This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 456: God of death, calamity, unknown and annihilation

  Chapter 456 Death, Calamity, Unknown and Deity

   "Am I in the wrong place?"

  This is the Shinto world where the emperor resides. Chen Xiyi's birth point is still in the wilderness.

   But the difference is that this world is not a world similar to ancient society in Chen Xiyi's imagination, but a serious modern world.

  Looking at the map, there are no modules and items with historical details, and I felt the whole world again. Not to mention, I really found a lot of things.

   "It's really true that there are gods in a world without any extraordinary opportunities and circumstances"

  Chen Xiyi noticed that there are all kinds of weird gods in this world, some with normal painting style and some with abnormal painting style.

  For example, the normal mountain gods and river gods, and the abnormal ones such as the **** of cars, the **** of games, and so on.

   "Faith achieves gods, which is a bit outrageous."

  Of course, there is still a difference between gods and gods. He found that gods seem to be divided into two factions, new gods and old gods.

  The gods of the new gods represent the gods of various technologies and entertainment as the mainstream, and they seem to be becoming the mainstream gods at present, and they are coming fiercely.

  The old gods are somewhat declining, because the development of science has led to their gradual decline.

  For example, the land **** in the area where Chen Xiyi is located has been out of incense for nearly 20 years, and it seems that he is about to die.

  The fate of this land **** is not the first old **** to fall into such a desperate situation, nor will it be the last old **** to die because of his belief.

  Of course, compared to the old gods with various magical abilities, the new gods are more like nouveau riche. In this era of information explosion, they have become pigs in the limelight, but their background is still too poor.

  Although the old gods are gradually declining, some old gods with a long history are still standing. There are large-scale temple fairs, sacrifices, etc. every year.

Due to factors such as traffic and public opinion, a large number of wonderful gods have sprung up in the new **** camp. Except for gods such as the **** of the Internet and the **** of technology, the shelf life of these new gods created by this is extremely short. Even The speed of death is faster than these old gods who have lost their incense.

  The only thing that confuses Chen Xiyi is that neither the new gods nor the old gods seem to have the ability to directly interfere with ordinary people, they can only interfere indirectly.

   Otherwise, how could this world become a modern world, and it is even more likely that it will only become a religious feudal dynasty with royal power granted by heaven.

   "This is really interesting." Chen Xiyi came to this small earth temple.

  This earth temple is said to be a temple, but it is more like a small shrine made of bluestones. There is no statue in it, but an irregular stone.

  Yes, this stone is the statue of the God of the Earth.

   Under the wind and rain, this small earth temple has long been dilapidated.

  Chen Xiyi checked it briefly, and found it very interesting. With a random grab, he grabbed this extremely weak god.

  The other party didn't even resist, probably because they didn't even have the strength to resist.

  The land **** caught in the hand is not in the shape of a human, but more like a piece of bluestone.

  God's spiritual sense probed into the memory of the land god, and made a copy at random.

   Not to mention, this family is too rich. It was only with the population planning, the rise of science, and the establishment of the Federation that it became like this. Otherwise, people would come to worship at a fixed time every month.

  It's a pity that with the development of modernization, the center of gravity is all urbanized, and there are naturally no people in this wilderness, so this incense has long been cut off.

  From the memory of the land god, Chen Xiyi also learned a lot of information about the gods.

  For example, the gods live in the domain of the gods, and they will not live in the human world with people.

  As long as they have enough incense or faith, they can not only use it to improve themselves, but also be able to be unrestrained in the realm of the gods and satisfy the prayers of believers.

  Generally speaking, they can only do some small things indirectly and implicitly, and they cannot directly interfere in the world.

  Each **** has its own divine domain, which is normally projected from real temples.

  And the gods will not go to the domain of other gods, because the gods are omnipotent in their own domain, so entering the domain of other gods is quite dangerous.

  As for what will happen to the gods if they leave the realm of the gods, that's okay. They need to shape a body with faith, and then become ordinary people. Although they lose their divine power, they also gain the ability to walk in the world and handle things flexibly.

  Generally speaking, such gods who cut off the incense and are about to disappear basically do not have enough faith to do this, and can only fall into a vicious circle.

  Of course, the geographical location is very important. In this place where the birds don't shit, whoever has nothing to come to sacrifice.

   It's not a big temple.

The first half of this land god's life was not bad, at least Chen Xiyi saw it with gusto, but the second half of his life was not good, from the calm coping at the beginning to the hysteria later, and now he is completely enlightened, nothing more than death, even Chen Xiyi Even the arrival of the land **** failed to arouse the desire for survival of the land god.

Up to now, the land god's domain is gone. The reason is very simple. The existence of the god's domain is also based on faith. The land **** has become such a ghost. How can he still support the god's domain? I am about to starve to death up.

   "Forget it, I'll give you a ride so that you won't continue to suffer from hunger." Chen Xiyi said that he was a benevolent person, and he took out the alloy gun and opened fire.

