This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 440: Blind Prophet Contest

  Chapter 440 Blind Prophet Contest

  In the case of the writer of the Jingguan, He Fang's process went very smoothly, but the handling process was a bit awkward, and the staff who handled it for him didn't have a good impression of him at all, and even wanted to make things difficult for him.

  This idea is also very normal. After all, the monthly money of the writer of the Economics Office is in the hands of this person. Now that you come here and distribute it to him, will he be pleasing to you?

   It is important to know that the shortfall is not a sum of money, but a steady flow of extra income.

   But this matter has to be done. If you really dare to make things difficult, who knows what will happen in the future. It is not a good idea to gamble on your future career for some money.

It's okay if the money is less, he still wants to go further, so even with a stinky face, he went through the formalities for He Fang. After all, he is very self-aware. He can have this money not because there is no one in the scripture office. It's because he is an official in charge of this area, so he needs to understand where the money comes from.

   If he was really blinded by greed, he would not be able to get the previous sum of money.

He Fang also saw something, but he didn't point it out. If the other party made things difficult for him, he would definitely fight with him to the end. After all, it was related to supernatural powers and the method of practitioners, but now he didn't stop him, even if it was his attitude. No, he also endured with the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

   It can't be just because the other party's attitude is bad, you can't tear yourself apart with the other party. He Fang is not a fool, he still knows that the people don't fight with the officials.

   Besides, if I really want to do it first, I must be ignoring it. The other party is an official in the city. If I really want to punish him, there is a way.

   After the formalities were completed, He conveniently bought some daily necessities, put the things on the horse, and led the horse towards the direction of the scripture hall.

  Although he had already prepared for the situation in the economic hall, but looking at it now, it is inevitable that he is a little helpless.

  It’s not bad to be dilapidated, but the overgrown weeds and dusty cobwebs all indicate that no one has been here for a long time.

   "It's really just taking money and not doing anything. No wonder he looks so ugly. The money he got for nothing is gone, and I wouldn't give him a good face." He Fang shook his head and said.

   Fortunately, he was prepared and started to clean it immediately. He was powerless, but that doesn't mean he couldn't bear the hardship.

   After all, he also came from poverty, just because most of his energy was put on studying and the city test, and the work he did was also related to this, but in terms of suffering, he grew up from a young age.

   After tidying up briefly, he fed the horses with fodder again, and he was relieved.

   "The first picture has been completed, and the next is the second picture."

  He found that his ability had failed again, but he was not in a panic now, he knew why it had failed.

   Naturally, it is the reason why he did not complete the second picture.

  If this ability sees multiple pictures and has already completed one picture, then unless he completes all the pictures, the ability will be temporarily invalid.

  For example, the two paintings when he was stolen before could only be used after he finished them.

  But he also knows that this second painting is not unchangeable.

  For example, if he quits his job and leaves directly, his ability will also recover, but the problem is that leaving does not make any sense.

Another example is that he waited in the inn for half a month before, if he didn't wait, he could recover, but what he waited meant that he was between the second and third paintings, so the ability would be invalid Lose.

  After several times of groping, He Fang also simply figured out the rules of his abilities.

   "But where is the method I need?"

  He Fang looked at the dazzling array of books in the scripture hall, and he briefly looked them up. Most of them seemed to be scriptures, the obscure kind, and there were also some books such as miscellaneous news and stories.

  There are quite a lot of books in the scripture hall, which made He Fang a little embarrassed for a while.

  According to the supernatural power of predicting the future, he could indeed find the method that would allow him to become a practitioner, but the problem is that the foretelling did not say which book and how long it would take him to find it.

   Just like the last one of the three pictures predicted before, he waited half a month for Dong Xiuyuan's arrival, and he almost failed to hold on.

   It can be seen that even if the future is foreseen, if he wants to have the corresponding future, he still has to make his own choices and efforts. If he is not careful, the future may be changed.

   Just like when he lost his purse and ran away from the city before, the future is not fixed and will change because of his every move.

   Fortunately, he is not without monitoring methods. Once the future changes, his ability to predict the future will recover from failure. This is barely good news.

   "What else can I do, let's find it." He Fang couldn't help but smiled wryly, then got up and began to read these scriptures.

  The quality of the scriptures is still very good, even if it has not been maintained for such a long time, it means that a lot of dust has fallen on it.

  So when he was flipping through the scriptures, he also wiped the dust, which was regarded as maintenance.

"There are at least a thousand books here. It would take a lot of time to read them one by one." He Fang was also helpless, and he was even guessing that maybe the practitioner's method he needed was not It is not on the surface of these scriptures, it may be hidden in it, and he needs to discover it by himself, instead of reading it once and passing it.

  But even though he was helpless, He Fang did not give up.

