This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 439: The third picture of the future

  Chapter 439 The third future painting

   "Half a month, there must be something wrong."

  He Fang looked a little ugly. He has been waiting for the realization of the third painting, and he also tried to predict it.

   But after getting out of danger, this supernatural power seemed to have failed, and it didn't appear at all, which made him a little anxious.

   It would be fine if it didn't show up, but his third painting seemed to be stuck, and in addition to spending a lot of money for the past half month, it made him a little unable to make ends meet.

   Coupled with the fact that he still has a horse to raise, he can be said to be in a state of desperation.

  As for the news of his original city, it has already reached here. It became a place of monsters half a month ago, which can be said to be quite terrifying.

  The whole city is filthy, and most people can only be turned into food when they go in. Only a small group of people who used to do business are lucky enough to escape from it. As for the others, they are naturally all gone in the city.

  He Fang, who heard the news, also had a face full of survivors at the time. If he hadn't had magical powers to help him predict the future, otherwise, he might have died in it at that time.

   And more specific news came out. It is said that some bold people with high skills went to test it out.

   These monsters call themselves monsters, and they are all the offspring of the mother of monsters, and the mother of monsters is an existence loyal to breeding.

   No matter how specific the situation is, I don't know what happened, but when this happened, it also caused an uproar.

  Of course, in addition to the mother of monsters who controls monsters, there is also the latest rise of living corpses, which is also ruled by the dark sun corpse king.

  The two are currently developing secretly after occupying a city each.

   But even so, everyone was panicked.

  Because whether it is a living corpse or a monster, it is far from being able to fight against.

  Monsters are powerful, and living corpses should not be underestimated.

   It’s not that no one stood up. A person who claimed to have awakened the light stood up and called on everyone to come and settle in his city. He would protect everyone in his city.

   In this way, the world seems more and more absurd.

  Especially for He Fang, this kind of feeling gave him the feeling that a good world suddenly collapsed one day, and the speed was too fast to be caught off guard.

Originally, he still had confidence. After all, he could predict the future. Although it was a little blurry, but now it is gone. This is equivalent to that he has just touched the threshold of getting rich. The one that is unreachable.

   "Could it be that my magical powers can only be used at home?" He Fang seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

  If you want to count the common ground, there is only one possibility.

  As for the trigger due to danger, he thinks it is unlikely. The reason is simple, that is, it is not dangerous for him to be stolen. If he is really hungry, he has the cheek to ask someone to borrow some.

   That's why the location was determined. Before, he made all his predictions at home, but now he is outside.

   But the problem is that let alone the home, even the city is occupied by the group of monsters who call themselves monsters.

  If he is really still at home now, he will probably end up being bitten to death by a monster with a dog-headed body. How could he still worry about these things here.

   "Why is this brother sitting here frowning? Why don't you explain all your worries?" A young man with the appearance of a scholar sat opposite him, with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

  When you see the other party and tell him what you are unhappy about to make him happy, He Fang's face suddenly collapses.

  This person has no eyesight at all.

  However, He Fang knew what his situation was, so he had to bear with everything he could, and retreat as soon as he could. Although the other party was a little rude, there was no need to confront the other party just by saying it.

   "I'm from Qiwu City, so you can see why I'm frowning." He Fang said with a hint of indifference.

  He definitely couldn't say that his supernatural powers had failed, so with a bitter face, he could only talk about his city that had been slaughtered.

  Hearing this, the boy couldn't help but hesitate, and then got up and apologized: "Brother, forgive me, I don't know that brother is in such a disaster, please forgive me."

  The young man likes to have fun, but he also knows that this is no fun. The loss of a whole city is a big deal.

  His words are no less than sprinkling salt on someone's wounds. It is very rude, so naturally he has to apologize.

  He Fang's face also looked a lot better. The other party apologized, and he couldn't be unreasonable. After all, he is a foreigner, and there are many things that he can't do too much.

   "Don't blame me, little brother, I'm also homesick, please cut it, it's inevitable that it's a little unreasonable."

   After speaking, He Fang suddenly noticed something, that is, this scene seemed familiar.

   It seems to be the third painting?

  Seeing this, he couldn't help being agitated, and then said decisively: "If you don't mind, little brother, sit down and have a drink with me, it will be regarded as fate."

   "This is not good." The young man's tone was hesitant, after all, he offended the other party with his unrestrained appearance just now.

"Let's consider it as a friend. The shopkeeper will serve another pair of bowls and chopsticks, and a pot of good wine. After the appetizers are withdrawn, they will bring some new ones." He Fang also put up a fight, and went directly to the counter. shouted.

   After the shopkeeper took a look, he was a little surprised, but he didn't say anything, and ordered the waiter to do it.

And the two chatted. He Fang introduced himself first, but there was some water in it. For example, his identity, he didn't just say that he was a failed scholar who failed in three years. Instead, he said that he was a writer and writer who had just won the City Lord's Mansion this year, and he was regarded as an official.

