This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 454: With this punch, you will all die

  Chapter 454 If this punch goes on, you will all die

  At the gate of the city, Xia Houcang looked at the city named Jiuxi City, and couldn't help but sighed helplessly: "Why is it still black, why is there no white one?"

   Of course he has seen cities without black light, but generally such cities are destroyed by him, and they are not complete at all.

   Along the way, he forced a **** path.

   Not to mention the witnesses, none of them survived, adhering to the idea of ​​eradicating evil and doing everything, all of them were killed with one punch.

  In a month, he didn't go far, but his strength has grown very strong. His current physical fitness allows him to easily use the strength that destroyed a city back then.

   Turned the original big move into a normal flat A.

   "It's just that this city seems a bit weird, why is no one going in or out?" Xia Houcang looked at the open city gate, but no one was maintaining or entering or leaving the city.

  This is very different from a normal city.

   Then, he frowned, this city gave him a different feeling.

  If the black light lingering on the previously destroyed city is a feeling of scattered cotton, then this city is as solid as steel, which is not a level of black at all.

   "So this city has degenerated to this point?" Xiahou Cang stretched his brows, and his expression was suddenly enlightened.

  After thinking about the reasons for this, he planned to destroy the city that blocked his way. To him, although the blackness of this city was different, it was just a punch.

   "You're here!" A sudden voice came, making Xia Houcang, who was about to make a move, stagnate.

  At the gate of the city, a blind man with eyes all over his body came out slowly, talking to him in an inexplicable tone.

  In Xia Houcang's eyes, the black energy on this man's body has become so ferocious that it has become a pair of eyes that constantly exude malice.

   It can be said that he is the scariest person he has ever seen.

   "This kind of evil is really shocking." Xia Houcang couldn't help muttering to himself.

  Although he said that he had been prepared, when he actually saw it, he would inevitably be shocked.

   "Evil? Hehe, it seems that you may be the spokesperson of justice or kindness." He Fang naturally heard the other party's words. He never thought that the other party would come to him because of this kind of thing.

   This is simply ridiculous, after all, the world is like this, if you are not evil, maybe you will be a dead bone long ago.

  Xiahou Cang didn't think about saying something to He Fang, but his eyes froze, and he disappeared from He Fang's sight in an instant.

  A terrifying sound explosion exploded, which was the power caused by Xia Houcang running at supersonic speed.

The pupils in He Fang's eyes shrank. The other party was too fast, and he could indeed react. For him, he could do it so fast that it caused a sonic boom, but the problem was the white arrogance on the other party's body. The belief that can be rivaled is particularly terrifying. At the moment it burst out, it was so overwhelming that he couldn't move at all.

  This feeling is like a person suppressing a city.

  Another one, that is, the other party doesn't talk about martial arts at all, and everyone is the spokesperson, so you can't chat for a few words at this time, but you start fighting with him as soon as you come.

   "Heh, since that's the case, let's weigh you and see how you blow me up with one punch!!" He Fang's face was extremely ferocious, and he connected all the blind followers.

  The eyes on his body exploded in an instant, and a large amount of light turned into a torrent towards Xiahou Cang.

   This is an attack of the supercharged self-destruction level. This is not only the power of He Fang alone, but the power of the entire city plus all the blind followers.


There was no slight change on Xia Houcang's face. He raised his hand and waved his fist. The white arrogance combined with his invincible belief. With just one punch, countless rays and brilliance were all shattered into a large number of pieces under this punch. The streamer dispersed.

  As for He Fang, there was only half of his body left, and he fell down straight, and the blind followers who were connected with his life also died here.

   Xiahou Cang didn't feel anything about it.

  Is this He Fangqiang?

  Very strong, the strongest person he has seen this month, but compared with him, he is still far behind.

  He only used 70% of his strength for this punch.

   "Having such power is evil, it is really a way to kill." Xia Houcang shook his head, if the other party can be like him, maybe he can have a fellow.

  Unfortunately, there is no if.

  Looking at the city again, the black light dissipated, as if clearing the clouds to see the fog.

   This made Xia Houcang feel a little weird, why did he dissipate the black light before he made a move.

   What's more important is that the city was completely silent, without the slightest sound, as if there was no one in the city.

   "Could it be that there is no one in the city?"

   "That such a great evil was caused by him alone!"

  Xia Houcang said in shock that he was not shocked when he saw He Fang's eyes all over his body before, but now he was shocked. He never thought that he would encounter such a shocking thing.

   But soon calmed down, the reason is very simple, the person died.

   Just as he was about to enter the city, he suddenly had a bad feeling. He turned his head abruptly and saw the terrifying black lights around him continuously distorted into terrifying appearances.

   This made him change his expression: "So many? Are the villains taking root?"

  He saw hideous, distorted, or terrifying figures gradually approaching him.

"Brother He said that his death is approaching and he will be beaten to death by many spokespersons. I didn't believe it at first, but now I have to believe it." The half-dead corpse on the ground can't help but have some sad thoughts about the death of a rabbit.

