This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 455: Divine Edict · Dispelling Marriage, Dispelling Evil Marriage, Harmonizing Everything,

  Chapter 455 God's Edict · Marriage, Dissolution, Marriage, Harmony and Harmony, Emperor Monarch

   "Hiss~ so terrifying, so terrifying!" Chen Xiyi gasped and said.

  He thought that he would be able to watch a scene where he was constantly on the verge of bursting out to fight back, but he didn't expect that it would be crushed directly, and no one could withstand a punch.

  It's really a paranoid incarnation of One-Punch Man, whoever comes and who dies.

  Chen Xiyi actually didn't care much about the death of so many information state laying bodies.

  The reason is very simple. These information state laying bodies are useless, because their workload has been saturated, and there is no more residual value. If they die, they will die.

  The value of the information state laying body is to transform the information state environment for the world, and before that, they have already completed the transformation measures, so Chen Xiyi doesn't care whether they are dead or alive.

  As for Xia Houcang’s missions of the three evil gods of justice, faith, and power, they have actually been completed, but due to his mobility, they have been spreading.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi has always let him do harm, and it is considered to be uninstalling the software, which is not a big deal.

  He has more important things to do now.

  For example, there is a behind-the-scenes existence that can no longer sit still.

At this time, Chen Xiyi had already diverted most of his energy from researching the homeland game. In order to be able to grasp this thing, Chen Xiyi could only delay the research progress for a while. Although it will take a long time to study, it is not bad now Such a day or two.

  Spiritual consciousness and primordial spirit plus information state are constantly eroding the whole world, and he is forcing it out.

  The other party hides very deeply, very deeply, similar to Chen Xiyi.

He didn't know why the opponent suddenly became unstable, but one thing he could be sure of was probably related to Xiahou Cang's actions. When Xiahou Cang carried out "justice", he acted too much, killing each city one by one. In the past, it was no longer a matter of breaking up for people who fell in love, but a matter of sudden death on the spot.

  Beginning to make a move from before, Chen Xiyi didn't make a move right away. First, he just noticed it and didn't find it. Second, the timing was not ripe. Who knows if the other party has a back-up.

   But now it’s different, the time is right.

  The information system has been fully laid out, and the original away game has become Chen Xiyi's home game, so it's time to start.

   "I found you." Chen Xiyi's figure faded into countless clouds and rays of light.

   In just a split second, he stretched out his hand and pulled something out of nothingness.

  The right time and place are all on Chen Xiyi's side, coupled with his own strength, he can't still fight the opponent for three days and three nights and be on par.

   Then he has prepared for such a long time in vain.

   If you really want to fight the opponent on a par, Chen Xiyi's information state can't be laid, and the opponent has already countered it.

   "Isn't this a bit outrageous?"

  Looking at the thing in his hand, there is a big red edict with red threads wrapped around it. He knew what this edict was as soon as he took it, a divine edict.

  As long as it is refined, it will be able to inherit the divine position of this divine edict, and this divine position is very strange.

   But this is not an ordinary Yuelao. With this strength, he can be called a master-level emperor. With only one divine edict left, he can alienate the whole world.

   "This must be at least at the level of the Emperor of Heaven!!"

  Chen Xiyi thought that something might have caused the world to mutate, but he didn't expect it to be Yuelao's divine edict.

  A moon elder at the level of a heavenly emperor, the incident did impact Chen Xiyi's three views for a while.

   Fortunately, he calmed down quickly. The divine edict was in his hands, and there was no movement, but it was very quiet.

Although this divine edict is very powerful, it is only a divine edict. If the emperor wants to get rid of marriages and reconcile all things, then Chen Xiyi may have to run away, but looking at the situation, this emperor must be cold, otherwise How could there be only one divine edict left?

  Chen Xiyi didn't dare to refine this thing, who knows if this emperor is dead or not.

   It would be fine if he died completely, but if he didn't die completely, then it would be interesting if he was refined.

   "However, this divine edict seems to have mutated. It is not a normal divine edict, but absorbed the special products of this world?"

  He was guessing that those doomed people who were laid off were definitely swallowed by this divine edict to support themselves.

After a simple inspection twice, he found that there was nothing unusual, and the data inside was also collected and recorded by him. After all, this thing is just a dead thing on the surface, and what the emperor wants to do, he has to wait for him to refine it. Only then.

  Chen Xiyi is not an ordinary person, and the other party has no ability to influence him. If he is alive, he may be able to, but if he is dead, he will only have a divine edict, so don't even think about it.

   It's best to stay honest and hibernate.

  After simply studying the divine edict, Chen Xiyi understood what the divine edict wanted to do.

  Shenzhao, or a **** position, is dependent on the existence of the rules of heaven and earth, or more simply, it can be said to be the rules of heaven and earth.

   This divine edict is mainly based on marriage, and the occupation is Yuelao, but the level is raised very high.

But his job has not changed. After drifting into this world due to unknown reasons, He Qingjie got it right, and then began the process of borrowing chickens to lay eggs, suppressing dissidents, and doves occupying magpies' nests. What a success.

