This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 422: invisible world system

  Chapter 422 The invisible world system

  Chen Xiyi has really sharp eyes these days, seeing a series of weird operations.

  For example, didn’t the army besiege the city before? Three thousand people surrounded a city with ten thousand defenders, and it succeeded.

   Then it was time to solve the problem. The two handsome men and beautiful women sneaked into the enemy's main tent under the cover of night without taking anyone with them.

  Don’t ask how they broke in, they just got in anyway, and logic doesn’t matter.

   Immediately after a while of all kinds of love and hatred such as I only treat you as a brother/sister, the other party retreated.

   That’s right, the troops have retreated.

   This made Chen Xiyi numb.

  He thought that the other party would go in and carry out the decapitation operation, but you went over and told him to go away. If you have the ability, why didn't you just tell the man to death and take over the 3,000 soldiers.

   You must know that these 3,000 soldiers can deter 10,000 defenders, and scare the whole city into chaos.

   It can be called a magic weapon.

  Unfortunately, the development of this plot has always been beyond Chen Xiyi's expectations.

   "The brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that they are all put in the water now." The development is very chaotic, but Chen Xiyi has barely adapted to the situation of this world.

   "So, what's the point of all this mess?"

   "If you two fall in love with her, just ask a matchmaker to come to propose marriage, and bring 3,000 soldiers to ask her why she wants to get married. If it's not possible, the four of you can just live together and have fun."

  The matter that can be solved by only asking for marriage, they just took such a big detour.

   "So, what exactly is this calamity going to do?" Chen Xiyi was at a loss, he thought it was harvesting.

  For example, breaking into the city directly and killing him in a mess, which is a bit meaningful, but he couldn't understand it at all because of the anticlimax.

  Chen Xiyi's primordial spirit seeped out of his body, and along with his consciousness, he began to test the entire city.

   "No benefit other than internal ego depletion."

   "This is no longer simply taking off your pants and farting."

   Chen Xiyi was puzzled by this, and had no idea why he did this

   This feels very absurd to him, absurd in logic and cognition.

   This is like child's play.

  After this time, the pervasive aura of catastrophe also began to gradually subside, and the ordinary people whose IQ was lowered due to this also gradually recovered.

   But Chen Xiyi found that their cognition of what they did before had been solidified, and they didn't notice any problems at all.

That is to say, regarding the attack on the City Lord's Mansion due to some bewitching before, there was no problem at all. If Chen Xiyi were in this position, he would be in a cold sweat. I was afraid that the other party would liquidate it afterwards, but the matter passed like this , without any follow-up at all.

  This feeling is like jumping from one short story to another short story, the abrupt feeling that these two short stories have no connection yet.

   "The problem is big."

   "I just don't know if practitioners can be exempted from this influence, I guess."

  Chen Xiyi was thinking that practitioners in this world, even if they are true kings, immortal kings, or Taoist kings, cannot escape this influence.

  Cultivators in this world have a special way of cultivation, not such as breathing, meditation, etc., but simply chanting.

   That is, just sit down and recite sutras.

   One day of reciting is one day's practice.

  Chen Xiyi also found out what the specific principle is. It is probably that the process of chanting sutras will interact with heaven and earth. As long as you finish chanting sutras, it is equivalent to completing a procedure and automatically giving you back to you.

  So in theory, you only need to chant sutras day after day, you can increase your Taoism without limit, without any bottlenecks at all.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi can only say that this is a system that tests self-discipline.

   "It's just that this looks a bit like a sacrifice or a belief?"

  This feeling is almost the same as the way of incense or belief in God, but the object is the whole world, and the practitioner is a believer.

   "So is the world going wrong because of this or is it being affected by other factors?"

Chen Xiyi is actually rather puzzled by this. Calamity should be normal. Even the part of love calamity is the torture of fate. But now the whole world has undergone a huge mutation, causing even the normal logic to appear. question.

   "It seems that it is still necessary to obtain the modules of this world. As an extraordinary system, both division and cultivation are so sloppy, which is enough to show that there are bigger problems behind it."

  He guessed that the system of this world may be related to the decline in IQ of the whole world as a whole.

   This may have been a problem before Qinghe Xianjun traveled to the world of the spirit master, which means that nature is particularly powerful.

  So Chen Xiyi thought, there must be something terrifying at work here, as for what it is, he doesn't know, and he doesn't know everything.

   "The Taoists may know something, but given the current situation, it is estimated that they have no time to get away."

   Practitioners are definitely rubbed on the ground by these messy plots of lowering IQ, and they may even be the protagonists of Ying Jie.

   After glancing at the map, Chen Xiyi volleyed and grabbed the module of this world.

  【Module: Avenue Induction】

  【After activation, you will get a new system: Practitioner】

  【You get the skill: Chanting】

  【You are blessed by the river goblin-Jianghu, and you get status: Tianxin】

  【You are blessed by the Mountain Fairy-Mountain, and you get the status: Tianxin】

  【You are blessed by the Sheji Fairy-Royalty, and get the status: Tianxin】

  【You received】

  Chen Xiyi decisively activated this module called Dao Induction, and obtained a new system practitioner.

