in his body.

  The black mist was directly annihilated by his huge innate circle map. As long as the ecological environment of the informational hotbed of the spiritual master world is guaranteed to avoid the extinction of spirits, the black mist will not be a climate at all.

  The current black mist is just a weak chicken, and it is not the black mist that filled the whole world in the future. If Chen Xiyi wanted to suppress the black mist at that time, it would indeed be difficult, but now is not the future.

  So there is only one Qinghe Xianjun left.

  He wants to cross the catastrophe, so Chen Xiyi will help him.

  The bet that the golden lotus was planted in the fire ordered him to directly add a handful of real shamisen fire, and it would either succeed or die.

  As Wu Ke's consciousness blurred and sank, a brand new consciousness gradually burst out from Wu Ke's body.

   This huge consciousness wiped out Wu Ke's consciousness in just a moment.

  Chen Xiyi knew that Qinghe Xianjun had come out.

   He casually took out a bottle of potion from his bosom and injected it into the giant body of the giant of light, the Golden Crow. The next moment, before the Qinghe Xianjun took over the entire body, the body began to squirm frighteningly.

  Chen Xiyi's potion is called Radiant Stone Statue Black Mist, and it is the potion corresponding to the Giant of Light Golden Crow.

   "It's really a powerful body, but I don't understand why you want to increase my strength?"

   After being injected with two medicines, coupled with his own strength that is constantly recovering, Qinghe Xianjun is breaking free from the suppression of the innate Fangyuantu, but judging from the opponent's situation, it seems that he can only break free.

   "Strengthen? Where did you get the confidence?" Chen Xiyi looked at Xianjun Qinghe, and couldn't help but say a little speechless.

   Regarding this, Qinghe Xianjun smiled: "It is rare to have someone with your strength in a remote lower realm."

  Chen Xiyi could hear the arrogance in Qinghe Xianjun's tone.

"Interesting, it seems that you know the coordinates of the world you are in, so I hope you can bear it." Chen Xiyi's body turned into countless squirming arms and distorted human figures under Qinghe Xianjun's unbelievable eyes of light.

  The absurdity gradually submerged the entire Innate Diagram, causing the entire world to form a grotesque chaos.

   "It's so ugly, it's really a demon!" Xianjun Qinghe's tone was full of disgust.

  But soon, he discovered something bad, because in his eyes, this terrifying appearance was full of ominousness and disaster. The huge calamity did not form a calamity, but surrounded the figure like a ghost.

  He could feel the coldness in his body, as if he had taken a cold bath in winter.

  At this moment, he finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

If he had survived the Eight Suffering Tribulations or did not have the Eight Suffering Tribulations, he might be able to resist, but at this time, there is a body given to him by Chen Xiyi outside, and there are Eight Suffering Tribulations linked to Chen Xiyi's aura inside, which directly made him understand What is social beating.

   "I'm Qinghe Xianjun, how dare you." Qinghe Xianjun was shocked and angry, he didn't expect Chen Xiyi to really dare to do it.

   "Leave my body, I can spare your life, otherwise I will throw you into prison!!"

  Chen Xiyi didn't pay attention to Qinghe Xianjun at all, and he was still putting on airs at this time, really thinking that it was just something wrong?

  A large number of Qinghe Xianjun's memories were taken away by Chen Xiyi, and together with the Eight Suffering Tribulations on him, they were also taken away by Chen Xiyi as an experimental product.

   But at the same time, Qinghe Xianjun can also feel that the vitality in his body is passing away little by little.

  (end of this chapter)

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