  However, because of the lack of self-awareness, it spread crazily, and even the Taoists failed to discover the spread of this divine edict. The reason is very simple.

  In the end, the situation reached the point where it was completely out of control. It absorbed all the calamities except the love calamity, and then combined with the love calamity to achieve its current status.

  Of course, this is also due to the divine edict being the status of the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise there would be no conditions for operation and implementation.

   "These worlds are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Even the divine edicts left by the emperor after death can harm a world. How high is the world where the emperor is?"

  Although it is said that this matter relies on internal cooperation and luck to make the world gradually alienated by the divine edict, but the strength itself is strong enough, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to do these things.

  This edict is useful to Chen Xiyi, but it is useless.

  It is useful because he has a lot more data on the rules. If it is useless, it is really useless, because unless he wants to collect beliefs and incense to become a similar god, there is no other use.

   But the problem is that things like beliefs and incense have to be in a specific world. This is a specialty of other people's worlds. Like this world, it may be useful, but only a little bit.

   After all, if this world is really to be counted, it is the world of doom, not the world of Shinto. Although it is somewhat similar, it is only similar, and it cannot produce faith or incense at all.

  The original system of this world should be a cycle of cultivation→transcending the catastrophe→cultivating. Either the catastrophe is successfully crossed, or the body dies and the dao disappears. This is not at all compatible with this divine edict.

  Even this divine edict survived in this world only after being combined with the local system, and then changed the original cultivation system.

  So the divine edict is actually not important, what matters is how to operate it.

  That Dijun is definitely a talent. It is not a small difficulty to upgrade from the position of a month old to the position of Dijun.

  It takes a lot of incense or belief to do it.

   "I just don't know if I can go to this Shinto world." Chen Xiyi looked at the divine edict in his hand, he couldn't go there, but the homeland game might be possible.

  Something like this might become a reincarnation coordinate.

  The rules inside have been copied by him, and he didn't intend to use this potentially flawed edict, but was more interested in the operation of the edict and the rules.

   Immediately took out a wooden box, put the divine edict into it, took out the pickaxe and hit it.

  【You used the alloy pickaxe to cause 1 point of durability damage to the wooden box】

  【You have obtained: 1 piece of wood board, Divine Edict · Marriage, Marriage, Marriage, Marriage and Harmony, Emperor Fruit Status】

  【Divine Edict · Dispelling Marriage, Resolving Evil, Marriage, Harmony, All Things, Emperor Fruit Status】

  【Use 1: After use, inherit the status of the Emperor of the Marriage, Dissolution of Evil, Harmony and Harmony】

  【Use 2: After use, the next reincarnation function will be designated as this world】

  Chen Xiyi looked at this edict, and found that this thing was attributed to a one-time consumable, and there were two options.

He didn't even look at the first way of using it. It doesn't look serious at first glance. Besides, although the name is very long, it's still Yuelao. He can't change it to a normal thing, at least he needs Wenquxing to do it. Bar.

  So he directly chose the second method of use, and next time he goes to the Shinto World to take a look, maybe he can see something good.

   "This reincarnation function is almost finished cooling down. After the cooling is over, make plans."

  The reincarnation function has not been cooled down, so this thing can't be used, but Chen Xiyi is relatively indifferent, anyway, it's not so short of time now.

  Besides, since the things are in his hands, he still has a big meal in front of him.

  A huge world that has been cleaned up, he couldn't help but feel a little hot when he thought of it. He has eaten these messy things, but he really hasn't tried the world.

  Fortunately, it’s okay, he has already vaccinated in advance, that is, the information state environment. At this time, the whole world has been softened by him.

   It should be relatively simple to eat.

  He actually wasn't too sure about it, after all, this was the first time a big girl got on a sedan chair.

  Everything has to be done for the first time. If he doesn’t try, how will he know if he can do it.

  If it worked the first time, wouldn't the second and third times be much easier after gaining experience.

  He did what he said, and countless lights and clouds continued to diffuse, and Chen Xiyi completely showed his real body for the first time.

  At this moment, the whole world was distorted and polluted by Chen Xiyi's indescribable essence.

  The information state environment, which was originally simple and harmless, became highly toxic in an instant, and everything in the world began to turn into various deformed appearances.

   Strange figures walked on the ground of the world, and their illusory arms squirmed in the sky like terrifying things.

   At this moment, the world is constantly being shrunk, and Chen Xiyi's huge body is crazily devouring the whole world.

  As the whole world was eroded, Chen Xiyi felt that his strength was constantly growing. This feeling seemed to return to the time when he had a large amount of accumulation as a multiplier of experience.

It's just that today is different. Now that he wants to enjoy the speed of upgrading like a rocket, then this entitlement already needs a higher world. Ordinary entitlements are completely useless to Chen Xiyi .

"It seems that one world is not enough for me to grow to my limit, at most it can only be half of it. It seems that I need another world." After devouring the world and analyzing the progress of his own strength growth, Chen Xiyi came to this conclusion Come to a conclusion.

   From this, he knew that the approximate strength of that **** was probably no less than that of the emperor who dispelled marriages, resolved marriages, and harmonized everything.

  (end of this chapter)

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