This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 423: ten thousand years of professional villains

  Chapter 423 Ten Thousand Years of Professional Villains

  The Liuyun Temple seemed a little dilapidated, but Chen Xiyi didn't care, and casually glanced at the temple master Qin Liuyun who was chanting sutras.

  The other party seemed to have noticed Chen Xiyi's arrival, but he didn't get up, but chanted scriptures by himself.

  Obviously, this view of Liuyun is named after Qin Liuyun, and his handsome appearance can be seen from his brows, but now he is old and does not live up to his former beauty.

   Soon, the chanting stopped, and today's homework was over, and then he got up and started making tea.

   "It's really rare for a distinguished guest to come to the door." Qin Liuyun said slowly after passing a cup of tea.

  Chen Xiyi took the tea handed by the other party, and then said: "Mr. Dao has lived in poverty."

  That's right, this Qin Liuyun is the Taoist Lord, so the name is naturally the Taoist Liuyun. Although it is a bit perfunctory, the Taoism is there.

  When strength and status reach this level, it cannot be described as perfunctory, but true temperament. If there is no strength, it is called perfunctory.

   "It seems that you have figured out something?" Chen Xiyi said teasingly.

  Most of the other Taoist monarchs have their own forces, and it is better to pick up something casually than this dilapidated Liuyun Temple, and more importantly, it is in terms of manners.

  The other dao lords are all graceful, either handsome or beautiful, except for this very perfunctory dao lord Liuyun who looks like an old man, which can be called a strange flower among dao lords.

   Therefore, other people naturally disdain Qin Liuyun, after all, everyone is looking at appearance, and you will not be able to play with them when you grow up like this.

  Qin Liuyun's cloudy eyes flashed a glimmer of light, as if he had met a fellow.

   "Not much, not much." Qin Liuyun shook his head and didn't say anything directly.

  This is at the human level, it can be said that it is the kind that does not see the rabbit and does not cast the eagle.

   "Tsk, with Daojun's demeanor and face, how can he say he doesn't know much? I think he knows a lot more than I do." Chen Xiyi said jokingly after drinking tea for himself.

  Hearing that Chen Xiyi was so straightforward, it was obvious that Qin Liuyun also knew what Chen Xiyi said, it was nothing more than you don't play charades with me and engage in these messy things, talk about it if you can, and pull it down if you can't.

"It seems that you have been dormant for many years, and you don't know your name?" Although Qin Liuyun didn't know Chen Xiyi, judging from his mysterious attitude and strength, he was definitely at the first level of Daojun, that is, an ordinary-looking old monster. .

   "Qingxu, Chen Xiyi." Chen Xiyi said casually.

"Liuyun, Qin Liuyun, Daoist Qingxu must have known about the great changes in this world." Qin Liuyun also said frankly, but he didn't directly say what the great changes in the world were, but instead slapped him. guise.

  Chen Xiyi's attitude towards Qin Liuyun's change can be considered to ease his face. If he really wants to play charades with him like a fool, then Chen Xiyi can only kill him.

   "The mind is confused, the world is disordered." Chen Xiyi said in a dignified tone.

To be honest, he was actually very surprised that Qin Liuyun was able to escape such a thing as a Taoist monarch. Of course, most of this was due to his old body. Appearance is the main theme of this world, and Qin Liuyun's good looks Being old and ugly is definitely not in line with the mainstream, and it can be called evil.

  But the doom on him is also very huge, which shows that the other party has not been able to escape completely.

   For example, the protagonist of the love brain who was supposed to be you and me has become a villain.

   This is one of the laws of this world. The good-looking ones are the protagonists, the ordinary ones are the secondary ones, and the ugly ones are naturally the villains.

   "No, it's even worse." Qin Liuyun said bitterly.

  As Chen Xiyi guessed, he has always been leading the role of the villain, and from time to time he has become a stepping stone for the protagonists to fall in love.

  In the beginning, he did resist, and then he keenly realized that if he dared to resist, then he would lose his mind.

It is also fortunate that he is a Taoist, has experienced love disasters in the past years, and has certain coping methods, so that he can barely break free from it, and in fact, the so-called villains are actually just one of the processes, slightly higher than the status of the dragon set , has not received much attention.

   Therefore, he also drifted with the flow.

  You want to slap your face, go ahead, go ahead.

  If you want him to catch the heroine, it’s okay, so let’s catch it, at worst, if you slap him in the face, he will go back and continue to practice.

What? If you want him to die, okay, isn't it just a fake death, he can do this.

  Essentially, you can coax as much as you can, as long as you don't die, you can toss as much as you like.

  If this is changed to before the great change of the world, there will definitely be a catastrophe of the heart demon, but because of the mutation of the love catastrophe and its dominance, other catastrophes will be laid off, and the catastrophe of the mind demon will definitely be gone.

  Listening to Qin Liuyun's explanation, it can be said that those who heard it were sad, and those who heard it were in tears.

   This professional villain has a hard time in these **** plots.

   "Daoist Qingxu, what about you?" After finishing speaking, Qin Liuyun looked at Chen Xiyi, meaning that you should also say something to make him happy, and you can't have fun alone.

  Chen Xiyi was silent for a while, and then said: "Yesterday, I followed a group of ordinary people."

  He made it up briefly, briefly talked about the situation in the city yesterday, and told the story of how he was used as a trick to go to the city lord's mansion to make trouble.

   After thinking about it, he told the story of the hero who saved the beauty before. Of course, he was not the one who saved him. He was one of the men in black who were beaten away.

