This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 438: Breeding Revenge

  Chapter 438 Revenge of Breeding

   "What's that?" On the city wall, a soldier guarding the city watched from a distance the crowd rushing in from a distance.

   It's just that the distance is relatively far, and he can't see who it is.

  Another soldier who was also guarding the city reacted quickly: "Everyone, enter the city quickly and close the gate."

  He didn't see clearly who was coming, but he knew one thing, it was definitely not a caravan.

  The reason is very simple. If it is a normal caravan, there will be no such disordered situation, but it will form a long dragon.

  Another one is that the speed of the opponent's movement is too fast, which is beyond the reach of normal people.

   "Weird. Monster!!" One of the soldiers couldn't help but screamed when he saw the approaching person.

  Everyone took advantage of the situation to look over, and saw half-human, half-beast, half-worm, half-beast monsters rushing in so frantically, the violent breath made them seem to be suffocated.

   "Light up the smoke and tell the brothers in the other battalions to come and defend." I don't know which soldier shouted, and everyone on the top of the city hurriedly started defensive measures.

   And those people under the city were expelled into the city again, and the city gate was slowly closed, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

   After taking a closer look at the group of monsters, each of them looked like savages.

  On the city wall, the archers and other protective forces have assembled, and they are about to draw their bows and shoot arrows, when they suddenly find that the sky has darkened.

   "Not good, some can fly."

  Looking at those human monsters with cow heads and tiger heads, the quick-witted mind immediately understood that these monsters have wild animals and livestock, so why can't they have birds?

   Everyone looked up, and sure enough, monsters with bird heads and human bodies with wings fell from the sky.

  The sharp claws under his feet grabbed the soldier's neck, twisted it lightly, and broke it.

  The crisp sound of bones breaking made everyone's faces change. Being able to break a person's neck so easily shows that the strength must be not small.

   What's more important is that after killing people, these monsters stepped on the corpse, flapped their wings and flew away, hovering in the sky to find the next target.

  This caused the order that had been assembled with great difficulty to be destroyed in an instant.

  The morale of all the soldiers collapsed at once, as for the leading generals, there was no way to give orders. The reason is very simple. The first wave of raids by this group of bird monsters was to kill these generals consciously.

  The armor worn by these generals is different from that of ordinary soldiers, and the difference can be seen at a glance.

  Boom! !

There was a violent sound, and the soldiers who were still fighting against the bird monsters knew that those beasts and livestock monsters under the city had rushed to the gate of the city, and the sudden impact just now could be understood as an impact on the gate of the city. up.

  After the first loud noise, the noise continued continuously, with no intention of stopping at all.

It's just that the people below also knew what was going on outside, and heard the shouts of the soldiers on the wall, so they spontaneously stood against the city gate together. Once the city was broken, among other things, they, the people at the gate Absolutely no good end.

   As for escaping, there were people, but just after throwing it out of the city gate, it was taken away by a passing bird monster, and it was already broken into two pieces when it fell.

   If the gate of the city is lost at this time, it will be a front and rear attack, and even life will be lost.

   So it spontaneously resisted the gate of the city. Of course, there were not only ordinary people here, but also many soldiers.

  At this moment, everyone is frightened, hoping that reinforcements will arrive as soon as possible.

   The wolf smoke has been ignited before, but even if they come here, it will take a while, not to mention that they still need to get armor, take weapons and so on, which will take even longer.

   After all, it is not a wartime. Except for drills and inspections, soldiers seldom say they will wear armor, but they will follow the field, so naturally it is impossible to react so quickly.

   Otherwise, if it is really completely out of production, then this will not be able to support so many soldiers.

  Not all cities can support enough soldiers, but if there are not enough soldiers, the safety of the city cannot be guaranteed, so they can only be raised in the fields.

   But at this time, the disadvantages will be revealed. Because they are not out of production, the assembly time will be slower.

   Fortunately, they arrived in time. Soldiers wearing armor, holding swords and shields, or holding longbows and quiveres hurriedly arrived.

  Those archers saw the flying monsters hovering above the sky, so they naturally drew their bows and shot.

  Thick arrows flew out, and those bird monsters had no time to react, and they were shot by these arrows.

  If you are lucky, you will become a hedgehog, barely able to fly in the sky.

   But if this is unlucky, it will either become a corpse directly, or fall down because it cannot fly, and it will be completely unrecognizable.

   The height of the bird monsters in the sky is not low. Generally speaking, they dive to accelerate and kill them with one blow, so this is bad luck.

But other than that, the arrows also accidentally injured many of our own people. After all, they were shooting indiscriminately, and the target was also a bird monster in the sky. At this time, there is no way to think too much. We can only solve the biggest crisis first. up.

   And this city gate is about to be broken.

  The situation of the city gate could not be seen on the city wall, but these soldiers who had just arrived saw it.

