This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 444: Find the silver lining in the time loop

  Chapter 444 Looking for a silver lining in the time loop

   "I'm not dead?" Wang Zhao suddenly woke up from the bed.

  Looking at the newly sprouting sunshine outside, he couldn't help feeling a little frightened.

  He clearly remembered that he was dead.

  Thinking began to diverge. The monster attacked the city this morning. He didn't know what happened. He only knew that the city was broken, and then the monster entered the city, and he died in the mouth of the monster.

  He is neither a soldier nor a blind follower of the newly established ones. Naturally, he will not go to the battlefield. Most civilians like him hide at home and cannot go out.

   "So it's a dream?"

  He couldn't help feeling a little dazed, but he quickly settled down. It was definitely not a dream.

"Looking at the current time, there is still about half an hour before the monsters attack the city. From the sound of killing outside to the monsters attacking the city, there is only about one cup of tea. If what I experienced is true, it will definitely be a disaster. .”

  He got up and scanned his house, then took a kitchen knife from the kitchen as protection.

   At this time, it is too late to go out of the city, and the only way is to find a way to protect yourself.

   "Maybe the high-level people in the city know something, otherwise it would be impossible to say that they have grasped the time so accurately." Wang Zhao's expression was a bit chilly.

  From the last monster siege to the present, the city has been recruiting people to join blind followers. Wang Zhao also wanted to join before, but unfortunately, he was not selected.

   As for the blind followers, he doesn't know exactly what they are, but he does know one thing, that is, they eat well, drink well, and earn a lot of money, which is much better than his bitter haha.

  Of course, he also knows that this is risky, and he needs to fight desperately with monsters.

  But the last time 3,000 blind followers went out to fight, and a dozen people died in the end. The casualty rate was ridiculously low. He had heard that there were 50,000 monsters back then.

   "Before the blind followers killed all 50,000 monsters, and the city is broken today, how many monsters must there be?"

He suddenly thought of this blind spot. In the past few days, there were at least 10,000 blind followers, that is, their strength was nearly three times stronger than before. As a result, none of them could hold the city and let monsters flood into the city. , which is enough to explain the problem.

  Wang Zhao actually wanted to come here, but the gates of the city are not necessarily open now. In recent days, the whole city has been under martial law, and he can’t leave even if he wants to.

   It is equivalent to being trapped to death in this Jiuxi city.

   And he calculated the time, even if he left the city now, he would definitely not be able to run away, and he might run into the army of monsters directly, then this would be death without a place to die.

  He still remembers how he died before, and was pulled into his mouth by a huge monster and chewed. The pain made him shudder when he thought about it.

  It felt like being thrown into a huge millstone, crushing his flesh and bones into a mass of erosion.

   "No, I can't stay at home. Although I died and returned to this morning, if I still hide at home, there is a high probability that I will not be able to escape death."

  Wang Zhao knew that he could no longer sit still like this.

   "I just don't know if the east gate is broken, or the whole city is broken."

  His home is very close to the East Gate, which is why he was able to know so much. The last time the monster attacked the city was also the East Gate.

If only the east gate was broken, then he would still have a chance as long as he escaped this time, but if all four city gates were really broken, unless he could fly over the walls and float down from the city wall, otherwise he would have no chance at all. There is no chance to escape.

  Then the fate of Jiuxi City will be the same as that of Qiwu City, becoming a city of monsters.

   "In this case, let's go to the west gate, and see if we can find a way to leave through the west gate." Wang Zhao said to do it.

   Immediately cleaned up the gold and silver, got up and left the house.

   It's a pity to look at my own house. If the city is destroyed, the ancestral property of my family will be gone.

  As long as there is an extra day, he will sell the house for some money, and it will be a bit expensive to go to other cities to ask for a living.

   Fortunately, he is a person who knows the good and the bad, and knows what time it is.

   His life is almost gone, so he doesn't care about the troubles. If he can survive, everything still has a chance. If he can't survive, it will be useless to give him gold and silver mountains.

  Because of the martial law, and it is still early, there are not many people.

  He rushed to the west gate in a hurry, and it took him nearly three quarters of an hour to come to the west gate a little out of breath.

   Sure enough, as he expected, the city gate was not opened at all.

  If this point was normal, the city gate would have opened long ago. It would have opened when the **** crowed, and now it has passed the **** crow. Since it has not opened, it will not open at all.

  However, he also walked over cheekily, and took out some loose silver from his pocket: "Guys, why don't you open the city gate today?"

  The soldiers guarding the city gate didn't even look at the scattered silver that Wang Zhao stuffed over, and said coldly: "Today, the city gate is under martial law."

   "Look, please do me a favor. I'm in a hurry. Can you make it easier for me?" Wang Zhao took out a handful of loose silver in pain, and said flatteringly.

   It's just that the soldier stared at him a little unkindly: "No, go back quickly, the city is now under martial law, if you continue to mess around, you will be killed without mercy."

  The cold killing intent came out through his body, which made Wang Zhao's body stiffen involuntarily.

