This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 446: The Ending Cycle and the Great Beginning

  Chapter 446 The ending cycle and the beginning of the great world

Wang Zhao saw that the entire city in the east of the city had been turned into a large number of ruins. Most of the people had no time to escape. They were either swept away by the horrible flesh and blood, or they were crushed underneath. This situation was shocking to him. .

   "The Prophet must win, otherwise"

  He is helpless at this time, he has died so many times, and this is the first time he has lived for such a long time.

Whether it was looking for an exit from the city wall or trying to test the city gate before, in fact, there was no success once. During the process, I encountered patrolling soldiers. During the period of martial law, he was sneaking around the city wall. If there is no problem, it is an insult to the soldiers. IQ.

  Martial law means that you stay at home obediently to avoid any accidents.

   If you want to come out and wander around, you are being dishonest. Who knows what you want to do, what if you miss the military plane.

  Plus these soldiers have the right to act cheaply at this time. If you are sneaky and want to make troubles, in order to prevent you from making troubles, it would be better to arrest and torture you, and the unlucky ones will directly kill you.

   Therefore, under the series of deadly behaviors during the martial law period, Wang Zhao spent the longest time inactive this time.

   That's why I saw this scene. Of course, if he stayed at home now, he would have died long ago.

   And the ones who died may still be the first batch. You must know that when he died before he was chewed without hearing laughter, this is enough to explain this.

   "Huh~ It seems that it only affects the east of the city. I don't have much problem hiding in the west of the city."

   "The strength of that prophet is really extraordinary, but the movement of the mother of monsters is too loud, so how can I live in the future with such powerful two forces, I can't always rely on death."

  Wang Zhao couldn't help but said with a wry smile, he didn't want to live this life of fear every day anymore.

   And this is only the second time that monsters have attacked the city. Judging from the posture of the mother of monsters, she should be eyeing their Jiuxi City.

   This time, ten thousand blind followers failed to stop the east of the city, and if they come again next time, they will probably be overwhelmed.

  The east of the city has been destroyed, and it is impossible to restore it in a short time.

  In this situation, even the city wall was destroyed, otherwise such a huge body entered the east of the city.

   For this matter, he still knows a lot.

  As the battle gradually subsided, Wang Zhao also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The huge flesh and blood are dissolving, which means that one side has won, but winning must not be easy.

   It has been nearly half an hour since the east city gate was broken, which shows how fierce the battle between these two is.

"It's over, so what should I do next?" Wang Zhao was a little confused. Although he was a little dazed by avoiding the dead end in this way, he also knew one thing, that is, this place is definitely not Jiuliu. The place.

  So we have to leave as soon as possible.

   But before leaving, he needs to get enough information.

  For example, the prophet and the mother of monsters, he now understands that this world is not as simple as he imagined, and there are many things he cannot understand.

   It's like he died and was able to go back to the dawn.

  He felt that he might have a similar ability, but he couldn't dig it out.

  “If I pass today, if I die tomorrow, will I be resurrected at the dawn of tomorrow or at the dawn of today.”

  If he died tomorrow and was resurrected at dawn tomorrow, then there would be a lot of room for manipulation in many things, but if he was resurrected at dawn today, everything would be much more difficult to operate.

   "After today, find a way to join the ranks of blind followers, and then slowly obtain enough information from the prophet."

Wang Zhao knew that he wanted to leave, but he couldn't just leave like this, because if he left like this, he would still know nothing about this world. In the predicament of finding vitality.

  He Fang looked at the messy eastern part of the city, with tentacles wriggling in his eyes, and he always felt that something was wrong.

   A will clone of the mother of monsters caught him off guard. He overestimated himself and underestimated the strength of the mother of monsters. Fortunately, the loss of the clone this time was enough to stop the mother of monsters for a while.

   You must know that the mother of monsters lost not only a clone, but also 100,000 monsters. Although this is not enough to bring her down, if she wants to attack him again in Jiuxi City, she won't even think about it within a month.

   "I always feel that something slipped through the net?"

  The tentacles in the eye sockets kept probing the air. He Fang realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

  As the favor of a prophet, he trusts his intuition quite a lot.

   "I don't see many problems in the future, except."

  He suddenly discovered that a blind follower failed to transform, causing the opponent to explode and die.

   This is a rare thing. With his current strength, it is impossible for this to happen, but he has seen it.

   "Wang Zhao? Find out who the other party is from later."

   He naturally took this very sudden matter to heart.

Normal transformation into a blind follower is simply impossible for this kind of thing to happen, even if it is a forced transformation, even if the transformation fails, there will be no body explosion and death, but mental and soul damage, but this Wang Zhao The explosive body simply caught him by surprise.

  He doesn't think there is a problem with this transformation ceremony, it must be Wang Zhao who has the problem.

  He Fang converted 10,000 blind followers, none of them had any problems, why did they have problems when they came to Wang Zhao?

