This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 428: The scary thing about pig teammates

  Chapter 428 The Scary Things about Pig Teammates

   "Master Qin, Mr. Qin, I didn't expect you to come with me. This is really great."

On the city wall, Xu Tianming looked at Qin Liuyun with a troubled face, and his tone was a little surprised. He originally wanted to call Brother Qin, after all, he knew from the previous words that he and Qin Liuyun were of the same generation, but he suddenly remembered that he If he really called Qin Liuyun the eldest brother, wouldn't it seem problematic.

  So this is half changed for him abruptly.

  Qin Liuyun looked at Xu Tianming strangely, but didn't care about so many problems.

He didn't want to come at first, but he couldn't stand the flood of kindness, which he couldn't stop. In the morning, he wanted to continue going back to the accounting room to dawdle, so he made an agreement with Yuan Tao directly, and the result was unknowingly. When I came outside the city, I couldn't control myself at all. This must be because of the "Buddha's Great Vehicle Merit Sutra".

   This Yuan Tao is also true. Obviously, an old man like him will only delay after seeing it, but he actually agreed when he asked to help together. Is this a bit common sense? Under normal circumstances, it should be declined.

   There were quite a few people who came, besides Yuan Tao and Qin Liuyun, there were also several handsome men and women, which made an old man like Qin Liuyun look a bit awkward.

   "Well, it's not worrying about you, so I came here to take a look." Qin Liuyun said helplessly, what else could he say, but he really said that you should try the medicine slowly, and he will go back first.

  He wanted to say this, but he couldn't open his mouth.

  Qin Liuyun also met that Dr. Xiaoli, let alone mention the others, he is the most dazzling existence among this group of people just by his looks.

   There must be courteous men around, but this seems to have a different feeling from Xu Tianming.

   This is normal, because Xu Tianming is the most handsome of the group of men, and Qin Liuyun has long been mentally prepared for this kind of thing, so there is nothing to say in terms of vigilance.

"How does Doctor Xiaoli plan to test the medicine, just throw it down or what should I say?" Qin Liuyun inquired about the process of the medicine test. Although he felt that there was not much success rate, he still had to know their general plan first. Just die.

  It has nothing to do with Qin Liuyun whether they die or not, he is worried that he will be implicated, because of the "Buddha said the Great Vehicle Sutra", is he trying to trick himself.

   "We are going to go down the city wall with Dr. Xiaoli to feed these living corpses with medicine. As long as the speed is faster, there will be no problem. Doctor Xiaoli said that he will do his best to save them." Xu Tianming did not hide anything, and said immediately.

  ". "Qin Liuyun has black lines all over his head. This is no longer a question of whether to die or not. This is simply to die, okay?

"Don't you persuade me? You should also know how powerful these zombie monsters are. If you really want to go down, you won't even be able to save your life." Qin Liuyun looked at Xu Tianming with black lines. They almost died here. In the hands of a group of zombie monsters, I didn't expect you to dare to go?

  Xu Tianming said with a determined face, "I will protect Doctor Xiaoli well."

  Qin Liuyun couldn't react for a while, protection? No matter how you protect it, you won't be able to fill up the group of zombie monsters with just a few ounces of meat.

   "General Yuan, what do you think?" Qin Liuyun could only restrain his expression, and asked Yuan Tao beside him seriously.

You must know that Yuan Tao had experienced the horror of those zombie monsters before. The original burial plan was because the zombies were so fast and powerful that they could even tear their armor, so they were all wiped out. The soldiers and guards are all below.

   It's not just death for a group of helpless people like them to go down and face these zombie monsters.

  Others may not understand, but Yuan Tao definitely knows.

   "I think Doctor Xiaoli is right, and I will bring people down in person, as long as we are united."

  Yuan Tao said later that Qin Liuyun didn't care anymore. He knew that as long as they were united, whether the drug test would be successful or not was one thing, but they must all become members of the zombie monster.

  ‘Is there no one to persuade you? It's more reliable for you to catch one up than for you to go down and die. ’Qin Liuyun knew that even if he said to catch the zombie monster, he would still be opposed by this group of people, because they were doomed at this time, and even their logic and reason had disappeared. How can we persuade them?

  Maybe he really persuaded you, but he still complains that you don’t understand anything.

  So now there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise he will really suffer.

The experience of this period of time made him very aware of the flood of kindness in him. If something happened to this group of people, he would really jump down to save them. This is not because of his subjective consciousness. One, out of control.

  If their plan wasn't so outrageous, Qin Liuyun would have gritted his teeth and helped out, but they made it clear that they were going to die, so what could he do.

  Look at the appearance of the suggestion, you are still protecting it, feed the living corpses, you guys.

   "Since that's the case, I don't want to get involved with my old arms and legs. After all, I can't go down with you. Staying here will only cause trouble for you." Qin Liuyun said forcefully suppressing the reluctance gushing out of his heart.

  It can barely be suppressed now, if it doesn't go away, it will really flood, but it will really die.

  Yuan Tao looked at Qin Liuyun a little strangely, you were the one who said you would come, and you took the initiative to come, why are you leaving now?

