This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 469: Is a ten-figure budget enough?

  Chapter 469 Is the ten-figure budget enough?

   "In the ward? It's a bit strange." Yu Wenao looked at Ward 407 of the Central Hospital, feeling a little weird.

  His impression quickly changed from a successful middle-aged man to a cruel old man.

  【That's right, it's here, but I spent two-thirds of the energy to deduce it, and it doesn't seem to be your villain at the previous level, but the final villain】

   Seeing this sentence, Yu Wenao couldn't help but shudder, the final villain!

  In his previous life, he was just an early villain, so after fulfilling his duties, he resolutely lived in seclusion in the mountains.

  Because he has a villain system, and the one who was abused was his family, so in the end he didn't rush up to confront the protagonist. Instead, he was so scared that he ran away, and instead passed through the old years with fear and was killed by the protagonist.

  So he actually doesn't know the general development of the follow-up matter, he can only learn some things that the public can know from the news.

   As for who will become his villain substitutes in the future, he doesn't know.

  Boom boom boom~

  He knocked lightly on the door of the ward, and looked at a man and a woman inside.

  The man seemed to be typing on his laptop at his desk, as if he was writing something.

  The woman was bald and looked as if she was suffering from a serious illness, she just looked at the man silently.

At this moment, he understood the cause and effect. It was nothing more than the death of his lover, and then the person in front of him blackened, and even dragged the whole world into darkness in order to revenge the world, or to revive his lover. The protagonist is blocked.

  In his previous life, although he didn't know the inside story, and there was no news about it, he could barely guess these plots.

   "Hello." Yu Wenao said immediately after seeing that the knock on the door attracted men and women.

   "Hello, what can I do?" The man didn't get up, but asked back.

  This person is Wu Zimo and his wife. They looked puzzled. They didn't seem to know this person in their memory. Adhering to the cautious thinking, the two of them did not take the next step.

  Yu Wenao walked in and closed the door of the ward casually. This action made Wu Zimo stand up suddenly, with vigilance on his brows.

   "It's useless to close the door if you have something to say. This is a hospital." Wu Zimo's tone carried a warning.

   "Don't worry, sir. I'm just worried that our conversation will be leaked. Judging from your wife's condition, she is already in the terminal stage of cancer." Yu Wenao said casually.

  Wu Zimo narrowed his eyes, he thought this kid was here to cheat money, otherwise how could he be mysterious, he guessed that he could cure him.

   "I have a way to cure her, but things are a bit risky. Have you ever heard of God?" Yu Wenao said mysteriously.

   This sentence made Wu Zimo stop what he wanted to reprimand. If it was just the first half sentence, he would think it was a scam, but the second half sentence made him hesitate. Could it be the messenger of other gods?

   "I believe in Qingxu Lingjun." Wu Zimo didn't say it directly, but said in a deep voice.

  His wife looked at Wu Zimo with a strange expression. She remembered that her husband did not believe in God.

   "What?" This time, it was Yu Wenao's turn to be a little weird, he didn't expect the other party to speak like this.

  ‘Believe in the old gods? Could it be that the ultimate villain came from the camp of the old gods, that's impossible! The gods cannot interfere with reality. '

  Yu Wenao was extremely shocked.

  【Be careful, there is something wrong with this person, maybe the other party knows something, and in the end the villain is really wrong】

   And Wu Zimo also noticed Yu Wenao's strange appearance: "It seems that you are just a liar."

  In his eyes, Qingxu Lingjun is probably the top god.

   "I don't believe in gods, but gods can cure your wife's terminal cancer. You only need to kill a **** and obtain its magic mechanism to refine it, and then you can obtain the functions of a god." Yu Wenao said straight away.

   "Killing the gods? Heh!" Wu Zimo said disdainfully, because he felt that the other party had a problem with his brain.

   "That's right, killing the gods, I have already done it, but I lack the refining method. This refining method is in the hands of someone. I need your help."

   "As a matter of sincerity, I can help you get a magic machine first, and then you and I cooperate to get the refining method. You save your wife, and I will go my way."

  Yu Wenao can be said to be very sincere, putting the other party first. Of course, he also needs the help of the final villain to kill the protagonist.

  But Wu Zimo shook his head: "You said very well, but unfortunately, I don't know what you are talking about."

   "Usually read less novels, and don't think about those crazy things, so as not to cause mental problems."

   Regarding these words, Yu Wenao also knew that before the protagonist showed his extraordinaryness and revealed the gods, these words really seemed like he was crazy.

   "This is my contact number. Sir, you still have five days to think about it. Don't wait when it's too late." Yu Wenao put his business card on the table beside him, and the others turned and left.

  Wu Zimo looked at Yu Wenao who was leaving, his expression well concealed his shock.

   "Husband, this person is really interesting, what he said is true." His wife Liu Youhe couldn't help but chuckled.

   "No, what he said is very likely to be true." Wu Zimo looked serious.

   "What?" At this moment, Liu Youhe realized the seriousness of the situation. Her husband seemed to have done some invisible tricks without telling her.

   Then Wu Zimo took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Xiyi's phone number.