  Li Zhun knew that with the growth of these days, He Fang's strength was not inferior to him. As the spokesperson of these great existences, one month's growth could gain the power of a powerful Taoist monarch.

   But now, this one couldn't even catch a punch, so he died on the spot in such a daze.

Qin Liuyun, who turned into a giant of light, looked down at Xia Houcang. He didn't look down on Xia Houcang, but was full of vigilance in his heart: "If we want to win this time, I'm afraid we have to join forces, otherwise we will be the next to be killed. .”

   "Why so much nonsense, do it." The dark sun corpse king Xu Tianming's expression sank, and immediately turned into a round of black sun and blasted towards Xia Houcang.

  Xia Houcang was also extremely excited at this moment. As a righteous person who punishes **** and eradicates evil, he is not afraid of evil, but fears that he will not find evil.

   But now all these evils have gathered together, can this not make him excited?

   What he has to do is very simple, that is, just punch, no fancy moves, no messy skills, just punch down and kill the opponent.

  Ten ten percent of the strength burst out and landed on the dark sun coming towards him.


  In the astonished eyes of everyone, the Dark Sun Corpse King was punched into powder just like that, and then a terrifying air wave erupted instantly, sweeping everyone present.

   Fortunately, a group of people have also experienced great storms, and immediately shot at the same time.

   Various abilities such as flame, ice, toxin, brilliance, flesh and blood are shot at the same time.

   This made Xia Houcang dodge subconsciously. He can withstand these attacks, but he can dodge himself. Why should he be foolish to carry it?

   Isn't this a disease of the brain?

   Saturation attacks made Xia Houcang a little overwhelmed. After all, the attack range is large and the number is large, so it is not a problem to keep hiding like this.

   There was also a hint of impatience in his expression. In his eyes, these people were nothing more than a punch.

   But the problem is that when these people unite, it will be a bit of a toad crawling on the feet, not biting but responding to others.

  He can stop and carry it hard, but he can carry it, but he can't carry the clothes. If he really wants to suffer for a while, he will be naked.

  It is okay to be beaten, but not to run.

  So he could only think of a way to attack.

  For these people, they may not exist as human beings, Xia Houcang feels that he has plenty of time to play with them.

   Immediately, the speed was fully opened, and at this moment, everyone lost sight of Xia Houcang.

   "Not good, can't it be escaped?" A spokesperson couldn't help but said, if they escaped, they would be broken one by one, and no one would be able to withstand a punch from the opponent.

   "Escape? I don't have the option of running away."

  The sound came from the sky. At some point, Xiahou Cang continued to fall from the sky like a black spot.

   "If you bombard me like crazy, then I will pay you back."

It's still the old trick of punching, but this time it's different, the strong wind is accompanied by white air waves, and all the spokespersons present seem to have returned to the weak childhood. This feeling is like being swept away by a giant mountain It was as if crushed to death, suffocating and deadly.

   Fortunately, the spokesmen present were battle-tested, and immediately fled the attack range. Except for a small number of lesser spokesmen who were crushed into flesh by the strong wind and waves, most of them were fine.


  Xia Houcang landed on the ground, glanced away, and shot again with a little bit of his feet.

  His plan is very simple, which is to deter first and then divide.

   Now that his plan has succeeded, and everyone is scattered because of his attack, it is very simple for him now, just defeat them one by one.

"The first one!" Xia Houcang said softly, and punched Baishuang Daojun Li Zhun with a punch. Reaction measures, with just one punch, Li Zhun followed in the footsteps of the Dark Sun Corpse King and was beaten to pieces.

"The second one." In the next moment, the giant of light Qin Liuyun who was closest to Li Zhun was the only one who disappeared. Even the huge giant couldn't block this punch, but he was smashed into scattered golden light in an instant, and the one who died was Can't die anymore.

  Seeing this, all the spokespersons felt resigned.

   How to fight this?

   They punched each other one by one, and they attacked with all their strength, but they couldn't even touch their clothes. The gap here is really too big.

   It can be seen from this that the opponent has definitely received the favor of more than one existence, otherwise it is impossible to have such a strong strength.

  But it's too late to leave now.

In terms of strength, Xia Houcang, who has the blessings of justice, faith, and strength, is completely a blow to them. Let alone wanting to escape, being able to run a hundred meters before the opponent kills him is considered Xiahou Cang's slow start up.

  At this moment, one after another roaring and cracking sounds continued to sound, and each sound represented that a spokesperson was killed.

  The two sides have been at different levels from the beginning, and death is naturally inevitable.

  He Fang thought that his death was the beginning of the World of Great Controversy, but in fact there was no such thing as a World of Great Controversy at all, it was just harvest after harvest.

  When the last spokesperson was beaten to death by Xia Houcang, everything returned to calm. It felt as if everything had come to a standstill, leaving only a large number of horrifying remains.

   "Is it all dead? Maybe there are still some hiding in other cities, so let's clean them up." Xia Houcang said in a low voice.

  (end of this chapter)

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