This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 445: People don't die, they don't die

  Chapter 445 If you don't die, you won't die

   "The four city gates in the east, west, north, and south cannot get out, and there are no dog holes around the city wall. It seems that they will not be able to get out at this time."

  Wang Zhao calmly thought about the next plan. The original escape plan went bankrupt because of the strict guards of the entire city. In order to successfully test the fact that he couldn't get out, he died many times.

  He is not discouraged. After all, he has quietly changed his original mentality in the constant death and resurrection. At least he is no longer the ordinary commoner who dared to think and dare not do it at the beginning.

  Among the many deaths, he gradually grew up.

  At this time, he was hiding in a hidden place and peeking at the city wall. His idea was very simple, this time he was to see clearly the situation of the monster.

  Since he failed to break through, he could only try to find a way to survive. Otherwise, if he died like this, he might go crazy because of this, after all, he had been trapped on the same day for so long.

  He died nearly a hundred times in order to find out the escape route back and forth, that is, reset the time nearly a hundred times.

  The time passed by every minute and every second, and the scheduled time soon arrived.

   Monsters attack and battles break out.

  Wang Zhao saw a special person at a glance, this person is not ordinary.

   It doesn't look like an official of Jiuxi City, but everyone respects him, even the city lord, which makes Wang Zhao a little puzzled.

   You know, the city lord is the most powerful person in the city, but he didn't expect that he would have to bow down to others now, which made Wang Zhao's expression freeze.

   "Otherwise, just kidnap the other party, and then find a way to torture him. Anyway, I can be resurrected after death, just to see if I can ask for something."

  Thinking to this point, he immediately took action, but just as he took a step, the other party suddenly turned around and tapped his hand.

  Wang Zhao saw a ray of light flying towards him, so fast that he didn't even have time to react.

   After he reacted, he had already returned to this morning.

   "What's going on here, how could the other party find me." Wang Zhao frowned, he didn't expect things to be like this at all.

  He hasn't done anything yet, he was just about to do it, but he was discovered by the other party, which is completely unreasonable.

   "No, I have to try again. This time, find a good place in advance, and then I will kill you with one blow." Wang Zhao seemed to have found a breakthrough.

  He felt that that person was definitely not an ordinary person. How could an ordinary person burst out with brilliance at a single touch? The power of that brilliance was really terrifying, and he didn't feel any sense of death.

  So he must have complete assurance.

  He just got up, before he had time to go out, the door was suddenly kicked open by someone.

   "Wang Zhao, something happened to you, come with us." A burly general led a group of soldiers into his house, with a strong murderous intent in his tone.

   This made Wang Zhao froze, what happened?

   This thing is not right, he has been reborn so many times, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen at this point in time.

  Such changes made him feel cold all over.

   "My lord, what are you talking about? The young one is just a plain-headed commoner, so there's nothing wrong with it." Wang Zhao said reluctantly with a smile.

  The general on the opposite side smiled contemptuously: "If there is anything wrong, someone will come out of the prison by torture."

  Hearing this, Wang Zhao couldn't help but relax a lot. Judging from this sentence, it seems that the other party didn't know that he could be reborn, but because of other things.

   What would that be?

etc? Prophet! !

  Wang Zhao suddenly remembered how he died last time. He wanted to catch the mysterious man on a temporary basis, and then the other party solved him in advance like a prophet.

  If that mysterious person really has this ability, then the reason why he will be exposed this time is because he wants to catch the other party.

  ‘Damn it, I have to find a way to try again, it seems that I have to die again. ’ Wang Zhao immediately thought of this matter.

  Among the many deaths, he gradually discovered the potential hidden by the ordinary, and his mind kept turning.

   "Let's go, don't let us do it. If we really want to let us do it, then it won't be the case." Before the leader could finish speaking, he saw Wang Zhao rushing into the kitchen.

  He naturally rushed in.

   But it was still a step too late. Wang Zhao wiped his own neck with a kitchen knife.

  The pupils of the general's eyes shrank when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it!! This kid is so strong, how dare he commit suicide."

   "Hurry up and save someone, we must pry out from his mouth who instigated him to act against the prophet."

   Soon, all kinds of noisy sounds gradually faded away in Wang Zhao's ears. With a smile on his face, everything became dark.

  The next second, he returned to the time when the dawn just appeared.

   "A prophet?"

  There was an inexplicable meaning in his tone.

   "It seems that the other party has the ability to predict the prophet is true, this time we can't catch the other party, otherwise it will be easy to expose it last time."

   "Wait, why are the results different twice?"

  According to the previous situation, he was caught twice, the first time he was suddenly killed by the opponent, and the second time he didn't even start to act, but he was caught by the opponent right after he got up and prepared to act.

   Briefly analyzed the difference between the two times. The first time was improvised, while the second time was premeditated.

