This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 460: Stir and make the first wave

  Chapter 460 Hype and the first wave

   "Hello everyone, I'm a cute little girl. Today we're here to broadcast live! Do you see the mountain behind me? This time we're not going to shop, but to visit temples."

  A pretty girl was holding a selfie stick and started the live broadcast, chatting with fans on the mobile phone with a sweet voice.

  The other party definitely didn't come here by accident, it was a promotion task assigned by the studio behind it, just like exploring a store, Chen Xiyi spent money on marketing, which was naturally part of the marketing.

   Otherwise, there are a few anchors who are willing to come to such a wild mountain to broadcast live. Chen Xiyi doesn't have the kind of luck that wants to live in seclusion but is accidentally exposed by a beautiful female anchor.

Of course, this kind of thing was planned by spending money. This is the first step. There will be some well-known big Vs to support and carry out all-round publicity in the future, just to stir up his Baiyun Palace and gain traffic. , and then turned into belief.

   "Baiyun Palace?" There was a trace of doubt in the girl's tone. She has never heard of such a palace in the local area for so many years. She vaguely remembers that this mountain seems to be a barren mountain, and there are no temples or palaces.

But since the company has given the task and given a lot of information, she naturally can't just be perfunctory like this. It is said that this funder is quite generous. If she succeeds in attracting traffic this time, the bonus will be at least one month. The share, which must satisfy the other party.

   Then naturally, I started to recite the materials according to the scriptures, explaining the reason.

   "The one enshrined in Baiyun Palace is Qingxu Lingjun. It is said that he will bless everything, especially those who take the postgraduate entrance examination and public examination."

  The girl was chattering, but suddenly she noticed that there seemed to be something wrong in the barrage.

  【Little sister, look behind you, there seems to be something moving】

  【Don't look, run, it's too late! ! 】

  【The host don’t stand still, run, it’s a tiger】

  【It’s over.】

   This series of barrages appeared, causing the girl to break out in a cold sweat, her whole body was stiff, and she could feel a pair of sharp eyes staring at her from behind.


   Then, a meow was heard. This wave not only stunned the girl, but also stunned some of the fans watching the live broadcast.

  【Who says a tiger is an orange cat? 】

  【Fuck, it was so big just now, what happened】

  【You read it wrong, wild tigers are so rare now, how could the anchor have that luck】

  The girl turned her head stiffly, and saw a fat little orange cat squatting behind her. There was no such thing as a tiger at all.

  The orange cat is not afraid of people at all, instead it is licking its fur like a big chicken leg.

   This made the girl feel a little terrified, thinking that she should be scaring herself just now, after all, it is so easy to meet a tiger.

   As for the palpitation just now, it must be an illusion.

"Phew, I was scared to death. They said that orange cats are better than tigers. It's true. Okay, this is a false alarm. Let's go up the mountain now and see how the scenery on the mountain is." The girl quickly adjusted her state. , walked up the stairs on the side, and chatted with netizens in the live broadcast very skillfully.

   As far as this chat technology is concerned, it is obvious that they have undergone training, respond calmly and orderly, and can also answer various questions and so on.

  After she left, the orange cat was no longer an orange cat, but a colorful tiger, followed by ghosts who could not be seen.

   It’s just these things, neither the netizens nor the girls in the live broadcast found out, so they regarded it as a stray cat in the mountains.

All the way up the mountain, the girl felt a little weird. Normally, she was already out of breath, but now not only was she not tired at all, but she was also refreshed. After entering the mountain, she seemed to be relieved of work. Like the burden of pressure, the whole person has sublimated.

  Even in the barrage, I have been using the anchor to build up my physical strength. Not only did I not breathe heavily during the climbing process, but I even went up the mountain as if walking on flat ground while chatting with them.

  The girl has nothing to do about this matter, she can only shirk and say that she usually has fitness.

  In fact, she herself also felt weird. Before she came, she had prepared to be as tired as a dead dog during the journey up the mountain, but now she didn't show up, which made her puzzled.

   You need to know that she has to live broadcast for ten hours a day on average, and she has no time to exercise at all, and her physical strength must be exhausted.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the bonus of Qiafan this time was so large that she couldn't refuse, she would definitely not have taken up this errand, after all, she was really tired.

  But now things are a bit beyond her expectation.

  But she soon put this matter behind her. Now she is not thinking about these things. This time, there may not only be netizens in the live broadcast, but also the senior management of the studio and even the financial backer. There must be no mistakes.

  She can get such a large bonus, so the amount of her own studio must be even more. If she really messes up, the consequences will be disastrous.

  Climbing up the mountain, it seemed that she suddenly realized that the endless towering palaces appeared in front of her eyes. This feeling was like coming to some game CG from modern times. The shocking feeling cannot be described in words.

   In the distance, I saw a man like a banished fairy fishing in the landscape lake with a fishing rod.

   "This elder brother is the Miao Zhu of Baiyun Palace. I am the cute little girl who is the anchor of Taohua Live. Hello." Seeing this, the girl naturally went to chat.

   Not for anything else, just the temperament of the other party, definitely not an ordinary person.

   "Well, hello." Chen Xiyi said indifferently, he is in a critical moment now, but he has no time to do these things.

