This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 468: We are a formal organization with a certificate!

  Chapter 468 We are a formal organization with certificates!

   "Boss, I want to destroy the world with you!!"

  Looking at Wu Zimo, Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel a little helpless. It's not good to talk about the destruction of the world in broad daylight.

   "Oh, then do you have any plans?" Chen Xiyi asked very rigorously.

  His Mieshi was just mentioned casually. After all, he didn't figure out the dark thread of this world, so he can only wait for Mieshi or something.

  Wu Zimo's words made Wu Zimo speechless. How could he have any plans? Besides, in his eyes, the extermination of the world is just a slogan. Now who has nothing to do to exterminate the world.

   "That. How about I go back and make a plan?" Wu Zimo said cautiously.

"Very well, I like your attitude. The plan must be complete, from the plan to the budget and even the recruitment of members. By the way, you should think of the name of the organization. From today onwards, you will be the implementation of the plan to destroy the world." Renhe is the head of the cult." Chen Xiyi reached out and patted Wu Zimo's shoulder, and then said to him with admiration.

  He likes this kind of talent, he has considered everything.

  Wu Zimo has a dumbfounding expression, cooperating with you to joke with him.

   "Then why don't you go to the Federation to register a company, after all?" Wu Zimo thinks, since he agreed to it, let's do it.

   "What kind of company to register? We are a formal religious organization. I have already registered it before. You can just change your name when the time comes." Chen Xiyi looked sick.


  Wu Zimo was shocked this time, how did you pass the trial in this case.

  Then Chen Xiyi took out a license from under his bench and handed it to Wu Zimo: "Here, I have written the power of attorney, and I will give you the position of pope."

After receiving the license approved by the federal government, he glanced at it. The name is Rainbow Meow Meow God Sect, and the mission of the church starts with death, followed by unknown, disaster and world destruction, and then there are a lot of them, even with black hearts. There are capitalists with the prefix, and Wu Zimo couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw it.

   As far as the religious license is concerned, you don’t need to think about it to know that you will definitely not pass the trial, and you don’t know how this person got it.

   "Are all cults so formal?" After holding back for a long time, Wu Zimo finally uttered such a sentence.

  Chen Xiyi was a black thread, and then said earnestly: "I entrusted the church to you to let you develop and grow, not to let you go astray. It's not a cult, it's a decent church."

  Everyone, why don't they think of the good, but think of the bad.

   "Okay, then which direction should the development of our church go, should it attract traffic or expand its reputation?"

   "Neither, our goal is to destroy the world." Chen Xiyi corrected the other party's thinking, isn't it good to have such a lofty goal?


  Gan, you also said that your church is fine, any decent church is going to destroy the world, isn’t it all about attracting people to do good?

   "Okay, what's your suggestion, boss?" Wu Zimo thinks, as long as you are happy.

  Chen Xiyi was silent for a while, and then said: "Build walls high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly."

   "Big brother, don't worry, I will hand you a first draft of the plan tomorrow." Wu Zimo said that you are happy.

It is impossible to rebel. Now there is nothing to rebel. Wu Zimo's idea is very simple, that is, to turn this Baiyun Palace into a tourist attraction. He also searched before coming here. This Baiyun Palace has been popular for a while, but it is a pity. After that, it stopped again.

  So for him, it was nothing more than a plan.

  Chen Xiyi also noticed that the other party didn't take his statement seriously, but it's quite normal after thinking about it.

   Not everyone has a tendency to destroy.

  Of course, for Chen Xiyi, this was not destruction, but eating.

  He wants to upgrade the current level to the full level, but there is still one world left. Isn't this world just right? After he digests the last world, it is enough to devour this world.

   "Do your best, if you can't, I'll help you." Chen Xiyi didn't force it either, after all, the Rainbow Meow Sect leader he had just chosen hadn't adapted to his identity and his duty of destroying the world.

  People can grow. If he can't adapt and grow, then Chen Xiyi can only help. After all, he thinks that the other party has the potential to become the leader of a cult.

  So if he fails, help him succeed.

   It just so happens that he needs a fanatic-level belief to conduct experiments, and he also needs people who will test the outside world.

  As for him, it is natural that he can do nothing if he does not know how to do it. Launching a proxy war is not safer than ending it by himself.

Before the situation becomes clear, Chen Xiyi doesn't intend to say that he will leave the mountain. Who knows what is hidden in this world, the godslayer who can erase even the traces of time, and the one who may lead an organization, so naturally he has to be cautious Clicked.

  Although the strength of the opponent may not be able to beat oneself, safety is no small matter.

   "Well, then I'll go back first, how can we contact later?" Wu Zimo asked.

   Not to mention, Chen Xiyi was really asked by him.

  Before, the **** of communication gave him a mobile phone and he used it as bait, so he didn't have a working mobile phone on hand.

   "Have you heard of Feige passing on books?" Chen Xiyi thinks that using electronic equipment is not very good, and it is easy to be manipulated by new gods. It is better to return to the basics.

  Before Wu Zimo could react, Chen Xiyi just clapped his hands, and a white pigeon flew over.

   "Let me introduce you. This is the number two member of our organization. In the future, our liaison officer. If you need something, you can just find it and send me a letter." Chen Xiyi handed the pigeon over.

