This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 451: paranoid justice

  Chapter 451 Paranoid Justice

  In a messy prison, flesh and bones spattered all over the wall. At this time, Xia Houcang was communicating with an old jailer.

  The old jailer emitted white light instead of black light, so in Xiahou Cang's eyes he was a good person, and a good person had to live instead of suffering injustice.

  After experiencing the initial panic, the old jailer also knew that he had escaped his life, and then chatted with Xia Houcang for a while.

   During this period, Xiahou Cang knew a lot of things, such as why his Xiahou family was destroyed.

  He rescued the assassin, but it was just a chance at the right time. Even if he didn't save it, his Xiahou family would not last long.

  The reason is very simple. Their Xiahou’s family was favored by the city lord, or it was simply a sheep raised by the city lord. Now that they have been fattened up, they naturally want to kill and eat meat. Every time the wool is pulled, it can no longer satisfy the upper class.

   As for replacements, there are also. The Zhong family, which has been in the limelight recently, is also the sheep raised by the Santo's Mansion again. Whether the Zhong family is willing to become the Santo's sheep is not up to the Zhong family to decide.

Who is the mastermind this time? Xia Houcang doesn't know, and he doesn't need to know. He has let go of these things, or he has looked further. These people who are against his Xiahou family are nothing more than his practice of justice. Some stumbling blocks on the road will be crushed by him sooner or later.

   Move away? nonexistent.

  Justice will judge their crimes, and his role is to use his power to send these people to justice, instead of telling them what is right and wrong. These are not what he should consider, but what justice should consider.

  As long as it is a person with black light on his body, in his eyes, he should be killed.

   "Thank you for reminding me, old man. Chatting with you, old man, I am really enlightened."

   "It's a pity that I still have something to do, and I can't talk to you, old man. If so, I will leave first."

   After Xia Houcang finished speaking, he got up and left the prison.

  The movement here has already alarmed the city guards in the city. These soldiers rushed over fully armed. After all, this is a big event.

   It was Xiahou Cang who heard the movement and left the prison.

  As soon as I came out, I saw black lights intertwined continuously, forming a bigger black light.

   This could not help but make him frown, and thought to himself: 'Are there no good people? '

  He was very puzzled. There were at least 300 guards in this city, but among these 300 people, there was not a single white light, which made him very dissatisfied.

  He was obviously a soldier protecting the city and maintaining law and order, but he exuded a completely different brilliance. This feeling deepened his impression of how evil this world is.

   "Why can't you be good people." Xia Houcang's tone was low, and white arrogance continued to erupt from his body.

Seeing Xia Houcang's abnormal state, all the city guards were also taken aback. They had heard of many weird things that happened in other cities, but they were just hearing about it, and had never seen it with their own eyes. But now that I really saw it, I was a little out of breath from the breath emanating from Xia Houcang's body.

  This feeling is like facing a natural enemy, without any resistance at all.

   "Wait, we surrender, I surrender." The leading city guard general couldn't resist this breath at all, and his psychological defense collapsed instantly.

   This was just a meeting, and they didn't even fight each other, so they were frightened by the opponent's power.

   "This has nothing to do with me. I am only responsible for sending you to justice." Xia Houcang shook his head. In his eyes, there is no room for negotiation in black.

  The next moment, he made a move.

  The movement was quick and clean. He punched the leading general, and countless white arrogance swept over him. In just an instant, with the unrivaled power of the punch, all three hundred city guards were smashed into a pool of mud.

  Xia Houcang is completely ignorant of combat experience and combat skills, but he doesn't need it.

  The existence called strength endowed him with a powerful body. Most of the time, it only takes one punch to solve everything. If it doesn't work, then just another punch.

  The existence called faith allowed him to form an invincible defense mentally. As long as the faith does not collapse, no one can shake his spirit.

  As for the existence called justice, it is his belief in practicing power, and he wants to bring justice to the whole world.

  That's why he is so powerful.

  Many people have seen the power of his punch, which makes everyone feel frightened, just like a murderer.

  After all, this was to beat 300 people into mud on the spot, which can be said to be very cruel.

  However, Xiahou Cang didn't care about these things, but walked towards the City Lord's Mansion silently.

  He knows that the cause of everything is the city lord. If he manages the city well and makes the people in the city live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone lives a prosperous life, then everything will not be like this.

  Can't host the city? Then it's none of Xiahou Cang's business, it's his fault that he didn't fulfill his duties as the city lord.

  The entire city was shrouded in a large amount of black light, with only sporadic white light.

   This made Xia Houcang very heartbroken, why are there so few good people.

What? Let him solve the root cause of this matter?

  Sorry, Xia Houcang said that if he is not in his position, he will not seek his own government. His power is to clean up the existing evil. As long as all the evil disappears, then there will be goodness left.

   But relying on political means to guide things, he is not good at, he only does it in the way he is good at.

   On the way to the city lord's mansion, a large number of city guards and soldiers from various battalions were naturally attracted, but for Xia Houcang, it was nothing more than a punch.

