This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 462: If you can't catch fish, you can go to the market to buy it, no shame!

  Chapter 462 If you can't catch fish, you can go to the market to buy it, no shame!

  Beep, beep~

  The music on the phone rang, and Chen Xiyi answered it casually, and said, "Who is there?"

   "Hello, Lord Qingxu, I am the God of Communication." A mechanical voice came from the phone.

  Chen Xiyi was a little surprised. He thought he would be the **** of technology or the Internet, but he didn't expect to be the **** of communication.

   It's a bit unexpected.

   "Hello, what do you need from me? I remember that you and I should be on the same page." Chen Xiyi replied slowly.

This mobile phone is just an ordinary mobile phone, and there is no problem at all. Even if it is Xinshen, it is not a fool who would use a problematic mobile phone to test Chen Xiyi, because they also know that the gods are "omnipotent" in the domain of gods. Hands and feet, the opponent can detect it immediately.

"I'm not here to ask questions, but to seek cooperation." The God of Communication doesn't care about Chen Xiyi's use of traffic to realize his beliefs. God can also not pursue it, even if it is said that giving up a part of the share is not impossible.

  Whether it is a new **** or an old god, their goal is very simple, that is, Chen Xiyi's God's Domain that can descend from illusion to reality, and this is the key point.

  As long as they have this ability, all the gods can rule the world, making the original priority reversed, no longer they need ordinary people, but ordinary people need them.

   "Interesting, then how can you show sincerity." Chen Xiyi said teasingly.

  Chen Xiyi said so, but in fact he has nothing to do, the reason is very simple, the system itself is like this, and he has no way to forcibly change the rules.

  His God’s Domain was able to descend, not because he changed it, but after the linkage of the modules of the Homeworld game became like this, which is equivalent to saying that this is part of the Homeworld game, not born by him.

   Now he is still researching this phenomenon himself, and he still doesn't understand how it is possible to help people turn the virtual into the real.

   The difficulty of this is no less than letting people go to the world of the second dimension. At most, he can only send people to Meng Po's to drink soup, and he cannot send people to their second-dimensional wives to live the life of a winner.

  The situation of the gods is probably similar to this. In reality, they are just a group of illusory existences, so they can be omnipotent in the realm of the gods. Even to maintain their illusory existence, they need faith.

  But if the illusion becomes reality, it will be different.

It's not that no gods have studied it. After all, they can condense the bodies of ordinary people with their beliefs and walk in the world. This shows that they can still interfere. Even if they have a bad luck buff that separates gods and men from each other, it is still a hope. It's a pity that after so many years, there is no result.

   It is impossible to give up, but Chen Xiyi, the Qingxu Lingjun, descended into reality, which made everyone crazy.

   "You make an offer, as long as we are satisfied, we can give it to you." The God of Communication was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic, and then conveyed Chen Xiyi's words to the other new gods.

   In this regard, the new gods naturally said that you open your mouth, even if you cut your flesh and blood, as long as you can turn from illusion to reality, then everything is worth it.

Negotiation Skills? This is not necessary at all, it is nothing more than a transaction, a little more and a little less will not change much, it is better to be more arrogant and directly facilitate the transaction.

   "I have accepted your wishes, but this is the ability of my **** position, not some mystery I discovered. You can still gather incarnations and walk in the world, but I cannot leave the god's domain where I am."

  Chen Xiyi said casually, he made up nonsense, and the face of the **** of communication on the other side of the phone couldn't help but change.

  Although the new gods have already guessed, it is hard to accept this, after all, it is an opportunity no matter how you look at it.

   What's more important is that the other party cannot leave God's Domain, which means that if they want to talk in detail, they must at least be in danger.

  This matter, no one can accept it.

   "That's such a pity, since that's the case, I won't bother you, Lingjun." The God of Communication hung up the phone with an ugly look.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the mobile phone in his hand that had turned into a blind tone, and couldn't help but smile. He just hung it on the hook, and with a flick of the fishing rod, he dropped it into the landscape lake in front of him.

  The other party will never give up if they give up, and they will even find ways to continue to test him. After all, if you say no, you can’t, who will believe it?

   Besides, if the investigation really understands what Chen Xiyi said, then the next step is to encircle him.

  The reason is simple, Chen Xiyi can interfere with reality.

   This has become the biggest threat to all the gods.

A god's God's Domain is in reality, so it means that he is omnipotent, so wouldn't it be extremely simple to expand his beliefs? In their view, Chen Xiyi has something wrong, what's the use of spending money to harvest traffic, directly in the God's Domain Demonstrating divine power to form miracles will not be able to converge a lot of faith.

  Of course, this omnipotence is what the gods think, but Chen Xiyi has tested it, and there is actually a limit.

  For example, perpetual motion machines, infinite energy, time paradoxes, etc. simply won’t work.

  Even traveling through time, creating a **** whose quality is stronger than God’s Domain, or infinite knowledge, etc., are simply impossible to achieve, omnipotence is pure bragging.

   Maybe there is a problem of faith, but Chen Xiyi actually has no shortage of faith. He has goblins and a large number of living creatures to provide fanatics with a level of faith. The most important thing in God's Domain is faith.

