This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 436: Predicted despair in dreams

  Chapter 436 The desperate situation predicted in the dream


  He Fang suddenly woke up from his dream, and his back was drenched in cold sweat.

   "Huh, it turned out to be a dream, it scared me to death." He couldn't help feeling a little lingering.

   Reaching out to wipe the sweat stains on his forehead, recalling the dream just now, he couldn't help chuckling: "I haven't watched any ghosts and ghosts recently, how could I have such an absurd dream today."

  In his dream, he dreamed that he was bitten to death by a dog-headed monster, and he could still recall the stench from that monster.

  He didn't take this to heart, it was nothing more than a dream, no matter how real it was, it was still just a dream.

   After getting up and simply cleaning off the sweat stains on his body, he began to wash.

  As an ordinary scholar, the idea is also very simple, that is to get a good result in this city test, and then become an official.

   But after all, there are too many monks and too few food, plus he has a relationship, he has been in the exam for three years, but it is a pity that he has failed all of them.

   After all, it is just a city, no matter how big it is, it has limitations.

"It's a pity that Xiao Fengxian was infected with the willow disease not long ago and died. I thought I would spend some money to redeem her when I became an official. It's really a pity." Looking at the flowers and plants in the yard, He Fang couldn't help but think of himself. My old friend Xiao Fengxian.

  Yesterday, when I had some free time, I went to Qingxiang Tower. I wanted to chat with Xiao Fengxian about some things that should be discussed, but I didn't expect to hear the news of Xiao Fengxian's death. This made He Fang change with tears.

   It’s not like there can only be one old friend. Little Fengxian has three-digit old friends. It’s not a big deal for him to have one or two more.

  After thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed, as if he saw himself being hit by someone when he was going out, and the purse in his arms was gone when he came back.

   After he came back to his senses, he couldn't help feeling a little weird.

  The picture is blurry and not continuous. One second before, I saw being hit by someone, and the next second, I went home and found that my purse was gone.

  Even because of vague reasons, he doesn't even know who hit him or where he hit him.

   This made He Fang feel a little weird, what happened today, and he was so distracted, how could he relax and study **** the meaning of the article?

   I couldn't help but sneered at this, and then ignored it.

  It's not like he hasn't experienced this kind of cranky thinking. He can even make that kind of absurd dream, and there is nothing impossible.

"It's just this dream, it's so clear." When he thought of the dog-headed monster rushing towards him, biting his throat with its **** mouth, the feeling of severe pain and blood splattered made him feel particularly uncomfortable. Clearly, even now he couldn't help but feel a chill behind his back.

   It stands to reason that dreams are usually not so clear, and you can't remember them when you turn around, but now this dream always feels weird.

  Especially now that he can recall that feeling and the details of the dog-headed monster.

   Except for the dog's head, he looks like a burly man, holding a huge wooden stick, and there seem to be some scars on his body.

   Chi Guoguo's body was simply indecent in He Fang's eyes, but the ferocious aura still made him a little scared.

  He Fang continued to recall, but at this time, he broke out in a cold sweat, because he found that not only the dog-headed monster was very clear, but even the surrounding environment where he was killed was very clear.

   “This is simply unheard of.”

  As long as it is a little vague, or even has a lot of unreasonable places, he will not think carefully to such a degree.

   "Maybe it's just a simple dream." Speaking of this, even he lost confidence.

  It is so real that it can reflect the pain before death and the taste of the monster when it is in close contact, combined with the ghosts and ghosts I have seen in the past, it is not scary.

  Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel a tingling pain in his head. This feeling was like the feeling after studying hard for a long time on weekdays.

   "Ouch~" Afterwards, nausea and retching involuntarily occurred, and the consciousness of the whole person became a little trance.

   This made He Fang completely at a loss. What is going on?

   After slowing down for more than half a quarter of an hour, he finally recovered.

   "There is really something wrong with that dream." His expression was serious.

  He was immersed in the picture just now, he didn't do other things, and he didn't eat anything bad.

   If you still can't judge this, then you are really a fool.

   "Then what should I do?" He Fang didn't continue to recall. .

  He is already weak and weak now, who knows what problems will arise if he recalls it.

   "Not good, I have to deliver books to Li Xianggong today." He suddenly realized this matter.

  As a scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, it is naturally impossible to say that he will work in the fields, so his daily work is to copy books and write letters for others.

   Not long ago, I received a job of copying books. Although the money is not much, if I save a little, I can still use it for a month.

He knew that such a small amount of money was actually just a drop in the bucket for that Li Xianggong. The other party was actually subsidizing poor students like them. If he could join the system in the city in the future, he would also appreciate it. Enqing joined that Li Xianggong's faction.

   In a hurry, he wrapped up the books in such a way and packed them in a package, and then left the house in a hurry.

  Although it is one o'clock in the evening, this Li Xianggong will not say anything, but breaking his promise is not a good thing, it will reduce the other party's impression points.

  The journey here went smoothly. Although it was said that it was a while at night, the other party actually knew Zi He Fang's pale face and anxious appearance. He probably had some minor health problems, so he came late.