  The entire city gate made of solid wood is already full of cracks. Everyone watching this scene is terrified. With this situation, who knows when the city gate will be broken into wooden **** all over the place.

  At this time, you can’t think about it. The more you think about it, it must never happen, then this thing will happen to you.

  Among the terrified eyes of the soldiers and ordinary people, the city gate shattered into pieces of wood with a loud noise, and then burst open, affecting many people.

   It's just that this is just the beginning. As the protection of the city gate was broken, terrifying monsters rushed in one after another.

   The one headed by it was naturally the minotaur with the head of a bull and a human body. With its inhuman hooves and sharp horns on its head, just such a charge, no matter it was trampled or bumped, it plowed a **** path abruptly.

   Followed by tiger-headed people, horse-headed people, and even some weird monsters with insect-headed people also flooded into the city.

  The reinforcements who came to support were caught off guard by these minotaur monsters who opened the way.

  Especially those who were most present were killed on the spot.

   This is enough to prove that the strength of these monsters is far beyond that of those bird monsters.

   Even the rough skin is very tough, and the soldiers' blades or arrows cannot effectively cause damage.

   It wasn't just this side that broke the gate, the gates in the remaining three directions were also broken later.

  The black monsters poured into the city, and the killing began.

   "Run, run." At this moment, everyone collapsed. If it was only a morale problem at the beginning, now it is the destruction of the psychological defense line.

  Especially when everyone saw that the soldiers who came were trampled into a pile of meat or torn into a pile of rotten meat after just a back and forth, the visual impact was particularly strong.

  As the monsters entered the city, a vaguely charming aura came continuously, and all the monsters went berserk instantly.

  In the direction of the mass grave, monsters are like ants, carrying a ball of flesh and blood exuding various tentacles slowly towards the city.

  The aura that made all the monsters go berserk came from this meat ball.

   "I said, I will definitely come back, let my heirs bring me back, and present a great ceremony for breeding."

  Whether it was a monster or a human in the city, everyone heard this voice. The charming, charming, and sweet female voice that made everyone immerse themselves in it.

   But they quickly realized, son?

   In other words, these monsters were all born by that woman?

   This made them feel sick for a while, and this is not the time to be immersed.

   The monsters don't care whether they are immersed or not. The monster who heard this sound became more and more violent, and his whole body exuded the aura of "choosing people and devouring people."

   Just wanted to kill them, now it looks like they want to swallow them alive.

  Suddenly, the killing began to spread crazily, and no one could escape. The four gates of the city had already been breached by monsters. Naturally, there was no way to escape. The city had become a horrible flesh and blood mill.

   "My internal organs are almost ruined by this bump."

  He Fang couldn't help but burst into tears after running for three days. For these three days, he had been on the horse's back, and he didn't even dare to get off when the horse stopped to graze.

   This horse is really solid enough, and he didn't get rid of him while cooking, what does that mean.

  It shows that although the service quality of this horse is not very good, the service attitude is not bad.

   Along the way, He Fang worked and rested with the horse.

  The horse stopped to cook, so he dared to take out some dry food and drink water.

  When the horse was sleeping by the side of the road, he didn't dare to squat too long, as he would be awakened whenever there was any disturbance.

"Brother Ma, brother Ma, although you have caused me to suffer a lot along the way, you have saved my life anyway. If I have a stutter in the future, I will share half of it with you." He Fang was serious this time. I felt the joy of the rest of my life.

   It doesn't matter whether the horse understands or not, anyway, this sentence comes first.

   If this kind of thing happens again in the future, he has to let the horse lead him away, so he can't be dragged back and confessed.

   "Let's go, let's go to the city first." He Fang led the horse, paid the entrance fee and entered the city.

Entering the city is actually not that difficult, and there is no need for registration. After all, these soldiers guarding the city gate can't read two characters. It is difficult for them to register. The most is to charge the entry and exit fees. .

  Of course, He Fang didn't have a halo of ridicule, so naturally no one jumped out to make things difficult for him.

  Although He Fang brought a horse with him, he never thought about actually getting it. The reason is very simple, that is, he cannot afford it.

  A horse is an expensive thing, comparable to a cow.

  Ordinary people can't afford to raise them, even soldiers, they can't afford to raise a horse.

   It’s not that it’s enough to keep them free. If you want horses to run faster and longer, food is more expensive than people.

After He Fang entered the city, he couldn't help but feel a little sad, that is, he has only ten taels of silver on his body now, and he definitely can't afford a house, and renting it is not cheap. In addition, he has to raise horses. It's no small matter.

   If you save ten taels of silver, you can still live for half a year on the basis of not treating the horse badly.

  But it’s not a problem to sit and eat like this.

  ‘I have no choice but to find an inn first. After all, there is a third scene before my supernatural power. I was talking and laughing with someone in the inn, which shows that I seem to have escaped from this predicament. '

   Now that things have come to this point, he can only follow the previously foreseen picture.

  (end of this chapter)

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