This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 427: The doomsday idol drama world

  Chapter 427 The Doomsday Idol Drama World

   "The speed of this thing's infection is a bit outrageous."

   Chen Xiyi looked at the speed of the spread of the zombie monsters, and a world that included ancient costumes, fairy tales, love, love and hatred, and other elements seemed to be changing towards the zombie apocalypse.

   Turned into a living corpse, but it doesn't matter about the appearance and love.

  The living corpse virus does not originate from the doom or creatures in this Xianxia world, but is a further mutation from the black mist in the world of the spirit master combined with the doom.

  Different from normal viruses, Chen Xiyi is just used to labeling them as viruses, which is essentially corruption.

  Corrupted into an evil thing, but it is not a black mist evil thing, but a living corpse evil thing born from doom.

   The strange life forms that survived by relying on this distorted world, their strength and IQ will continue to grow over time, and if they are not restrained in time, they will grow to a very terrifying level.

   What's more important is that these zombies are not keen on killing or eating. Their purpose is to infect, or more directly, to reproduce.

   But this also has an advantage, that is, the number of people falling in love is much smaller, which makes Chen Xiyi very gratified.

   In short, either the world tortured him, or he tortured the world.

  As a lone wolf who has aged, Chen Xiyi felt that he had to give this group of people who were stuffing dog food everywhere and showing off their affection a little something nice.

   "It's a pity, it's just an ancient society with underdeveloped transportation, otherwise the efficiency would be faster."

These living corpses are the clean-up staff let off by Chen Xiyi. Compared with the "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merit and Virtue Sutra", although the sequelae of these living corpses are a bit greater, they can be used to solve this mutated love calamity. Said to be quite useful.

  Especially in terms of targeting the doomed group of people who lowered the IQ of everyone as soon as they came out, it can be called a dimensionality reduction blow.

  For the living corpse, isn’t it IQ? If you ask for it, I will give it to you. If he slows down by a billion points when chasing and killing you, it will be regarded as his failure to fulfill his responsibility.

  The zombies inherited Zou Jin's ability to live the dead, and also have the two abilities of the lost to hate the living and pursue life. A group of zombies can grow with brains, which is naturally a great disaster.

   "You have to find a way to create a corpse king first, otherwise relying on these ordinary zombies is not a long-term solution." Chen Xiyi looked at the zombies besieging the city, thinking about this matter.

  The birth of the corpse king naturally cannot use ordinary people. The most basic condition is to need those doomed people, that is, the ones who fall in love all day long.

   This type of human body contains a strong aura of calamity and calamity, which is an innate aptitude.

  Ordinary zombies are naturally inferior to the protagonists of this group of love brains.

  After all, living corpses and evil creatures are born out of a combination of catastrophes. If we don’t consider these catastrophes, then what should we talk about?

   "Forget it, take your time, don't rush, this will not send the Wuyun Daojun there, but also the Daoist Lord, and the protagonist. If this is done, it will definitely be the existence of the current world's great demon level."

  Chen Xiyi thought about it, so he gave up artificial synthesis by himself.

  If it is mainly synthesized by yourself, the effect may not be as good as the original ecology. In this case, let them take a wave of misery before they can act.

   "I hope this world will be normal. After all, it was already abnormal when I came here. If there are any messy dark lines or other things, wouldn't this follow-up be even more abnormal?"

   As far as the world is concerned, Chen Xiyi's three views have already been somewhat impacted. After all, he really doesn't have much competitiveness in a world dominated by appearance. People rely on face and talent, and he has no choice but to rely on cheating.

   This is no longer a husky mixed into a pack of wolves, but a little Teddy. The style of painting is a mess.

  Chen Xiyi changed his previous painting style and he can still play happily together, but this world is not good. He can change his appearance, but he really can't handle falling in love.

  Of course, more importantly, friends in this world are probably extinct.

   Ugly people have been marked as villains, that is, those who are narrow-minded and short-sighted. Such people are not easy to gain favorability.

Forget about ordinary people who are normal, it’s okay when it’s normal, at least the IQ is on the level, but the problem is that it’s easy to lose their minds, which will lead to large fluctuations in favorability, and whether they can reach 4 stars is a problem .

  In the end, of course it will be the good-looking protagonist. Don’t even think about this kind of thing.

  If you want to integrate into this group, there is also a threshold of appearance.

   Without a certain appearance, you can't even play a supporting role, you can only play a role.

When Qin Liuyun returned home from work, he felt extremely relaxed. With the increase in his own morality, although the original aura that bound him had not disappeared, it was also reduced a lot. He even sometimes thought, If the catastrophe energy on the body is dissipated, doesn't that mean that the rest of the life will be free from worries and catastrophes?

   But thinking of this, I couldn't help but mutter in my heart: 'Where did this Qingxu Daoist come from, an old monster, look at this person who is so unpredictable. '

Although he didn't know where the "Buddha's Great Vehicle Merit Sutra" came from, he did know that the other party was able to slap him unconscious in Liuyun Temple at that time, which showed that the other party's Taoism was far ahead of his own. Above, and the gap is not one or two years, but at least tens of millions of years, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for me to be crippled without a little precaution.

