This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 435: Breeding power, mother of monsters

  Chapter 435 Breeding Divine Power, Mother of Monsters

   On the mass grave, Xiao Fengxian was wrapped in a straw mat and was thrown away casually.

  She was so weak that she couldn't even speak, and with her slightly opened eyes, she could vaguely see two leaving figures.

   It seems that I can still hear the disgusting words of those two figures in my ears.

  She instinctively wants to ask for help, she still has money, help her.

   But it's a pity that it can't make any sound.

   And she can also feel that the weakness in her body is getting stronger and stronger, and it is bit by bit killing her little vitality.

  At this time, the usual life return flashed in her mind.

After being abducted as a child, she was sold into the Qingxiang Building. First, she was forced by the old bustard to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting and other means, and then became an oiran through the campaign. She was given the nickname Xiaofengxian. Forget it, Xiao Fengxian became her name, and she sold it for a good price on the first night, and after that she picked up customers.

  If you are lucky, you might be able to be redeemed by someone to become a concubine, at least you will escape the sea of ​​suffering.

  Even if it is a little bit worse, if you live to your old age, if you save some money, you can redeem yourself and find a widower to spend the rest of your life.

   However, things were not as good as she had imagined. She contracted a willow disease, and finally ended up in a mass grave.

   This roll of straw mats was given to her by the old bustard in Qingxiang Building because she thought she had earned a lot in recent years, otherwise, she would really have to expose her body to the wild.

  The last thing left in her heart was bitterness.

  Seeing that he was about to die, countless tentacles appeared in his mind suddenly, twisted and hideous, looking like some kind of evil thing from ancient times.

  The first time Xiao Fengxian saw these tentacles, she understood one thing, her own vitality came.

  Countless chaotic thoughts kept pouring into her mind. Here, she exerted all her vitality and shouted in a very soft voice: "I am willing."

  The next moment, in her body, countless flesh and blood began to roll, and flesh and blood tentacles erupted from her body.

These tentacles of flesh and blood walked through the body with terrifying pain, but at the same time, Xiao Fengxian could feel that her originally weak body was gradually recovering, and a terrifying vitality was secreted from these pains, making her body Life quickly came back to life.

   "Praise breeding, may all the world be heirs!!"

  She lifted the straw mat and stood up slowly, with distorted fanaticism in her tone, her tentacles squirmed under the skin, and some of them even broke through the skin and appeared in the air.

  The original flower willow disease on the body was gradually eliminated under the power of this breeding.

  If this scene is seen by others, the other party will definitely be shocked.

   With her successful recovery, all the tentacles began to retract into the body, and the wounds caused by the tentacles naturally wriggled and granulated and began to repair.

   Stretched her body, Xiao Fengxian knew that she had fully recovered.

   "I never thought that life would be so beautiful." Xiao Fengxian said charmingly.

  Her body exudes an aura that drives all living beings crazy. It is not derived from beauty, but from a deeper attraction.

  "The sun has fallen due to division, and only reproduction will last forever."

  Xiao Fengxian looked at the sun hanging in the sky, with an inexplicable meaning in her tone.

   Then her eyes fell on the city not far away, and her expression showed nostalgia and hatred.

  She hates that city, and she resents that city.

  Why should she be abused like this when everyone is a daughter?

  The resentment in her heart kept sprouting, but soon, she suppressed it.

  As a service person working in a brothel, she certainly knows how to control her emotions. After all, whether to pick up customers or not depends not on your mood, but on the money paid by the benefactor.

  Even if he forced a smile on his face, the benefactor could not see it.

   In this aspect, she has experienced very well. Although she can't reach the level of those old foxes, she can still control her survival very well.

   Otherwise, she would not be able to become an oiran.

  You must know that only by becoming an oiran can you have a stable life. If you hadn't become an oiran, those friends who were at the same time as her would have already experienced many battles before that.

   "I really want to see the blood flowing like a river." Although the hatred was well controlled, she still subconsciously revealed bloodthirsty and violence when she looked at the city.

  Xiao Fengxian knew that she was no longer a human being at all, after all, how could the supernatural power of reproduction reside in a normal human body.

  Those tentacles are transformed by the divine power of reproduction, the divine power bestowed on her by the existence born from the reproductive instinct of all things.

  From this divine power, she learned many things, such as the Sun Sacred Cult, which believes in the sun. Although it is not a deadly enemy, it has always been a competitive relationship.

  Of course, if it is Sun in its heyday, the breeding party is no match at all.

  But today's sun has split, and the shining stone statue and the giant of light have parted ways, becoming the Dark Sun Sect and Mahayana Buddhism.

  Just now, both the Dark Sun Sect and Mahayana Buddhism have reappeared, and she was selected as the breeding mother of a new generation.

  By using this to expand the prestige of breeding, it will overwhelm the prestige of the sun in this world of great contention.

   "Now is not a good time for revenge. I need an heir to protect me." After Xiao Fengxian chuckled, her expression became more and more charming.

