This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 426: Apprenticeship? Are you aiming at people?

  Chapter 426 Be an apprentice? Are you aiming at people?

  "Being bitten by a monster will turn you into a monster, and even a slight wound will turn you into a monster. I can understand this."

   "But can you explain why the whole army was wiped out."

  The city lord looked gloomy. The plan was indeed smooth at the beginning. The group of monsters were lured away, and then they sent people out of the city to dig a hole.

   But now he actually told him that the whole army was wiped out, and it would be fine if people died, but they turned into monsters. With this increase and decrease, the trouble became more and more serious.

  The group of monsters blocked the gate of the city again at this time, and fortunately only one gate was blocked. If the remaining three gates were all blocked, the consequences would be disastrous.

   "The group of monsters are as fast as galloping horses, and they are infinitely powerful, and I suspect that they are intelligent, not like dead bodies." There was a trace of panic in the general's tone.

  He was one of the survivors who escaped back. At first, they really didn't pay much attention to these monsters. After all, although these monsters said they were immortal and tireless, their speed was much worse than that of horses.

But who would have thought that after leaving a certain range of the city, this group of monsters suddenly changed, and they threw them to the ground in just a split second, even their horses were torn alive by them, and even the armor on them was lost to this group of monsters. The whole body is like a layer of paper, easily pierced through.

  The city lord took a deep breath to calm his mind. The soldiers who lured away the monsters or went to dig pits were all destroyed, and more importantly, they turned into a group of monsters. Can he not be angry?

  The kind whose blood pressure is almost full.

  It's not that he doesn't believe it, the other party doesn't need to lie to himself.

   "I can't kill them, I have brains, but can you explain to me, if these monsters are really as strong as you said, why are they blocked by the city gate." The city lord pointed out the doubts in his words.

   This made the general hesitate a bit, how could he know why, he is not a roundworm in the stomach of a monster, he knows everything.

   "City Lord, I don't know about my lowly position." At this time, the general didn't postpone his responsibility, and said directly.

  This straightforward answer made the city lord hesitate, and finally waved helplessly: "Go down, let them quickly figure out a way to deal with these monsters."

  The city lord can't do anything about it. If you want him to talk about management or human relations, then he may still have a way, but asking him to kill the enemy is not nonsense.

   There is a specialization in the art industry, if he knows everything, then why should he be a city lord, why not just be a god?

  So I can only rely on those people under my hand, even if I am impatient, it is useless, I can't go to the battle to catch one myself.

   This is purely mentally ill. As far as the physical fitness of the city lord is concerned, it is impossible to catch it. The command may not help. He is the lord of the city, not a talent in command, but in internal affairs.

   Maybe other city lords have abilities, but he hasn't learned it.

"Yes, the city lord." The general was actually relieved. After all, this time it can be said that he returned from a disastrous defeat. He was lifted up and put down gently after being shaken and scolded. All the official skins had to be stripped off.

  The city lord also knows that at this time, changing the general will definitely hurt the morale of the army, and his move can be regarded as a thousand gold horse bone to win a wave of people's hearts.

   After the general left, he went to look for the doctor in the city. Now there is only such a channel. It can’t be said to go to the executioner. The doctor is somehow involved.

   Not long after he came out, he ran into Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming who were looking around.

  The two of them were penniless. After coming to this city, they could only find a way to make a living.

   Fortunately, although Qin Liuyun has lost his morality, he still has all his experience and experience. It is relatively easy to find a livelihood.

   It's just that Xu Tianming is a little more troublesome. He has lost his memory and has no memory of many things at all, just like a fledgling Xiaobai.

   "General Yuan, where are you going?" Qin Liuyun rolled his eyes when he saw it, and asked immediately.

   This general is called Yuan Tao, he was the one who commanded the city wall before, and he was the one who took Qin Liuyun and Xu Tianming to the city lord's mansion, and he was naturally the one who carried out the city lord's plan.

  He can be regarded as the second in command in this city, the person who is responsible for the soldiers.

In fact, there are not many soldiers in this city, and there are only three thousand soldiers in total, but fortunately, the owner of the city and Yuan Tao are well-managed. It is enough, otherwise, if there is more, it will not be able to support it.

  Seeing Qin Liuyun, Yuan Tao cupped his hands: "Master Qin is well, what are you two?"

  Qin Liuyun's old-fashioned appearance shows that he is old. He is too embarrassed to treat him roughly, so he should be more respectful. An old man who can live to this age can be called Renrui.

   "If we don't come out to find a living, the two of us are penniless, so we have to live." Qin Liuyun said helplessly.

  His current level is really too low, yesterday and today, a total of only two days of leveling, such a little level of leveling is not enough to support him, if he does not eat, he will starve to death.

  Hearing this, Yuan Tao had no choice but to say nothing.

  Qin Liuyun seemed to have noticed something, and did not continue to dwell on this point, but asked: "General Yuan has something important to do?"

   "I'm planning to go to the Liyuan Pavilion in the city to find Dr. Xiaoli, and see if she can deal with these monsters that look like living corpses." Yuan Tao said directly without hiding anything.

