This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 461: Money works like a god

  Chapter 461 The operation of Qian Ketong

   "The marketing effect is not bad, part of the traffic has increased, and it is also turning into faith."

  Chen Xiyi simply sensed it. Although it is a little less difficult, it can be regarded as starting to earn money.

   But this time, there are quite a few gods offended, especially the gods of entertainment and traffic. Chen Xiyi's move is tantamount to taking money out of their pockets.

Another one, if Chen Xiyi continues to spend so much money, it will also affect the gods of finance, wealth, etc. The last one who has the most entertainment and traffic is the new god, but his unscrupulous use of money will offend the gods of the old and new camps. The gods related to money are naturally not only the old gods, but also new gods, such as the **** of finance, the **** of stocks, the **** of bonds, etc. Anyway, there are so many.

  There are a lot of big gods and small gods. In short, Chen Xiyi is going to kill other gods.

  These gods hate their teeth, but they don't have enough countermeasures. They are not as abnormal as Chen Xiyi. As normal gods, it is impossible for them to interfere with reality as easily as Chen Xiyi.

   "This first live broadcast has gained a lot of traffic. In the follow-up, I will check in with the big V, but my risk is not only from the gods, but also from the federal government."

  Chen Xiyi was thinking about this matter. It's okay if he isn't famous yet, but if he becomes famous in the future, it might attract some people's attention.

He did these things not for the purpose of collecting beliefs at the beginning. It is not very simple for him to want beliefs. He mainly wants to know the composition of beliefs and the growth of gods, etc., that is, to conduct research on this completely different Shinto system. .

  In addition to the quick harvest and realization this time, Chen Xiyi will also try to cultivate beliefs similar to fanatics, so as to make comparisons.

   Even things like ceremonies or sacrifices will be held. If possible, it is not impossible for him to set up a festival or the like.

   "It's just that the new gods seem to be ready to do it?"

  Chen Xiyi uses the Internet to expose, but the Internet is the domain of the New Gods, so during the transmission process, the New Gods will definitely notice it.

  Like the internet god.

  The opponent's strength is indeed not to be underestimated, the entire huge Internet is the opponent's **** domain.

   But fortunately, it is limited to this, knowing but not necessarily changing.

   The Internet made him, not he made the Internet.

  As the most powerful gods in the new gods, the Internet God naturally knows it well.

  When the Internet disappears, he has to die, and his disappearance will not cause any harm to the Internet. At most, it will only re-birth a **** of the Internet.

  Although he was very displeased with Chen Xiyi's actions, he would not interfere too much.

  Chen Xiyi used the Internet to achieve himself, but he has no conflict of interest with an Internet **** like him. As long as the Internet **** can hold his breath, the power that the Internet brings to him will not disappear.

   And if you can’t hold your breath and are encouraged to do something, it’s fine if you succeed, and it’s miserable if you fail.

  Since there is a more stable way to grow, why bother to gamble.

  So in this regard, he naturally turned a blind eye. When Chen Xiyi obtained the **** position, he also felt the power and terror of the other party, and he definitely didn't want to confront Chen Xiyi.

   What is really urgent is the gods of live broadcasting and entertainment. Chen Xiyi is using their hands to strengthen himself. How can this be tolerated.

  The God of the Internet has long been used to this. After all, most of the new gods are borrowing his power, but these powers are just a drop in the bucket, and they can even feed back themselves, so naturally it doesn't matter.

   But other gods are different. Chen Xiyi grabbing traffic is equivalent to grabbing faith, who can sit still.

   Even all the gods are guessing that this Qingxu Lingjun might still want to be a capitalist. If he really wants to let the other party get it, it will be fun.

   But in fact, if Chen Xiyi knew that they thought so, he would definitely say that you are overthinking, he has the function of a capitalist.

  Although this function ranks a little lower in God's Domain, the name is rather cool, and it is directly the kind of capitalist who uses black heart as a prefix.

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi can only say that this thing is absolutely slander, how could such an upright person be

   Well, it may be that the krypton gold and lottery in the power-leveling system in the world of cultivating immortals was blackened by so many billion points, which is only 100 million points, definitely not many.

   "I always feel like I've done nothing, but why have I become the enemy of the world?"

  Whether it is the new **** or the old god, they all seem to dislike me, obviously everyone wants to become stronger.

   "Tsk, forget it, I'm used to it, anyway, these gods dare not come."

  As long as he sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, even if these gods hate him, they can't do anything to him.

   If he really dared to enter Chen Xiyi's territory, then Chen Xiyi would directly lock the gods in the basement to do some unspeakable things, such as dissection and research.

   Just thinking about it, the second round of marketing has already started.

   This time it was not the anchor, but some big Vs, who came to take pictures and check in, which is considered to be hype from another channel.

   "It seems that the money I spent is quite worthwhile, and I really have nothing to say in terms of marketing operations."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but smile. This guy's various shooting and camera movements are very professional. The captured photos fully highlighted the characteristics of his Baiyun Palace, which directly caught the eye.

   Then it was paired with some words similar to chicken soup text, which quickly caused a wide range of reposts.

  Although there is a lot of water in it, the popularity of this topic has soared very quickly.