"This shows that the other party's prophecy also has limitations. If I do it impromptu, the other party will notice it slowly, but if I premeditate, then the other party will notice it immediately and deal with it. , I have not done anything, the blind followers have already killed."

  Wang Zhao looked serious. If this is the case, there are limitations, but he has missed the best response conditions.

  If you want to deceive the other party, you must first of all not have the will, but this is simply impossible, after all, it is equivalent to deceiving yourself.

   It is easy to lie to others, but it is not easy to lie to yourself.

  So the best situation is to grab the opponent temporarily when you are close to the opponent.

   "Oh, this is simply impossible."

  Wang Zhao knew what was going on with him, and this was simply beyond his reach.

   "It's just who the **** is that prophet, who actually has this kind of ability, and he is here, why is the east gate broken?"

  He actually doesn't know much about the battle situation, the reason is very simple, he can't see the battle either.

  If he wants to see the situation clearly, at least he has to go up the city wall, but the problem is that he can't go up the city wall.

  This city wall is not something that a commoner like him can climb if he wants to. If he really dares to approach the city wall at this time of panic, he might be killed on the spot.

  And if you do too much, you might be noticed by that prophet.

   "It seems that there must be some secrets that I don't know about." Wang Zhao's expression became more and more ugly.

  He found that the more he explored, the more secrets he unearthed, and these things made his vitality even smaller.

   If it is just a simple war, then he can find enough opportunities, but if it involves too much, who knows what will happen.

  From the beginning of the monster siege to the present prophet, maybe there is a deeper secret in it.

  For a while, Wang Zhao was a little discouraged.

  He didn't know what to do.

   That prophet is very powerful, and this kind of prophetic means completely blocked his attempt to leave the city in a chaotic way.

If there are only blind followers, he can die hundreds of times to find out enough patterns, but these things, there is a high probability that it will not affect the prophet, but the other party will It's better to strike first, and kill yourself directly.

  As long as he dares to do something out of the ordinary, blind followers will come to him immediately.

As for his previous behavior of going to the four city gates and groping the city wall, it was just a trivial matter, and it was only after he died several times, so in the eyes of the prophet, this did not affect the overall situation at all, so he let him go .

   "Wait, if the other party is really able to predict, he will definitely know that the East City Gate is broken, so he will come to the East City Gate!"

  Wang Zhao suddenly understood this matter, the other party could not say that he came here for no reason, and since he was sure, it meant that the east gate was just an accident.

   "So, if I just leave the east part of the city, will there be life?"

  Thinking of this, Wang Zhao's complexion couldn't help but collapse. If this is really the case, then wouldn't his death be in vain.

   This made him feel bad.

   "Then try it first, and go to the west of the city to hide."

   Regarding this, Wang Zhao is also a little numb. If he hadn't killed himself before, maybe everything would have ended.

   After packing up his things briefly, he walked towards the west of the city unhurriedly.

   This time it was just a test, so I was not in such a hurry, so I walked slowly.

  Based on his footsteps, if he walked to the west of the city, the battle would have already started, and it might even reach the situation where the east city gate was broken.

Before, he was running and rushing, so he arrived at the west city gate within three quarters of an hour. Now that he was walking slowly, the speed must have been much slower. Naturally, it was impossible to get there within three quarters of an hour, but within half an hour. It is considered fast for him to walk.

boom! !

  There was a loud noise from the east of the city. Wang Zhao turned his head and took a look. Thick dust rose up. He couldn't see the exact situation, but he knew that the east city gate was broken again.

  Seeing this, he could only randomly find a place to hide, and then looked in the direction of the east from a distance to see what happened.

  Before, they died too fast, and they didn't even realize what it was.

I saw a large mass of squirming flesh and blood constantly surging towards me, and a charming chuckle came. Hearing this chuckle, he couldn't help but feel blood rushing to his forehead, and his lower abdomen was hot. It was like facing a stunning beauty who was seducing him.

   But the problem is that he didn't see any stunning beauty at all, and just a sound made him fall into a state of confusion and fascination.

   Fortunately, many deaths gave him strong willpower, and he immediately forcibly suppressed this terrifying desire in his heart.

   Then he swallowed involuntarily: "What kind of terrifying existence is this? Just the sound can affect me."

   "It's the mother of monsters!"

  He suddenly remembered such an existence that was only known by name, that is, the biological mother of these monsters, the ruler of the city of monsters.

  As for the more detailed matters, he is not clear. After all, he is not a high-level executive, and he knows these things from gossip these days.

   But now it seems that these rumors still underestimate the mother of monsters.

   "The strength of a prophet who can fight against the mother of monsters is also unfathomable." At this time, Wang Zhao remembered that he wanted to kidnap the other party.

  (end of this chapter)

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