   "We'll find out after testing it when the time comes." He Fang quickly pressed the matter down.

  Since he knew that the other party had a problem, he would definitely not immediately turn him into a blind follower. Instead, he should study and study first.

   "Wait, I seem to have seen this kid."

  He Fang suddenly remembered this matter, and his memory began to go back and forth, and he quickly found the other party.

   "This kid was going to become a blind follower the day before yesterday, but he didn't meet the requirements and was eliminated by me."

  Then recalled the other party's resume, it seemed that he lived in the east of the city.

   But the problem is that the city is in ruins now, how could he still be alive?

  In the future, the opponent will not have any injuries.

  Based on the situation of the other party, even if he is alive, it is impossible for him to be completely unharmed.

   "He was not in the east of the city, so he escaped this catastrophe." He Fang's expression changed slightly. At this time, the city was under martial law, and ordinary people were not allowed to go out.

   "In this way, Wang Zhao really has a lot of secrets."

   "Maybe what I feel wrong comes from him."

  He Fang is not a fool, he felt something wrong with his front foot, but he met such a strange thing with his back foot.

  If there was no connection, he would be able to gouge out his eyeballs and swallow them alive.

   "Could it be the spokesperson of other existences? If that's the case, wouldn't it be delivered to your door?"

   "If it is true, it is likely to be a temporary spokesperson and has not yet become an official spokesperson. This is interesting."

Chen Xiyi stretched his body: "The first round of the time cycle is finally completed, the information state of time is really powerful, and the method of resetting it keeps increasing its time affinity. This kind of cheating method is really shameless. "

  Wang Zhao’s ability given by the time information state is very stupid, but it is also very limited, and can only be used in the information state that has been laid.

   That is to say, if you leave other information state environments, this ability will be invalid, and when it dies, it will really die.

  The principle is very simple. The time information state itself depends on Chen Xiyi to operate. After independence, there is no corresponding environmental factor at all.

  Of course, this is Chen Xiyi's first round of experiments on time, and the progress of the experiment is still very good so far.

   This time restart is naturally not a holistic one, but a unilateral restart by Wang Zhao alone. He is not strong enough to reset the time of the entire world, and he has done so many times at once.

   If you really want this strength, you don't need to conduct time experiments.

  This time the experiment is more like going back to Wang Zhao, rather than the original time travel.

  The triggered setting is naturally dead.

   Active backtracking must not be given to the other party, otherwise, if you know the truth, how will the follow-up Evil God Brawl continue?

  He is optimistic about the sun, which is currently splitting to see whether the dark sun corpse king is stronger or the giant of light is stronger.

   Then naturally it is the mother of the breeding monsters. Except for the two temporary workers of the sun, this mother of monsters should not be underestimated.

   Next is naturally the blind prophet under the command of the prophet. The other party's prophetic perception and keen intuition are also aware of the death tracer under the command of time.

In addition, various information states such as desire, poison, flame, etc. are also gradually exerting force, and they have begun to cultivate their own spokespersons. Chen Xiyi guessed that in a month at most, the whole world will fall into a state of madness. .

  Of course, apart from the evil **** of information created by Chen Xiyi, there is another force that is recovering.

   That is the power of local practitioners.

  Before, this group of powerful beings fell in love because of the world, making them completely unable to resist the arrival of the evil **** of information state.

  But as Chen Xiyi's information environment gradually permeated, the subject and the guest changed.

   Therefore, the influence of the world on them is also declining a little bit. In other words, IQ and experience are coming online again.

  For a group of practitioners who have gone through all kinds of disasters and become old monsters, even if they are cheated into dogs, they can recover soon.

  Once the power of local practitioners recovers, those powerful Taoist, Immortal, and True Monarchs will definitely react.

   It's just that Chen Xiyi is actually not optimistic about the strength of the local practitioners. On the one hand, it is because the other party cannot detect the evil **** of the information state, and the most they can do is find a spokesperson.

   And their ability to return to normal depends on the information state environment laid down by the evil **** of information state. Once they lose it, they will probably be affected by the world and become a group of low IQ love brains.

  Chen Xiyi guessed that this group of practitioners discovered the strangeness of the spokespersons, and would definitely find a way to become the spokesperson of the evil **** of the information state. Anyway, they are all puppets. One has no brains, and the other keeps ego. Normal people know how to make decisions.

  But at the beginning, I definitely wouldn’t think so. It is more likely that I will capture and study the evil **** of the information state. After all, if I can remain independent, who wants to be a puppet.

  Chen Xiyi actually didn't have much thought about this. Whoever acts as a spokesperson will not affect Chen Xiyi's experimentation and the process of eating the world.

  Introducing such a variable as the influence of practitioners, Chen Xiyi might be able to obtain more data, and also be able to further test out what is going on in this world.

  (end of this chapter)

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