This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 466: The little villain system and the struggle of the host

  Chapter 466 The Struggle of the Little Villain System and the Host

   "It's been twenty years, and it's not in vain that I have worked so hard to steal a magic trick." Yu Wenao couldn't help but burst into tears.

   As a reborn person, he has a system, whether it is past life or this life.

  But having a system and being reborn does not mean that his life is beautiful, but extremely sad.

  Because his system is called the little villain system, it is not yet a big villain, but just an early little villain.

Of course, it is different now. He has achieved a lot by relying on the foresight of his previous life, and because of his rebirth, the little villain system in his body also escaped from the controller behind the scenes by chance and gained freedom. Now He is a grasshopper on the same rope as Yu Wenao.

  【This is just the beginning, even if you refine the magic machine, you will not be the protagonist's opponent, he is the destiny】

The words of the little villain system flashed before Yu Wenao's eyes. This system has always had wisdom, but it was suppressed in the previous life. It was only after it was out of the control of a certain existence behind the scenes that it showed wisdom. .

   "But now he is just an ordinary person who has not obtained the inheritance of the gods, so I just need to kill him."

  【Can you find him? 】

   These words made Yu Wenao silent, as if he really couldn't find it.

  【So don’t try to find shortcuts, only by killing him upright, can I intercept the destiny on him, and turn me from the villain system into the protagonist system of destiny】

  【I really want to play dirty tricks, think about what happened to you in your previous life】

  The words of the little villain system deeply hurt Yu Wenao's heart. In his previous life, in order to cooperate with the little villain system, he did a lot of unknown things. In the eyes of everyone, he was a joke, but he knew that he had to do it.

  Even the little villain system on him.

  The task of him and the system is very simple, it is to maintain the normal development of the protagonist's destiny, otherwise, it will be tortured at least, or obliterated at worst.

  Of course, he is only responsible for the first half of the plot, and then he can retire after being raised by the protagonist, but he just thinks so.

  Because he knew that he had offended the protagonist, he naturally hid in the deep mountains and old forests and died with the little villain system. These two brothers and sisters are equally miserable.

  Although this little villain system is said to be the monitor of Yu Wenao, it is actually being squeezed, and it has no benefit at all, and it is even tied to Yu Wenao.

   Once Yu Wenao dies, this little villain system must also die. In essence, it is just a controller used to control Yu Wenao. The name sounds good, but in fact it is completely cannon fodder.

Then one day, the protagonist who had achieved great feats passed by the hermitage of these two unlucky bastards, and took a look, good guy, isn't this the kid who has been against me before, so he hid here, and killed this Yuwen easily Ao Lian took this little villain system, and then the two were reborn.

  According to the little villain system, the system with the same batch number as it has 80,000 if not 100,000, which is simply too cheap.

  However, it is still a product of great power, and some abilities are still there.

  After gaining freedom, the little villain system finds itself still bound to Yuwenao, that is to say, if it wants to survive, it must let Yuwenao take as many opportunities as possible before the protagonist rises, otherwise it will become a stepping stone sooner or later.

  These two unlucky guys add up, and now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, helping each other out of trouble together.

   "I see, it's just how to refine this magic machine?" Yu Wenao sensed the magic machine after the death of the Emperor Taiyi Xuantian Jiudi who was restrained in the little villain's system.

   This is what he extracted after hypnotizing himself to become a fanatic of Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor over the past twenty years, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness and entered the domain of God with the little villain system to kill him.

  The protagonist in the previous life became the **** of the world by refining the magic machine, and after unifying the world, he stepped into the universe.

  Of course, he didn't last that long. Before the protagonist stepped into the universe, he was killed by the other party.

  【I don’t know, I’m afraid only the protagonist knows about this. I’m the little villain system, not the protagonist system】

   This remark made Yu Wenao a little annoyed. Back then, the story of the protagonist killing the gods and obtaining the magic machine caused an uproar all over the world, so he naturally knew about it.

  After all, no one thought that there are really gods in the world, but these gods seem to be a little bit stretched.

  Of course, the more important thing is that the protagonist actually obtained the power of the gods. This is the real big change in the situation.

  It's a pity that no one knows how the protagonist refines the magic machine to obtain the power of the gods.

  Even his woman didn't know about it.

  So Yu Wenao, who was the little villain in the early days, how could he know these things? When he met the protagonist, the most thing he did was to be slapped in the face and stepped on by the other party.

   "Are you sure you have escaped the control of the existence behind the scenes?" Yu Wenao asked cautiously.


   "A counterattack monkey show, isn't it." Yu Wenao's tone was gloomy.

  【Oh, so what? 】

In fact, Yu Wenao had guessed a long time ago that the little villain system was indeed out of control, but it was probably not because of his rebirth, but because the existence behind the scenes deliberately let go, and even his rebirth belonged to the other party. handwriting.

The little villain system doesn't have such a powerful force to take him back to the past, so even if he got rid of the restrictions of the previous life, he is still just a monkey being played. Only the script is able to drag out an ignoble existence, and this life is left to him to play.

