This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 442: Solicitation and counter solicitation

  Chapter 442 Solicitation and counter-solicitation

   "It's really true." Dong Xiuyuan got up from the ground, and looked at the mud on his body dumbfounded for a while.

   On the way back, he could only think about the things He Fang told him, but he accidentally dropped it. This reminded him of the gown and umbrella that He Fang left for him.

   "The gown is needed, but what about the umbrella?" He looked up at the sky, and there was no possibility of rain.

  Dong Xiuyuan's mind is normal, and he definitely doesn't think it's a coincidence. He can only say that the other party really saw something in advance.

   This gave him a chill in his heart, and he began to recall a bit. Now he even thinks that the meeting with He Fang was a conspiracy of the other party.

   "Forget it, let's go back and talk to Dad." Dong Xiuyuan knew that at this time, don't force it or hide it.

   Halfway through, there was a sudden downpour of rain in the sky, and the most embarrassing thing was that the place where he was was relatively empty, and there was no place to hide from the rain.

   This let Dong Xiuyuan know the usefulness of this umbrella.

  After he ran to a place to hide from the rain, he just took a break for half a cup of tea. The rain came and went quickly.

   "Well, if I had taken the gown and umbrella back then, I would be home by now." Dong Xiuyuan couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

  Then shook his head: "This He Fang is really weird."

  When he thought of the other party's empty eyes without eyeballs, he couldn't help but shuddered, as if he was looking straight into the abyss.

  Going back to the city lord's mansion like a drowned man, the steward saw Dong Xiuyuan's appearance, and hurriedly called his servants to cook **** soup and arrange hot water for Dong Xiuyuan.

Although it is said that Dong Xiuyuan has no real power in the city lord's mansion, he is also the son of the city lord. The advantage of not fighting for power makes him very favored. Naturally, these servants have to serve honestly, but there is no such thing as ridicule or suppression. Things like slavery.

  If it really shows up, I'm afraid it will be beaten to death that day.

   "Where are my father and my elder brother?" Dong Xiuyuan waved his hand to show that he is not busy yet.

  The steward did not hide anything, but said directly: "The master is in the study, the young master seems to have gone out, and the old slave doesn't know where he went."

  Dong Xiuyuan nodded directly after listening, "I see."

   After finishing speaking, he headed towards the study room, and the steward didn't dare to stop him, which is nothing compared to a servant blocking the master.

  The rules in the City Lord's Mansion are extremely strict, especially for their subordinates.

   Entering the study room, Dong Tianqi, the city lord, saw Dong Xiuyuan's appearance, couldn't help but frowned, and reprimanded him: "Where did you go wild again? I don't know how to change when I'm wet like this."

   "Father, I'm not in a hurry. I have something more urgent. Listen to me." Dong Xiuyuan didn't care too much, and immediately told the whole story about He Fang.

  Dong Tianqi didn't interrupt, but listened carefully to Dong Xiuyuan's words, frowning slightly.

The other party's situation was really weird enough, and he didn't think that Dong Xiuyuan was lying. Although the second son went out to wander around on weekdays, he still understood his temperament, and he could still understand these big things. The dude who understands.

"Where's your elder brother, ask the steward to call him here. You go and wash up quickly, and drink a bowl of **** soup to warm your body, so as not to catch the wind and cold." Dong Tianqi didn't discuss too much with Dong Xiuyuan, he knew the second son's Ideas, this is for them to make up their minds.

  Dong Xiuyuan also pulled his clothes that were sticky from mud, rain, and sweat, and said, "Then dad, you should do your work first."

   "Go." Dong Tianqi waved his hand, signaling to go.

  After Dong Xiuyuan walked away, this Dong Tianqi frowned: "He Fang, it seems to be a prophet, and what kind of messy sun and breeding are there. The world has changed so much that even I don't even recognize it."

   He knows about monsters, living corpses, and believers of the light. It is true, and he even has some information.

  That's why he was worried. This He Fang who popped up suddenly told him these things, so that he wouldn't have any doubts.

  He doesn't doubt his son, but he suspects that an outsider like He Fang, if the other party really has this ability, maybe he has already started calculating from the first meeting.

  Of course, he didn't think about suppressing or killing people. If the other party is really capable, doing so by himself is tantamount to asking for death.

   "Test first, then recruit!"

  Dong Tianqi made a decision immediately. As for the failure to recruit, that is another matter.

  Since the other party came to find him through his second son, he must have asked for something, otherwise why bother.

As for coming directly to him, this matter is actually unreliable. After all, most people can’t see the city lord. Yes, if he was directly assassinated at that time, the whole city would definitely fall into chaos.

The next day, He Fang had just finished reading "Future Tribulation Preface", feeling the Taoism in his body and the various images constantly emerging in his eyes. At this time, he felt that there seemed to be a big problem in his thinking, such as changing Some crazy, but rational, this kind of extremely contradictory thinking made him feel crazy for a while.

After studying for a long time, he realized that this was the sequelae caused by seeing too much future. Fortunately, he became a blind prophet. Without his eyes, he has blocked most of the horrors from his vision. , if he still had eyes now, he would have already turned into a monster because of the countless horrors in time.