  This indifferent attitude made the girl feel a little overwhelmed. Why are you acting out of common sense?

   "Brother that temple wishes, I want to go inside and burn incense, you."

   "There is no incense in the temple, so I just pray and tell fortunes. If I want to pray, I will say it myself, and fortune-telling depends on fate." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

   "???" The girl was interrupted, a little confused, your situation is not right.

   Well, although it made her a little embarrassed again and again, but if she wants to maintain the character design, there is no need to be stubborn with Chen Xiyi, and it will be herself who will lose the character design when the time comes.

   Then naturally smiled sweetly: "Okay, then thank you Miao Zhu."

  【This temple is so beautiful, the temperament of this body is not what ordinary people can have】

  【It’s the first time I’ve seen a temple that doesn’t offer incense, it’s outrageous, what’s the revenue if you don’t sell incense】

  【Maybe there is a merit box, who knows】

  【Look at the size of this Baiyun Palace, it’s not small, at least start with an investment of one billion yuan】


  The girl looked at the barrage that kept drifting past, and was actually very surprised in her heart. It is indeed a bit strange that she has no news about such a large project.

  Although she was chatting with netizens, she was actually recalling the situation here. In her memory, this area was indeed a barren hill, and there was no Baiyun Palace and Qingxu Lingjun at all.

   Even checked Qingxu Lingjun before, except for novels, there is no such a **** at all.

   Fortunately, she is not the one to break the casserole and ask the bottom line. After all, the facts are in front of her eyes, and she still has money to get, so she doesn't care what the situation is.

   Entering the main hall, the hall is very gorgeous, and enshrines a life-sized statue, which looks very familiar at first glance.

   It's like fishing in the landscape lake outside.

  Even the barrage thinks so, after all, whether it is clothing or temperament, they are exactly the same.

   It’s just that no one has delved into these things. Instead, the anchor has been letting the anchor take pictures of the various carved beams and paintings in the temple.

  The girl didn't feel anything, she just thought it looked good, but there were many netizens who were knowledgeable and kept explaining to her, which made her more startled the more she looked at it.

   However, in this regard, she still concealed it very well. After all, she is working now, and this surprise is not a good thing. If her performance is not good, it will affect the studio's preference for her resources.

   This time she was invited to come because of her ability. Not only was there a bonus, but the higher-ups also promised that if it was done well, the sponsor would provide her with additional funds as resources to raise her reputation to another level.

  She knew that this was not a big cake, but a treaty written in black and white, in duplicate.

  So she must be very careful.

   "Okay, now I'm going to start praying, um, what kind of wish should I ask for." The girl said pretending to be weird.

   Then the live broadcast room was quickly filled with a lot of strange barrage.

   It seems that this popularity is still very good, at least there are nearly 200,000 popularity.

  Chen Xiyi, who was fishing outside, just glanced at the girl and didn't say anything.

  She made a wish, but her heart was not sincere, and the wish was also nonsense, so naturally it was impossible to have any reaction.

  As for the other party taking people around the temple, he actually doesn't care. The Baiyun Palace itself is an external building, and the real laboratories are all underground, so there is no need to worry about being exposed.

   "It's really hard work, but I have invested such a large amount of money, and the money is not so easy to earn."

Looking at the posture of this female anchor, it is estimated that she wants to visit the entire Baiyun Palace. The owner of the palace used to be in the fusion period, equivalent to a high-level person, and the scale was beyond the imagination of normal people.

  Chen Xiyi moved all of them here, and if he really wants to finish shopping, he can't do it in three to five days.

  Although the complete palace might not be able to fit on the top of the hill, after Chen Xiyi used a little trick of Naxumiyu Jiezi, the top of the hill would be able to fit down.

   So if you want to visit the whole Baiyun Palace, it will take a long time.

   Fortunately, there are various enchantments of the statue, otherwise, with the physique of the other party, it is estimated that he would be exhausted halfway up the mountain, let alone going up the mountain.

  The enchantment of the idol is more like a halo, coupled with the bonuses such as the comfort level of the god's domain and the shelter building, so that everyone who comes in can feel comfortable.

  Even if they live for a long time, ordinary people can be reborn and reach the physique of the foundation building stage.

  Of course, if you want to achieve it, you need to live for a long time, not a day or two.

  But Chen Xiyi usually wouldn't let people stay for so long.

  The sky gradually darkened, and the girl also walked around a lot and prepared to go down the mountain and leave.

   When she came back, she chatted with Chen Xiyi again. Seeing that Chen Xiyi liked to ignore her, she didn't say to continue the awkward chat, but prepared to go down the mountain and leave.

  After this day, with the blessings of various buff states, naturally there is no discomfort.

  Going down the mountain, the girl turned off the live broadcast in the sentence "We will see you tomorrow."

  After leaving the boundary of Baiyun Palace, she only felt as if her body had been trapped in some kind of mud, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

"It should be because I'm too tired from the live broadcast today. I've been walking for a whole day. Go back and have a good rest." The girl looked at the bonus that had already arrived in the account. I am very satisfied with her publicity this time, and the follow-up live broadcast resources are probably in place.

  (end of this chapter)

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