This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 425: undead monster

  Chapter 425 Undead Monster


  The inhuman roar lingered behind Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming. They were running with big strides. At this moment, they really wished their parents would give them two more legs.

"Didn't you say that the official way is safer? Why are there such monsters!!" Xu Tianming was out of breath and looked back. A group of monsters rolled their eyes and exuded a black aura all over their bodies. Chasing after them, it looks like they want to eat them alive.

   "I don't know what's going on. I haven't seen these monsters that look like people in my old age." Qin Liuyun was also helpless, and he caused this trouble.

  The two of them were walking along the official road before, and they finally met a caravan. They were planning to see if they could go with each other, so they happened to be a partner.

   But I never expected that before they approached to ask, most of the people in the caravan seemed to be squatting together and eating something.

  Looking at the movement, I was quite anxious to eat, for fear that someone would rob them.

   After getting a little closer, the two of them felt like shit, because what this group of people ate was nothing but human beings.

   More importantly, this group of people may not be human anymore.

   After noticing the arrival of Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming, he dropped the human body parts in his hand, then got up and rushed towards them.

   For this kind of scene, you don’t need to think about other things, just turn your head and run away immediately.

   This is followed by nearly a hundred of these man-eating monsters.

"What should we do next? If we keep running like this, we will definitely be caught up. These monsters seem to be tireless." Xu Tianming noticed that the speed of these monsters hadn't slowed down a bit, and the two of them It was a lot of physical energy consumed during the frantic escape.

  Under the ebb and flow of each other, it will definitely become the food of this group of monsters.

  Looking at the situation of this group of monsters, what attracts them may not be flesh and blood but living creatures.

  If they were really just for flesh and blood, they would definitely not have chased them down just now, because they were eating just now.

   On the contrary, if what attracts them is the breath of life, this can explain why they have already obtained food, but still give up hunting for new prey.

   Otherwise, it is impossible to explain this matter of giving up the basics.

   "What can I do, I can't beat these monsters." What can Qin Liuyun do.

If Daojun’s Taoist skills were still on him in the past, he wouldn’t even need to move, and the coercion he exuded would probably be able to kill these monsters of unknown origin, but it’s different now. If you can't use it, what else can you do if you don't run.

   And in the current situation, there is no other way but to run away.

  For a while, Xu Tianming was a little desperate, Qin Liuyun had no choice, and he naturally had no other means. You must know that he is just an ordinary person and has lost his memory. This must be even worse.

   Fortunately, the two from far away saw a city gradually appearing in their field of vision.

  Although it may be a little far away, but fortunately there is some hope.

   "Hold on, we will be there soon, as long as we enter the city, there will definitely be no major problems." Qin Liuyun immediately said excitedly.

  In his eyes, apart from being tireless and large in number, this group of ogre monsters is actually not much different from ordinary people.

  The reason why he didn't dare to do it, on the one hand, it was unnecessary, and on the other hand, there were naturally too many of them.

  If I really want to plunge into it, I will definitely not be able to get it out.

  Desperate things like this can't be desperate, otherwise it is not called desperate but called death.

  As the two got closer to the city, the man-eating monster behind seemed to smell more life, which made the body that was already filled with the black dead breath even more frenzied.

   "Go, go, there are monsters eating people behind." Qin Liuyun looked at the people entering and leaving at the gate of the city, and then subconsciously shouted.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of the defenders. They saw Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming from a distance. Of course, these two people are not the point. A monster with human skin.

This world is a world that depends on appearance, and the group of cannibal monsters are too tall at a glance, plus Xu Tianming's appearance is quite high, and although Qin Liuyun is so short by a few million points, but the beauty of the eyebrows The trustworthy feeling in the room vaguely escaped, making people believe the other party's words involuntarily.

  So of course the defenders believed what Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming said, and evacuated the crowd as quickly as possible, and then prepared to close the city gate.

   This made Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming's faces turn green. Of course they have no objection to closing the city gate, but the problem is that they haven't entered yet. What will they do if the city gate is closed.

   But the problem now is that the speed of closing the city gate is much faster than the speed at which they arrive at the city gate, and they will not be able to enter when they arrive.

  Qin Liuyun yelled and cursed in his heart, and on the other hand, he was like a schizophrenic who could understand the other party's behavior. After all, the people in the city should be the most important.

  He knew that this was definitely a problem with the "Buddha Said Great Vehicle Merit Sutra", otherwise he would never have such a diametrically opposed idea.

But now is not the time to think about these things. He has to survive first. What are those messy things doing.

   Fortunately, although the city gate is closed, the defenders in the city are not bad people. They put down two large baskets from the city wall, and then shouted: "Come on, we will pull you up."