  Even if he was wearing heavy armor, under his fists, he was just a little bit more dead-looking.

  He is advancing very fast, and powerful strength naturally cannot only include strength, as well as speed, reaction and other abilities. The body is mutual, and it is impossible to say that there is no such thing as strength but no physique.

  The City Lord's Mansion was already in chaos, and he keenly sensed that the City Lord seemed to have escaped.

   Faced with this situation, a normal person must run away, or else just stay and wait for death?

   Looking at the magnificent mansion in front of him, Xia Houcang's expression was filled with disgust. In the eyes of others, it might be a mansion.

   But in his eyes, it was surrounded by countless black lights, just like a mansion of a ghost.

   Reach out, make a fist, and swing down.

  Boom! !

  The sky-shaking loud noise erupted instantly, and the entire city lord's mansion was destroyed by his punch.

   "Black, should not exist."

   After finishing these things, he followed the direction in which the city lord fled.

  Anyone can run, but in the eyes of Xiahou Cang, the chief villain, the city lord must never run.

   "Empty? It should be hiding."

   The first time he caught up with the carriage, he realized that there was no one in the carriage, only a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

   Obviously, the city lord was not stupid, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he decisively jumped out of the car and hid.

  Xiahou Cang's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, and the black light in his eyes made him feel more irritable.

  He has powerful perception, but it is impossible to say that it is like divine consciousness or clairvoyant eyes, and the clues can be seen at a glance.

  After all, Xiahou Cang is more like a level-A stream without any skills, but all attributes have reached a very high level.

  So this can be regarded as a small defect of his.

   "Hiding is useless, although I don't know where you are hiding, but it doesn't matter."

He doesn't care about where the city lord is hiding. The whole city is black, which means he wants to destroy the whole city, so as not to spread the evil in this city. goals do not match.

   Therefore, it is useless for the city lord to hide anywhere, it is nothing more than an early death or a late death.

  The muscles on his body squirmed continuously, as if he was mobilizing the strength of his whole body, and then the veins on his skin exploded, and white flames shot out of him like a white dragon that shot straight into the sky.

   "I can do it!!" Xia Houcang roared in a low voice.

   The invincible belief broke out again, supporting the arrogance of justice and forming a powerful force.

   Then he stepped on the ground suddenly, the next moment, the earth shook, and the white flames were like a storm, impacting the entire city with terrifying force.

  Whether it is the ground or the buildings, they were all lifted by this force and arrogance, and spread towards the entire city centered on Xia Houcang.

  In this white flame, the black brilliance of the whole city was swept away, as if the whole world was clean.

  Of course, it’s not that exaggerated, it’s just a city at most.

  Xia Houcang sat paralyzed on the ground, looking at the city in ruins, he couldn't help breathing heavily, although the smoke and dust were thick, but the black light that was oppressive and breathless was gone.

  Although the suppressed people are gone.

   "It's great, a city without evil makes me feel comfortable all over my body."

  Although it is said that he has lost his strength due to overload, Xia Houcang feels that he has never been so comfortable in his life.

   It's just a little quieter, but it's okay, he thinks, it must be the city lord's dereliction of duty, which has caused such corruption in his city.

   Other cities should not be like this. After all, he feels that there are still many good people in this world, although he has never been to other cities.

  He was just a scholar who had no power to restrain himself, so it is naturally impossible to say that he is too far away from Xiahou Mansion.

This world does not advocate any kind of long-distance travel. If you really want to go long-distance travel, you will be gone within two days. It is not a unified dynasty. The order in the city depends on the city lord, let alone the order outside. What a mess There are a lot of bandits, water bandits and so on.

  In addition to these man-made disasters, there are also various wild animals that can threaten personal safety.

  If you really want to travel far, you usually rely on caravans or large security groups, otherwise you basically won’t travel far.

  After resting for a while, Xia Houcang finally recovered from the state of exhaustion. With his current strength, although such a wide range of abilities cannot be used as a conventional method, it is still very refreshing to use to abuse vegetables.

  “It’s a pity that this city has been destroyed by evil.”

  Xia Houcang felt helpless, in his eyes, this had nothing to do with him, what he destroyed was the evil in the city, not the city.

  As for the destruction of the city, it was only caused by evil.

  He didn't feel that there was something wrong with him, but felt that his strength had become stronger again.

   "Support justice and fight evil."

   "Sure enough, good people are rewarded, and my strength has become stronger again. This is all the reward brought to me by my belief in practicing justice."

Feeling the abundant power in his body, he knew that his strength had become at least ten times stronger. If he used this move to destroy the evil in the city next time, the state of de-strength would recover faster. The range will also be greater.

   Got up and patted the dust off his body, then looked at the official roads in four directions, he was thinking which direction to go.

   After thinking about it for a while, he clicked in a random direction and walked over in such a leisurely way. He didn't have any fetters at this time, he was relaxed, and he could go anywhere to punish **** and eliminate evil.

  (end of this chapter)

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