This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 448: hoarfrost, broken

  Chapter 448 Hoarfrost, breaking the game

   "These so-called blind followers are so weird. They don't have a trace of Taoism on their bodies, but they are infinitely powerful and invulnerable."

   "What's more, they have weird Taoism skills, which is simply absurd."

  A handsome young man with a dignified expression walked in Jiuxi City. He never thought that one day there would be power beyond ordinary people in the mortal city he despised.

   "What's so absurd about this? Please tell me the truth." He Fang's voice made the young man's expression stagnate.

  He is so advanced that he didn't notice He Fang's arrival.

   Then he turned his head and saw He Fang, who had no eyes. Coupled with that ordinary appearance, there was a trace of disdain and contempt on his face: "You look vulgar, how can you deserve such power."

   These words made He Fang very weird. Does this ordinary-looking person have to be ordinary all his life?

"It seems that this Taoist gentleman is not a human being. I don't know what is the purpose of coming to my Jiuxi City?" He Fang finally understood one thing, that is, this Taoist gentleman is really arrogant, and he discriminates against ugly and handsome. ordinary existence.

   Otherwise, it would be impossible to speak like this.

   "I come here whenever I want. Why do you need to be a mere mortal to talk to me? Do you think that you can talk to me if you have some supernatural powers." The young man looked arrogant and completely ignored the other party.

   This made He Fang a little weird. You must have something wrong with him. You are both disdainful and contemptuous. If you really think that he respectfully calls you a Daojun, then you really think you are someone.

  It is true that you are profound, but it does not mean that he cannot play you to death.

  As the spokesperson of the prophet, he is deeply favored. He is just a Taoist monarch. If he really wants to fight for the backstage, he may not necessarily lose.

  He can't beat the mother of monsters who has breeding as a backer, and he can't beat you, a Taoist monarch without a backer?

   How can I say that I also have an existence called a prophet to give him a platform, not all cats and dogs can dance with him.

   "Mr. Dao really acted rashly, but with your character, you must have offended many people." He Fang couldn't help complaining, it's true that he doesn't understand the world at all.

  Yes, you are profound and invincible, but now it is not the same as before.

"Offended? A mere mortal, so what if you offend me. I'm in a good mood today. I'll spare your life. Get out soon." The young man glanced at He Fang in disgust. If he wasn't blind, He Fang's ordinary appearance would still catch his eyes. .

  But the current He Fang, except for the lack of eyes in the eye sockets, has grown a lot of eyes in other parts, which makes the overall look a bit horrible, which is naturally disgusted by practitioners who are controlled by appearance.

   After all, they only look at the appearance and figure, and don't look at anything else.

  He Fang smiled, but it is impossible for anyone with a little brain to say such a thing.

   "Since this is the case, I won't tell Dao-jun about these imbecile people. I would like to invite Dao-jun to visit my humble house." He Fang said directly.

  But the young man didn't hear He Fang's threat at all, instead he sneered: "I don't know the thing about flattery, and I look so disgusting, how dare you invite me?"

   "No, no, Mr. Dao, you misunderstood. I am not an invitation, but a threat." He Fang's tone suddenly changed, and the eyeballs on his body seemed to be alive.

  A nameless coercion spread from his body, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Daoist Lord's neck.

   This made the Dao Lord furious, and even a mere vulgar-looking person dared to touch him, so he was ready to do it immediately.

  But the next moment, he suddenly saw behind He Fang, a phantom of a terrifying existence made of countless overlapping eyes was reflected in his eyes, and no one saw it except him.

   "Ah!!" He was ugly at the first moment, and then fear welled up in his heart.

  What the **** is this? It is so terrifying. His mind was instantly stimulated by this indescribable fright.

   But soon, he found that his whole body was stiff, and goosebumps appeared constantly on his skin, as if eyeballs were about to break free from his epidermis.


  The phantom faded away quickly, but he couldn't help trembling all over, breathing heavily, as if he had experienced high-intensity exercise.

  At the same time, he could feel that his consciousness seemed to have cleared the clouds, and when he recalled his previous experiences, he couldn't help but change his face.

   "Little brother, let go, I have recovered." He said.

   This made He Fang a little puzzled, how could this be so pretentious?

   But looking at the attitude of the other party, it seems that it has changed a bit.

  He Fang also withdrew his hands, and his tone was lukewarm: "What does Daoist want to do?"

   "I would also like to thank the existence behind the little brother. Over the years, my mind has been distorted by this world. I don't know what to do, and even my temperament has changed drastically. It's really hard."

   "Thanks to this enlightenment, I have seen the sun through the clouds, which is quite a spectacle."

   "My surname is Li and my name is Zhun. Someone gave me a Daoist Baishuang."

   Li Zhun said in a gentle and elegant manner, completely different from just now.

   These words were not false at all, and He Fang was startled, his mind was twisted by heaven and earth, how could this be possible?

  But thinking about what the other party did just now, I have to believe it.

  A normal person, no matter how proud he is, cannot say that he is so ignorant to judge others by his appearance, and he can even be extremely rude.

  If there is such a person, I am afraid that he will not be able to live so long.

   "Daoist Baishuang invited, and the humble house has prepared some food and wine, and I hope that Lord Daoist will not hesitate to go." He Fang invited again.