  He also knows the soldiers guarding the city in the west city gate. They are not considered ruffians, but they can still help with some money. How could this happen today.

  ‘Blind follower! '

   Such a name appeared in Wang Zhao's mind, which made him thump in his heart, and he didn't think of it at all.

  'The city defenses were all replaced by blind followers, the city lord and the others really knew that the monsters would come today. '

  His head was muddled, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

   "Aren't you leaving yet?" The cold voice brought Wang Zhao back from his thoughts.

   "Yes, yes, I will go right away, I will go right away, sir, you are busy, you are busy."

  People had to bow their heads under the eaves, Wang Zhao could only smile reluctantly, and then walked back.

   But this was just putting on airs. He knew that within a quarter of an hour at most, the monsters would come.

   It took him about three quarters of an hour to walk from the east of the city to the west of the city, and it took half an hour for four quarters of an hour. If he walked back now, he would directly hit the east gate and be broken, and it would be no different than sending him to death.

   It's better to walk slowly and see if you can stay in the west of the city, maybe you can still have some vitality in this way.

   It's just that his dawdling behavior fell into the eyes of those blind followers who defended the city, but it was very suspicious.

As He Fang's direct troops, they naturally knew that there would be monsters attacking the city in another quarter of an hour, but you suddenly came and such a person who didn't know the so-called wanted to go out of the city, and still lingered and refused to go back. Suspicious?

   Several people guarding the city made eye contact, as if they were asking if they wanted to get rid of such a suspicious element.

  If it was normal, I would have questioned and questioned, but not now, what if it is a secret work?

  Soon the soldiers guarding the city reached a consensus, and one of them pointed his bow and arrow at Wang Zhao.


  Wang Zhao heard a burst of wind in the back of his head, and then felt a chill in his neck, and he fell down straight. He could feel the pain in his throat and the difficulty in breathing.

   "Ho~ho~" He was about to say something when he heard footsteps behind him.

   Then came the severe pain, and his consciousness went dark.


  Wang Zhao woke up from the bed, subconsciously covered his throat with his right hand, but the next moment, he was confused.

  He died again, but he returned to this morning, looking at the dawn that was still just sprouting outside, which made him feel a little dazed.

   "That is to say, if I die, I won't be completely dead, but will return to the dawn of this morning?"

   It's the way it is, but why?

  He was completely unaware that he would acquire such a powerful ability.

   "But the problem is, I can't escape. If I keep dying, wouldn't I be trapped in today forever?"

   This made Wang Zhao a little terrified. If this is true, then it’s okay.

If it is not martial law, and there are no such messy things as the monster attacking the city that caused his death, then he actually doesn't mind being trapped for a day. Live a rich life every day with a small amount of money.

   But it is a pity that he can't enjoy these things. Not only is the whole city closed, there is nothing to enjoy, but he also has to face terrifying monsters.

   This made Wang Zhao unacceptable.

   Fortunately, he quickly adjusted back.

   "If you can't go through the west city gate, then try the north city gate and the south city gate. As long as you can get out through one of the city gates, maybe I won't have to die."

  Wang Zhao immediately made up his mind. Anyway, he will return to dawn after his death, so he can definitely find his own vitality in this death.

  Now he has only one goal, and that is to survive.

   After packing his bags decisively, he hurried towards the north city gate.

   It's just that this time he didn't go north for long before he encountered a group of patrolling soldiers, who immediately detained him.

   "Where are you going?" the leader of a squad leader asked coldly.

  Wang Zhao swallowed involuntarily. He knew that this was definitely a blind follower. This kind of temperament and quality was the same as those guarding soldiers he saw at the west gate.

   "Go to visit relatives." Wang Zhao lied subconsciously.

  The team leader opened his bag casually, and saw some gold and silver.

   "Going to a relative's house to bring something? It's the period of martial law, so tell me what you're going to do honestly." The other party sneered, and then said.

   "I, I." Wang Zhao was obviously frightened, he seemed to have seen such a scene before.

  He is just a plain-headed commoner. Thinking is one thing, but doing is another thing. These soldiers exude murderous aura like beasts, which makes him completely at a loss.

  When the other party saw Wang Zhao, it seemed that he could see that the other party was unlikely to be a spy. After all, the psychological quality of a secret job must be much better than him, so how could he be so scared.

   "Captain, I remembered who he is, Wang Zhao from the east of the city, we met once." A soldier seemed to know him.

   "Go east to north of the city, it seems that you know something, tell us honestly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." Then, the team leader drew out the long knife at his waist to scare Wang Zhao.

   But Wang Zhao also gradually calmed down, he knew that this time he would definitely not be able to escape.

  So when I saw the other party taking out a knife, although I knew that the other party was scaring me, I also had an idea in my heart.

  Since you can’t get out, let’s die back again.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth, and the whole person rushed over, and his neck hit the long knife. The force was not small, and then he turned around enduring the severe pain, and the whole head was left with a layer of skin hanging on the torso. superior.

  The next moment after his death, he woke up from the bed again.

  (end of this chapter)

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