   Until the back, his hand stopped suddenly, because he saw a scripture called "Future Tribulation Foretelling", which made him fall in love with the other party at a glance.

  It feels like the situation where **** looks at mung beans and sees them right.

  Now that he had the feeling, He Fang of course picked up the book decisively and began to read it.

It’s just that the feeling belongs to the feeling, and the reality belongs to the reality. This book is also an obscure scripture. It probably talks about praising the world and the future time. At first glance, it looks like poetry and prayer, and it is quite empty. There is no content.

  After reading this book carefully, there is no change at all, and there is no vision like the one in the third painting, which seems to be felt but not supported by the body.

   "Could it be that the method I need is hidden in this scripture, and I need to understand it?"

  He Fang couldn't help but think of the saying in the novels of ghosts and ghosts that those practitioners who suddenly enlightened became true kings.

  He began to recall the latest picture he got again.

   "Is the futon missing?" He immediately noticed that besides the vision, there was a futon sitting cross-legged on his body, and after searching for a while, he finally found a gray futon.

   Immediately cleaned up the dust, sat on it, held the "Future Tribulation Premonition" and began to read, but it still gave him the feeling of the moon in the mirror, just like a layer of gray.

   For this reason, he had to start recalling again.

   "It seems to be reciting?"

  He couldn't believe it. After all, it seemed a bit out of place. After all, this is a tall practitioner, so it is necessary to recite during the cultivation process?

   "Forget it, let's try it."

   Anyway, now he has no choice but to try this.

   Then decisively began to recite, and the next moment shocked him.

  The process of reciting is as if it has gone through thousands of tempers. It is unimaginable for him to be so smooth. You must know that he has only read it once.

  And during the process of reciting, he could even clearly feel that something was gathering in his body. This kind of thing was very confused, as if it was the future.

   During the process of reciting, he also saw visions born around him.

   He has certainly seen this vision before, in his second picture.

  At the same time, his divine power of prophecy also recovered with the completion of the second picture.

   Not only that, but a lot of inheritance memories have been poured into his mind.

  After the recitation, his expression was not as good as expected, but he saw more terrible things.

   "Sun, breed?"

   "If the other party is really allowed to grow bigger, wouldn't the prophet be unable to become a higher future for the rest of his life?"

  He not only became a cultivator, but also obtained the source of his ability to predict and see more development channels.

   "In the world of great controversy, the sun and breeding are already far ahead. I have to keep up as soon as possible. Otherwise, if other spokespersons of existence appear again, I'm afraid I will be overtaken."

  From the inheritance, He Fang learned that in addition to the three existences of the sun, breeding, and him as a prophet, there are many other existences, such as flame, justice, power, etc., who are also choosing spokespersons.

  Like the sun, the Pope of the Dark Sun and the Giant of Light were selected by the sun, and they came from the Sun Sect and Mahayana Buddhism respectively.

   More importantly, not only the sun, but also the mother of monsters produced by breeding.

  These two have taken the lead and have developed a powerful force, especially the sun, even if it is split into two forces, no matter which force it is, it cannot be underestimated.

  He Fang, as the spokesperson of the prophet, has officially opened the path of practitioners, but he is still far behind.

  One more thing, most of his abilities are based on the predictions of the unknown prophets, and there is not much increase in strength at all.

   So this is a lot worse.

   "The believers of the sun's light and living corpses breed monsters. I also need blind followers. Otherwise, I don't have enough strength in this chaotic world of great controversy."

  The blind prophet, because he saw too much future, suffered the feedback of the future and lost his eyes.

   It is precisely because of the loss of eyes that he can see more futures.

  If He Fang wants to fully display the "Future Tribulation Foretelling" and his own prophetic powers, the first thing to do is to gouge out his own eyes.

   Then form his followers, that is, blind followers, and gradually strengthen these followers with the ability of his own blind prophet.

  A blind follower doesn't need to poach his eyes, he just needs to trust him blindly.

   "Blind trust is not so easy to obtain. The subsequent inheritance requires me to dig out my eyes to see it, otherwise I can't obtain it at all."


  He Fang was still very hesitant about gouging out his own eyes. It's not as simple as clipping his nails. They can regenerate after cutting them. This is the eyes. The severe pain when gouging them out is simply unbearable.

   Just thinking about the future, if he can't officially become the spokesperson of the Prophet, who knows if the Prophet will give up on him?

  Now he is just a pre-selection, not like the mother of monsters is already an official spokesperson.

  If you want to become an official spokesperson and not be given up by the prophet, you can only get the favor of the prophet if you goug out your own eyes and become a blind prophet.

   "Heh, if you want to live, it seems that you have no choice." After He Fang laughed miserably, he decisively gouged out his own eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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