   "So that's the case, then don't bother General Yuan, I will take a step first." After speaking, Qin Liuyun was ready to run away.

  The Liyuan Pavilion does not sound like a serious medical clinic, but more like a theater. Of course, this is not the point, the point is the little doctor Pear.

  Qin Liuyun has been in this city for a day, and his ears are almost callused from what Doctor Xiaoli heard.

  Skillful medical skills are just the foundation, what else is there is such an innocent and kind personality, a sweet appearance, and even going to free clinics from time to time.

   This is a good thing, but for Qin Liuyun who has been a villain for so many years, this is simply a catastrophic existence. Who knows if he will become a villain inexplicably and be brushed by the opponent.

  But Xu Tianming on the side didn't have any self-awareness. Instead, he said, "Is it a medical center? If possible, can I go and be an apprentice clerk to earn a living."

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Liuyun's heart froze, and the light-like Taoism in his body vibrated crazily, as if he was warning Qin Liuyun that Xu Tianming was a source of danger.

  'Jie Qi.' Qin Liuyun understood why in an instant, and felt mixed feelings in his heart for a while.

  He finally understands that the "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merits and Virtue Sutra" he recites seems to be specially designed to deal with this changed world.

  For example, when reciting, it can clear one's own calamity, and can predict in advance who has entered the calamity. As for other effects, he is still unclear, after all, he has only recited for two days.

  Yuan Tao on the side heard this and couldn't help frowning. Are you going for money or people?

   "In that case, I won't accompany you anymore. The old man accepted a job as an accountant yesterday, so he left first." Qin Liuyun said that you can do whatever you like, as long as you don't drag me along.

   And this is to show Yuan Tao that he is not familiar with Xu Tianming, you can take him with you or not.

  After speaking, Qin Liuyun naturally ran away.

  At this moment, Yuan Tao looked at Xu Tianming who was silently looking at him, feeling as disgusted as if he had eaten a dead fly.

  Reject it, it seems that he is a bit narrow-minded, and it is useless to say no, the Liyuan Pavilion is quite famous in this city, anyone can find out about it.

  In the end, I could only say in a low voice: "Come on, come with me. Whether you can apply for the job depends on your own ability."

   This made Xu Tianming a little weird. There was something warning about what he said.

  But he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't have any ideas as a newcomer, so it just happened to happen.

   Otherwise, he felt that it would be a bit bad for him to be supported by Qin Liuyun alone.

  So he thought about earning his own living, at least for some money.

   On the other side, Qin Liuyun can be considered to be working, the environment is still good, the kind of independent office.

  Sitting on a chair, he simply flipped through the account books, feeling quite a bit terrified.

   "This Xu Tianming might be in trouble again, so please be blessed." Qin Liuyun had nothing to do about it.

  He himself is a mud bodhisattva. He can't protect himself when crossing the river, so he has no time to worry about others.

Moreover, he vaguely noticed that this group of zombie monsters was not so simple. Everyone thought that there were only one direction with living corpses, but after two days of practice, he could sense the malice coming from all directions, which made him uncomfortable. up.

  He knew this kind of malice. It was the malice of the group of zombie monsters towards the living. Others might not feel it, but he could feel it from the special feeling brought about by the "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merit Sutra" he recited.

   This shows one thing, the whole city is surrounded by zombie monsters, otherwise why would he stay in this city, wouldn't it be better to run away and change to a safer city?

  Because he knew that once he left the city, he would definitely be torn apart by these zombie monsters. The better ones would turn into zombie monsters, and the worse ones would naturally fall into his stomach.

  Originally, he still had confidence in the city, but Xu Tianming was going to mix up with the so-called doctor Xiaoli and cause doom. This was simply internal and external troubles.

  Although he didn't know whether it was the living corpse or the disaster, he knew that these two big pits had already been trapped in the city, and he couldn't escape, and he was waiting to die if he stayed, which made Qin Liuyun feel a little helpless.

  Now he can only put his hope on this "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merit Sutra", but the accumulation of Taoism cannot be achieved in a day or two, it needs years of growth.

  So the longer the city lasts, the better it will be for him.

  One more day of traveling, the greater the chance that he will be able to run away.

   "It's just that this "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merits and Virtue Sutra" doesn't just rely on the accumulation of Taoism, it seems that there are other ways to add extra Taoism. It seems that we need to find time to study it." Qin Liuyun couldn't help thinking about this matter.

   After catching fish for a long time, Qin Liuyun started his job. His efficiency is still very fast, and he has lived for tens of millions of years.

He didn't even think about how big his ambitions are, such as replacing the city lord and taking the city under his command. He has long looked down on these things, and more importantly, he doesn't have so much time to intrigue. Taoism is fundamental , If you can be low-key, you will naturally be low-key.

  Looking at the group of high-profile Daoist monarchs, what each of them has become, whether they are in love or sadomasochism all day long, he can't help but feel a chill when he thinks of this.

  If possible, he would like to increase his Taoism by chanting sutras every day.

   "Now I just hope that Xu Tianming won't apply for the apprentice doctor in the Liyuan Pavilion, otherwise."

  Qin Liuyun sighed, otherwise he doesn't know what will happen, but it's definitely not a good thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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