This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 421: Unpredictable plot direction

  Chapter 421 Unpredictable plot direction

   After entering the city, Chen Xiyi finally regained his strength. The common people are quite normal, and there is no messy operation.

  But most common people have a common feature, that is, they look ordinary, and they are not handsome men or women, so they are just background boards.

"Analyzing from the current situation, the calamity of this world has already undergone a huge shift. From Qinghe Xianjun's memory, it can be concluded that everyone has a calamity, but now, it is not at all, but only certain people have it. This opportunity."

   "And now I'm not sure if this thing is doomed."

  Chen Xiyi could tell the difference between these people at a glance, and there was no aura surrounding them, which showed that they had shifted from the general public to a specific group of people.

  Probably changed from the original average score to the way of choosing the protagonist.

"In this way, the IQ of ordinary people can be considered to have returned to normal levels. As long as you don't encounter this group of special people who have been robbed, you are basically fine." Chen Xiyi was thinking about this matter. It's normal.

  As for other people, that's not necessarily the case.

  For example, Chen Xiyi found a man and a woman who were heroically saving the beauty in the wilderness just now.

  How should I put it, the female is the daughter of the city lord of this city. As for the male, Chen Xiyi did not find any corresponding information, and it seems that he is also the eldest son of a certain force.

  These two people are obviously haunted by robbery, so the average IQ level is not high.

   "Looking at the amount of calamity the other party has, it seems that this calamity is not that big, at most it can affect the range of a city."

   "So this counts as bad luck wherever you go?"

  Why Chen Xiyi said that, the reason is very simple, that is, there are already troops from other cities under pressure.

  There is no unified dynasty in this world, but a model similar to a city-state, probably the one that operates independently.

  So it is quite normal for cities to attack each other. Development, apart from their own development, is naturally plundering.

   But looking at the situation of the army, it seems that it is not for resources, but more for women?

   "The second male and the second female?" Chen Xiyi could clearly sense that the two leaders in this army were tainted with a lot of misfortune.

   And the difference can be seen at a glance.

  For example, looks, the looks of the two of them are not on the same level as their subordinates.

  Of course, the more important thing is who would bring a woman in the barracks during normal marches and wars. If a group of people can understand this, is it not good for only one, so this is something that goes against common sense, and there is definitely a problem.

   "Why am I so unlucky, where is the problem?"

  Chen Xiyi thought about running away. If it was a little later, he might not be able to leave. After the army besieged the city, it was estimated that the whole city would be doomed. He was worried that his IQ would also be affected.

   This can be regarded as a small-scale outbreak.

  After thinking about it for the last time, he still didn’t leave. He is confident in his IQ, even if it drops, he’s not afraid.

   What's more, he also wants to see how the follow-up develops.

  What kind of operation mode is this mutated catastrophe similar to the protagonist's halo, and what is the point of doing so.

   Otherwise, wouldn't he come in vain? Besides, the mutated doom seems to be much more powerful.

   And more importantly, he wants to know that the catastrophe of this scale should appear to practitioners in this world, why it appears to ordinary people, can ordinary people really bear it?

  Oh, I should be able to bear it. If I can’t live well, if I can’t bear it, people will disappear.

   After finding an inn at random and staying there, within two minutes of waiting, I heard some panicked voices.

   For example, the army besieged the city and the like.

This made Chen Xiyi feel a little terrified. He was able to know this news because he scanned it with his consciousness. Since his consciousness evolved into a fairy consciousness, his consciousness is equivalent to changing from an ordinary camera to a high-definition camera. Look at the thief is accurate.

  Chen Xiyi was able to hear the news, but it doesn't mean that other people will also get the news so quickly.

   It hasn't been half an hour since he checked into the inn. Can the news grow wings and fly in?

   Even the city lord's mansion didn't react, why did you small people know this in advance.

   "Forget it, there are too many unscientific things, I don't want to complain."

  First of all, according to their marching speed, the army will not arrive at least until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. After all, it is an ancient society.

   Then there is still such a long distance, how did they know this, it is impossible to say that the information appeared in a flash of inspiration.

   Forced to do so, Chen Xiyi tried to find a way to search his soul.

"Oh, it's the secret work of the other side, but why do you want to spread this news?" Chen Xiyi was in a black line, knowing that the source of the news was reasonable, but his behavior was a little unreasonable, so he just had a brainstorm and wanted to do it. almost.

  Chen Xiyi learned from the details of this name that he wanted to use this to create chaos.

   How should I put this, it is basically the same as sending information to the enemy.

  The reason why they also spread the army to besiege is that they don’t want the daughter of the city lord to marry someone, as long as the daughter of the city lord is handed over, the war can be resolved.

  To be honest, Chen Xiyi failed to figure out the logic behind it. If there was no reason for the final spread, he could reluctantly admit that it was to create chaos, but after adding a reason, it became nondescript.

   "I don't know how this little brain came up with such an irrelevant strategy. It's really embarrassing for me to get out of the **** plot."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining, what should I say about this spy, before that, it could be described as an ace spy, but now his brain is not working at all.

  As the waves fueled the flames, this bad brain soon became contagious.