  Based on this idea, not only did not deduct money, but also gave some more money as a token of condolence.

  The money is nothing to that Li Xianggong. If it can be used to buy people's hearts, then this is the most worthwhile deal.

  After receiving the money, He Fang left the mansion of Mr. Li. Although his face was still grim, it also improved a bit.

   "Unfortunately, there are no books to transcribe today." He Fang couldn't help muttering on the way back.

  I thought I could have another one, but the other party saw his situation was really inappropriate, so he just comforted him and said that he would come back after a few days when he was better.

   Obviously, the other party was also afraid that He Fang would be overworked, and if something really happened, it would be hard to tell.

  He was thinking about this, when someone accidentally bumped into someone, he subconsciously apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I lost my mind for a while."

  The other party didn't respond, and left on his own.

  He Fang's thinking is very simple, that is, if he seems to be distracted by things, it must be his fault to bump into the other party, or is it his fault?

  He is not a person with strong words.

   It's just that he suddenly realized something, and quickly reached out to touch his arms, and then touched nothing, and his expression changed.

  The money that Li Xianggong just gave him has disappeared.

   "Stop for me, and return the purse and money to me, or I will arrest you and go to the officer." He Fang turned around decisively, and grabbed the person who bumped into him just now.

  How could that person admit it, and immediately yelled: "What are you talking about nonsense, don't let me go quickly."

  He Fang couldn't help but sneered, and immediately stretched out his hand to take it out. The other party struggled.

   It's just that He Fang is still relatively weak at this time, and the opponent struggles and pushes, and is pushed to the ground.

   "Cheng Qi, you have stretched your hand on Lao Tzu's territory, you really don't know what to do."

  The man turned around and ran, but accidentally bumped into a strong man.

  The strong man casually mentioned the pickpocket named Cheng Qi, which made He Fang who got up a little at a loss.

  Then saw the strong man take out a purse from Cheng Qi's arms, glanced at it and threw it to He Fang.

   "My lord, my lord, please forgive me. That purse belongs to a villain." Cheng Qi hurriedly said, at this time, he must not reveal his truth, otherwise he would never be able to escape from prison.

   "Your? Your surname is He and your name is He Fang?" There was a hint of teasing in the Zhuang Chinese: "His name is embroidered on his purse. How dare you say it belongs to you? Cheng Qi, when did you change your surname to He?"

  Hearing this, Cheng Qi couldn't help but turn pale. He knew that he had stumbled this time.

   "You don't even know the words, you dare to pretend to admit it, come on, come with me to the county government." The strong man dragged people towards the county government.

  Compared with money, for those who joined the bureaucracy system, political achievements are important. As long as there are enough political achievements for promotion, are you afraid of not having money?

  As for He Fang, the other party didn't say anything, but just nodded to tell him to be careful in the future and stop being so sloppy.

   "It's changed." He Fang couldn't help but whispered as he looked at the two people who had gone away and the purse that had returned to him.

But soon, he remembered that he was killed by a dog-headed monster, and his expression became more and more ugly, but he didn't think about these things on this street, so he had to leave the street in a hurry Back home.

   Now it has been confirmed that what he saw is likely to happen in the future, but now the problem is not only not small, but it is getting bigger.

  After all, if it is false, then the fact that he was bitten to death by a monster with a dog-headed body is at best a dream.

   But now that it has come true, this is not even more unlucky.

   "What should I do, or run away." He Fang's first thought was naturally to run away.

   Otherwise, I will really stay and wait to die.

   As for changing the future? As long as he escaped successfully, wouldn't that be regarded as changing the future.

What? Fight that monster?

  How should I put it, he felt that if he couldn't react well, he might be more relaxed when he died.

  If you really want to fight, I am afraid that the one who dies will not even have a complete body.

   "Hurry up and pack it up. Before it starts, I have to get out of the city as soon as possible."

  Now that I have made up my mind, I can't hesitate to look forward and backward, so I get up decisively and prepare to pack my bags and leave.

   "I still have to buy dry food and water, and I will be able to arrive there after walking along the official road for about seven days"

  Before he finished speaking, he suddenly fell to the ground.

  A terrifying picture just emerged.

   On the official road, he was stopped by a group of monsters in the scorching summer.

   This group of monsters not only had the dog-headed human body he had seen before, but also the bull-headed human body, snake-headed human body, etc., all exuding a terrifying aura.

  Further down, it is naturally the picture of him being torn apart alive.

   He Fang, who got up from the ground, felt the sharp pain that was fading little by little, and his expression was filled with fear.

   "You can't go east, there are a lot of monsters over there."

   "And there are more than one kind of monsters, what should I do, what should I do."

  If there is only one, maybe you can hide in other cities, but if there are so many, it will definitely be a disaster.

"Since there are monsters going east, let's go west, and I will run in the opposite direction." He Fang gritted his teeth, he couldn't just wait to die, so he might as well just wipe his own neck now. .

  (end of this chapter)

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