   "Boss, a man named Yu Wenao invited me to kill God, and he seems to have already killed one." Wu Zimo said simply and clearly.

   "Don't be a mental patient, you will inevitably meet some people who come to the psychiatric department in the hospital, and you will meet a mental patient who is ill." Chen Xiyi said earnestly.

  Hearing this, Liu Youhe's expression became even weirder. She thought that the other party would follow suit, but she didn't expect it to be so scientific. Instead, it seemed that her husband was mentally ill.

   "No, what the other party said is convincing, and it seems to be true." Wu Zimo said firmly.

   "Okay, I see. You said your name is Yu Wenao, right? Let me check. I just got out of your ward 407. Well, I found it. I tracked his footprints these days. Not to mention, it's really interesting."

   "This kid lied, he didn't kill one god, but three."

   "In addition to Taiyi Xuantian and Nine Earth Emperors, a mountain **** and a land **** were actually slaughtered. This finishing work is so clean that even the time is erased. The technique is exactly the same, which is interesting."

  Chen Xiyi's voice came from the phone.

   "Boss, what should I do next? Shall I agree to the other party's request and investigate?" Wu Zimo asked solemnly.

"Oh, you can do whatever you want. I'm just skeptical. Why did the other party come to you? I think you have the potential to be the leader of the Rainbow Meow Meow God Sect because I have vision. Why should he find you?" Chen Xiyi's tone was a little puzzled .

"This person seems to want me to help him capture some kind of technology. He said that after killing the gods, he can get the magic machine, and then he can get the gods' abilities after refining with a certain technology, but he can't use this technology. Get it." Wu Zimo said.

"Shenji? Oh, it should be the power of the gods, but that's the problem. Why did the other party come to you? This is the key." Chen Xiyi glanced at the divine power of the land **** and the divine power of the mountain **** that he had collected, but the source of everything lies in , Why did the other party come to Wu Zimo.

   Did you know something?

   "I don't know, if necessary, I can join him to investigate." Wu Zimo didn't shirk, he actually wanted to know why.

   "With your small body, it's not very good." Chen Xiyi complained.

  Wu Zimo's body has actually suffered a lot due to taking care of his wife and various pressures.


"Don't worry, wait until I investigate the other party's situation in detail first, then you can come up with our Rainbow Meow God Sect's plan first, then let's not talk about it, the fish is hooked, so hang up first." Chen Xiyi hung up the phone resolutely .

  Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Wu Zimo was also a little helpless. This guy seems to be too freewheeling.

   On the other hand, Liu Youhe, who was at the side, looked confused, saying that it was a cult, and named it the Rainbow Meow Meow God Sect. Can such a decent person believe it?

  But that serious appearance looks like a neuropathy.

  So he thought of a possibility, that is, could the person on the other side of the phone be a friend of his husband, and it was only because his husband had been under pressure recently that he had some mental problems, so he cooperated like this, otherwise, he couldn't explain it.

   "Husband, have you been a little stressed recently?" Liu Youhe asked with concern.

   "I'm fine, my mind is normal. In order to cure your cancer, I sold myself to Qingxu Lingjun to manage the Rainbow Meow Meow God Sect for him." Wu Zimo said.

   "." Liu Youhe instantly understood that it was indeed a mental problem.

   "Don't look at me like this, you may not believe it, but it's okay if you don't believe it, I'll be in charge." Then, he sent the completed plan to Chen Xiyi.

"Well, okay, I see." Liu Youhe didn't argue with Wu Zimo, she knew that if it was really what she guessed, then it's best not to confront him, stabilize him first, wait for her body to recover, then Take him to a doctor.

   Otherwise, if it were revealed now, something might happen.

As soon as the plan was sent here, Chen Xiyi called back: "Is there something wrong with your budget? We are doing a big job of destroying the world, and it is only one million? Can you be more generous, starting from ten figures which type."

   "Ah, do we have that much budget?" Wu Zimo was a little at a loss. Are you challenging the three views?

   "Forget it, I'll send you some money, you use it first, and we'll talk about it when you run out." Chen Xiyi hurriedly hung up after finishing speaking.

   Then within two minutes, a bank text message came.

  Wu Zimo glanced at it subconsciously, and couldn't help swallowing, the amount of ten nines was credited to his bank account.

   "Hiss~" He couldn't help but gasped.

   And Liu Youhe at the side also took a curious look, and then she understood that things were really serious.

This is most likely not because of my husband's mental problems, but because he really sold himself to that **** named Qingxu Lingjun. There are not so many soft meals next to rich women.

   More importantly, she heard it. It seemed that her husband was going to die. Is this something normal people can do?

   Oh, no, the question now is why there are gods in this world! !

   This made Liu Youhe's mind buzzing. She thought that the disappearance of her cancer cells was a medical miracle, but she didn't expect it to be a miracle, and it was her husband who sold himself to get it.

   "Then husband, are you really going to destroy the world?" Liu Youhe asked with a trembling tone.

   "It should be, this Qingxu Lingjun is so dishonest, I can't guess." Wu Zimo was also a little at a loss. After all, the funds for the destruction of the world have been brought in.

  (end of this chapter)

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