   After Wu Zimo came to his senses, he said calmly, "I'll bring you a mobile phone when I come next time."

  He knew it. This person might not have a mobile phone, otherwise, how could he have made such a move.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi nodded decisively: "Okay, that's it, you can go and play by yourself."

   After finishing speaking, he let the pigeon fly. This kid has a very high comprehension ability, and he immediately understood that Chen Xiyi didn't have a mobile phone.

   It can only be said that a child can be taught, Chen Xiyi can't say that he doesn't have a mobile phone, he can make it now, but why should someone pay for it?

   Pinching the mobile phone also requires cost.

  Wu Zimo didn't say anything, but after asking some details, he left. He had to go back to take care of his wife.

  Although it is said that the cancer cells in his wife's body have disappeared, her body has not fully recovered, and it will take some time for recuperation.

   On the way down the mountain, this time he was in a particularly cheerful mood, and he naturally discovered the difference in this mountain.

  If it was before, he might have guessed that the environment in the mountains was good, but now he has noticed a trace of something extraordinary.

  ‘Perhaps the gods really exist, and this Baiyun Palace is the proof. '

After he left the Baiyun Palace area, he could clearly feel the difference between the two. Within the scope of the Baiyun Palace, he seemed to have been washed all over his body, but after he left, it was like stepping into a swamp. uncomfortable.

   "So, what's the situation with this temple?" Looking back at the huge plaque in Baiyun Palace, Wu Zimo muttered in a low voice.

  He found that the statue of Qingxu Lingjun enshrined in the main hall was very similar to the temple wishes.

   Coupled with Miao Zhu's unique behavior and various miracles these days, he couldn't help but make him think of a certain aspect.

  ‘Hiss~ Then, isn’t it true that the world will be destroyed in this way, rather than a joke? ’ Wu Zimo couldn’t help feeling a sudden in his heart. If he was appointed Pope by a god, if he was dishonest, he would suffer.

  Of course, more importantly, his three views have also been impacted, after all, he has never experienced these things since he was a child.

"How is the recovery going?" Yu Wenao looked at the broken earthen temple in front of him. This was originally a mountain temple, but the mountain **** was killed by him, and even the magic machine was plundered by the villain system .

  【Restored to 10%, barely enough, the traces have been erased for you, what do you think next? 】

  The little villain's system has regained a little ability because it has taken in the magic machine and converted it into energy.

   "What can I think, I can only find a way to refine the magic machine as soon as possible, otherwise I can only face the protagonist." Yu Wenao's expression was filled with fear.

   To be honest, he knows that he is not the protagonist's opponent at all. How amazing is it to have a system to regenerate?

  He is just an ordinary person, but when he meets the protagonist, the other party is already an extraordinary person who has refined his magical skills. If he really wants to do something, he is definitely not the other party's opponent.

[I can consume the remaining two-thirds of the energy to help you calculate a higher-level villain. The opponent should have no system. You can use its power to attack the protagonist, but I can't help you if you want to kill God afterwards. you covered]

"A higher-level villain, you are sure you can do it. In the previous life, although we finished the mission and hid, we also knew that the protagonist was alone. There is no second transcendent in the whole world. My higher-level villain can suppress the protagonist, but it is more likely to make the opponent stronger."

Yu Wenao is not stupid. In his previous life, he learned his fate after obtaining the little villain system. Naturally, he thought of killing the protagonist before he could rise up. The stronger it is, it becomes the factor that keeps the protagonist getting stronger.

  Then the unlucky one was naturally himself, who was slapped in the face again and again and suffered huge losses.

  So he knows that it is impossible to really kill the protagonist. Is the dead protagonist still the protagonist?

   Therefore, he has a very clear position on himself, and he is just an early stage villain.

  【Didn't you want to kill the protagonist before, why are you timid now? 】

"If I can refine the magic machine, I am sure of it, but the problem is that I can't refine the magic machine, and the opponent will only get stronger and stronger. I will always be just an ordinary person, and this will become a gap, so now The first goal of the system has changed from helping you evolve into the main character of Destiny to saving your life."

For the little villain system, Yu Wenao is extremely disdainful. What he desperately wants is that he is not a little villain system. If he really wants to meet the protagonist, the little villain system will hold him back and force him to become a villain at the level of cause and effect. There is simply no way to resist.

  【Do great things but cherish your life, see small profits and forget your life】

  【You want to hide, do you really think you can hide? 】

  Looking at this passage, Yu Wenao kept struggling in his heart. The little villain system was right, and he really had no choice but to hide.

  Even if he wants to hide, the cause and effect of the little villain system will make him keep getting closer to the protagonist. The longer he delays, the less he has the means to deal with the protagonist. Later, when the protagonist grows up, he will be even less of an opponent.

  In the end, he still sighed helplessly: "Let's deduce it, and then find a way to kill another **** who has renounced his faith to replenish your energy."

He understood that if he could escape, he wouldn't have to die in his previous life, but unfortunately, other villains might be able to live, but he couldn't, because he had a small villain system on him, which directly tied his identity to death , which is equivalent to a double-edged sword.

  (end of this chapter)

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