   It quickly reached the top of the trending searches on large social platforms, which also made Chen Xiyi feel that a new round of realization beliefs began to pour into his **** position to enhance his divine power and stabilize his domain.

"It is indeed a good thing to turn traffic into beliefs, but it is a pity that the Internet has no memory. After a while, it will probably stop. Otherwise, it will probably be resisted and backlashed by netizens. This is probably the case. Although I hate me, but It didn't hurt the root, and the loss should be only short-term interests, not long-term interests."

  Chen Xiyi’s marketing belief is very useful, but he also knows that this is not a long-term solution.

  It may be hot at first, but it will gradually cool down over time.

Of course, Chen Xiyi knew about this situation, but he didn't care about it. He didn't need it for a long time, it was just for experiments and to see if he could catch some gods who would come over to fight with him as soon as they got hot, just to catch some experiments. Taste.

   However, the gods are also very calm, and they can do small tricks when the time comes, but if they confront Chen Xiyi head-on, there will be none.

   Everyone has brains. Although Chen Xiyi said that the fishing has crossed the line, he can only fish for a while.

  The only question is how long it will take.

  Of course, the gods also have doubts, such as where did Chen Xiyi get the funds.

  The effect of separation between God and man prevents them from obtaining a lot of wealth, especially after the currency is digitized, which makes them particularly poor.

  As for gold and silver, it is also difficult to sell them. After all, they are black households, and even if they sell a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, it will be subconsciously ignored by ordinary people, but it is still a troublesome thing.

   It is the financial market of the new era that allows them to earn a little money occasionally, but Chen Xiyi's random things are simply incredible.

  In the eyes of the gods, it is a big loss to spend so much cost and reap completely unmatched benefits.

  If the funds he poured down were given to the old gods, if they worked well, they might be able to obtain a fanatic-level belief instead of a bunch of few and low-quality beliefs.

   There is also a difference between faith and faith. The faith that Chen Xiyi obtained through cash flow is the lowest level of low-quality faith. Unless there are brain-dead fans and star fans, it is possible to obtain better faith.

  A belief at the fanatic level is much more profitable than Chen Xiyi's pile of low-quality beliefs, and once you become a fanatic, it will be a steady stream, not a one-off.

  Chen Xiyi's realized beliefs are few, low-quality, and most of them are one-off. Only a rich and self-willed Chen Xiyi can be so unscrupulous.

  Of course, it may be the reason for the impetuousness of the people in the new era. If this was put in the ancient times when the information was not developed, if there were such a large-scale propaganda, it would probably be able to harvest a lot of high-quality beliefs, which is a pity.

   "Hello, you are the temple wisher of this Baiyun Palace." A handsome young man came up, looked at Chen Xiyi who was still fishing, and asked curiously.

  In his eyes, Chen Xiyi is very eye-catching. Just at the first glance, he can see the unique charm and temperament exuding from the other party. That kind of refined appearance makes him amazing.

   "Well, it's me."

   "There is no incense in the temple, I pray to go by myself, and I will talk about fortune-telling."

  Chen Xiyi still spoke calmly.

   "You don't mind if I take a few photos." The young man's first impression of Chen Xiyi was very good, so naturally he didn't think there was anything wrong with Chen Xiyi, but instead asked.

   "Let's shoot." Chen Xiyi didn't refuse either.

  As soon as the other party came up, he snapped a few photos. Looking at the picture in the camera, he was satisfied with what he saw.

   "Oh, by the way, at the foot of the mountain just now, someone asked me to give you this mobile phone." The young man suddenly remembered such a thing, then took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and handed it to Chen Xiyi.

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi smiled, took the phone and said, "They really are, they want to see me but they dare not come up."

  The words were weird, which made the young man a little confused, but he didn't break the casserole to ask the bottom line. After all, this is someone else's business. It's not very impolite for him to inquire when he just met.

   "You don't mind if I go in and take some pictures." The young man asked again.

   "I don't mind." Chen Xiyi naturally didn't mind, and it wasn't a big deal.

   "Thank you very much, but the environment on this mountain is good. When I entered the mountain, I felt as if I had taken off the shackles on my body, and my whole person seemed to be purified."

  The young man took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   Regarding his own changes, he naturally didn't expect gods and ghosts, but attributed it to the good environment on the mountain. After all, although the city is prosperous, the environment is still a bit poor.

  Chen Xiyi did not answer, but analyzed the Shinto system and fished on his own.

   Regarding his attitude, the young man just smiled, as if he was used to being withdrawn. After all, he is not good at speaking when he is alone on the mountain.

This shows a good skin. If Chen Xiyi hadn't gained the ten points of charm by wearing Qingxu's teacher's fashion, the other party would definitely not think so, but would think that you are an impolite **** , will definitely not have such a good attitude.

   Therefore, the face is very important.

   It's also due to the fact that although this world is based on faces, it's not like the previous world where everything is based on faces.

   Seeing that Chen Xiyi didn't answer, the young man went to the main hall on his own, as if he planned to see what happened to that Qingxu Lingjun.

   After all, the donor spent money, so he had to get the photos right.

  (end of this chapter)

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