  However, he did not answer, but looked at Dr. Xiaoli. After all, the team is now led by Doctor Xiaoli. It is not good for him to speak rashly.

   But Xu Tianming was a little dissatisfied: "Master, you have the nerve to leave with your abilities."

  Qin Liuyun has black lines all over his head, so sorry, why so embarrassed.

  As long as you are normal, he will help you, but you have been doing it for so long to go down and die on purpose, so what are you doing if you don’t run away.

  Dr. Xiaoli on the side spoke: "Tianming, don't make things difficult for the old man. He is also very old. It is really inconvenient to go down the city wall with us. Be careful when you go back, old man."

  The little pear doctor opened his mouth, and Xu Tianming couldn't say anything, but looked at Qin Liuyun with a displeased expression, and muttered in his mouth: "Obviously he is capable, but he doesn't want to do anything, hmph."

   Regarding this, Qin Liuyun could only express in his heart that Daoist Wuyun lost his memory and added to his body.

  He needs to be considerate of this sick-brained bastard, don't argue with him, or he will still be angry.

   Just these three sentences today, completely lost the experience and city of the original Daojun, which is actually quite good, and the other Daojuns who were affected have similar virtues, and sometimes they are even worse.

  So, in Qin Liuyun's eyes, practitioners are actually very sad. Even if they are profound in Taoism and possess powerful power, they are still just like puppets on strings, without any self.

  He was able to have a certain amount of self, which was acquired at a huge price.

   "In that case, I'll take a step first." Qin Liuyun ignored Xu Tianming's words, and made up his mind to stay as far away from Xu Tianming as possible.

  On the other side, Dr. Xiaoli led a group of people to get down the city wall.

   Fortunately, this group of people still retained some IQ. They were put down from the city wall with the big baskets before, instead of directly opening the city gate to go out.

   If you really want to open the city gate and go out, then you will directly harm the city.

  Qin Liuyun had just turned a corner and was about to leave. He hadn't stepped down the city wall yet, when he heard a lot of noise and shouting on his back feet.

  Obviously, those who went down fell directly into the tide of corpses.

   "Pull the rope quickly, pull it quickly!!" Yuan Tao roared loudly.

   It didn't arrive for a minute before and after this, and this group of drug testing teams was almost cold.

  In this situation, Qin Liuyun instinctively ran back, stood on the city wall and plunged down.

   Then the whole person was not feeling well, and he felt a bit of **** in his heart, and in the end he was one step too late.

  But this is not the time to think about these things. The Golden Wheel of Merit emerges behind him, and he keeps reciting the very weird "Buddha Says Great Vehicle Merit Sutra" and begins to face the group of living corpses.

   Now that Qin Liuyun has a lot of skills, he can barely disperse the living corpses.

  But soon he found that with his joining, this group of living corpses who were originally weak gradually became stronger and stronger.

   "Hurry up, go back to the city wall." Qin Liuyun couldn't help but ordered.

But if the IQ is low, things can't be controlled by Qin Liuyun. After all, this group of people doesn't have the ability to judge the situation at all. Instead, they look happy: "Mr. .”

  ". "Qin Liuyun is not well.

  The rotting and mutilated faces of the living corpses who surrounded them showed humanized jokes, as if they were thinking about what you came down to die.

   Before Qin Liuyun could react, a nearby living corpse punched Qin Liuyun. In just a split second, Qin Liuyun was sent flying, and the violent force directly embedded him into the city wall.

  With Qin Liuyun as the center, a large number of cracks spread continuously, which made the city wall look precarious.

   This scene shocked everyone. How could this group of living corpses have such great strength? When they came down just now, they were just a little too many. If they had such great strength, they would have disappeared long ago.

  But with their current IQs, they couldn't understand why, but they were all stunned.

   It’s not impossible to be stunned, but they are not the protagonists. If the protagonist is stunned, the whole world will stop, so they will suffer.

  The living corpse rushed over, screaming and screaming one after another.

   On the other side, in order to bring out Dr. Xiaoli's perseverance, he did not give the order to retreat immediately, but went towards the living corpse with a mentality of sacrificing his life.

   And Xu Tianming also followed him with the expression of swearing to die, saying that it was protection, but in fact the people who died were the people on the periphery. There is no problem with these two.

  Qin Liuyun couldn't understand it, but he was shocked. After climbing out of the city wall, he decisively grabbed everyone and stuffed them into a big basket to signal the defenders on the city wall to pull up.

  The idea is very good, but in reality it is counterproductive.

  The soldier guarding the city was so moved that he never thought about pulling the rope.

   This can't help but make Qin Liuyun's lungs almost explode, and he was obviously asked to pull the rope, so you are so moved! !

In the end, he had no choice but to let himself come, and immediately threw the whole basket up with a brute force, then stepped on the wall, climbed up the city wall in two steps, grabbed the falling rope and pulled everyone away up.

  After coming up, Doctor Xiaoli's first sentence almost didn't give Qin Liuyun a myocardial infarction, but he couldn't say anything with a normal mind.

   "Old man, why are you pulling me up here? I haven't finished testing the medicine yet, let us go down." The tone was as anxious as you wanted, making Qin Liuyun seem like a big villain.

  (end of this chapter)

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