  Anyway, Qiwu City is gone, and no one can verify it.

   Besides, it was true that he had just passed the city test not long ago, but he just failed.

During some conversations, He Fang also knew that this young man was called Dong Xiuyuan. From the conversation of the other party, He Fang could also tell that this man of extraordinary background was definitely much better than him, a poor scholar. At least one must be from a scholarly family.

"Brother He is so talented. If Qiwu City hadn't suffered such a catastrophe, it would be a pity that Brother He's great success would not be far away." Dong Xiuyuan's tone was filled with regret. During the conversation between the two, his impression of He Fang was Very good, with this preconceived impression, naturally there will be brain supplements and corrections in the follow-up exchanges.

  He Fang heard this, but his heart moved, and after pouring a glass of wine for the other party, he pretended to be helpless and said: "Drink, drink, what are you talking about."

   These words completely showed that he was underappreciated.

  At this moment, He Fang was more and more sure that this was what the third painting was going to show him, and it was worthwhile for him to wait here for half a month.

   "Hey, Brother He, why bother to give up on yourself? With Brother He's talent, he can take a test in Jiuxi City next year, and it won't be too late to become an official by then." Dong Xiuyuan comforted He Fang kindly.

Then he suddenly had an idea, as if he remembered something, and then said: "Once the Qiwu City is gone, then Brother He will lose his place to stand. The government has been recruiting a pen official to guard the scripture hall by the way, if Brother He is willing, he can go and get the job, although he will not be an official, but the monthly money is enough to live on."

   "Additionally, the location is remote and quiet, and there are not many pedestrians disturbing. If Brother He goes there, he can fight again for the city test in the coming year."

  He Fang heard this, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly a picture appeared in front of his eyes, that is, he was struggling for many days, and then spent all his money in despair, working as an accountant in a small shop.

This situation not only didn't make He Fang feel terrified, but he was delighted. This supernatural power has not disappeared. It seems that there are certain conditions to trigger it. For example, it has not been triggered before. It cannot be used because it has been achieved or the time is not up.

  As for the painting he sees now, it should be the fate he ended up with after rejecting Dong Xiuyuan's kindness.

   But what if he accepts.

Then the picture changed again, and one painting turned into two paintings. The first one is that he enters the quiet and dilapidated scripture hall, and the second one is that he is sitting on the futon as if reciting something. All kinds of visions are emitted.

   This surprised him, reminding him of those practitioners in Strange Ghosts.

  ‘Could it be that there are Dharma doors for practitioners hidden in this scripture hall? '

  In the past, he would definitely not have believed it, but now it is different, he has to take a gamble no matter what.

   Today's world is becoming more and more dangerous, what about living corpses and monsters, who knows if the other party will one day take a corner and make a big move.

"Since I am shy in my pocket, I have the cheek to accept Brother Dong's kindness. In the afternoon, I will go to the south of the city to find this scripture hall." After He Fang saw his future picture, he naturally would not say no, This is an opportunity to become a practitioner, how could he give up.

  Dong Xiuyuan wasn't surprised by He Fang's promise, after all, it was he who proposed it, and if he didn't expect the other party to agree to it, then he simply wanted to punish him.

"Brother He, you're welcome. It's nothing more than a little effort. It's just that this job is not easy. The daily life is hard and remote, so there are many inconveniences. In addition, the money is relatively small, but if you are single, it is still enough. .” Dong Xiuyuan also greeted He Fang in advance.

   "So if Brother He is willing, you don't have to go to the south of the city, just go directly to the government office to register."

  If you want to be a writer of the classics library, you must first be a scholar, which will wipe out a group of people, and then the salary is not high, and the place is far and remote, and many things are inconvenient.

Therefore, not many scholars are willing to go there. If they really want to make money, they can become an accountant or a private school teacher. What about sin?

   This has led to the fact that the mansion is still closed. If He Fang really went there, it would definitely require a lot of cleaning and tossing before he can live in it.

   After all, there has been no one for a long time.

  As for the money issued by the City Lord's Mansion?

   That must not be wasted, and someone else will pick it up.

  But if He Fang goes there, it will definitely fall into his hands, otherwise it will be for nothing.

   "So, thank you Brother Dong for reminding me, I'll finish this drink." He Fang drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

He Fang is also happy, not only his supernatural powers are still there, but he can even obtain the method of practitioners. He is so excited now, and he has even begun to imagine that he can have the means of moving mountains and seas among those practitioners, and then he will surely let those practitioners A monster living corpse knows how powerful he is.

Seeing He Fang's happy and excited appearance, Dong Xiuyuan also felt a little bright in his heart. He didn't know what He Fang was thinking in his heart, but he thought that the other party should be happy because he got the job in this scripture hall. After all, in his impression, this He Fang He is a man of great talent, and he didn't go to the scripture hall to dawdle, but to embark on an official career for the next year's city examination.

  (end of this chapter)

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