This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 418: Thousands of roads are on the line

  Chapter 418 Tens of thousands of roads and one line of difference

   "The problem is big"

  Chen Xiyi discovered one thing from Qinghe Xianjun's memory, that is, Qinghe Xianjun is just a clone who escaped.

  In addition to Qinghe Xianjun, there are several avatars, they belong to the avatars of Wuyun Daojun, and they resist and transfer calamities for them.

  The Qinghe Xianjun, who came to the world of the spirit master, suffered the calamity of love for him, but it was directly upgraded to the eight suffering calamities by Chen Xiyi's messing around.

  Of course, because the world has changed, the current Qinghe Xianjun is barely separated from the Wuyun Daojun, and he is considered an independent individual.

  The world of the Xianxia on the opposite side is quite outrageous, and it takes millions of years at every turn. For example, Qinghe Xianjun already had 9.97 million years of Taoism in that world, which is a real time.

  Wuyun Daojun’s practice time is even longer, and even Qinghe Xianjun has no corresponding concept in his memory, but there is also a problem here, that is, the structure and civilization of such a long fairy world is still similar to that of the feudal dynasty.

  Chen Xiyi felt that neither the bottom nor the top had made any progress.

The world where Qinghe Xianjun lives seems to have a long history and a huge scale. There are many terrifying existences similar to Wuyun Daojun, but in fact, after sorting it out, Chen Xiyi found that it is completely an old world, full of various catastrophes. .

  For example, a dignified boss would actually fall in love with a mortal woman, and he would love to death and suffer disasters because of it. This is no longer outrageous, but the logic is about to explode.

  But when Chen Xiyi thought of the doom, he was relieved, this thing is not logical at all.

   "True Monarch, Immortal Monarch, Dao Monarch, this is really a simple division." Chen Xiyi knew that the world of immortals was not divided like the world of cultivating immortals, but only had three levels.

   There is no lifespan limit after stepping into practice, unless you die due to an accident or calamity, otherwise you will continue to practice and increase your lifespan.

  Thousands of years is the true king, a million years is the immortal king, and tens of millions of years is the Taoist king.

  There is no detailed division above Daojun.

  This practice system, on the bright side, means that whoever lives long is strong enough.

  Just because of the existence of calamity, ordinary people can't live that long, even if they step into the Tao, they may not really be able to live tens of thousands of years to become a true king.

  So Immortal Lord Qinghe can become a Taoist Lord by sight, but his main function is to protect the Taoist Lord Wuyun from disasters. Even if he becomes a Taoist Lord, he is not the opponent of the Taoist Lord Wuyun.

  One more thing, the world of immortals on the opposite side is still full of all kinds of gossip. Chen Xiyi discovered a lot from Qinghe Xianjun's experience of preventing disasters.

  For example, the heroine of Silly White Sweet, the heroine of White Lotus, the heroine of Cinderella, etc.

   This is not the first time Qinghe Xianjun has crossed the tribulation of love. He has blocked Wuyun Taoist many times, and he was tortured to the death every time.

  In the end, it was not because of an unfortunate sadomasochism that he came to this world, and even the love disaster followed.

   After reading Qinghe Xianjun's memory, Chen Xiyi felt a little creepy. If he really wants to pass this kind of world, wouldn't he have sharp eyes every day?

  The calamity is not only for those who step into the practice, but for everyone. It's just that the deeper the Tao, the more ferocious the calamity.

  In the end, even Xianjun Qinghe, who lived for more than nine million years, was cheated.

   "Besides, the people in that world are very strong, but the average IQ doesn't seem to be high, and all of them are controlled by their appearance."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but complain, based on Qinghe Xianjun's last performance, plus the experience in the other party's memory.

  Even if he is as strong as the Lord of the Five Aggregates, his IQ will not exceed that of a normal person.

  How should I put it, Chen Xiyi felt that when he first came to Dali, he could compete with this group of people in terms of wits.

  Most people's minds are bound by all kinds of messy love, that is, love robbery.

   There should be no Eight Suffering Calamities on the opposite side. With their IQ, it is estimated that they will be cold before the Emotional Calamity is upgraded to the Eight Suffering Calamities.

  As for the performance of Qinghe Xianjun after he came to this world, it can only be said that his feet were off the ground, the virus was shut down, and his smart IQ once again occupied the high ground.

  After all, the overall environment is that of low IQ. After coming to this world, I was freed from the shackles and barely recovered my IQ, but my mentality and appearance control should not have changed.

   "The magic is remarkable, and the cultivation system is not bad. He can even hide it from me. Unfortunately, there is something wrong with his brain."

  From the fact that they still wanted to put on airs and threats when they were beaten up by Chen Xiyi, it can be seen that they really resent ugly people.

  【You used the alloy musket to deal 1% damage to Qinghe Xianjun, the Giant of Light, and you killed Qinghe Xianjun, the Giant of Light】

  【You collected Qinghe Xianjun, the dead giant of light, you got: human bone】

   "Okay, even Homeland Games judged that you are called Qinghe Immortal Lord, I thought I would give you another name."

   Qinghe Xianjun is the avatar, without a name, he is called Qinghe Xianjun.

   Chen Xiyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he found that there was no corresponding module released.

   If it is really going to explode, Chen Xiyi has to carefully consider whether to use it, what if it turns into a love brain after using it, it will lower his IQ.

