This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 453: Inescapable future of death

  Chapter 453 The Unbreakable Future of Death

   "A dead end?" He Fang looked serious.

   It has been a long time since he saw the picture of himself dying. The last time he saw himself dying was when the mother of monsters rose and he fled in a hurry.

  Since he came to Jiuxi City, he has never seen him again.

  Knowing that this morning, he saw a picture of his upper body being blown up, which made his expression change.

   What's more important is that no matter how he changed, he even came up with a solution to escape from Nine Streams City, but he still didn't avoid the end of death.

   This made him quite terrified. After all the storms and waves, these days, even the mother of monsters, who was as powerful as the monsters, could not defeat him, but now he was actually beaten to death, and he was beaten to death with the most simple means: fists.

Today's He Fang is no longer the weak boy who needed all kinds of calculations in order to survive. Now he can compete with the mother of monsters on the same stage. He only needs to pay attention to all the monsters on the world who come by himself, otherwise it is insignificant at all.

  The mother of monsters also knew about his rise, and naturally there was much less harassment about it. You must know that the mother of monsters is not only his opponent, but also other opponents.

  Of course, He Fang is not just an opponent like the mother of monsters now.

  After he completely stepped onto the stage, everyone was his opponent, and if he was not careful, he might die.

  But he never thought that he would end up like this.

   "Is there an inescapable death?" He Fang couldn't help feeling bitter.

  He tried any solution, but there was no way to avoid his own death, at most it was a delay.

   "It's just, who is this person who can kill me with one punch, let alone the mother of monsters, even the Dark Sun Corpse King and the Giant of Light don't have this ability."

  He Fang couldn't help thinking about this matter. His strength may not be as good as the two spokespersons of Sun and Breeding, but these spokespersons don't even think about killing him.

With the ability to predict and predict, he can completely know the opponent's actions in advance to deal with it. In addition, his own strength is not weak. Even if he is not good at fighting, if he really wants to fight, he will at most fall into a disadvantage and be exhausted. Wanting to kill him is simply a fantasy.

  Looking at that **** scene, He Fang kept thinking about which spokesperson could have such power.

   "A spokesperson for power? This is suitable, but the problem is that even if it is, it is impossible to say that I can't even escape, right?"

He Fang felt that he really couldn't beat the opponent. How can I say that he is the spokesperson chosen by the existence called Power. It seems that he can fight, but he can't escape, which is outrageous. As the spokesperson of the prophet, the magical power of the unknown prophet assists him There is no way to escape, which is enough to explain the problem.

   "Unless he is not just a spokesperson, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to kill me like a crush."

In this regard, He Fang immediately thought of such a possibility. Everyone is a spokesperson, and one-on-one fights are at most half-baked. Every spokesperson has his own flaws, but there will be various methods in the inheritance to complement this aspect. .

  For example, as the spokesperson of the prophet, he has blind followers.

  The mother of monsters has a lot of monsters.

  Even the sun has living corpses, believers of light, etc., so if you really want to say, everyone is basically on the same level, and there will be no degree of crushing.

  Even the time of death has sufficient balance. Although he is weak, if he is not discovered, he is basically the same as immortal.

  Thus, following these lines of thought, He Fang came up with this idea.

   "If this is the case, everything will make more sense."

  He keeps deducing and changing the future, but the picture of being beaten to death with a single punch still hasn't disappeared, which shows that no matter whether he flees or fights, he cannot escape death.

   Even prayed to the prophet for help, but did not get a corresponding solution.

   Fortunately, he deduced his own death date.

   One month later.

   This shows that he only has one month to live, which is barely good news.

  Since there is still time, it means that there is still room for redemption, but he needs to find his own glimmer of life from countless death outcomes.

   "This is easier said than done, alas~" He Fang couldn't help sighing, even the prophet didn't give him back life, so it might be difficult to rely on him to find it.

   But although it is very difficult, I can't give up. Now I have to rely on everyone, and I can only rely on myself.

   "Come here, spread the news." He Fang knew that since he couldn't do it alone, he should shout more.

   This news is very simple, there are only two points in total.

  The first point is that his life is not long, only one month left, and there is no way to avoid it.

  The second point is naturally the cause of his death. It wasn't illness, but he was punched to death. It was also deduced that this person had the favor of many existences.

  Here the first nine are true and one is false. He doesn't know whether the person who killed him was a spokesman for many favored beings, but the other information is true.

   Anyway, he only has one month left to live, so it doesn't really matter whether he covers it or not.

   If you can survive, it will be regarded as a change of fate against the sky.