   In the end, I don’t know what happened. It seems that I am planning to go to the City Lord’s Mansion to force the City Lord to hand over his daughter to save the entire city.

   This made Chen Xiyi confused, what the hell, why did you surrender early before the fight started, you don't have to fight first to test the waters, is it sure that you will lose if you just say something alone?

   "Is the world's public opinion war so powerful? No, this thing doesn't even count as public opinion, it's just rumors at most." Chen Xiyi felt very grassy.

   Soon gathered a bunch of people and headed towards the City Lord's Mansion. To be honest, things were a bit beyond Chen Xiyi's expectations.

  However, after discovering that the catastrophe gradually permeating everyone, this matter is considered normal.

In this weird world, the addition of catastrophe is basically the same as losing IQ. The people in the city whose IQ was still at the level of normal people just now have lost most of their IQ, and at most there are only one or two left. .

  Of course, this does not mean that they have become imbecile, but refers to the kind of judgment and common sense cognition of things that have dropped to the extreme.

   As far as the situation in this city is concerned, not to mention how rich it is, at least it is considered a good city. This situation is enough to show the ability of the city owner.

  As a result, the people in the city were ready to surrender before the enemy came to kill them.

  It’s not that there are no soldiers in the city. If there is a real fight, it’s not certain who will win or lose, and then be stabbed by the person protecting him first. Who can bear it?

   This will be placed on Chen Xiyi, and all these people will have to be hung up by him one by one at the gate of the city to let blood.

  After all, you want my life, I still care about what you do.

   "This catastrophe is really terrifying, but I don't know what it is reaping." Chen Xiyi looked solemn.

  There must be a reason for things to happen, and there must be a reason for doing so. Just like Chen Xiyi, every disaster can bring him a lot of benefits.

   Taking a deep breath, he easily swallowed the calamity surrounding him.

  He was naturally affected in this city, but in his situation, this thing could not affect him at all.

   "So now I'm the only one left in the whole city, and I'm still a little sane?"

   In just half an hour, it can be said that the whole city attributed the mistake to the daughter of the city lord.

   "Then will it be a plot that slaps the face?" Chen Xiyi can't guess the development of the plot now.

  After all, things have completely turned into a mess, and he never guessed this direction from the beginning.

  Which enemy army surrendered in the air before they came.

   "Thinking about it this way, that meticulous work is really a talent." Chen Xiyi realized that the best designation in the audience was this person.

   Just a few words, it is equivalent to taking down a city without bloodshed.

   "Would it be the same for those Taoist monarchs?" Chen Xiyi looked at Tianwai, as if thinking about it.

  Based on this urine nature, the possibility is really not small, after all, Daojun has the corresponding calamity of Daojun.

   "Wuyun Daojun seems to be quiet, it must be cold."

  Chen Xiyi felt it, and found that there was indeed no movement, but no one was there, so it might not be cool.

   No matter how you say it, he is also a Daoist, standing at the apex of this world, if he is really about to die, there will definitely be a lot of movement.

   Afterwards, Chen Xiyi naturally turned his attention back to the city. After the chaos, the city lord also came out to calm public opinion.

   Chengzhong is a decent-looking middle-aged man. From this, Chen Xiyi can judge that he should be a relatively marginal supporting role, and the treatment is much better than this group of ordinary-looking actors.

  In short, it was just an explanation, but the people who lost their minds would not listen to it at all.

  Then the handsome guy Chen Xiyi had seen the hero save the beauty before came out and explained, calming everyone down with just a few words.

   Chen Xiyi was taken aback by this. Judging from the words alone, the city lord's speech skills were obviously better than that of the handsome guy, but he couldn't succeed.

   "Sure enough, the world of looking at faces really makes people despair." Chen Xiyi complained.

   This seems to be a solution to the crisis, but Chen Xiyi has reason to believe that this is an opportunity for the handsome guy to pretend to be aggressive, and it also deepens the doom.

  The other party promised to solve this matter, so that there is no way out.

  The meaning of this is obvious, it is to find a way to make the opponent retreat.

  The idea is very good, but in Chen Xiyi's eyes, why should the opponent retreat instead of directly blowing up the opponent?

  Whether it is from the bottom or the top, it seems that they have subconsciously ignored the option of playing this.

  If the enemy army comes to attack, the normal first thought must be to kill the opponent, not surrender.

  Chen Xiyi also compared the forces of the two parties. How should I put it, the outcome is about 28 points.

  Their winning rate is 80%, while the opponent's winning rate is only 20%.

  First of all, there are troops. There are 10,000 soldiers in this city, but only 3,000 on the other side.

   Then there are supplies and status, and the opposite is the exhaustion of boats and cars, and the city can be said to be recuperating.

  If they really wanted to fight, they might be able to wipe out the opponent in one wave, but they were made to such a weird state.

   And without even confirming the authenticity of the news, the high-level officials in the city believed it.

   He also came out to apologize and explain, and even swore, that he was completely reckless in doing things, and maintaining stability is not how it is maintained.

  Obviously on the strong side, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the logical thinking of the strong side, but more like the weak side.

  (end of this chapter)

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