   "Since this is the case, then naturally we can't live up to the good intentions of the people behind the scenes. Isn't it just killing the protagonist and seizing the destiny to let you evolve into the protagonist system? I did it." Yu Wenao knew that he definitely had no way out.

   If there is really a way out, he is gone now.

  【Then I wish you luck, unfortunately I can’t help you enough】

  【When I cooperated with you to kill Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor, I have already consumed 90% of my energy, and it will take a while to recover】

   "So many, why didn't I hear you mention it?" Yu Wenao couldn't help frowning.

  【I erased all traces and causes and effects for you, otherwise you would have been found by the gods long ago】

After hearing this, Yu Wenao calmed down. He knew that he didn't have the destiny. It's not like the protagonist can pat his **** and leave after finishing the job. After killing the gods, he needs to deal with the aftermath and mop up the end. He can't do these things. Yes, only the little villain system can help him.

   "Then when will you recover?" Yu Wenao knew that relying on his words alone would not be a match for the gods and the protagonist.

  【One year or a lowest-level magic machine】

   "Okay, then it's not right, you can refine the magic machine?" Yu Wenao suddenly discovered this.

[Not refining, but absorbing it as energy. I am separated from the main system, which also means that I am responsible for my own profits and losses. In the past twenty years, I have only communicated with you and gave you verbal instructions, so your daily biological energy can be added Photosynthesis, etc. are also sufficient for maintenance, and there is still a surplus]

   "I see, but how long will it take you to recover after absorbing the magic machine? And it doesn't seem to make any sense. Wouldn't it be a waste of energy if you help me deal with the aftermath after absorbing it?" Yu Wenao asked.

  【Not the same, if you get a lowest-level magic machine, I can help you activate the aftermath three times, so in essence, it is still profitable】

   The answer of the little villain's system made him a little suspicious. Why didn't he hear that it had a function before?

   But it's not the time to think about these things now, maybe there's something hiding from him, but he can't help it.

   Now, he can't do without the little villain system. Of course, if he does nothing and just messes around like this, he really doesn't have to suffer from these troubles, but he can't give up.

  The future will be a world of gods, and only if he has the upper hand can he have a chance to win.

  He has been reborn, but he doesn't think that the existence of lifting the restrictions on the little villain system will end like this. If his performance cannot satisfy the other party, the consequences will be disastrous.

  So he is not doing this to win his breath, but to win his life. Even the little villain system knows about it.

  Neither he nor the little villain system was so naive. I really thought that the matter was over like this, and this might just be the beginning.

  That's why he is so active in wanting to become stronger.

   "I will find you a lowest-level magic machine as soon as possible to restore you, but you must cooperate, otherwise I will not be able to enter the domain of the gods." Yu Wenao said.

  【I don’t have enough energy to send you into God’s Domain, and even if you do, you won’t be able to suppress God’s Domain】

  【You have to find those gods who have lost their faith and the gods have collapsed but have not died. After killing this kind of gods, I can not only plunder the other party's magic machine, but also cover it up more easily】

  【Before we killed Taiyi Xuantian and Nine Emperors, there was a lot of commotion, but if we killed this little god, it would definitely not attract too much attention, and we would only think that the other party died by itself】

  The little villain system knows the severity. Gods in the domain of the gods will burst and collapse after being robbed of the magic machine. This will naturally attract the attention of other gods. At that time, these gods may become even more crazy.

   But it is not possible to find those gods who are about to starve to death, because there are many such gods who are about to die, and they are located in a remote place, so it is easier to cover up after doing it.

   "I see, I will check to see if there are any qualified gods nearby." Yu Wenao said.

  【As soon as possible, the protagonist should be coming out of the mountain soon. During this period, you have to find a way to refine the magic machine as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can only approach the protagonist first.】

  Yu Wenao's face darkened. He knew that with the little villain system on his body, he would never become a positive person when he approached the protagonist. Even if he wanted to make friends with the protagonist, there was no way.

This little villain system has already fixed his identity, which comes from the limitation of the causal level. Even the little villain system has no way to break free, so he and the little villain system both want to kill the protagonist and seize the other's destiny to change their own. dilemma.

  Thus, if he is really close to the protagonist's method of refining the magical machine, the possibility is basically close to zero, and he might even have to get a slap in the face.

  Although he killed Taiyi Xuantian Nine Emperors, he relied on the power of the little villain system, and he was just an ordinary person.

  The little villain system has not been able to get rid of the karma of the villain itself, which will cause him to constantly collide with the protagonist, achieve his identity experience and promote the growth of the protagonist.

  So Yu Wenao doesn't really want to meet the protagonist. Whoever has nothing to do is willing to be slapped in the face, or it is the one that has no advantages and all disadvantages for no reason.

   "I hope you will work harder after you recover. We are just little villains, the little villains in the early stage. Once the protagonists become powerful, we will die after we have no scenes." Yu Wenao said with a sigh.

  He knows the meaning of a little villain, that is, the kind that people step on a wave and then disappear. It is also thanks to his strong desire to survive in the previous life, so he survived, although he still did not escape death in the end.

  But in this life, he must survive, either find a way to kill the protagonist, or run away as soon as possible.

  (end of this chapter)

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