This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 420: I am at odds with the whole world, what should I do?

  Chapter 420 I am incompatible with the whole world, what should I do, wait online, hurry up!

   "That's meowing, it's normal." Chen Xiyi looked at the wilderness, and started the game.

  He doubted whether his birth point was of the same nature as Zhang Wei, but he was in the wilderness, while Zhang Wei was in the bar toilet.

   After simply moving his body, Chen Xiyi could clearly feel the accelerated brewing of his calamity.

  If it is said that in the world of spiritual masters, the speed at which calamity becomes calamity is 1, then in this world full of love brains, the speed at which calamity becomes calamity is 100, at least a hundred times higher.

  Of course, this is of no use to Chen Xiyi, the calamity has been fused by him now, there is no chance to form a calamity at all, if it does, it will definitely be a catastrophe.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't be worthy of Chen Xiyi's strength, the kind that wouldn't even be able to be scratched by scraping him.

   "I always feel as though I've cheated Daoist Wuyun." The reason why Chen Xiyi almost got out of bed just now is very simple, that is, the eight sufferings of Daojun are not consumables, but an item.

  It means that after coming here, the Daoist Eight Suffering Kalpas ran away. Looking at the direction in which he was running, he knew without thinking that he was going to find his own master, that is, the Daoist of the Five Aggregates.

  Chen Xiyi has seen the power of the Eight Suffering Tribulations before. This is an invasive alien species. He can be sure that this world has no resistance, just like when Qing Jie entered the world of the Spirit Master.

You know, what used to be Love Tribulation, and later mutated into Eight Suffering Tribulations in the hotbed of information state in the world of the Spirit Master. up.

"It has to be said that Taoist monarchs can really live." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining that this Taoist monarch ran away by himself, which means that people are not dead. If they die, they will be honest in Chen Xiyi's hands up.

  So the principle is probably that Daojun Bakujie took Chen Xiyi home to visit his relatives, but the more embarrassing thing was that he went home to visit his old father Wuyun Daojun, and Chen Xiyi stayed at home with no one to entertain him.

   But it's okay, Chen Xiyi has always been a shameless person, it doesn't matter whether he entertains him or not, he can entertain himself.

   Taking a deep breath, Chen Xiyi's surroundings began to distort into an irregular shape, as if being pulled by a terrifying suction force.

   Then, half of Chen Xiyi's head exploded, and then he stretched out a hand. A large amount of clouds and light filled the ominous, and disaster floated out from the half of his head.

"Hey, this breath **** so hard that my body can't bear it." Chen Xiyi stuffed all these messy things back, and then a lot of flesh and blood squirmed, and quickly repaired the half of his head that exploded up.

"Sure enough, I seem to be able to eat the world now, and the attribute panel of the Homeland game seems to be even more hip. This time it is completely messed up." A sort of.

  Of course, this is not the point, the point is that he seems to be vaguely aware of the boundaries of the homeland game.

   To put it another way, if he finds the right breakthrough conditions next time, then the homeland game is likely to be blown up by him.

   That is to say, he has completely left the Homeland game now, but he is still living in it.

   It's not impossible to leave, but he is reluctant to part with such a big baby. Although he said he has stretched his hips, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

   The explosion can only be said that Homeland Game is too small, but if he fights Homeland Game, it is probably the same.

  He half a catty of scrap iron, others eight taels of gold.

  Chen Xiyi reckoned that he was strong enough to be able to withstand a single blow from others, and he admitted that he was not as good as the scales in the world of cultivating immortals back then, which could be wiped out, let alone him.

   Now, he naturally began to analyze the entire home game. He realized that there are complete rules in the home game, but it looks like a broken world.

   It might sound a little strange to describe, but that's about it.

  As for the module, it is like activating the corresponding rules for blessing and then projecting it.

   To put it simply, it means to mod the original game.

Therefore, now Chen Xiyi puts most of his energy into the homeland game that he can already perceive. As long as he masters the various rules, principles, etc. of the homeland game, then he will be able to take the lead by himself instead of relying on the homeland game. The game is over.

   "Let's go and see what's going on in this world first." Chen Xiyi glanced at the map, how can I put it, there are modules, but there are no items that contain historical details.

   This made Chen Xiyi puzzled, the length of time in this world is very vast.

  In this way, Chen Xiyi is also guessing that the spiritual integrity of an object does not seem to have much to do with time, and what has to do with time is the historical background.

  Fortunately, he doesn't care anymore. The adventurers are all collecting these things now, and he hasn't collected these things for a long time.

   And the help that the goblin gave him is not as great as before, such as equipment.

   It has been changed nearly a dozen times, especially after Chen Xiyi broke through before, the blacksmiths and the others just threw away the freshly baked equipment design drawings.

  The reason is very simple, that is, I can't keep up with Chen Xiyi's strength.

  If the equipment can't keep up with Chen Xiyi's strength, it's basically useless.

  That's why it led to procrastination. Otherwise, wearing level 1 equipment at level 100 can indeed increase a little attribute, but what's the use of it?

   There is no competitiveness at all.

   As far as Chen Xiyi's current strength is concerned, it doesn't matter whether he has equipment or not. At most, it is only a little useful when he is home.