   This time Li Zhun nodded: "That would be disrespectful."

  The changes were so great that He Fang couldn't adapt to this attitude.

   On the way back, the two also started chatting immediately.

  He Fang may not be as powerful as Li Zhun, but Li Zhun has seen the terrifying existence behind He Fang, so he didn't feel disdainful.

  He is a Daoist who has practiced for thousands of years, and his heart has long been calm, such as disdain, contempt, great joy and great compassion, and the like can't shake him at all.

  Looking at everything in the world has long been no longer limited to performance. Before his mind was distorted, he also traveled the world, talked about farming with farmers, and talked about his life with thieves. Everything in the world has never affected him.

  If the mind had not been distorted, how could it be possible to do such unwise things.

"Prophet, the sun, reproduction, flame, toxin, I never thought that there are so many existences in the world. It is really amazing. Just the prophet behind you, little brother He, is as good as me." Li Zhun Zhun couldn't help saying a word with emotion.

"Hey, if it weren't for the blessing of the prophet, I might have sunk into this evil world long ago. I don't want the Taoist Lord to have such a way, but he was also twisted into a puppet. I don't know what is on Fangtian Map?" He Fang was also helpless, he really didn't expect this.

  What is the strength of this Daojun?

  A backhand can set off a catastrophe of life, but after being distorted, his IQ is so low that even Li Zhun himself can't stand it.

For example, he was jealous when he was competing with others, and he was incompetent and furious when he lost, and he was like a licking dog. Recalling this incident made him a little ashamed. During this period, his strength and IQ were like falling from the sky to the ground. Sometimes he can recover a little bit of Daoist demeanor, but other times he looks like a fool.

   For this reason, He Fang was an eye-opener, especially when he learned from the other party that he was not the only practitioner who had this situation, and it was the same for all practitioners who had entered the Tao.

   But this situation has slowed down, it seems to be caused by the World of Great Controversy.

  The two returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and He Fang naturally warmly entertained the Taoist Lord.

  However, he was a little puzzled. He followed the clues given to him by the prophet to find the Daoist Baishuang, but the question was what to do next?

  He suspects that Daoist Baishuang has Wang Zhao who can solve this suspected spokesperson of time.

  He Fang and Li Zhun exchanged polite words again, and the conversation could be said to be related to each other. After drinking for three rounds, he slowly opened his mouth and spoke out his request.

   He didn’t hide anything, he revealed everything.

  The current Baishuang Taoist Li Zhun is not the low IQ and arrogant Li Zhun before, although he is gentle and elegant, but he is definitely an old fox with various experiences and experiences.

"So it turns out that the little brother came to find me with the guidance of the prophet, but this matter is not easy to handle. According to the little brother, it involves the existence named time. I am afraid that I will intervene in the battle between these two existences." Isn’t it good?” Li Zhun is not a fool, this is not a good job.

  If he really did this, wouldn't he have to suffer the envy of that time?

  So, he wants benefits, and he can protect his own benefits.

   It must be done. He is afraid of time and the prophet.

  From the current point of view, the power of this prophet is even greater. What's more, the prophet just helped him get out of the state of a puppet of heaven and earth not long ago. If you turn your face and deny anyone now, who knows what will be waiting for you in the future.

   It's not easy for the other party's ability to predict the prophet to play him to death.

   Li Zhun was actually very puzzled. He had lived for tens of millions of years, so why hadn’t he heard of these things?

It's not that he denies the reality of these terrifying existences. He has met He Fang, the blind prophet, but he has also seen Xiao Fengxian, the mother of monsters. I can see the clues.

  But now that I think about it, the power of that breeding is probably still higher than that of the Prophet.

   "Don't disturb the Taoist Lord, the Prophet has a friend named Han Bing. If the Taoist Lord removes the spokesperson of that time for the Prophet, then the Prophet will introduce this Han Bing to the Taoist Lord." He Fang said indifferently.

   "This" Li Zhun is a little unhappy, he finally got rid of the puppet of heaven and earth, why did you attract him a master again, I really think he is stupid.

  He Fang also saw the other party's hesitation: "Without the protection of such an existence, if you leave my Jiuxi City, your sanity will definitely be distorted again."

   There is a threat in this statement, I really thought he was negotiating with you if you can’t get it, if you can do it, if you can’t, then get out.

   "Can you allow me to think about it?" Li Zhun said helplessly.

"Taoist Lord has a thousand thoughts, how about a quarter of an hour?" He Fang knew that he was indeed inferior to the other party in terms of hard power, but he also knew the strength of a practitioner. Like this kind of person, he could catch up with him in a single thought. His thoughts of thousands of years.

   To this, Li Zhun naturally nodded and agreed. The other party has already given face. If he didn't give face, he would have been played to death by that prophet.

He Fang knew that it was safe this time. Although he didn't know how Li Zhun could kill the spokesperson of time, he knew that the prophet could not fool him. After all, the grievances between the prophet and time are basically the same as everyone I know, there is such a good opportunity to kick time out, so naturally I will not let it go.

  As for Han Bing, the Prophet does know him, but whether Li Zhun can successfully get Han Bing's approval to become his spokesperson depends on Li Zhun himself, and the recommendation does not guarantee success.

  (end of this chapter)

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