This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 467: Not to mention, it's really a professional counterpart.

  Chapter 467 let alone, it is really a professional counterpart

   "Sigh, the monitoring is still a lot worse. Some areas in the Federation are not covered. The satellites are good, but the details are too bad."

Chen Xiyi sighed. Over the past period of time, the system has also screened out a lot of suspicious people for him, but it was later confirmed that none of them were, but they were simply affected by the system logic. He checked that they were just ordinary people. There is no special ability.

   "Don't worry, sooner or later you will show your feet." Chen Xiyi was not too worried.

Since the other party has done something once, they can do it a second time. It is unlikely that they will continue to lurk. Based on Chen Xiyi's guess, the other party's killing of the Emperor Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth should be due to something of the other party. A period of calm should be digesting, and after the digestion is over, it will definitely come back.

  Of course, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't come back. Chen Xiyi longs for this world to be more stable. He knows that this world has some kind of terrifying hidden thread, but he doesn't really want to trigger it.

After all, he is also digesting the world, so it’s better not to make big moves, so if you can procrastinate, you can use it if you can find him, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t find him. Later, seeking victory while maintaining stability is the proper way of survival.

   "It's just that the Baiyun Palace is becoming more and more deserted. This marketing is really unreliable. It didn't take long for the traffic to cool down."

  Chen Xiyi now understands why these gods are unwilling to attract people, and Chen Xiyi has no concept of money, otherwise, if this is a different person, he is guaranteed to lose money until he loses his crotch.

Of course, Chen Xiyi also knew the reason. Firstly, it was located in a remote area, and secondly, the area he was in was not a prosperous city. There are a little more during the holidays, but not much.

However, there are fewer people, and the quality of faith harvested is mostly ordinary, and there are few low-quality ones. As for fanatics, don’t even think about it. This level of faith is not something you can have casually. .

  Furthermore, some of the young people nowadays are willing to believe in these things, but the elderly are more likely.

  The same is true for most of the fanatic beliefs of the old gods, most of which are derived from the elderly, not the new generation of young people.

  Most of these young people are providing faith for the new gods. After all, the development of the Federation cannot be separated from science.

   "Today seems to be Monday, why would anyone come? Look at this distraught look, it must be a broken love." Chen Xiyi swept his consciousness and complained.

  He Qingxu Lingjun doesn't care about marriage, if he really wants to ask, he can also try to give the other party a thought seal.

  This is an ordinary person. Chen Xiyi didn’t do a soul search. He likes to search for souls when he inquires about things, but that doesn’t mean he searches for everyone he sees. It will be troublesome for him to clean up the system when he collects these useless memories.

   "Hello, is it useful to worship God here?" After the young man with a dejected expression came up, he saw Chen Xiyi who was fishing, and this was the first thing he said.

  Chen Xiyi rolled his eyes: "It doesn't work. If you are sick, go to the hospital. If you have an exam, you have to study. If you have no money, go to work. Don't try to take shortcuts."

   "." The young man couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, you are a bit out of line, shouldn't you comfort him?

  Chen Xiyi felt that this kid had some serious illness.

  The young man couldn't help feeling dazed for a moment, and then just sat next to Chen Xiyi and watched him go fishing.

   This made Chen Xiyi stop his movements involuntarily: "Tell me, what do you want to do."

  Looking at this appearance, it seems that he is planning to rely on himself.

   "It's okay, I'll just take a look." The young man didn't notice Chen Xiyi's disgust at all.

  Chen Xiyi said with some headaches about this: "Tell me, what do you want to worship the gods, I will take the time to show you if I can manage it."

   "My goddess" said the young man in a bumpy voice.

   "I know this, your goddess is married, but the groom is not you, you are old!" Chen Xiyi said righteously, and was about to continue to comfort, but the young man interrupted.

   "No, the groom is me, just"

   "I understand, so the child is not yours, you can rest assured about this matter, as the saying goes, life is alive, and it is inevitable to carry it on your head."

   "No, we haven't had children yet, just"

   "Wait a minute, you've caught up with your goddess, and the child is yours, so why don't you tell me what to do, come and show off to me if you have nothing to do?" Chen Xiyi thinks this guy came here to have fun with him.

   "But she has terminal cancer." The young man's expression dimmed involuntarily.

"Hiss, your plot development is a bit blunt. I thought you were in a trance because of being squeezed every day." After going through his two plot changes, Chen Xiyi thought he had guessed the next step and continued to show off, but he didn't expect a sharp turn. It overturned directly, so those winners in life should be careful, and don't be too high-profile.

   "Look, does worshiping the **** in it work?" The young man seemed a little godless and said.

  Chen Xiyi nodded: "If you have a cold and a runny nose, I really can't handle it, but if you are terminally ill, it's fine. My main business from the beginning is death, so I can barely be regarded as a professional counterpart."

  The young man came back to his senses, and looked at Chen Xiyi with a strange expression: "You call this counterpart?"

   "Well, the professional counterpart, death, whoever dies will die, and whoever does not die can get up and jump alive even if they are run over by a dump truck." Chen Xiyi redefines the meaning of death.

