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Chapter 443: Breeding first encounter with Prophet

  Chapter 443 Breeding and the Prophet's first confrontation

   "The blind follower gave me the eyes to see the future of time, but unfortunately, these eyes are all grown in places where they shouldn't be."

  He Fang had a helpless look on his face. There were many smart eyeballs on his body. Except that they were not in the eye sockets, they were on his face, hands, and even between his chest.

   Moreover, these eyeballs don't have kernels, the whites of the gray and white eyes are very leaky, and because there are no eyelids, they can't be covered at all.

   "Blind prophet or full-eyed prophet?"

  But now is not the time to worry about these things. With blind followers, his strength has risen to an extremely terrifying level. Every day, every blind follower will provide him with strength.

  He also gained 3,000 blind followers by relying on the inheritance given to him by the prophet during these three days.

   If he had three months, he could turn an entire city into his blind followers.

  The spokeswoman for breeding, the mother of monsters, can rise in a short period of time, and as the spokesperson of the prophet, he naturally has abilities not inferior to the other party.

  In He Fang's inheritance, he also knows that the strength of Sun, Breeding, and Prophet are comparable, but each has its own emphasis.

   "Three thousand blind followers versus fifty thousand monsters, the opponent has an advantage in numbers, but in terms of strength, my carefully cultivated three thousand blind followers may not necessarily lose."

   "If these 50,000 monsters are followed by the mother of monsters, I really can't win, but the opponent does not have a mother of monsters, and my side has me, the blind prophet, which can completely erase the gap in numbers."

  He Fang indirectly controlled the entire Nine Streams City by making the City Lord his blind follower.

   "Master Prophet, the blind followers have assembled and are waiting for you to issue orders." Dong Tianqi said respectfully.

  He Fang's eyes squirmed with strange flesh and blood, which continuously diffused from his eye sockets, looking like weird tentacles, these tentacles were like living creatures, constantly exploring something in the air.

  This scene is very horrifying, but as a blind follower, Dong Tianqi has long been used to it.

  He knew that He Fang was peeping into the future at this time, in order to get what to do next.

  As the tentacles retracted back into the eye sockets, there seemed to be a smell of blood in the air.

   "After an hour, the monsters will arrive. Let the other blind followers get ready and leave all the monsters behind." He Fang's tone was hoarse. It was obvious that the peeping into the future just now was not easy.

  The reason is simple. He is the spokesperson of the Prophet, but these monsters are also protected by breeding. He wants to peep into the related future. It can be said that it is an indirect confrontation between the Prophet and the breeding.

Fortunately, the Prophet won. After all, this was within the realm of the Prophet. In addition, He Fang, a blind prophet, was not peeping at the monster's mother, Xiao Fengxian, but its monster. Naturally, it was poor in terms of protection and favor. It's a little off.

  If what he is peeking at now is Xiao Fengxian's future, then even if he is not seriously injured, he will still have to pay a considerable price.

   After all, in terms of strength, he is no match for the Lord of Monsters, and he still needs to grow up as soon as possible.

But to say the strongest, it is definitely not the master of monsters, but Xu Tianming, the dark sun corpse king from the sun, and Qin Liuyun, the giant of light. spokesperson.

  Although these two are powerful, they are actually temporary spokespersons. If you want to become the official spokesperson of the sun, you must kill each other in order to obtain a complete inheritance.

   It is precisely because of the internal friction between the two that the mother of monsters and his blind prophet suddenly emerged, otherwise the two would have already swept the world.

   "Yes, Lord Prophet, there is one more thing. The latest news is that the spokesperson of the suspected flame has been born. The opponent has occupied Beimo City with sky fire, and is confronting Lifu City, which is suspected to be the spokesperson of poison. The battle is imminent."


  Dong Tianqi told He Fang the latest information one by one.

"I know, these things will be dealt with after this wave of monster siege is dealt with. These other spokesmen have just risen and cannot get away, so don't worry about it for the time being." He Fang's expression remained unchanged. He knew that at this time Everyone is developing.

  The sun fell into civil strife, and breeding bloomed everywhere.

   As for flames and toxins, if the opponent is a bit rational, they will know that they should not start the war lightly, otherwise they will definitely benefit from it.

  There is also the most jumping breeding, maybe it will become the target of public criticism in a few days.

  The opponent is developing too fast. If the other spokesmen don't kill him first, once the power of opposition really rises, no one will be the opponent of the mother of monsters.

  Everyone is the same, once the influence develops, it will be a disaster for the spokespersons of other existences.

   An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and on the distant horizon, a large number of monsters of all kinds swarmed.

  The first time he saw this group of monsters, He Fang knew that the mother of monsters had become stronger again.

Thinking back when he had seen monsters in the way of a prophet, most of them were similar to half-orcs, but now it is different, it can be described as a monster, with all kinds of scary and hideous faces, and no one can be seen at all. look like.

  The strength of these monsters is at least ten times stronger than that of the previous half-orc monsters.

