This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 450: justice, faith, strength

  Chapter 450 Justice, Faith, Strength

   "Oh my god, I finally got rid of the big time consumer. If I go back a million times, I won't be able to go back my crotch." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but complain.

  The ability of time is too stupid, and it consumes a lot.

  Although it is an exaggeration to say that he can lose his crotch by going back 10,000 times, but the consumption is indeed huge. At present, Chen Xiyi still does not have so many rich resources to consume.

  So this is not a direct plot kill, forcibly ending this experiment.

  For the time experiment, Chen Xiyi came here first for the time being, and now he can only go so far, and the rest of the experiment will have to wait until he is promoted to a new level.

  He actually killed two birds with one stone.

  First of all, it is to forcibly kick the big consumers out of the game, and on the other hand, it is the laying of the information state.

The area of ​​Extreme North Cold River is really too remote. There may have been practitioners active in the past, but now practitioners are only concerned with falling in love. Although their minds have calmed down a lot due to the warming of the information state environment recently, they are still It has not fully returned to normal, so there is no one active in the area like Jibei Hanchuan.

   As a result, Chen Xiyi couldn't find the information state laying body, so he had to find a way to parachute one over.

  Since there is no information-state environment in Jibei Hanchuan, the information-state evil **** of time will naturally not be able to use his abilities. Isn't that all right?

  He issued an order through the prophet and asked He Fang to execute it. In the end, the whole plan fell on Li Zhun.

  With Chen Xiyi as the behind-the-scenes guide behind the scenes, the overall completion progress was naturally very fast, and then he asked the other party to help him work in the extremely northern Hanchuan to lay the information state environment.

  Anyway, didn’t he want to get Han Bing’s approval to become the spokesperson? Chen Xiyi went along with the flow and fulfilled his wish. It happened that he was happy, and Chen Xiyi was also happy.

   "Recently, the expansion of the information state environment is getting faster and faster. It is estimated that it will be fully laid out in the near future."

  Chen Xiyi is still very satisfied with the progress of the current information state. Although it is a mess and they are still fighting with each other, in this way, they have obtained a lot of data, which can be regarded as a petri dish.

  He actually wanted to know which information-state evil **** would be the final winner.

  Although these information state evil gods have no self-awareness, they have the underlying operating logic, just like the shining stone statue, and will continue to expand, replicate, split, etc. according to their own information state.

  If you are really lucky, you may be able to give birth to self-awareness.

It is at this juncture that the birth of self-awareness is a very unlucky thing. Although Chen Xiyi welcomes it, it is also a rare piece of data after all, but the problem is that now the whole world is Chen Xiyi's food. Eat, or just back up.

  There is no third possibility, this is Chen Xiyi's property anyway, it is impossible to let it go, this is impossible.

  A player like Chen Xiyi, who has to squeeze out two taels of oil from stones, how could he give up such a cherished sample, or the only one.

   But looking at the situation, there should be no evil **** of information state so unlucky.

   There may also be, but it's hidden deep and Chen Xiyi may not have discovered it.

The reason is simple. Currently, most of Chen Xiyi's energy is devoted to analyzing the Homeworld game. Except for the previous time experiment, he doesn't pay much attention to other information-state evil gods in the entire information-state environment. Change, the general trend cannot be changed.

  Chen Xiyi will be tossing around with these information-oriented evil gods casually. As long as the predetermined amount of tasks are completed, they can make as much trouble as they like, and he doesn't care about any situation.

   But if the task is not completed, then don't blame Chen Xiyi for being cruel.

He released a lot of information state evil gods, but not all of them. He still has a lot of information state evil gods on hand, such as negative types such as chaos, abyss, and blood. If an information state evil **** is not effective, there will be other information state evil gods to replace him.

   This thing is very powerful for other people, but it is just a derivative existence of Chen Xiyi, and it is not a good thing.

   "The information-state evil gods gave me the feeling of a low-end version of goblins. If I upgrade again, maybe these information-state evil gods can be upgraded to goblins."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the data fed back by these information state evil gods, and this full sense of sight made him a little weird.

   "It should be specious. After all, goblins are much stronger than these information state evil gods. I haven't even finished analyzing the Homeland game, let alone the modules."

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi attributed it to similarity. After all, the information state evil **** has been upgraded to a goblin, which is a bit of a fantasy.

  Even if he could be upgraded to become a fairy, Chen Xiyi felt that that would be a matter of the future, and it had nothing to do with the present.

In Chen Xiyi's eyes, goblins are the rules, and although these information state evil gods are similar, they are essentially just the operation of the information state, which is barely a rule, but this rule is derived from Chen Xiyi, not independent. .

   There is still a big difference here.

   "Hey, this is very interesting." Chen Xiyi suddenly noticed that an interesting character seemed to appear, and this person seemed unusual.

   "Justice, strength, and faith are actually recognized by the three evil gods of the information state. This is not an easy task."

Chen Xiyi is a little curious about this. One thing to know is that each information state evil **** has its own task load, and if three information state evil gods choose the same information state laying body, then this laying body has to complete three times as many tasks. Only the amount of tasks is required, otherwise, if the amount of tasks is not up to the standard, these information state evil gods will be dismissed.