   In this way, not only safety is guaranteed, but people can also be rescued.

  Of course, they didn't mean purely out of kindness, but also wanted to know what happened and the origin of these monsters, so as to obtain better countermeasures.

  The two of them hurried and hurried and finally jumped into the big basket dangerously, and then the defender pulled them up slowly.

  The man-eating monsters following behind swarmed together, stretching out their hands to grab, and occasionally jumping to catch up.

   It's just that the rope was pulled fast enough, and there was no accident.

   "Fire the arrows." After the people came up, an official of the defender immediately gave the order.

   Densely packed arrows fell, directly landing on these monsters, one or two that were good, and those that were unlucky turned into hedgehogs.

   But even so, those monsters did not die, but were not affected at all, and there was no blood flowing out of their bodies, so it was immediately determined that they were not human.

  If a normal person suffers this kind of injury, even if they are determined, they will be affected. How can it be like this group of monsters.

   "Boiling oil, golden juice, pour it for me."

  Seeing that the bow and arrow cannot play an effective role, it is natural to change the method.

  The boiling oil and gold juice fell, and the monster's skin was blistered by the high temperature, and even the skin fell off because of it, but even so, it still didn't affect the group of monsters.

   I had no choice but to put down the fire again, and the flame rose in an instant, enveloping all the monsters in it.

   It was just a scene that shocked everyone's eyes. Although the monsters were burnt to look like coke and gave off a foul smell, these monsters were still alive and seemed to be completely fine.

This can't help but make the defenders present feel a chill in their hearts. They are just ordinary people, not practitioners. Most practitioners in this era are in love, and they rarely say that they will show themselves in front of others. In addition, it is difficult to get started. There is a huge difference in the number of people, so it doesn't mean that everyone knows that there are practitioners.

  Moreover, if ordinary people really heard about these examples, they would only listen to them as myths and legends.

   What's more, there are no demons and ghosts in this world, so naturally they provoke their common sense a bit.

   "What the **** is this group of monsters?" someone asked.

  Qin Liuyun didn't hide anything, but told all the things they saw on the road.

   "You two, please follow me to meet the city lord. I'm afraid this matter is not easy." A strong man came out from the defenders, and he was dressed like the person who gave the order just now.

  After listening to the two of them, they also realized the seriousness of the problem.

In particular, this group of monsters also ate a caravan. He naturally had some guesses about the caravan. It was probably the official caravan in their city. They just left the city this morning and were going to do business in other cities. It's not a trivial matter to think that it's just gone.

  Although the profits of caravans are not huge, they are mostly used for exchanging needs, which is the fatal point.

   "Okay, please lead the way." Qin Liuyun didn't think about running away or having ghosts in his heart. At this time, he should help each other.

   This kind of undead monster must have an extraordinary origin. If there is no way to solve it, it will become a huge disaster.

   And he doesn't know how many monsters there are. If there are only a few of them, it's okay, but if there are really many, then you don't need to think about it to know that it will be a catastrophe.

  The ability of immortality may not even be able to handle by practitioners.

  The two soon arrived at the City Lord's Mansion. After the explanation of the defending general, the City Lord also looked dignified.

  He also knew the movement at the gate of the city before. Someone came to report it at that time. He wanted to go and see it, but he was discouraged by his subordinates so he didn't go there.

  Now after listening to the more detailed report, I definitely won't say that there is any contempt or unbelief.

  The reason is simple. He looks ordinary, so his IQ is between normal levels.

   "Immortal, cannibal." The voice of the city lord was unclear: "That means you haven't found a solution yet."

   "Will the city gate be able to block this group of monsters?"

  The defending general said very decisively: "Yes, although these monsters are weird, they are just like ordinary people. There is nothing special about them other than immortality."

   "Since the fire won't kill them, let's just dig a big pit and bury them alive." The city lord immediately said: "As long as the pit is dug deep enough and filled with earth and rocks, they will definitely not be able to come out."

   Immortality does not mean that it cannot be solved.

   If you have strong strength and immortality, it is really difficult, but these monsters are just the physical fitness of ordinary people.

   "This plan is feasible, but it has certain dangers. It needs a certain person as a bait." Naturally, the defending general will not refute it, because this plan is really feasible, but it is also very difficult.

   First of all, he had to find a way to get out of the city, and dig a big enough hole without alarming the monsters. There were nearly a hundred of these monsters, so the hole was not small.

  So you have to lead it away before doing this, and then implement it, and wait until the pit is dug before leading it into the pit and burying it alive.

   Therefore, the risk is unavoidable, but fortunately, this group of monsters is not strong, so there are not many obstacles to implementation.

  (end of this chapter)

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