  The fairy world on the opposite side is not without other catastrophes, but the problem is that other catastrophes don't have such a large share at all.

  And more importantly, the love and the moist things are silent, which can be called the top-level disaster in the opposite world.

  From the current point of view, the veteran Daojun should have the means to deal with the love disaster, but that's all. This method of coping should be diversion, not transfer.

   Otherwise, the love calamity of the first level of the Daoist Lord fell on Qinghe, an immortal, how could he survive it, he would have been cold in the first love calamity.

   It is even possible that this Qing He is not the first Qing He.

   "It just looks absurd, but in fact, when you think about it, it is able to maintain such a large-scale disaster, which shows that this doom itself is a part of the world cycle."

   Chen Xiyi felt like raising pigs?

   Otherwise, a person who has cultivated millions and tens of millions will actually cause himself to fall because of this little love.

   Needless to say, the combat power in that fairy world is definitely very high, and even the cultivation system is very perfect, but this kind of world is so absurd.

   "So, can these eight sufferings be the reincarnation coordinates to this world?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the eight bitter kalpas held in his hands. This thing can destroy the world, but it is only limited to this.

  Chen Xiyi can also do it, let go of the seal on himself and stand on him for ten and a half days. If the world is still intact, it will be regarded as Chen Xiyi's disadvantage.

   He took out a box and stuffed the Eight Sufferings into it, and then smashed it with a pickaxe.

   “Success or failure is here.”

  【You used the alloy pickaxe to cause 1 point of durability damage to the wooden box】

  【You got: 1 piece of wood board, Daojun Eight Suffering Calamities】

   "The wooden box is indeed an eternal god. As long as it is put in and smashed, everything can be turned into a home."

  【Daojun Eight Sufferings】

  【After use, the next reincarnation function will lock the world of the doomed host】

"It's done." Chen Xiyi couldn't help laughing, the Dao Lord's Eight Suffering Tribulations definitely not only have such a function as a reincarnation coordinate, but can also be stuffed on himself as a calamity for him to go through the tribulation. Module rewards too.

   But Chen Xiyi is not stupid, why would he make trouble for himself if he has nothing to do.

  If it was someone's robbery, murder robbery, or lightning robbery, he would definitely use it without hesitation.

  But for the Eight Suffering Calamities upgraded from love calamity, it is still a calamity at the level of a Taoist monarch, which makes Chen Xiyi very jealous. If the normal thinking he is proud of is glued to the brain of love, what will happen in the future.

  If his 404 part is not a map, then he doesn't mind, he has already rebuilt the Hehuan Road, but the problem is that this road is dead.

  Of course, He Huan Dao can't be practiced now, he doesn't even have a normal body.

   "After going to the fairy world, the modules were carefully loaded, as for the doom."

  Chen Xiyi looked at himself, unless the opponent's calamity can reach the level of destroying the world, otherwise it should not affect him.

   And he didn't go now, anyway, he had to wait until he had fully upgraded the profession of Spirit Master, and then gave himself a wave of rebirth before going there.

  In addition, he had to use his own calamity to develop and research a new soul array, which was designed to protect against various calamities.

The Xianxia world where Qinghe Xianjun lives is indeed so absurd, but it can't stand the rich resources. From his memory, Chen Xiyi can tell that it is at least a hundred times that of the world of cultivating immortals. How could Chen Xiyi give up such a rich resource world? .

   If he didn't get the reincarnation coordinates, that's all. Now that he has, he must go there.

   Besides, seeing that the other party's IQ is all focused on talking about love, it doesn't make sense to just cause trouble in the past.

Even if the catastrophe of love is over, there will be leftovers. It is impossible to say that it will be gone after breaking through. Maybe there will be reincarnations, fellow sisters, who look exactly the same, and so on. Maybe this meeting It relapsed again.

   "According to Qinghe Xianjun's memory, my strength is probably equivalent to the first level of Daojun, and Qinghe Xianjun should be able to become Daojun if he survives the calamity."

"No, after leaving the original world, he is actually a Daoist Lord, but the emotional calamity on his body has not passed, and because of the reason of reincarnation, his strength has not recovered, otherwise he is definitely a Daoist-level existence .”

The other party's system is true and sincere. You can gain one day's Taoism after practicing one day. At most, it is to make your daily cultivation of immortals be completed faster.

   This system can be regarded as the one with a lower threshold. It only needs to persevere in practice and don't die halfway.

  However, this persistent practice is not a big problem. The real problem is how not to die due to calamity.

  The process of cultivation is filled with a lot of catastrophe, which is equivalent to leveling is easy difficulty, but if you are not careful while running the plot, you will die because of the plot.

  If Chen Xiyi passed, the main reason is to prevent the calamity of love. As for the other calamities, it is a great death, and when he is resurrected, he will be a hero again.

   "Qinghe Xianjun died, Wu Ke died, and I killed the black mist in advance. The shining stone statue was never born, so the future should be completely changed."

  Chen Xiyi thinks that as long as he stops being cheap, the civilization of the spirit master will basically be stable.

   Well, he is not sure, who knows if there are any messy things lurking in this world, anyway, there are none at present, and even if there are, it is none of his business.

   "Recently, Sima Yi and Situ Ziyan have to be trained, so that it will be more convenient to communicate with each other in the future."

  The benefits brought by a weak friend and a strong friend are completely different.

  (end of this chapter)

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