Chen Xiyi was thinking about where he was going to cause harm. It was about communication, which was a bit of a struggle for him now. After all, ninety-nine percent of his energy was devoted to analyzing the Homeworld game, which was equivalent to saying that his reaction was much slower. It's probably about the strength of a Ninth Grade Celestial Immortal.

  This is an epic weakening for Chen Xiyi, but it is a necessary expenditure. Analyzing the home game is the key point. Chen Xiyi thinks this is probably one of the few enhancements he has.

  Of course, he now only has the same alchemists who have no upper limit and has completed half of the historical sequence to improve his strength.

  The goblin can also do it, but it doesn't help him as much as before.

   And the historical sequence is also the same. This upgrade is very difficult, but the increase in upgrades is not much now.

  Chen Xiyi was thinking about it, when there was a burst of noise not far away.

   After a casual scan of his consciousness, he found that it was just a group of ordinary people chasing and killing an ordinary person, nothing serious.

   So he backed off to the side of the road and got back to his own business.

   Isn't it just hunting, it's not a big problem.

"After losing the hotbed of the information state, the information state of the spirit is more hip than me. After all, I am also a nine-turn spirit. As a result, I can't even guarantee the shuttle time. What a joke." Chen Xiyi tested After finishing the spirit, I found a pit.

  As the embodiment of the information state, it is not unusable. Its power has dropped significantly. It is probably the same as the fish landing on the shore. If you want to fully play it, you must be in a specific environment.

  The same is true for other systems before, but this spirit master system is different, the names are all there, and it is based on spirits.

  Of course, you don't have to stretch your hips if you want, Chen Xiyi pays the cost himself.

  As soon as he thought of having to pay the cost himself, he understood a truth, don't waste time thinking about nothing, what to do if you encounter a terrifying existence in time.

   It's not too late to study after his strength has improved to a higher level.

  He also understands that even the powerful first-generation cultivating civilization in the world of cultivating immortals has overturned, let alone him.

   As for the research time, he is not bad now, but he is not very sure.

  So we can only shelve it first.

   In the two minutes of Chen Xiyi's test, a hero saved the beauty not far away.

   Well, he witnessed it.

It was probably a handsome girl who rescued a beautiful woman. Those who chased and killed were a group of vulgar-looking people in black clothes who looked like dragon suits. They wore night clothes in broad daylight and covered their entire body tightly, revealing their eyes. I don't know what it is What do you think.

   Just like this, the group of men in black were beaten away, which made Chen Xiyi even more puzzled. Don't you just kill the grass?

  He admitted that this handsome guy is very handsome in fighting, and his every move and style shows an extraordinary aura, but the problem is that he has killed people, and the sword in your hand is really used to be handsome.

  For a while, Chen Xiyi felt that this was definitely a law-abiding citizen.

   It's not like he can already challenge the title of Zhang San, an outlaw lunatic, but he always feels that Zhang San seems to be used by someone, why not use Li Si?

   "Brother, what are you doing sitting on the side of the road?"

  The other party interrupted Chen Xiyi's witnessing, and asked in a deep voice.

  Chen Xiyi sighed: "I'm thinking about a philosophy about life."

   "???" These two people are a little weird, why are you sitting on the side of the road thinking about this thing?

   "Since this is the case, don't disturb Xiongtai's thinking. There are many robbers in the wilderness, Xiongtai, be careful." The man kindly reminded him.

   "Don't worry about that, I look normal and don't have a mocking face." Chen Xiyi said solemnly.

  He felt that the probability of encountering a robber was as low as seeing a hero save the United States again.

  The two of them didn't say anything about it, and it was hard to persuade the **** ghost, so they left first.

   But Chen Xiyi's expression became more and more frightened.

   "The love disaster in this world has mutated!!"

  If in the memory of Immortal Qinghe, Love Tribulation is a tribulation, even though it’s cheating and outrageous, let’s say we can get through it anyway.

   But it is different now, the world has become very distinct.

   Those who are ugly and unsightly are classified as villains, and the ordinary ones are passers-by, just like Chen Xiyi.

   And the good-looking ones are decent protagonists, which is equivalent to hitting villains while falling in love every day.


  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel like shit, the whole world began to deform, which is equivalent to saying that the game is on fire.

   As for other calamities, I have already been laid off because I have no business.

  What he is thinking now is whether the Daoist Eight Suffering Trials can beat the Emotional Trial in this world. Don't let the dignified World Extermination Calamity be rubbed against the ground by Qing Jie, which will be embarrassing.

   "And in this situation, can the module still be used?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help but get more and more mad, after all, who knows if the system of this world will change because of this.

  And because of this mutation, the average IQ has been lowered a lot.

For example, the hero who saved the beauty and played handsome just now, obviously has a sword in his hand, so he must kill it as soon as possible in such a situation, but the other party froze after doing some fancy moves, didn't kill a single one, and just let the tiger go back to the mountain like this up.

  Even if they don’t kill them, let’s tie them up anyway, aren’t they afraid that they will be caught off guard by a carbine back and forth afterwards?

  If there is nothing wrong with this brain, Chen Xiyi would not believe it.

  (end of this chapter)

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