   It's just that this fanatic-level belief is his own, and he is not good at doing research, for fear of something going wrong.

   Although Chen Xiyi is not serious, he is still very kind to his friends and relatives.


"This group of gods is really realistic. If you can't do it, just hang up on me. That's ok. If you hang up first, you hang up first, and I won't be polite to you." Chen Xiyi lifted the fishing rod, looked at the earthworms he caught, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. unlucky.

  I caught an earthworm with my mobile phone and came back, but I don’t know if I made a loss or a profit.

   "It should be regarded as a profit. Dead things are exchanged for living things. Life and death are prosperous. How can a dead thing be worth a living thing?"

   "If this is a different protagonist, maybe he will have an epiphany about birth and death."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help diverting his thoughts for a while, and continued fishing with a flick of the fishing rod.

   "I just don't know when I can catch a fish."

   After fishing for so long, there are indeed many live animals, such as the tiger at the foot of the mountain, he was the one who caught it.

   There are other messy sika deer, black panthers, guinea pigs, red-crowned cranes, etc., so he changed them and put them in the mountains as mountain guard animals.

   It is not uncommon to say that it is related to fish. The species is called crocodile.

   This made him a little helpless, okay, at least bring the word fish.

   This is pretty good, usually it’s either wood or stone, and even gold was caught once. Fortunately, no one was caught, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

   "Brother Miao Zhu is still fishing, how is today's harvest?" The young man who came to take pictures and check in seemed to have completed his task and was about to leave.

  At the end, seeing Chen Xiyi was still there, he also asked curiously.

   "It's not bad, there are everything except fish." Chen Xiyi's face darkened, this kid is not opening any pots.

   The young man also smiled at this, as if he understood something: "Listen to my advice, if you can't catch it, go to the market to buy it, it's not ashamed."

He also had a guess in his heart, probably just fishing for fun, there may be fish in this landscape lake, but there is no bait on Chen Xiyi's hook, how could there be any fish in this situation, maybe it is for self-cultivation, or it may be for the sake of self-cultivation. Kill the time.

  That's why he came here to make a joke.

   "I see, let's go slowly." Chen Xiyi's tone was low, feeling that this kid was really annoying.

   He will definitely catch the fish instead of going to the market to buy it.

The young man smiled, and noticed the strangeness in Chen Xiyi's words. He obviously understood that this guy was also an old Air Force man. He guessed that he could catch everything except fish. On the way back, he went to the market to buy a fish to save face. That kind of fisherman.

  Chen Xiyi's face twitched, he naturally knew what the young man was thinking, and he was a little cursing in his heart:'Are you polite? Are you polite? '

  Although he can't catch fish, he is definitely not an old air force. Apart from fish, he can catch any pots and pans, furniture, bedding, and precious animals.

   "Okay, I won't bother you to continue fishing." The young man glanced at the sky, and then went down the mountain on his own.

   It will take a while to go down the mountain, and this place is also remote, and it will probably be dark when we go back. If he didn't have money, he wouldn't have traveled so far.

But it's worth the money. The scenery and environment here are far beyond his imagination. He thought that spending so much money on publicity was more of false publicity, but he didn't expect it to be so extraordinary. Once you come here, you don't have to worry about your reputation being damaged.

  Chen Xiyi didn't try to keep him too much, he paid the money, and the other party did the work, and everyone got both money and goods, and the other party didn't really come here because of fate.

  If it was really a coincidence, then Chen Xiyi really didn't mind entertaining them, but if he paid the other party to promote himself, why would he entertain them, why should he be used to them.

  The father of the funder is Party A. If he spends such a large amount of money, can't he enjoy it?

   "Follow-up publicity should follow, most of them should be drainage."

  Chen Xiyi knew that in the follow-up, apart from some people who came to check in, when the popularity came together, there would definitely be many people who came here admiringly.

   It's just that this kind of heat won't last, at most it will last for a while.

Chen Xiyi estimates that after the dust settles on this wave of marketing, there will be about ten days. After that, the reputation will be established. Although it will be deserted, more of them should be normal believers. Much better.

  Chen Xiyi only plans to use this marketing method once, mainly for testing and research, so more observation objects are needed, so he came here.

  When the data collection is almost done, I don’t plan to continue investing money in it.

  As the gods think, this is not cost-effective.

  Although it doesn't hurt to spend Chen Xiyi's money not his own, but it's troublesome.

   "After the preliminary data is collected, it is necessary to find the core audience, such as forming a group of fanatics."

   "It's just me, a fanatic, who can't explain it in a single word."

   As far as these functions of his **** position are concerned, those who can become his fanatics are basically either mentally ill or psychologically ill. Normal people have nothing to believe in him.

   But thinking about it carefully, it seems that religion itself is almost the same.

  It’s okay to believe in God, isn’t it good to believe in science?

  Although science in this world also has a god.

   "It really doesn't work, just fool around, there shouldn't be any big problems."

   "If it still doesn't work, then I can only change it."

Chen Xiyi sighed. He knew that once he changed his style of painting, he would have to change. He already knew about this, so he has always focused on observation, rather than getting started directly. Once hot, it may become two completely different things.

  (end of this chapter)

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