  Tear off the clothes that were scattered due to the tentacles, and just stand naked like this, and then on the surface of the body, strange tentacles clung to the body, forming a strange armor.

   This made her expression change involuntarily, and her eyes fell on the surroundings. The heirs don't have to be human.

   After all, people are too weak.

  She knew that the reproductive power in her body contained countless sequences called genes, and all he had to do was to find a good host, activate these sequences, and give birth to offspring called monsters.

   "Hiss~ It always feels like there are so many billions of points that are wrong?"

   Chen Xiyi looked at this scene with doubts about life.

   "I remember I pinched Slaanesh, but what the **** is this meow?"

  As the second force to appear after the Sun, Breeding, he wanted to play a small area and partially transform it into 404 at the beginning, and then provoke the Sun and Breeding to compete with each other.

   But obviously, the sun is normal, but there seems to be something wrong with the breeding.

   That is, the other party didn't follow Chen Xiyi's original little butter routine at all, but looked more like Khorne?

  Look at the hatred revealed by the other party, it is entirely because he wants to kill him after he gains power, instead of being self-satisfied like Little Butter.

   "Forget it, it's crooked, it's a common thing anyway."

  The reason for this is also very simple. The power of breeding is just a tool, and how to use it depends on the user.

   This thing is like a wrench, it can be used to repair cars or play football.

   It didn't say that it limited its use. Other butter can pass the level purely, not to mention the tools given by Chen Xiyi.

   "The third information state laying body has been successful. Although the reason for the personality is a little different from my idea, it's okay. It's better to be decisive. I hope the power of breeding can be stronger."

  Breeding, the source is also very simple. It is the data generated when Xie Guangyanmo and Wu Ruodie broke through reproductive isolation. These data are also part of the information state and were captured by Chen Xiyi.

  After all, the entire world of spirit masters is essentially a large-scale hotbed environment of information state. The two of them broke through the reproductive isolation. The change of information state is absolutely indispensable.

  In addition, Chen Xiyi has an information-state treasure called the blood of a **** and a man, and he also has enough information-state data for reproduction, offspring, and so on.

  When the two are combined, the power called breeding naturally appears.

  If the sun is a power formed by smelting brilliance and black mist, then this breeding is a power formed by the information state generated between two different individuals.

  In addition to the sun and breeding, Chen Xiyi also possesses informational powers such as prophecy, wisdom, etc. These are the abilities that Chen Xiyi extracted from the world of the spirit master.

   Even his ability to describe it is a bit less specific, more like a rule.

   Today's sun and breeding are put into the world by Chen Xiyi, laying information on it.

  He was thinking at this time, if possible, can other forces be laid down?

The laying of the information state is not just as simple as converting an away game into a home game. If you go deeper into the essence, you can conclude that this is basically a pollution with Chen Xiyi as the core. It doesn't have much impact, at most, it is the derivatives of living corpses, believers of light, and monsters, which have not yet expanded wildly.

  Before, Xu Tianming and Qin Liuyun all came around this city. Although this city is not small, compared with the whole world, it is a drop in the ocean without even thinking about it.

  So if you want to spread, you must have enough quantity.

  The living corpse is indeed convenient, but not heavy enough.

  The Believer of Light has enough weight, but the efficiency is too slow.

  Although it is said that this little phoenix was just made by Chen Xiyi on a whim, the gold content is not small.

  As a player, in this aspect of playing, there will never be any shaming. If you want to play, play it seriously.

  So in theory, as long as Xiao Fengxian's birth speed is fast enough and there are enough monster species, it is actually relatively easy to overtake these two, after all, it is not difficult.

   "Since the sun and breeding are available, why not let the other forces go for a walk?"

  Chen Xiyi's mind kept turning. He is still testing this world, but the range of testing has increased.

  Regardless of whether the people behind this world are living or dead, it is not suitable for him to do it himself. Instead, it is better to use the power of the information state to test.

  For Chen Xiyi, these rule-like abilities are just a derivative of the information state, and you can make as many as you want. The only troublesome thing is the subsequent improvement and transformation.

  For example, if the power of breeding wants to be transplanted into Xiaofengxian's body, it needs some transformation. Otherwise, how could Xiaofengxian bear the power of breeding.

  I really think that everyone is a succubus so that they can't withstand the disaster. The body of a normal person can't withstand such a high-intensity disaster. Naturally, further planning is required.

   Fortunately, this only needs to be planned once, and the subsequent tasks can be distributed uniformly by the system. After all, this kind of repetitive work is not a big problem. As long as there is corresponding data, the system can completely perform autonomous calculations.

So what Chen Xiyi has to do now is to adjust the data to suit the people of this world. This is not difficult. He already has the data of people in this world. Take the Merit Sutra and the living corpse system.

  This is supported by sufficient data and knowledge, not something that can be solved simply by thinking about it.

  If he really had the power to think about it, he would have figured out the Fenglingyueying modifier a long time ago and gave it a ding sound of invincibility.

  (end of this chapter)

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