This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 449: First exit time

  Chapter 449 The First Exit·Time

   "You can't kill, you can't die, or you will go back to a certain time stage, little brother, I regret it now." Li Zhun looked at Wang Zhao who had passed out, with a hint of ridicule on his expression.

  Want to prevent Wang Zhao from committing suicide, of course there is a good way, just pour him a bowl of Mongolian sweat medicine and pass out.

   But the real difficulty is **** the other party without letting the other party die in reincarnation, that is, to lose the favor of time.

   Otherwise, there are still many ways to trap him, such as keeping the other party unconscious and ensuring that the other party does not die. Although this is a bit difficult, it is not impossible.

   But the problem is that the uncertainty is too great.

  Who knows if the other party has any other means, if there is, then this time it will be a surprise.

   "The Dao Lord is really good at making jokes, and I asked the Dao Lord to use his supernatural powers." He Fang completely ignored the other party's teasing. After the teasing is done, you can make fun of it however you like.

   But now is the time to get down to business, and He Fang is not in the mood to make fun of it.

  Li Zhun also didn't care about He Fang's attitude. The other party knew that this was a big disaster, and if it was not handled well, it would really cause big problems.

"Little brother, I'm telling the truth. Although I don't know why the Prophet thinks that I can deal with this death tracer, I don't have the ability to solve this kind of thing with the knowledge I have learned all my life." Li Zhun put away his face With this teasing look on his face, there was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

  What can he do with such a rambunctious ability.

   It’s okay to kill him, but the problem is that he will go back to a certain time in the past after his death. Neither He Fang nor Li Zhun know anything about these things.

  So this is simply an unsolvable method.

   If you really want to simply trap the other party, then there is definitely no problem, but it is not an easy task to completely solve this matter.

   After hearing this, He Fang naturally knew Li Zhun's difficulties. Whoever put this matter on would have a big headache.

  But soon, He Fang saw a picture in front of his eyes, which was the latest prophecy.

  Then restrained his expression, and said seriously: "You know the extremely northern cold state."

Li Zhun couldn't help being stunned. How could he not know that he was called Baishuang Daojun because the scripture he recited to achieve Taoism was called "Lengchuan Cold Winter Nine Yin Classics", which he had not only heard of in the extreme northern cold state , I have been there, and I have comprehended this scripture there for nearly a thousand years, so it can be said that I am very familiar with it.

   "I know it." Li Zhun did not deny it, but admitted it openly. It would be too hypocritical to say that he had never heard of it.

"Take him and go to the extreme northern cold state to kill him. By the way, the prophet gave me a notice, and the ice is also there. Whether you can get his approval to become its spokesperson depends on him. He is yours. Letter of recommendation."

   "The power of ice can freeze time, making it impossible to go back to death."

   In order to get rid of the old enemy of his boss behind him, He Fang did not hide anything.

  He knew that expressing his position at this time was much more important than intrigue. He Fang was very clear about the source of his strength, which was the favor of the prophet.

  So the more things he does for the prophet, the more favor he will receive, and the stronger his strength will naturally be.

   After Li Zhun took a deep look at He Fang, he understood that he had been calculated from the very beginning, perhaps not only himself, but also the existence named Han Bing was calculated.

   It's just that it's not people who count them, but the existence called the prophet.

   The solution is very simple, just kill the spokesperson of this time in the extreme north cold river.

  The rest, Ice will solve it.

   But there are some difficulties, how to get to Jibei Hanchuan?

  If he hadn't been the Daoist Lord, this He Fang wouldn't have been able to reach the Extreme North Cold State at all, and he would have been killed by other spokesmen on the way.

  Although the other existences did not have much enmity with the Prophet, but the world of great controversy is approaching, and if one competitor can be eliminated first, he must not let it go.

  So, let him go.

  With Daojun's way, it only takes a moment to reach the extreme northern cold state, and killing him at that time is the way to break the situation.

This does not allow him to make a trip in vain. It just so happens that the ice is in the extremely northern cold river. The prophet acts as a middleman to go through the process. If it can be facilitated, there may be calculations involved in it. A wave of chant.

   Anyway, there is no loss.

   "In this case, then I will go to the Extreme North Cold River to settle this grievance for the prophet." Li Zhun knew that he had no choice.

  He could indeed turn his face away and leave, but if he really wanted to leave, He Fang couldn't keep himself.

   But in this way, the Prophet was slapped in the face, and he was not afraid of offending He Fang, and it didn't matter, but this old silver coin that the Prophet had secured, who knows how the other party will cheat him next.

  So he naturally needs a thigh that can stand for him, such as the existence named Han Bing.

  I seem to have a great connection with this being named Han Bing. For example, he recited the "Lengchuan Cold Winter Nine Yin Classics" and became a Taoist, also known as Baishuang Daojun. No matter how you look at it, they are very predestined.

  He even suspected that the existence of the ice might have known the prophet's calculations long ago, and it was just following the calculations.

   Han Bing dealt with the threat of time for the Prophet, and the Prophet sent a qualified spokesperson for Han Bing.

  As a Taoist monarch who has experienced a lot of wind and rain, Li Zhun naturally thought a lot. Although he didn't understand the many reasons behind it, he still had some guesses.