  The other party was stunned when he heard this. The reason may be this way, but he always felt that something was wrong.

   "Okay, I'll go and worship." He just took it as Chen Xiyi's comfort, and didn't put his hope on worshiping God.

   After all, he didn’t come here to worship God, but he saw a temple here when passing by, so he took it as a prayer.

   There is no way to save terminal cancer. Besides, it’s coming, so let’s come up.

  He was not interested in hanging out either, he went in to pray for a while and then came out.

   "Why don't you have an incense burner, kneeling mat, or even a merit box in Baiyun Palace?" The young man asked a little puzzled after he came out.

   "Oh, I don't have that kind of business." Chen Xiyi replied without looking back.

   I took a look at the faith, and the ordinary level is not bad.

   "Forget it, go fishing slowly." The young man looked sad. Although the air in this mountain is good, it doesn't mean it can dispel the haze in his heart.

   "I'm almost manned in Mieshi. Are you and your wife interested in being my dog? Bah, no, I'm a subordinate." Chen Xiyi thinks that this person has a lot of potential and can be the leader of a cult group.

   "." The young man's footsteps are stagnant, and the world is destroyed?

  Good guy, this can't be some kind of evil god.

   But the question is can the evil **** build such a big temple? It must be banned by the Federation.

   "Next time, definitely next time." The young man shook his head, this little brother's words are really interesting, and the husband and wife, his wife can only last another month at most.

  If this can save a life, let alone become a subordinate, even destroying the world will be fine.

   "Well, that's the deal." Chen Xiyi said that he can break the appointment, but if others dare to let him go, make sure to let him know how serious he is.

  Young people didn’t take Chen Xiyi’s words to heart. After all, cancer may be curable in the future, but it cannot be cured with current technology.

  He went down the mountain in a daze, then drove back and left.

   "Tsk, today's young people are really mavericks. They can catch up with goddesses at a young age. If it were for me, it would be unimaginable." Chen Xiyi sighed with emotion.

  Of course, this matter is not important now, the most urgent thing now is to give his cult group a better name.

   "All things come together or Apocalypse?"

   "It's really hard to choose, otherwise it's called Rainbow Meow Meow God Sect."

  Wu Zimo drove back home, cooked some food, and hurried to the hospital.

  He felt that today's experience was really a dream. He had never believed in God, but he actually went to worship God for blessing.

  But he just doesn’t regret it. If this **** can really cure cancer, he would pinch his nose and admit it even if it is a cult.

When he came to the hospital, he came to his wife's ward with ease, but his wife, who was usually lying on the hospital bed, disappeared. This shocked him, and he hurriedly stopped a passing nurse: "Miss Nurse, May I ask where the patient in the 2nd bed of Ward 407 has gone?"

  The nurse glanced at him and saw him holding the food again, so she must have come to see someone.

   "Wait, let me ask for you." Seeing Wu Zimo's anxious look, the nurse didn't say much, and immediately helped to consult.

   Soon, I found out the whereabouts through the hospital's internal network: "I went to check, it seems that there is something wrong with the cancer cells on my body, you wait here first, the check is almost done."

  Hearing this, Wu Zimo's expression became more and more anxious, but he didn't lose his sense of control: "Okay, thank you, Miss Nurse."

   Soon, a nurse pushed his wife back, and he hurried up to meet her: "What's the matter, I heard from the nurse just now that you went for a checkup, did you have any lesions?"

   "No, good news, Mr. Wu, your wife's cancer cells are gone." The nurse pushing his wife said first.

   "What!!" Wu Zimo seemed to be struck by lightning, his expression changed from anxious to unbelievable: "This is true or not."

   "Really, I felt something was wrong with my body in the morning, and then" the person involved described the cause and effect.

  Wu Zimo was crying with joy, completely disregarding his image.

   "Okay, great, this is really great." Of course Wu Zimo was happy about this: "I made chicken soup for you, hurry up and drink it while it's hot."


  At this time, Wu Zimo suddenly realized that he seemed to be on a pirate ship.

  When he went to worship God in the morning, the temple prayer seemed to invite him and his wife to die.

He can be sure of this matter, it is absolutely related to Baiyun Palace and Qingxu Lingjun enshrined, he does not think it is an accident, you must know that it is the disappearance of cancer cells, not a misdiagnosis, besides, the chance of misdiagnosis is too small, this is already It's been more than half a year since chemotherapy, and last night she looked like she was going to die, but today her complexion has recovered a lot.

   "Cough, then nurse, when will we be discharged from the hospital?" Wu Zimo didn't show any weakness, but asked calmly.

  The nurse naturally didn't think too much: "Observe for another week and see if you can find the reason for the disappearance of the cancer cells. After all, this situation of your wife is so rare, it's like a miracle."

   "Okay, then we will observe for another week before we leave the hospital." Wu Zimo did not say that he must be discharged from the hospital. If he really wants to be discharged immediately, it will not attract suspicion, but there will still be troubles.

   At that time, if everything is not checked out within a week, the matter is probably over.

  ‘After things are settled here, let’s go to Baiyun Palace tomorrow. ’ Wu Zimo thought so in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)

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