   "Blind follower, the first round of volley, get ready, let go." He Fang said.

  Three thousand arrows flew out with the sound of bowstrings, a large number of tentacles grew in He Fang's eye sockets, and the invisible power of time followed the three thousand arrows.

  Every arrow landed on a monster, whether it hit a vital point or an insignificant area, all the monsters died suddenly on the spot in just a split second.

   This arrow hits not the present, but the future.

   This round of volley took away three thousand monsters.

   But the price is also very high, He Fang's whole body becomes sluggish, and he suffers from the strong backlash of time.

  He is the spokesperson of the prophet, not the spokesperson of time. He can see the future and change the future, but he cannot use time. This is the difference between a prophet and time.

   What He Fang did just now involved the domain of time, so he suffered a counterattack from time.

   Fortunately, the Prophet was more powerful, and he had a wave of fighting with time, which was barely a tie, but he was still affected.

  So the second round of volley was nothing, but fortunately, he had already expected this.

  The place where the three thousand arrows fell formed resonance ripples, and even the air was distorted. This distortion made all the monsters feel a little palpitation.

  But in such a moment of hesitation, three thousand blind followers rushed out of the city.

  The moment he stepped into the distortion, the body of the blind follower squirmed continuously, and granulation sprouts on the skin began to grow, turning into countless eyeballs.

   Rays, light, etc. burst out from the eyeballs of the blind followers. Each eyeball is like a killing machine, and each attack will take away a monster.

  Of course, monsters are not something to mess with. Seeing this scene not only showed no fear, but aroused the violence deep in the blood, and immediately rushed over to start fighting with the blind followers.

  Don't look at blind followers who can only use magic attacks. When fighting close to hand, the tendons on their bodies are enough to illustrate their combat effectiveness.

There are also those eyes on the body, which look similar to ordinary eyeballs, but in fact they are like hammers. When the eyeballs are thrown on the monster, it will directly smash its head off. The liquid mixed with various broken organs and flesh splashed on the blind followers.

   It's just that for the blind followers, they didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't even wipe it, so they continued to slash at the monsters rushing towards them with a long knife.

  He Fang stood on the city wall and watched this scene. In his consciousness, the pictures were being shattered, which represented the shattered futures one by one.

   And the images of new life are constantly emerging, this is a brand new future that he can see.

  He adjusted the battle situation through constant communication between himself and the blind followers, such as avoiding the death of the blind followers and better ways to wipe out these monsters.

  At this time, the side of Jiuxi City is equivalent to fighting from the perspective of God, and the monsters are not opponents at all.

   Unless it is said that the mother of monsters is here, otherwise, there is no monster that can fight against He Fang, let alone these three thousand blind followers are not vegetarians.

  With the passage of time and the decrease in the number of monsters, this is no longer a battle, but more like a one-sided massacre.

   Advantage, from the very beginning, it was on the side of Jiuxi City.

   "It seems that it's settled, but the mother of monsters should also know about the strangeness of Jiuxi City."

  He Fang's eyes stared at a certain huge existence in the dark, and the two were about to separate. This was just a temptation.

   "The strength is at least ten times that of mine. If you fight against the opponent now, you will be close to death."

  He Fang saw all the futures in this way. Except for him running away ahead of time, all futures where he confronted the mother of monsters head-on would all end in his death without exception.

   But there is no way, the other party has more time to develop than him, he has only been three days, and he is exhausted to be able to pull up these 3,000 blind followers, let alone other things.

  So he is still on the disadvantaged side, and this is no wonder to other people. It can only be said that the existence of the prophet made him a spokesperson too late, and he is not the type who is good at fighting, so this will lead to this situation.

   "However, this time there is actually five days of development time. It seems that the mother of monsters is also entangled by other spokesmen."

   "Is it because the remaining three monsters have also been wiped out?"

   "In this way, wouldn't every city have a spokesperson."

He Fang did not use the ability of a blind prophet to investigate. He was backlashed by time and overloaded. At this time, it would be unwise to investigate other existing spokespersons. Even if he really wanted to investigate, I have to wait until I recover, otherwise I might hurt myself even more.

  Monsters, all of them were killed by the blind followers.

   Then it was time to clean up the battlefield. He Fang didn't go to see it, but returned to the City Lord's Mansion under the protection of the soldiers.

  In this battle, he seemed to be standing on the top of the city, but in terms of consumption, no blind followers could compare to him.

   "Let the city lord come back as soon as possible, I have something to discuss with him." He Fang ordered the soldiers to notify Dong Tianqi to come back.

  At present, the monster will come back after five days, so he must get more blind followers as soon as possible. Next time it will not be 50,000, but 100,000.

   Moreover, the strength of the monster must be stronger, and even bring the clone of the mother of the monster. Three thousand blind followers will definitely not be able to defend, at least ten thousand will do.

  He has already seen the future of Jiuxi City's destruction through the prophecy of the prophet. If he wants to change, he must have stronger power.

  (end of this chapter)

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