   "Then thank you Daojun, then you and I will get both money and goods." He Fang cupped his hands and said.

   This means that Li Zhun understands what it means, and now they can still get along peacefully, but if he becomes Han Bing's spokesperson, then they will naturally be enemies when they meet again.

  Although they said they didn't know why these spokesmen of existence wanted to kill each other, they didn't ask because they knew that it wasn't something they should ask.

  You can investigate quietly, but you can't ask in the face, otherwise it will be disrespectful.

   "The two are cleared." Li Zhun grabbed Wang Zhao who was still in a coma, and then disappeared in an instant.

  Looking at Li Zhun who fled away, He Fang also heaved a sigh of relief, this matter has been settled.

  On the other side, Li Zhun came to the Extreme North Cold River in just an instant, where it is frozen all year round and there is heavy snow falling.

  Basically, there are not many living creatures, let alone people, who simply cannot survive here.

  Can only see a vast expanse of whiteness, except for the wind and snow, there is nothing else.

  Wang Zhao, who was held by him, was shivering instinctively from the cold, and he didn't look well.

  Li Zhun twisted Wang Zhao's neck casually, and instantly lost his vitality and became a dead body. Then he was thrown in the snow like this, and gradually stiffened under the cold wind and ice and snow.

  Although it is cold here, this temperature is nothing to Li Zhun. He is a Daoist, how could he be frozen by this temperature.

   "I wonder if Lord Han Bing is here?" Li Zhun asked in the snowstorm.

   But no one answered, only the sound of wind and snow whistling in the extremely northern cold river was in his ears.

   After waiting for a long time, he was also a little disappointed. Obviously, he might not have been favored by the other party, and this matter was embarrassing.

   But he just had to be patient. After waiting for three days, he was finally ready to leave helplessly.

   But the next moment, his face changed, because he couldn't move anymore, his whole body was frozen, but he didn't feel any freezing feeling.

   It was as if an invisible existence bound him.

   This situation shocked him, but he soon calmed down because he didn't feel anything wrong with him.

  ‘Is it ice? '

  Li Zhun thought about the way to break the situation, and then resolutely began to recite "Lengchuan Cold Winter Nine Yin Classics".

  He has not practiced in the past few days, or he has not practiced for a long time. Since his mind was distorted, he has never practiced again.

   This is the first time he has chanted sutras in so many years.

  Following the recitation in his mouth, he felt that a layer of chill on the surface of his body was constantly penetrating into his body, and it also formed a thick vortex to transform his Taoism.

  Although he said that he became enlightened by reciting the "Lengchuan Cold Winter Nine Yin Classics", but the Tao and deeds formed are actually the same for everyone, and there are no different attributes because of the name.

  But it is different now, his practice has obviously been biased toward the ice attribute, and under internal inspection, he is like a piece of ice that will never melt.

   This didn't make him feel any discomfort or panic. He knew that he was chosen by Han Bing to be the spokesperson.

  In addition to transforming his own Taoism into the nature of ice, there are also a lot of inheritances in his mind, including mysterious Taoism, absurd supernatural powers, and knowledge of various hidden existences, such as prophets, the sun, and so on.

  Although some of them overlapped, Li Zhun didn't care.

"It's true that one person can't do anything. I need enough family members to help me." Li Zhun touched his white hair and the ice armor that kept emerging from his body. He knew that a person's strength is limited. With enough family members, he is unable to fight against other spokesmen of existence.

  Even if the other spokespersons may not be as powerful as him now, it doesn't mean that the other party can't kill him.

  So he needs enough power to strengthen the ice he enshrines in order to continue to grow stronger. In the world of great controversy, it is not the struggle of these spokespersons, but the struggle of those terrifying existences.

  For example, if he wants to kill a blind prophet like He Fang now, then the ability of the other party's Unpredictable Prophet will definitely be activated, and he can easily escape his pursuit.

   Another example is the mother of monsters. The other party has the supernatural power of breeding in her body. If she really wants to explode, she might produce an immortal god, and then she will be hunted down endlessly.

   Or the two temporary spokespersons of the Suns, well, he can't beat these two.

  With the support of believers of light and living corpses, these two people have returned to the way of Taoism. If these two were not in love and killing each other, they would definitely have swept the world.

  So this is also an alternative balance.

  The current world of great contention has not yet fully arrived, so there is a balance, but if he breaks the balance, no need to think about it, there will be no good end.

   It's better to accumulate strength first, expand your own power, and then crush it with strength when the time comes.

  He didn't believe it anymore, could there be other existences descending on this extremely northern cold river?

  Of course, believe it or not, but you can't relax your vigilance, after all, this carelessness may be fatal.

  The spokesperson of time was crushed to death by him not long ago, and the other party's ability against the sky can't handle it, let alone him.

  That's why he can't float, like this one is floating, that's why He Fang caught the loophole and died in one shot.

Although he is a Daoist gentleman, if he really drifted away, he might end up like this. These spokesmen are all extremely weird, even if he himself has gained the power of ice, he has become very strange. weird.

   Even if you meet yourself three days ago, maybe you can kill yourself on the spot with one move, and it will be the kind of freezing to death without anyone noticing.

  (end of this chapter)

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