And if you can't survive, then the follow-up matter will naturally not matter, and with the evidence of this news, it will definitely cause other existing spokespersons to besieged and killed. If you are lucky, you may be able to take revenge yourself. If you are not lucky, you will drag some people Funeral is also very good.

  He has never thought about having a heart for the world, he just wants to survive in this world of great controversy.

  If it wasn't for the mother of monsters back then, he would still be a poor scholar now.

  To be honest, he would rather be a poor scholar with no life-threatening danger than a blind prophet with high authority.

  Everyone says that he is unparalleled, but who knows how much effort he has put in to survive, and he has to fight with a group of endorsers with their own unique skills. If he is not careful, he will lose everything.

  Up to now, the word "death" still cannot be escaped, which made He Fang's look a bit hideous.

  The news was quickly disseminated by various channels, and by then, both the Dark Sun Corpse King and the Mother of Monsters would know about it.

At the beginning, I will definitely not believe it. After all, this kind of news is true or false. Who knows if it will be the bait thrown by the blind prophet He Fang, so most of them will sit on the sidelines and secretly investigate the truth. .

  For He Fang, most of the endorsers are actually very afraid of him. Although the combat power may not be high, the ability of the prophet makes everyone very troublesome.

   So naturally, he tried every possible means to eradicate him, but He Fang relied on the prophets of the future to see every trick all the time, so that he avoided many open and hidden arrows.

   Fortunately, the other spokespersons were wary of each other, and there was no such thing as an alliance.

   It’s not that no one has proposed it, but the problem is that everyone has ulterior motives, either thinking of killing other spokespersons, or thinking of profiting from it, or killing people with a knife.

   It’s true that there’s no lack of sincerity, but a grain of rat droppings can ruin a whole pot of porridge, let alone such a large pile.

  The spokespersons are just a few grains of rice in a pot of rat shit, not at all excessive.

   "After the news is released, the next thing is to wait. I hope that the hero who killed me can be a little more arrogant, otherwise, how can I be worthy of the momentum I created for you."

  He Fang knew that his behavior was just a helpless act, because even so, it did not change the result of his death.

  As for why the other party wants to kill him, he doesn't care about it, it's nothing more than a world of great struggle.

Regarding this, he is also a bit bitter: "I kicked the spokesperson of time out of the battle before the World of Great Contest started, but I didn't expect that I would become the banner sacrificer of the World of Great Controversy. It really is a cycle of karma, and the retribution is not good. .”

   "But I don't accept it. If I want to die, I have to die vigorously instead of being unknown."

  Even if it is death, He Fang has to let everyone know his own strength, no matter how you put it, he is also a famous blind prophet in the world.

   Besides, one month is enough.

   "Besides the mother of monsters, there are many forces closest to me. After the news spreads, I will invite them to watch the ceremony a month later."

   "Hehe, it will be fun after that."

  Although he said he was watching his own death, it didn't matter to He Fang, he couldn't escape, so he had to take advantage of the general trend of the world to take his enemy away.

  I believe that when they saw the scene where they were punched and exploded, they would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating, and they would immediately form an alliance to kill such a threat.

   After all, this person can blow him, He Fang, and them.

   "Since it is a ceremony, the invitation is indispensable, but I don't know how many people dare to come." He Fang chuckled, then took out a pen and paper and began to write the invitation.

Before he made his fortune, he also wrote letters and invitations for others, but this is an invitation for others to watch his death, let alone his first time, I am afraid that few people in the whole world can be so bold Behavior.

  Invitations belong to invitations, but everyone is in a state of hostility, and many people will not come here specially for this, after all, this may be a trap.

   After all, it's not worth putting your life in for the fun of it.

When he was writing, pictures appeared in his eyes. In these pictures, there is the mother of monsters wriggling flesh and blood standing in the distance, and the white frost wrapped in snow and ice is staring at him, like a round of dark sun corpse king and the dark sun corpse king. The shining giants of light stood side by side.

  In addition to these, there are quite a few spokespersons standing there either explicitly or secretly.

  After he took note of these people who came to watch the ceremony, he turned to thinking about how to use words to deceive other spokespersons who did not want to come.

   For such a big feast, the more lively the better.

   "After I die, let him be flooded!"

  Don't look at He Fang's expression as usual now, but who can accept his own death calmly, at this moment, he is very crazy.

   It's just that this kind of madness does not appear on the outside, but is very restrained.

He Fang knew that if he did this, Jiuxi City would not be able to escape the end of destruction, and even those blind followers who followed him would become victims here, but he didn't care about it long ago, he couldn't even survive, how could he Don't worry about other people's lives.

  (end of this chapter)

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