   Thinking problems are considered the best result.

   "Please come in." He Fang said abruptly.

  Dong Xiuyuan and his father Dong Tianqi outside the door couldn't help being taken aback, especially Dong Xiuyuan, who just raised his hand and was about to knock on the door when he heard this.

   After the father and son exchanged glances, they pushed open the door and went straight into the scripture hall.

  He Fang, who had lost his eyeballs, was sitting in front of his chest. There were two seats left on the opposite side, and there were two cups of hot tea on it.

"Qiwu City, no, it seems that it has been renamed as Monster City now. The mother of monsters in Monster City has successfully held a ceremony for breeding. Now her power has increased again. At most three days, this monster can be killed. Jiuxi City."

   Before Dong Tianqi could speak, He Fang took the lead.

  After hearing this, Dong Tianqi's expression changed. Although he didn't know whether what He Fang said was true or not, it would be fine if it was false, but what if it was true?

   His Jiuxi City and Qiwu City are comparable in strength, and if they really want to come, they really have no way to resist.

   Then he immediately opened his mouth and prepared to ask the other party if there is any good way.

   "I can't stop the Mother of Monsters from attacking Jiuxi City, I can only fight, but Jiuxi City can't beat Monster City." He Fang knew what Dong Tianqi wanted to ask in advance through predicting the future, and said immediately.

   Dong Tianqi was completely taken aback by this, he didn’t even ask this question, since he answered it, it’s easy to say the next sentence, I must ask you if there is any way.

"I have a way, but I may not be able to win. The power of breeding is too strong. At present, with my strength, there is no way to win 100%, so it depends on what you think, City Master Dong. If you are willing to support me with all your strength, Then the outcome is half-baked, if you are going to use the next perfunctory answer to go back and think about it, then let’s forget about it, and I will leave Jiuxi City as soon as possible."

  When Dong Tianqi heard that there was no 100% victory, he really wanted to go back and think about it. After all, this is as unreliable as painting a big cake.

  But when he heard the second half of the sentence, he fell silent.

   Once or twice, it can be said that the other party is good at insight into people's hearts, but if the number of times is more, then even if it is not a prophet, it has great talent.

  Therefore, recruiting must be recruited. Keeping this kind of talent by his side is definitely a very powerful boost.

   "I see, let's go then."

  Here, Dong Tianqi just wanted to compliment and invite He Fang out of the mountain, but he didn't expect the other party to say something in advance.

   "Skip the step of compliments, it doesn't make any sense. Time is running out now, and we need to deal with the army of monsters that will arrive in three days." He Fang's mouth showed an invisible arc.

  He is laughing.

   Having come to this point, he already knows that his blind followers are safe.

  Of course, he didn’t lie. He did see that the monster army would attack Jiuxi City in three days. This is a result that he can’t change no matter how he observes the future.

   Unless he can kill a large number of monsters or seriously injure the mother of monsters within these two days, there is no way to stop it.

  It's a pity that no matter which method he chooses, he has no ability to do it.

  He is able to see the future predictably, but it does not mean that he can stop everything. After all, his strength is not of the fighting type, so naturally he can only rely on other methods.

   But as long as he forms his own blind followers, then all this will change.

   And now, his opportunity has appeared.

  Since he became a blind prophet, He Fang has been constantly predicting the future in order to find the most suitable candidate for him.

  In the end, they all point to the same person, yes, the city lord.

  As the person with the highest authority in Jiuxi City, as long as the city lord Dong Tianqi becomes his blind follower, then he is completely sure to deal with the monster siege three days later.

   The last time was to defend the city and repel the monsters, but the best result was to completely wipe out these monsters.

   The monster soldiers in the city of monsters are divided into four groups. Apart from Jiuxi City, there are three groups to attack other cities, and this is not a group of monsters coming out, but only a part of them, so He Fang is sure.

If it is true that all the monsters in the city of monsters came out to attack Jiuxi City, then he must have run away immediately, because there are at least hundreds of thousands of monsters in the city of monsters now , extremely terrifying.

  He Fang got up and stretched out his hand, signaling to Dong Tianqi that it's time for us to leave, and we shouldn't spend any more time here.

  Seeing this, Dong Tianqi also got up and prepared to leave. He came in and left without saying a word, looking a little aggrieved.

But in any case, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, even if he was led by the nose from the beginning, it doesn't matter. In Dong Tianqi's eyes, he is just a blind man. As long as the other party is willing to work for him, many things can be ignored.

   Then Dong Tianqi gave Dong Xiuyuan a wink and asked him to support him so that he would not fall.

  He Fang didn't refuse either. Although he lost his eyes, he could still see. This move can make the follow-up plan smoother, so he naturally didn't refuse the request.

  What he needs is that Dong Tianqi can trust himself. Although it is enough now, if he wants to convert the other party into a blind follower more easily, then the more trust the better.

  The more you trust, the smoother the transformation process will be. He will definitely not let go of this opportunity to increase trust.

  (end of this chapter)

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