   "If the underlying logic is correct, then this person is probably a dark horse." Chen Xiyi did not intervene, the process is not important, what Chen Xiyi values ​​is the result.

  No matter what these information state evil gods do, Chen Xiyi will not stop them, unless the information state evil gods like time consume too much, then he will carry out forced plot killings.

   But the problem is that apart from time, other information state evil gods don't consume such a large amount of money.

   "Others may be in danger."

  Xia Houcang was a little confused, he never thought that the world would be so evil.

  He came from Xiahou’s family. He grew up rich and well-clothed. He read the books of sages and sages, and he talked about benevolence, righteousness and faith.

  Before this, there was no bad person around him, his parents were harmonious, his brothers were respectful, his servants were loyal, and his friends were loyal.

  But today he suddenly understood one thing, that is, the morals of the world are not so good, but Xiahou's family is too large, so he is surrounded by good people.

   But if Xiahou’s family doesn’t have enough power, what will happen?

  He knows, and he's experiencing it now.

  That is to copy and chop all over the house.

   "Am I wrong?" Xia Houcang sat decadently in the cell, waiting for the execution ground tomorrow.

  Two days ago, he picked up a seriously injured person, and it was this person who buried their entire Xiahou family.

   This man assassinated the city lord.

   And when he picked up this assassin, he naturally became an accomplice, and even the entire Xiahou family was implicated.

   More importantly, the efficiency is still very fast. As soon as he greeted a doctor on his front foot to look at the injury, soldiers from the city rushed in on his back foot.

  What is this called? This is called stealing from others.

  He also complained about injustice, but the problem is that after entering the cell, there are a few who don't complain about injustice.

  Now he doesn't think about the cause and effect of these things. After all, it is useless. Whether it is framed by someone or discovered by accident, he no longer cares.

  Because it was already too late, Xiahou’s house collapsed, and there was no way to save themselves.

   If only he was arrested and brought in alone, maybe he could find out the truth and save him, but now there is no trial, and even if there is no investigation, he will be convicted of assassinating the city lord and rebelling, and he will be executed directly.

   It can be seen from this that the Xiahou family has been decided.

   "I don't think I'm wrong, it's just that I'm not strong enough to practice my justice."

  Xiahou Cang doesn't think he did something wrong. If he could have the power and influence of the city lord, would he suffer such a disaster because of it?

   "So if you want to practice justice, you must have enough strength to support it. Otherwise, justice will not be perfectly implemented, and you will be imprisoned instead."

  In the prison, he understood where he was wrong, and the fault was that he didn't have enough strength.

I think back when his Xiahou family was powerful, no one dared to slander or ridicule him when he did good deeds, but compared with the city lord, Xiahou's family was naturally far worse, so he lost, and when he practiced his own justice, he was stronger. Insufficient and lost.

  In the end, he had no choice but to be helpless.

   "Although I know where I lost, I didn't expect to lose so thoroughly." Xia Houcang couldn't help but smiled wryly.

   It was just the next moment, but there was a sudden stagnation. He suddenly realized the gift of a certain existence, no, not one, but three.

  A large number of inherited supernatural powers poured into his mind continuously, and the abundant power in his body began to burst out.

   "Justice, strength, and faith?" He couldn't help whispering.

   "I see, it turns out that strength doesn't have to rely on influence, it can also rely on my strength."

   "If I practice my righteous belief with strength, can I become stronger forever?"

  Xia Houcang looked up at this world, which was as black as ink.

   "In this case, let's start from Quanmai City, so that there will be no evil in the world!"

  He could feel the power surging in his body, slowly got up, and punched the prison.

  The powerful force shattered the prison he was in, and caused a huge noise.

  Faith turned into white arrogance and swept the entire prison, and the breath called justice swept away the coldness in the prison.

   "You, come here!! Xia Houcang has escaped from prison!!" Fear burst out in a sharp voice instantly.

  They didn't know why Xiahou Cang suddenly became like this, but it didn't prevent them from shouting.

  In Xiahou Cang's eyes, the prison guard was glowing with a strong black light.

  In his eyes, the world is either black or white, and there is no gray standing in the middle.

  White is the good guy and black is naturally the bad guy.

"Black energy is overflowing, you should kill." Xia Houcang's expression was serious, and he shot immediately, violent white flames and breath-taking aura erupted, his figure moved quickly, and with a punch, the jailer was beaten into pieces minced meat.

  But at this time, Xiahou Cang did not have the slightest fluctuation, as if throwing a bag of garbage, rather than killing a person.

  His idea is very simple, if all the wicked are dead, then there will only be good people left, and then there will only be justice left in the world.

  As his thoughts continued to strengthen his beliefs, his strength rose again and again, completely enhanced in a way that normal people could not understand.

  Looking at the soldiers who came again, he couldn't help but smile.

   "It's great that there are still people who can maintain justice in the evil of the world." He saw that there are not only blacks but also whites among the jailers, which gave him the idea that we are not alone.

  (end of this chapter)

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