   "The day before yesterday, I met a hero who saved the beauty, me."

  Hearing what Chen Xiyi said, Qin Liuyun also felt sad. Although in Chen Xiyi's description, he often lost his mind and did some inexplicable things, but it was better than being a villain all the time.

  As for Chen Xiyi being beaten by a majestic Daoist, it's not a big deal at all. Qin Liuyun is already used to it, and it's not like he hasn't been beaten before.

   No matter how powerful you are, there is nothing you can do about it, because this world itself is very weird.

   "Sigh, this matter is unheard of in eternity. I have gone through tens of millions of years, and I never thought it would end up like this." Qin Liuyun couldn't help but smiled wryly.

He knew that he was pretty good, and the other Taoists were worse than him. It can be said that they had lost themselves unconsciously, and only became people with low IQs like you love me and I love you. up.

  The whole day is either love or love.

   There is no way to escape, and I can only survive by relying on this strength.

  Anyway, he is strong, coupled with these years of torture, he has already reached the state where he can let him be strong, and the breeze blows the mountains.

  Cooperate as soon as you need to cooperate. After the cooperation is over, come back and continue to hang on. You will never step out of Liuyunguan, for fear of being caught and continue to be those brainless villains.

Chen Xiyi didn't mention anything like resistance. In Qin Liuyun's situation, how could he have never resisted? A majestic Daoist, with tens of millions of years of experience, even a paramecium can have enough life experience, let alone a A Taoist monarch who has gone through thousands of calamities.

  The other party has definitely resisted, but resistance is useless, otherwise it can be directly smashed, so no matter what, you have to fight hard.

Chen Xiyi knew this, and it was naturally because of the calamity on the other party. Of course, it was only calamity now. It was obvious that Qin Liuyun had just been unlucky not long ago, and the calamity was eliminated. Get him in business.

  Although Qin Liuyun suffers terribly from this, at least he still has himself, and this is the price.

   "When the calamity comes together, I can't help myself." Chen Xiyi said.

   "There's nothing I can do. If Daoist Qingxu stays with me as a companion, it's better to take care of me." Qin Liuyun said.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know whether the other party said this out of politeness or sincerity, but he never thought about staying.

   Don't look at Qin Liuyun chatting and drinking tea with him now is normal, if he really waits until his calamity turns into calamity, he will probably become a villain template.

  He came this time, on the one hand, to inquire about things, that is, what he is doing now, to search Qin Liuyun's soul quietly. With Chen Xiyi's current strength, Qin Liuyun is not his opponent at all.

  Qin Liuyun called Chen Xiyi the Taoist Lord because the highest practitioner system in this world is also the Taoist Lord.

   On the other hand, there must be a better experimental product, so Qin Liuyun fell in love with it.

  Of course, this Qin Liuyun is just one of them, he also took a fancy to the Daoist Wuyun, but it seems that something happened to the Daoist Wuyun, it may be the cause of the eight sufferings, so Chen Xiyi can only come to Qin Liuyun first.

   "I won't bother Daoist Liuyun anymore. If there is a robbery, wouldn't it affect Daoist Lord at that time?" Chen Xiyi said so, but in his heart he was considering how much force he would have to use to make Qin Liuyun unconscious.

   After all, if you want an experimental product, you must ensure that the other party's physical and mental health is complete, and you must use appropriate strength, otherwise, if you push too hard, you may tear your own skin.

  Qin Liuyun naturally didn't know what Chen Xiyi was thinking, and then he could only ask: "Then I don't know why Daoist Qingxu came here, he couldn't be here to see me."

  As the saying goes, if you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xiyi to come to him and just say to see him, and if you really want to see him, it is impossible to say these things as soon as you meet him.

  So don't think about it, it must be something.

  Chen Xiyi smiled, and immediately said: "Daoist Liuyun really guessed right, I just came to see my fellow Taoist, after all, Daoist Liuyun is special, I am afraid there are no other people."

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Liuyun felt that something was wrong. What he said was quite awkward, like the illusion of hiding a knife in a smile.

   But after thinking about it, they are both Taoists. If they really want to fight, even if the other party is a high-level Taoist, it is impossible to win him in an instant.

   What's more, as long as there is no problem with the brain, it is basically impossible to make a move. After all, in the current situation, there is not much benefit in winning.

  But unfortunately, Qin Liuyun guessed wrong.

   "It's really an honor, but I don't know where Taoist Qingxu will go from now on?" Qin Liuyun said rather politely, and by the way, asked quietly where Chen Xiyi was going.

  Chen Xiyi put down the teacup, sighed and said, "Of course I looked around."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Qin Liuyun as if he had suddenly realized: "By the way, Daoist Liuyun, I don't know you."

   Halfway through his words, he abruptly held Qin Liuyun down.

  Qin Liuyun didn't react at all, just as he was about to make a move, Chen Xiyi slapped him.

   Just such a hand, directly knocked him out.

   Then his hand was blown up because of this, and a lot of clouds and light filled out from it. Fortunately, Chen Xiyi quickly stuffed it back.

"Thousands and thousands of calculations still haven't counted. I still use my strength." Chen Xiyi looked at the hand that was wriggling and recovering: "Forget it, it's normal to be inappropriate for the first time, but I'm just a big one. There is no guarantee, Daoist Liuyun, you must not have any accidents."

   As he said, Chen Xiyi suppressed him before he started to check. After all, his big **** even exploded his hands, so Qin Liuyun must have a concussion.

  (end of this chapter)

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