  【You used the alloy musket to cause 1% HP damage to the **** of the land god, and you killed the **** of the land god】

  【You collected the corpse of the **** of the land god, and obtained: the divine power of the land god, module: becoming a **** instantly】

  With the death of the land god, this small temple of the land **** also collapsed, as if it collapsed because of the loss of some kind of support.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the modules he got in a weird way, good guy, no wonder there are no modules in this world, and he needs to kill a **** and collect them to co-author this module.

   This also proves one thing from the side, that is, people cannot become gods, and they cannot become gods through any means.

  If there is, then it will form a module, instead of needing Chen Xiyi to kill the gods before they can be collected from them.

  Of course, if Chen Xiyi doesn’t collect it for his own research, it’s okay, but if there is a better solution, why should he go far and just install it for himself.

  【Module: Immediately Become a God】

  【After activation, you will get a **** position and become a god】


   Chen Xiyi looked at this thing, and he felt that it seemed a bit tricky, and he didn't specify what kind of **** position he got.

  The **** of the land **** is the land. He is actually very optimistic about the land god. After all, the development space and development potential of this thing are much better than the initial position of the emperor who can solve marriages, solve evil marriages and combine everything.

   Not only can he develop upwards to become Fujun, but he can also develop downwards to become Yanjun, and his business is quite extensive.

   Even head-to-head and shoulder-to-shoulder with the sun is no problem.

  The problem is that if he wants to use it, what should he do if he obtains a cheating deity, such as bedside mother-in-law or kitchen god?

   Really go to put the children to sleep every night or squat on the stove?

  In this modern situation, the stove must be gone, and you can squat on the induction cooker or gas stove by then.

  But the induction cooker and the gas stove have already given birth to new gods, so he can't just go and kick them away and squat by himself, it's inappropriate.

And this is not bad, the two gods may seem more joyful, but their abilities are also good, if they are really random, they will be worse That's really bad luck.

  This senses that Sui Shi Xiangu is also known as Keng Sangu. The **** of toilets in the new gods is at least the whole toilet, from open-air dry pits to public toilets. This one is just a toilet.

  That's why Chen Xiyi hesitated.

   And regarding this, Chen Xiyi also discovered one thing, the existence of the new gods and the old gods seems to be different, the old gods are more dependent on faith, while the new gods are more inclined to use.

  For example, the gods of the powerful Internet, the gods of technology, the gods of the Internet, etc., as long as someone uses them, even if they don’t really believe in them, they can provide them with power far and wide, which is why these new gods rise so fast.

"Interesting, let's use it. Anyway, I'm not a normal person. If I can't do it, I'll just catch 1.8 million people and become my believers." Although Chen Xiyi felt that randomness might be tricky, he still used it. Well, if he gets a **** of overtime or a **** of unspoken rules, wouldn't he soar into the sky and dare to challenge these old-fashioned gods, although he dares to do it now.

  【You get the **** position: broom star】

  【You have acquired the skill: God's Domain (not activated)】

  【You are blessed by the river goblin-Jianghu, and you get the status: fanatical belief】

  【You are blessed by the Mountain Fairy-Mountain, and get the status: Fanatical Faith】

  【You are blessed by the Sheji Fairy-Royalty, and you get the status: Fanatical Faith】

  【You received】

  Chen Xiyi's whole body is torn apart, a **** broom star.

  Of course, this was just the beginning, because he found that the mana, spirituality, etc. in his body were just around the corner. If he hadn't been restrained, this **** might have mutated because of it.

  He thought about it, what could be worse than the broom star, so he simply let go of the restraint, just to see what sparks can be produced between systems.

   As it turned out, he was too young.

  【Divine position: Saoba star evolved into a divine position: God of death, calamity, unknown and world destruction】


  Chen Xiyi's face was full of shit, this time he was really confused, and he was about to split apart.

   If it were in those authentic Shinto worlds, this **** would be at the level of a boss at first glance, but the problem is that this world is not a normal Shinto world.

   In the name of this god, it is a proper cult.

   "This thing is against the law, okay? Let's discuss it. I want to change it to the Rainbow Meow Meow God. When the time comes, I will create the Meow Meow God Sect, which will be more promising than this thing."

  【You changed the **** position: God of Death and Disaster, Unknown and Destroyer to God of God: Rainbow Meow God】


   Well, the name can indeed be changed, but the problem is that the essence remains the same.

  His main business is still death, disaster, unknown and world destruction, and he has not become a cat sucker because of his name change.

  The name belongs to the name, and the business belongs to the business.

  Chen Xiyi can change the name of the deity but not his main business.

  He felt very tired.

Of course, he is not the only one who is tired, other gods in the world have felt the birth of a terrifying and twisted powerful god, but after investigating, they found that this **** is called Rainbow Meow Meow God, which almost did not blow up their whole three views Lost.

  The names of the gods are the names of the gods. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to modify them. Therefore, the names of the gods represent their good and evil tendencies, scope of functions, etc., so the names are not random.

   But the name of this rainbow meow **** directly confused them. With this name, isn’t it the kind that should love peace under normal circumstances?

  Why do they have such a large list of functions that make their scalps tingle? Anyone who encounters this thing will die.

   More importantly, which **** believes in such a **** with a naive name but no interesting function.

  (end of this chapter)

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