  He was very grateful to this Daoist Qingxu, but he did not let go of his vigilance. There is nothing good in this world without a reason.

   What's more, this "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merit Sutra" is also a big hole, which makes him feel quite schizophrenic, and makes him produce things that are contrary to his original behavior and thinking for no reason.

  For example, doing good deeds, if he is only asked to do good deeds, then he is not unacceptable, but the problem is forcing him to do good deeds, even sometimes he knows that doing so will harm himself, but his body and mind cannot be controlled by him.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

  The problem is that he is still poor now, and he can't live anymore, and he also helps the world. Isn't this killing his old man?

After throwing the two coins in his pocket to the little beggar on the side of the road with a helpless face, Qin Liuyun felt uneasy for a while. This was his dinner money. For dinner, but don't think about it now, just drink more hot water when you go home.

   Fortunately, he has improved a little bit. It is not a big deal to go hungry for three to five days. If this is the case a few days ago, when the Taoism was only a little bit, he would really be hungry.

   "It's a good thing that kid Xu Tianming moved away, otherwise I would still have to pay for his food, but moving away would be a big trouble." Qin Liuyun couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Before, Xu Tianming went to the Liyuan Hall to apply for an apprentice, so he applied for it. Yuan Tao said that the specific process was very dramatic. He dealt with the gangsters who came to make trouble, so he made an exception and joined The Pear Garden Pavilion.

   Regarding this, Qin Liuyun said that your dignified defending general just watched a group of gangsters make trouble? Is it still necessary for an ordinary person to come forward?

  However, he just made a statement, and didn't say it clearly. Before that, he was still a Taoist monarch, and he was slapped in the face by an ordinary person, even if he could slap him to death.

Therefore, he has already adapted to these commonplace illogical things, especially after he re-cultivated himself, because of the "Buddha's Great Vehicle Merit Sutra", he jumped out of his original limitations and saw things more thoroughly. He saw that something was wrong with these gangsters and Yuan Tao.

  Yuan Tao's inaction and the boldness of the gangster are really amazing.

   Apart from mentioning that the Liyuan Pavilion has such a great reputation and connections in this city, they are also the ones who can come to make trouble?

  As long as anyone with a little brain has to curry favor, instead of coming to make trouble.

   What's more important is that these gangsters didn't make trouble and left in such a disheveled manner without paying any price.

   Afterwards, Yuan Tao still told him these things out of righteous indignation. At that time, Qin Liuyun was full of surprise. Others could tell him outrageously, but Yuan Tao was too cerebral to tell him these things.

No matter what he said, he is the most powerful person in the city other than the city lord, and now he actually tells him this. If he has the time, he can just find some reason to lock up these gangsters, and he will be more cruel. It is not impossible to kill the crime, but in the end you will be left to complain.

   The soldiers under his hands and the power in his hands are all co-authored and arranged.

Although Qin Liuyun felt that although Yuan Tao had a brain problem, he didn't say it out. In the state of the other party, even if he said it, it didn't have much effect. Bad things too.

  So adhering to the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less, he completely ignored it.

   On the way back, Qin Liuyun ran into Yuan Tao again. Looking at the situation, he should have returned from the Liyuan Pavilion.

   This is a smooth road, and it is normal to encounter it.

   "General Yuan, are you going to the Liyuan Pavilion again?" Qin Liuyun casually greeted him as he wondered if he could find out something.

  Yuan Tao also recovered from the unhappy look: "Yes, I just came back, Mr. Qin, you also quit work."

   "Looking at your expression, General Yuan, did someone offend you again?" Qin Liuyun said with a smile, this expression is definitely not caused by troubles about things, it is most likely related to the Liyuan Pavilion.

"Isn't it Xu Tianming who came with you? Oh, forget it, don't talk about it, it's annoying." Yuan Tao originally wanted to complain, but then thought, wouldn't it be good if he said it? He showed his embarrassment, and it was himself who was ashamed.

In this regard, Qin Liuyun did not continue to explore. As a full-time villain, of course he has seen this kind of thing a lot. Isn't it just that someone cuts off his sweetheart? It's a trivial matter, and he hasn't seen similar people before. .

   There are even this kind of people who, in order to get some women, turn to him to be his younger brother. People like this usually end up in a dead end.

  As for the person who intercepted Hu, you don't need to think about it to know that it was Xu Tianming, otherwise Yuan Tao would mention him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Hehe, General Yuan don't want to be so angry because of this. It's not worth it. By the way, I still want to ask by the way, does the Liyuan Pavilion have a corresponding medicine for those zombie monsters outside?" Qin Liuyun didn't care. Their grievances and enmity, let's save their lives now, he has recently felt that the malice outside the city has become more and more high.

  Yuan Tao's expression sank when he heard this question: "There has been good progress. Tomorrow, Dr. Xiaoli will go out of the city to test the medicine himself. Maybe these zombie monsters will be able to return to normal."

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Liuyun couldn't help but frowned, leaving the city?

   Really don’t want to die, he originally wanted to let them go, anyway, he was not the one who died, but the light in his body acted for him again.

   What he thought and what he did became completely different, which made him not helpless, but lying in the bottom of his heart.

  (end of this chapter)

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