  He also understood the principle, and then took out a scripture and began to recite it. His speaking speed was very fast, and he read the entire scripture in just one second.

  Then he could clearly feel the Taoism of the day gushing out of his body. This Taoism was very weak, and if it was really a metaphor, it was about the same as a strand of hair.

   "The power drawn from the heaven and the earth just looks pure, but in fact it seems to be a simple transformation of calamity?"

  Chen Xiyi analyzed this power called Dao Xing, and he saw the specific forming process.

  And after gaining Dao Xing for a day, Chen Xiyi also keenly noticed that the growth rate of his calamity qi had become a little bit faster. Although the magnitude was not large, Chen Xiyi could still clearly perceive it.

   But on the contrary, he also showed a little affinity for the surrounding environment.


  Chen Xiyi could feel that this state called Tianxin seemed to be an additional state similar to natural affinity.

   "Sure enough, there is a problem in the world." Chen Xiyi understood that it was definitely not his problem, but a problem in the world.

   And it can also be seen from this that this system has a lot of pitfalls. Although practitioners in this world seem to be very relaxed, they must live unsatisfactory lives.

If it was the previous calamity system, it would be fine if you were struck by lightning or burned by fire. After all, you can withstand the high point of this Taoism. After you pass it, you can make the Taoism in your body more pure, but now it is different. The whole thing is a puppet being manipulated.

   From this, it can be completely determined that Dao Xing is equal to a robbery accelerator.

  The higher the Taoism, the more miserable the practitioner, and it is the kind of physical and mental torture.

  Maybe Taoist monarchs have the means to deal with doom, but this is only a possibility, and now Chen Xiyi is not sure.

   But this is not a big deal to Chen Xiyi, he does not only have a system of practitioners, but there are many other systems.

  Whether it's calamity or calamity, it's just a matter of boredom.

   He can even manipulate Jie Qi to deceive people.

  Chen Xiyi tried to recite the scriptures for the second time to see what would happen. However, after the scriptures were finished, he did not give back to the Taoist deeds.

   “It’s fun to reward the first time and punish the second time.”

  Chen Xiyi stopped believing in evil, and chanted scriptures again, and this time he took half of his energy from the project of researching homeland games, in order to find out where the catastrophe came from.

  The source of this catastrophe and the source of feedback are the same place, but what is more curious is how it was generated.

   Soon, Chen Xiyi immediately caught the second wave of catastrophe emerging from his body, which was quite a lot.

If it was 1 last time, then this time it will be 10, which can be called ten times the efficiency. Chen Xiyi wonders if the third time will be ten times more than the original one. If so, it will be interesting up.

   "Found it, but not quite."

  Chen Xiyi discovered that these cataclysms were born from the whole world, the kind that were born directly beside Chen Xiyi and locked on him.

   "Is direct synthesis born? Sure enough, this is a pit that is similar to the natural and friendly way."

  Chen Xiyi didn't have many clues for a while.

   "It seems that I can only find a practitioner to cooperate with me in some small experiments, otherwise I don't have enough data." Chen Xiyi knew that he was special and couldn't get the right data, so he had to entrust others to help.

  Chen Xiyi re-arranged the energy he had withdrawn to study the Homeworld game. The research on this world is completely inferior to the research on the Homeworld game, so the priority is naturally lower.

   Temporary transfers are fine, but there is no need to maintain them all the time. No matter how valuable this world is, how can it be as big as Homeworld?

   "So as long as you find the direct connection or root cause between the practitioner and the calamity, it is possible to reveal the secret. More importantly, this world is definitely not that simple."

  Chen Xiyi knows that the reincarnation function is very cheating. Whether it is random or with coordinates, there are some very dark lines that are very frustrating.

   After all, except for the first world, other worlds are like this.

  He even felt that if his strength in the first world was not too low and he did not carry out large-scale disasters, otherwise he might be able to find some creepy things.

   "There is also a recitation of scriptures. Does this scripture have any influence?"

It is normal to chant scriptures, and scriptures are also normal. For example, the "Four Seasons of Heaven and Earth" that Chen Xiyi took casually is mainly about scriptures that tell the seasons and praise heaven and earth. It is not a certain **** or a story, but more like It is a book that Wu Zhu combined with some climate knowledge.

  In addition to this "Heaven and Earth Four Seasons Classic", there are many similar scriptures that can be recited.

   Of course, having more scriptures does not mean that there are more practitioners. If you want to become a practitioner, you must first obtain Taoism, that is to say, you must have a sufficient degree of fit with this world.

   This should be Tianxin, Tianxin and self-heart confirm each other.

   To put it another way, God thinks you can do it, and you can become a practitioner. Otherwise, even if you recite it ten thousand times, you will not be able to become a practitioner.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, those with better looks have a higher success rate, and most of these people are doomed and take the **** route.

   Therefore, practitioners are actually not common. After all, good-looking people are busy dating, and there is no time to practice.

  (end of this chapter)

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